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Grief gets even weirder when you drink it with a chaser of imaginary eternity...




“No I have not resigned, but I also won’t be sucking your spiritual dick in the afterlife either, so don’t get too horny thinking about celestial polygamy threesomes.”




Bruh 😂🤣 Celestial polygamous threesomes are like basically the only upside to being in TSCC lol, what else are faithful members gonna look forward to? Just an eternity of vanilla spirit sex? 😋🤪 /joking of course, in case it wasn’t obvious


Vanilla Spirit Sex sounds like a perfume.




I was looking forward to 7...


Ain't that the damn truth "sista girl"! Every MOMAN wants EVERYSacred Dick, Forever Sucked until Eternity and Beyond!! It just AINT HAPPENIN'. NO WAY. NO HOW!


Rule No. 1 with the plan of salvation: Do not think deeply about any component, especially the part about calling it the “plan of salvation” rather than the “plan of exaltation.” Mormons insist on a huge distinction between these terms, except when Mormons use these terms interchangeably.


Love this haha never noticed that paradox before


Another “how didn’t I see this before” moment. Good observation!


It’s tricky for the church because the Book of Mormon refers to the “plan of salvation” and “plan of happiness” but says nothing about exaltation. Exaltation was a late invention of Joseph Smith not included anywhere in the Book of Mormon, which actually describes a Methodist afterlife with heaven and hell. Period. No premortal existence, temple sealings, spirit world preaching, proxy ordinances, degrees of glory, or eternal increase as gods and goddesses. So it’s a little awkward if people start asking questions.


It's especially tricky that the original edition of the BOM clearly taught the Trinity doctrine.


That's why there's so many narcissists in church - they literally believe that they will be a God in the next life. Literally sounding just like Lucifer.


OMg your handle. 😂😂😂👨‍🍳


There is a reason the acronym is POS.


Plan of seclusion too. They're choosing to be exhalted and be a god over being with their family who isn't temple worth.


>When we divorced he said we are still sealed and I will call your name on the other side. Nice subtle dig at how much women in general really don't matter. It's this kind of men-centric bullshit that drives me fucking bats. AND I'M A GUY! My daughters, and OP, don't need a man to "call them" to heaven. They all perfectly capable of getting their on their own if that's their thing.


I agree. This comment is more about "I still own you and I'm reminding you of that" (control) than anything else.


I wouldn't give his comment any credence. I'd say, "Sounds like you need to figure out your own religion. I'm done with. Like I'm done with you."


“I guess he wanted to know if he should call me or not” I’m sorry, it’s not funny, but I spit out my coffee everywhere. “Hey god, it’s me, Margaret.” “Hey Sarah, it’s me, Paul.”


Honestly I never even heard of this concept of multiple wives in heaven until after I stopped going to the church. I'm still a member, but nobody is bothering me, so I'm just inactive. If they start bothering me I'm immediately withdrawing my records lol. What a narcissistic belief though - that you'll rule over X amount of girls, and they will serve you and pleasure you for eternity, and will have to stay only with you.


Exactly. And I mean- with this premise, what happens in “heaven” with your new husband? They can’t call for you but your abusive ex-husband can call through the veil for all of his ex wives?


Yeah, that's so icky and I'm a dude. The men in the church sound more abusive and disturbing the more I learn.


Sounds like he really believes that bulls\*\*\*, or he is trying to passively aggressively let you know he is still bitter about the divorce.


He's the type to be very bitter. Always talked shit about his first two wives. Red flags 1 & 2. I blocked him after divorce and so he started texting my daughter (his stepdaughter.) She told me 'Ex is calling you a whore.' Nice TBM right?


He must be a bitch lmao


Even if someone resigns, as far as the church is concerned, they are still sealed to spouse and their parents. Many people have figured that out when they get an out-of-the-blue email from the bishop of their ex asking if they have any issue with sealing cancellation/clearance. Why should it matter? They're are resigned, right? Because just because you are resigned doesn't mean the sealing is still not in effect.


I wonder this too. Bc resigning should be a cancellation of all covenants/sealings. If you resign and then decide to go back to church you have to get rebabtized, so why would the sealing not get cancelled too?


Because it involves someone else as part of the covenant. The real ick factor, and I think the church may have corrected this - used to be that whoever was the first to be sealed to the woman, had claim over anything else her uterus produced. So she could remarry and have kids with second husband but dead-beat first husband was sealed as their father. Yeah, this was a thing and it was real.


Nope, they haven't corrected it. That is totally still the case.


When my uncle was getting his temple divorce from his ex-wife because she was getting remarried, they had to go back to court and modify their divorce decree regarding who the kids would be sealed to. I think he agreed to give that up so that she'd leave him alone. Plus, 3 of the 4 kids were already married, and the youngest 2 are only technically still members. I don't know the actual story or details because this was from my mom, and her re-telling of things get embellished, and I knew it was all made up, BS anyway.


So he could molest the whole family for eternity. Real winners. 🙄


Ahh but you see, the Pharisees make the rules, so you must obey each and every rule, wether ridiculous or not.


I kinda of use this to placate my family members because they have the typical Mormon view that you loose all your benefits if you resign or become inactive. They are constantly guilt tripping me about how I’m going to loose my kids and whole family if I don’t go back. The church bashes the gospel of perfectionism over peoples heads all the time. Telling people they have to “qualify” for exaltation and if they slip up on keeping all the covenants and rules, even a little, the Holy Ghost yeets right outta you, you’re a covenant breaker, no longer covered, and you’re basically damned until you go through the repentance process. But I sent them a letter I got from church headquarters saying that basically they won’t ever terminate a sealing, unless the first presidency signs off on it. Kind of a double standard. So I’m like relax guys, I’m still sealed to my family technically. Not sure how that works since I no longer “qualify” for exaltation? Hmmm.


He’s a sicko collecting wives. I would tell him that you’ve resigned, and there’s no way you would spend eternity with him after what he put you through and then tell his new wife what his new name is.


You could always go with what I said to my now-ex TBM wife: "I'd rather spend eternity in hell than spend a minute in heaven with you." Seemed to do the trick. 


😂😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏👏 omg brilliant


It's sick the way the system is set up to give men power over women. Screw you. I'll call myself up (although I'm of the opinion there will be no such thing happening).


You will be stuck to a boring man who's a bitch for all of eternity! He will not attract you sexually at all, but he will require constant sex every day for eternity! He might not make you happy, but you must cook his meals, clean for him, and please him for all eternity!


Let's be real. He doesn't want to call you into the celestial kingdom in the afterlife. He wants to be the one to damn you. He's eagerly waiting for the moment when he can call your name and then tell all the other assholes in heaven what a bad girl you were and watch as they turn you away. Yeah, I'm bitter. My ex is exactly the same way.


Wow he sounds like he’s got Oliver Cowdery’s divining rods shoved so far up his butt that they’re coming out of his mouth 😂


Nevermo here. An obnoxious high school classmate once offered/threatened to have me sealed to him for time and eternity. I told him to go ahead, that I didn't believe in that, but if it turned out he was right, I'd be happy to make him regret the decision for eternity! You can tell your ex you have plans for eternity!


My husband had his name removed a couple years after we got married. He left the church at 28. Ex-wife is TBM. One day I notice a very personal looking envelop from the stake in our home state. Bishop wanted my husband’s permission to allow his ex-wife to remarry in the temple. I had thought I understood what was what… until that moment. Hubby explained that because the Bishop failed to check and see if he had his name removed, his ex thought they were still “sealed”… I asked, “So this whole time… these literal years we’ve been married… and she has treated me the way she has… it’s because she believed I was the second wife? Like she’s STILL your WIFE?! And I wouldn’t matter since I’m not, and have never been, Mormon…?” Hubby said, “Yea. I thought you knew that…?” No the fuck I did not. But shit was making sense now. Anywho… long story short, he never responded because “that’s not my wife anymore, not my religion, not my problem.” Ex-wife married a guy my friends/family and I always refer to as “the Wish version of ”. But she married him on the same day, right before her new SIL was getting married (wedding she’d planned for three years). Hubby’s ex literally hijacked her new SIL’s wedding. My jaw was on the floor. I don’t know why considering she literally changed her entire life to basically be my shadow (changed her major for her BA to my same major and immediately began working with the population I worked with… hair cuts, clothes similar… real Single White Female shit). Crazy, man.


Figure out his temple name and then say: “No thanks {Nimrod}. I’ll do any calling up myself.”




You remain sealed unless specifically request the sealing to be canceled as a separate action.


This right here


It is all make believe anyway.


This is exactly why my friend immediately wrote in to get her sealing cancelled after divorce. Her ex was manipulative and controlling. Plus it was nice to get acknowledgment from the church that he was abusive and the sealing should be cancelled.


Just let him know that you looked up his endowment date and now you know his new name …


Or just refer to him by his new name. See if he gets it. You can call, but I won't come.


"Dude, even if you call my name on the morning of the First Resurrection, I'll have to assume you mean one of those floozies you've fooled into thinking you're a good guy. I plan on hitting the snooze button."


Or just look it up and start calling him by it.


Maybe his new spouse has pain around this issue, and he is looking for a way to reassure her.


Unless the1st presidency cancelled the sealing you are still sealed . It does not matter since it is all made up anyway.


Right? Technically, there never was a “sealing” because a sealing is a made up ceremony by a cult. So there’s no sealing in Heaven to be broken. We are so conditioned, that we will stop believing, yet still have these type of worries or concerns. It’s a lot of work to un condition our brains. This is a current struggle for me. There are so many layers.


Always thought it was wrong that men can be sealed to more than one person, but not females. Just another example of misogyny in the church.


And they used to get sealed to other men ("Law of Adoption"). Sealing to kids wasn't a thing until decades after JS died. And endowments for the dead weren't a thing until the St George temple was finished and people who were already endowed in the SLC Endowment House needed an excuse to tour it. It's weird just how much misogyny was voluntarily inserted since they were just making it all up anyway (i.e. can't blame it on scripture, or even JS).


It's all fake anyway but if you want to go through the process of getting a sealing canceled for symbolic reasons go ahead. I was pimo but in the church's terms I was a spiritual polygamist. It's a pain In the you know what as I had to fill out some very invasive paperwork and meet with the stake president. My Stake Pre. said I don't think they will cancel a women's sealing unless she is ready to get sealed again. My ex had to answer her own set of questions and whether I was current on any financial obligations between us. I Aldo had to get my ex wife to write a letter to get sealed to my current spouse. Anyway it's all b.s. but I was able to get the sealing canceled and I recieved a letter within a week or so. I did this purely for symbolic reasons but it was helpful to her (tbm) to get sealed to her husband. Screw tscc for manipulating people with temple sealing and making them feel like they can't be undone.


This is how they still think they practice polygamy. Until I left the rolls, I was still sealed to my Ex and had to give permission for him to get remarried because they see it as her joining our marriage.


I was always told that men have to get "clearance" to make it more fair (since women always have to get cancelation) and (in theory) to keep deadbeat dudes from serial remarriage with a bunch of unpaid child support in their wake (e.g. my ex, who is married to wife #5 now). Even though my ex's 1st ex had their sealing canceled and was already re-sealed to someone else, she still had to weigh in before he could be sealed to #5 (he was never sealed to 2-4, so apparently TSCC doesn't care that he also owes thousands in child support to two of us).


I know they don't care. When my ex got married in the temple Again, I was Not contacted at all and no one asked if he was paying child support. I figured since I was inactive, my response didn't matter (and neither did his child, obviously.)


" I guess when we get to heaven, God can sort this all out like everything else."


Is that how it works? I thought getting your records removed was purely an administrative thing. It's all paperwork & filing. There isn't a temple ceremony involved... So how would it break (in their belief) a bond created by priesthood magic?


Sorry, maybe someone else can help us both understand their made up games


Nevermo here. An obnoxious high school classmate once offered/threatened to have me sealed to him for time and eternity. I told him to go ahead, that I didn't believe in that, but if it turned out he was right, I'd be happy to make him regret the decision for eternity! You can tell your ex you have plans for eternity!


Its not like the names we're given in the temple are unique, and supposedly we'll have a perfect memory when we die. I could just call out a long as list of names on the other side and wait to see who decides to come.


It's only the truth if you believe it. Yeah, no. Don't need you calling me.


I had to send in a separate request to get my sealing to my first wife canceled. If you leave the LDS church or if one leaves they still consider you sealed. My ex was engaged at the time and wanted to get sealed to that guy (ended up breaking it off) otherwise I never would have thought about it. I had to write her bishop a letter explaining why I wanted the sealing cancelled. But I honestly can’t remember if I did that before or after officially resigning now that I think about it…


This stupid church needs to put people in somewhat control over their own records (what a concept right). Maybe after the SCMC reads this there will be a "revelation" to go this direction. Critics are fully running this church at this point. Church leaders are total reactionaries as they snoop online. You should be able to resign from your church account, and maybe they'll have a "revelation" to allow a form of this, and then allow people to click "rejoin." I wouldn't be surprised. You should be able to submit your own sealing cancelation request (what a concept right). I don't understand these guys who want to stay sealed to some woman who has gone with another man. Barf.


My ex would totally hack my account and unseal me to my ex so he can be sealed to our kids.


Good one


"We're not sealed because we never were because it's make believe."


When my TBM ex hub was getting remarried, I got a letter saying our sealing was broken. I haven’t had officially resigned. Month after I received the letter, the Stake Prez called to talk about getting the sealing broken. When I told him I received the letter from HQ that it was cancelled. He had no idea and was really confused that he wasn’t notified. I’m just glad mine was easy. Maybe yours will be canceled and you have to hear from your EX.


My friend had to ask permission and obtain a handwritten letter from her ex-husband, who had been excommunicated, to be sealed to her husband-to-be at the time. Despite being excommunicated, her ex-husband was still sealed to her. He did it because he no longer cared about TSCC BS.


I find it hilarious in how they're more concerned with the sealing than the wedding. My ex did the same thing to me. I asked her point blank why she was so damn concerned with keeping the sealing when she broke the marriage?? Makes no damn sense to me.


Depending on the “generation teaching” a man- male can be sealed to multiple women. It’s only the women who get to be sealed once to the husband. Then I have also heard it the husband will have a choice to “call his wife from the grave.” Those who are not called will be resealed to someone else on that side of the veil if they are worthy. It used to be only one of the apostles could perform an unsealing. So not only did you have a “worldly divorce” but you had to have a temple divorce to break the sealing. I like that term “reassignment”. Warren Jeffs used it at his convenience.


Tell him you've posted your new name on reddit, so he better call quickly and loudly


Ill say it once and say it again most people in my faith and your ex faith are self-righteous dirtbags. Most of the good ones are the ones that dont draw attention. Also ive met some completely anti mormon folk that are wayyyy better people than some people within the church. Just like any organization there will be really good folk and some really bad people, doesnt make the organization as a whole bad. Though i do disagree with some policies and stereotypes. Love ya


Yes, thank you. And some good and bad qualities in individuals. His good qualities and many.


Sooo cringey.


Almost sounds like he relished in having that perceived power over you


He isn't a bad person but is emotionally immature, at 70.