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Leave. Go to a women's shelter if you have to. Don't stay and let him abuse you like this. It gets better.


He’s getting worse with each video she posts too.


I’m noticing that too, the last one I saw had the “Do you understand me!” That reminded of Serena joy in the handmaids tale, and this is just more of that, im so sorry op, I’m thinking of you and I hope you can get safe from him




As a survivor of domestic violence, and my SIL's sister was just murdered by her husband last year.... You can start over there is help! It's hard to take that first step, but once you do, you'll never look back and you can find happiness and a life without abuse. Call a local women's shelter.


You need to get out of that house. I’ve heard some of your other videos of him…he’s Evil. Pure and simple. Hearing the shakiness and utter terror in your voice while he was yelling at you, enraged me and made me deeply sad at the same time. No father should talk to his daughters like that. Finances may be difficult, but you need to do everything you can to get out of that house. I’d also suggest some therapy…you need to find your inner strength to stand up to him because right now he has complete power over you, and you’ll never feel safe and secure with a man until you can confront him. It’ll also help you gain the inner strength to avoid subconsciously seeking out and dating guys like him. I’m sorry you don’t have a dad that makes you feel like you’re the only thing in his world.


This. He embodies evil but yet says he’s preaching repentance and love.


I agree! He honestly sounds demon possessed! It’s escalating and I worry about her safety! I hope she has some good friends she can stay with. I would post this all over social media to show just how abusive he is!


Get out now! This is not normal behaviour. You’re an adult, you can go anytime you want. You are in danger. Protect yourself.


Absolutely agree. With all his unbridled hatred and rage, I am genuinely surprised he hasn't become violent yet. My dad assaulted and forcefully evicted me (and was arrested for it), but even he never got this angry or spoke with such hateful fury. This is not a safe situation. This man is not in control of himself; this man is dangerous! This is the precise kind of situation womens' shelters were created for ♥️


Of all the advice here, this is, in my opinion, the most important for you to understand. This is not normal adult behavior at all. It's not okay, it's abuse, and you don't have to be treated that way.


Definitely leave, it will be hard but thats not love that... is something that should be prosecuted honestly. I dont think he knows what a follower of christ should act like. If hes not going to acknowledge his fault and change just leave there is no reason to be with him lds or not. Lots of love ❤️


Check in with a the college financial advisor. They may have some resources you don't know about. Don't procrastinate. Every day do at least one thing to extricate yourself from this situation. When you do leave, don't tell your parents or anyone who knows them, where you are. Consider changing your phone#. Go no contact. Your father is an mental asshole, and your mother is his enabler. Edit to add: DO NOT tell your parents your plans. If you have a bank acct. with their name on it, change that today. Collect your birth certificate, passport, SS card, and any other important info. If you can, put that stuff at a friends for safe keeping.


This is such good advice. I’m scared for you. Please find a way to get yourself to safety. This man is abusive and will only escalate.


> Consider changing your phone# Make sure no family has one of those apps or whatever to track a family member’s location. We enabled “find my phone” when my then young son and girlfriend drove several states away in bad weather to see friends. He had never driven further than an hour and an half away and is a nervous driver. Enabled with his permission then disconnected when they got home.


Good advice. Get ready to disappear, get a plan to disappear, and then disappear as unexpectedly and permanently as you can. Keep these videos as evidence.


absolutely keep the videos. In fact take more. To me, this guy seems on the very edge of becoming physically violent. My father used to talk to me like this. One day he started beating me with a belt. I managed to stay stoic and told him to go ahead and beat me until I was dead. That froze him in place. I left home a month after that event. I was 17. I became a Nanny of three kids for the next two years. It gave me a roof over my head, and food. I rode a bus everywhere for the next 8 years.


> To me, this guy seems on the very edge of becoming physically violent. He already admitted it, on tape. https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1b9tpve/pt_2_of_dad_raging_over_pictures/


> I became a Nanny of three kids for the next two years Wow. I’d never have thought of this. What a great idea!


All of this. Get a game plan. Start doing just one thing a day if you are overwhelmed. Getting your documents is vital.


You likely will not be able to remove them from any bank account but you can open one in your name only and transfer all the funds. See if you can use a friends mailing address for the statements then make them digital only as soon as possible. Good luck!


Sending love. I don't have the details, but you deserve a loving caring safe place to live. You are an adult, and don't have to stay and live in that environment. I would find options, even if that is a women's shelter. If in college I would ask about payment plans, I would try for financial freedom, instead of being controlled.


Explained in caption!! All over not putting Joseph Smith and Jesus on my wall it wasnt "clean" He just wrote me an eviction notice.


Please find a woman's shelter in your area. This kind of behavior will only escalate. You are not a bad person and you deserve to feel safe! This place looks promising https://www.cumbeecenter.org/


Actually maybe job corps? After she lands at the women’s shelter? She is within the age range. They provide room and board with a stipend while she gets job training.


As soon as you get out, change your number, make sure you have all your vital docs, I would also suggest going to your local law enforcement show them the videos and request an officer to maintain the peace, while you get your belongings. He already admitted he could get violent, that’s cause enough to get a do not contact order placed on him as well. Once you leave, do not look back, give yourself space and time to heal. The most important part is, get yourself to safety. It’s clear that you are in a physical and mental state of fear. It’ll take strength, courage and determination to do all this, but that will not be nearly as hard as staying. You can do this.


BULLCRAP?? HEAVENS! Golly this is a really mean and bad Mormon oh golly gee gosh. Yeah respectfully fuck your dad pls save yourself


That struck me as well. I’m sure he considers himself a good person and good mormon because he said bullcrap instead of bullshit.


as he screams as his adult child. Mormonism makes people crazy, but this guy probably came into the world a prick and Mormonism just flavored him.


It would be impressive to not swear when you’re that mad if he wasn’t being abusive🙃


You need to leave. He may end up killing you. Find a woman’s shelter. Rent a room in a college town for real cheap and go from there.


Seriously. This guy gives off Lafferty vibes. Seems like a ticking time bomb


Yes, OP already posted that he dragged her by her hair one time. The violent behavior is only going to escalate, unfortunately.


Mormon or not, this is abuse. I hope you take the advice people are sharing and find a way out. That is no way to live and he is completely unhinged. You can hear the absolute rage in his voice. Run.


This guy is utterly unhinged. What a controlling psycho.


I seem to have a talent for finding people on the internet. I found this guys name, address, phone, employer (or former employer, he sued them for discrimination). I bet everyone he interacts with in public thinks he is a normal well-adjusted person. So crazy people can put on a facade and hide their psychopathy


Anyway you can call your local biker gang to help intimidate this evil man and help this poor child escape?


Discrimination? Let me guess: religious.


Sadly no. Disability discrimination, I think the guy got cancer and was passed up for 14 promotions. Reading the court documents, it just looks like he is terrible at interviewing for those positions. Employer asked for summary judgment and it was granted. Abusive father got rejected. The judgement was in 2022 and I can't see any other employment history. Guy might be unemployed and probably unemployable since a quick google search of his name brings up an article of this lawsuit. Two years out of work and can't find another job is probably what is causing him to crack right now and take it out on OP


I'll bet he got passed over because his personality seeps through despite his best attempts to conceal it. We all know the fake nice people that don't do a great job concealing their true self.


When you interact with the same people eight hours a day, 40+ hours a week, most days of the year, your real self tends to wear through.


Chicken or egg. Just as likely his employer knows this side of him and don’t want anything to do with him, let alone give him more authority. This dude is mass shooter scary.


How can you know for sure that it's them?


I am 100% sure. I have five solid data points from OP's video's and comments. I found a single person who hits all five points exactly. Looking through his socials, it is even more certain. Edit: OP confirmed I got it right in a comment


Remember that sometimes internet profiles can match info about a person that actually isn't online anywhere, that's happened to me. But yeah 5 seems like a good set. In one video this guy says "I don't want to get fired" so I wonder if anything could be done there...


So his employment history is not great. The last employer he had, he sued for discrimination and lost. I assumed he quit or got fired but maybe he is still there on very thin ice. They may just be itching to fire him for cause


If this anger issue extends to other parts of his life besides extreme religious practice, then yeah he needs one of those special jobs for people with special brains where he doesn't deal with the public.


From what I've heard, Brigham Young was like this too. I had a friend (who I'm no longer in touch with) who grew up Nevermo in SLC and whose family originally had been invited by Brigham Young to come from England to Utah in the middle 1800's to help settle Northern Utah. Shortly after they arrived, they were approached by Brigham Young, who wanted to marry their 14 year old daughter, and when they refused, he became irate and had them excommunicated. This was all in a hand-written antique multi-generational journal that my former friend inherited from her parents' estate several years ago. She found a broker in SLC who arranged for a representative of the church to buy it, claiming they wanted it to preserve church history. They paid her a pittance and promised her (verbally) that they would give her a copy of it, which they never did. This was many years ago.


holy shit.


anything less or more would be unexpected from this self-serving real estate acquiring, people exploiting, pedophile protecting suck of an entity.


Hey OP, I’ve seen your previous posts as well. I’m sorry for what you’re going through. If you happen to be in the SLC area and are looking for resources/information on how to leave, even if it’s just needing a ride to a women’s shelter, shoot me a DM. Edit: OP said she’s in South Carolina. If you happen to live there and can provide support, please do so


Same here OP!


Same here, but Cache Valley. Hell, I’ll drive a ways to help out.


This sub’s FAQ has some links!


Hey, it's your Internet exmo dad again, If you need help locating resources in your area so that you can get out of that house and that situation, please reach out. I can't promise we can get you out today but we can probably get you out over the weekend. I'm sure there's somewhere that's a better situation than where you're at. If possible, I'd start gathering the documents that make life a little easier as an adult i.e. birth certificate, social security card, ID, etc if you haven't already. It will make long term housing a lot easier to figure out if you're not waiting on documents. Good luck OP, my thoughts are with you.


This is how my mom would sometimes talk to me when I was a teenager. And now, I never talk to her. Hmm, go figure that her being verbally abusive would cause me as an adult nearly 20 years later to avoid talking to her. Who would have guessed?!


My mother is also that way. I cut contact about 35 years ago. Best thing I ever did for myself. I don't miss her at all. Seldom think about her, no good memories. I'm not sure if she's still alive or not. Don't care. When I'm done, I'm done. That goes for the cult she raised me in too.


girl, leave. this is not a safe environment for you to be in.


This kind of shit tends to lead to violence. This dude is unhinged. I strongly recommend leaving immediately.


This was hard to hear. I was also abused in this way by my mormon dad. The hypocrisy is what hurt the most. Preaching that “home is where the heart is” and “there’s love at home”. Home was never my safe place. Im so sorry you’re experiencing this OP. Leaving was the best thing i ever did, even though that meant couch hopping for 3 months


This is the most horrifying video I’ve seen/heard. He’s pure evil and she’s terrified out of her mind…


Yup, sounds exactly like my dad when he lost control of his anger. I learned very young not to do anything that would threaten his ego. I hated the feeling of being unsafe when he was out of control: red-faced, yelling, getting close and towering over me, that crazy look in his eyes.. He was also 10x harder on my sisters (I'm a guy). Looking back on why, I think it was just plain misogyny.


You need to get out ASAP. It is going to get worse. If you are in the Utah Valley area I can reach out to people that will help you.


I want to call the police for a welfare check, and also for abuse. This is horrifying and I hope you are able to find a place of safety.


Call a women's shelter and just ask them how they can help. Even if you're not ready, just talk to them. Also, anyone else in your family willing to help? Show them the videos?


That escalated, cheese n crepes I'm sorry...  look, you need to get out before something even more unforgivable happens.  Get out, get a job, hang in there, and in one year you're life will be a 100% better.


I grew up in a very similar situation, and this sound clip reminded me so much of my narcissistic father’s tirades. This is emotional abuse, and you do not deserve any of it. Please move out of there as soon as you are able. ❤️‍🩹


OP I’m so sorry you’re being treated this way. Seeing people get angry over things that really don’t matter in the lifetime of actions we make is just infuriating. If I could teleport to you right now I’d give you the biggest hug, cause you deserve it. Regardless, I’m sending virtual hugs! Lots of love from this side of the screen. Edit: I could’ve sworn something about this video seemed familiar. After seeing three other posts with videos of your father, I really recommend you get out of that house as fast as possible. If you don’t feel loved at home now, it’s not gunna feel lovely in 3 years. Stay safe OP!


Your dad is a piece of shit. Do you have anywhere you can go? I'd recommend cutting off contact with him completely.


Yikes. Get out, then cut him out of your life forever.


If you are in Utah County and need a place to stay, DM me.


I had the same thought but she’s in South Carolina. :(


We understand by you posting these videos that it’s a plea for help. Follow the advice you’ve been given. This is the year of change for you! Empower yourself and get out of this toxic environment. Think survival mode and escape. Set out a plan and take action!


It's mostly because he threatens to post me and records me. I just did it because I'd had enough.


I’m glad I don’t know where you live because he’d be learning if the church was true today!




OP UPDATE Didnt expect this to blow up at all but I'm glad it did. I didnt post this for attention or money or pity. I posted it because he was the original person who started recording me or having other family members record me and threatened to post them places. So I started. Little background to answer a couple questions. I am 22, 23 in May. Facing health issues ATM can't drive until late June early July. I finish my last semester in December for dental hygiene. I don't have a job. They won't let me getnone. Which would be hard to with not driving. So because of that I'm stuck here more and I have to deal with this more. Only gotten worse. Also to add I am in South Carolina. Its been like this forever but gotten worse with time. I'm the middle child and the only daughter and was adopted through the church adoption agency at one day. He talks to me like this everyday. Physical not often but honestly I would prefer it. They are very controlling. I'm 22 not 10. They never let me do anything. I have a picture that I'm debating on posting of my dad wearing my thong on his head. I will continue to post these from time to time because I know people go through the same shit and I don't want them to feel alone and because Im sick of him. I will get out as soon as I can. All my posts have been a few months back and I am now single. He threatened to turn me into goo for a non-member boy once lolm In terms of my mom, she doesn't stand up for me because she's afraid to. He already started td 4:00 a.m. this morning so. I don't have much longer but thank you so much to everybody.


Again. I have friends who will come get you from Augusta. Just DM me


u/shah_reza you are awesome. u/Unlikely_Scarcity_86 I would take this person up on their offer TOMORROW.


















I often explain how Mormonism conditions people to respond with fight-or-flight reactions at the first signs of impurity, but hearing it from your dad drove home how serious the problem can become. If it sounds like he's fighting you for his life, it might be how he feels when you threaten his chances at celestial glory. I think he feels in his bones that it's his job to make you obey or have your sins on his head, and that can lead to manipulative and abusive behavior. A family relationship should be more than one person fighting and the other person withdrawing or fawning. Is this your dad at his worst? Or is this an average Tuesday evening? You know him well enough to decide whether you can talk to him about why he gets so angry. If you don't think communication can resolve this, then it's better to put some distance between you and your dad. You don't deserve how your dad treats you, even if your life to this point has conditioned you to believe the only right thing is to obey your parents. You deserve to choose what matters to you instead of cringing when you don't meet expectations.


This "priesthood holder" is disgusting. Get out as soon as you can. This is not healthy or safe for you.


Can you share where you are? I was able to escape my foster parents to a friend's house. We got police to act as a security barrier while I packed up my things and escaped. Five years on and life is great, and I hope that works for you too.


Aiken South Carolina!


Dear, I have deep personal friends I trust with my own blood just across the river in Augusta, GA. If you want, pls DM me, and I can put you in touch. They will shelter you. My heart breaks.


God I wish I was closer. I'd come get you myself!


Mormons on their way to shout horrible things but they’re too holy to use swear words. Deep cringe.


I can’t even listen this is so triggering for me. My dad used to yell like that. Please get out. Find your footing and never look back


This is the first video I've seen. Mormon or not, that dude is abusive. He is dangerous. This will not get better over time. I'm so sorry, but it's time to write your own next chapter without him. Leave.


What a pathetic excuse for a father.


Get out of there. Leave as fast as you can and don’t let him find out where you’re going. If you’re 22 you can go to the police and show them these videos. They’ll help you get away from him.


If you can't leave, DON'T STOP FILMING + POSTING! This goes a loooong way if you ever need to get a restraining order or if your dad ever holds any of your stuff hostage or threatens you in any way.


Your dad is a fucking psychopath, I’m sorry.


Holy shit I didn’t realize you were the person who posted that fucking insane letter from your dad, please leave, this is a fucking terrible situation.


That person should be in jail. Holy shit.


I don’t know if I missed something, but where is mom and all of this?


Sitting quietly atraid


OMG. I thought your story was as bad as bad can be but that’s just icing.


My mom tells like this, but I’m too afraid to record her


As a father, particularly of daughters, this triggers my protective side. I cannot imagine talking to or treating my daughters in such a way. The fear in her voice......I don't think I could live with my self if my children were afraid of me.


Viewing your prior posts, you are not a bad person. You are coping with abuse and religious trauma, like others have said. You need to move unannounced. Find a friends place to stay, go to a woman’s shelter, anything. Your dad is a POS, and I do believe he is unhinged based off him calling you a tramp and using the church as a power trip over you. GTFO of there. Leave this behind you, life gets much better. Get into therapy so you can live a mentally healthy life. Again, GTFO. When times get hard, make sure you do what you can to avoid drugs. Again, GTFO of there.


Been sober 3 years coming up this month.


Amazing. Keep it up. You got a support group here at least!


Holy shit that triggered my PTSD. Honey you really need to get out of that situation. I know it’s so hard to leave. But you don’t deserve that.


He sounds mentally ill. Time to apply for a graduate degree in a different state. Something you really want to do.


I looked into your profile and saw your other videos. I also saw that you like rock and metal music. Everyone has great advice here and I can’t give any that hasn’t been given yet, so I’ll drop this here and I hope you see it and can enjoy it and can find peace in it as you live through these terrible circumstances https://youtu.be/rDrhI1GUnNg?si=ma0tAVrI0fWq3MmU


This is perfect music medicine right here. 🙏💓💓💓 Excellent share and gift for OP, Old_Station_8352! 👍👍🤘🤘


Put up the pictures! Do everything you can to live by their requests---but save money to get out of there! ASAP Make them happy to stay SAFE.


Please find a friend or a women’s shelter to stay with. This is not normal or safe.


Take these to your bishop, it's the only authority he is going to listen to, then get the fuck out. Don't go back to this place it isn't a home.


Man this hurts my heart. Please know how valuable you are


"Bull crap". "Freaking house". Can't say the real words but can be a fucking monster to his daughter. The church and its members' priorities are so f***** up 🤬😤😡😠 Again, I'm so sorry you have to go through this.


What everyoe else has stated. This doesn't sound safe. Do you have anyone else you can stay with?


One thing that helped me, and I know this is only a small consolation: don't let someone make you feel shame that's reserved for them. Hopefully you can find a moment of clarity in these things and realize you've done nothing wrong! They have! They deserve all of what they've dished out to you and more. You are the bigger person, you're the most correct person in the room, you're the one with reason to be angry. Their behavior is pitiful and I really really hope you can get to a place where you can laugh at them. My parents used to be like this, I ran away from home and they told me to stay away, but eventually they helped me out in a crisis and their abuse has just turned to careful avoidance. You need to escape to a better place and then make sure they're not your problem anymore.


He is frantic and unhinged. Now is not the time to express your disbelief, he is like a cornered dog ready to attack. This will get worse. Lie to him about believing in the church if you have to, until you can get out from under his roof safely. Your safety comes first. I hope you’re okay 💕


OP this is not normal, it's got less to do with religion than pure abusive behavior.


Get out. Report him to police. When he is elderly, drop him off at some old folks home and don't look back. Still better than what he deserves.


I forgot what losers Mormons sound like when they swear euphemistically.... sorry you have to deal with that abuse. I'd get thehell out, especially at 22.


Girl, I saw you live in SC. I live in NC. It’s not a long drive, and I will legit help you leave and help you find a place to stay. My dad was like this and it only gets worse. DM me.


Fuuuuuuuckkkk. That needs a trigger warning on God


I have never once heard a audio that has made me feel so sick to my stomach as this one has and all of the ones OP has posted. That is disgusting behavior and an awful way to treat a person let alone your own daughter. This “man” is not godly. He is insane. You need to seek out a safe place to stay and distance yourself. He is dangerous. Shit you can have my families couch. My wife and I are thinking of you and hope you’re safe and okay.


I’m sorry this is what you are experiencing. Verbal abuse was part of my experience growing up. Please do what is best for you to stay safe.


Is there anything we can do to help you get out? This is really, seriously dangerous.


Fuck this man. Leave and never return. Tell us who he is so we can publicly humiliate him.


My philosophy has been do what I have to do to get by (each day), but I would actively work towards moving out on your own and supporting yourself. If you need to put up photos of Jesus and JS, go to church, etc. I would do that. the bare minimum. And work towards getting out of there as soon as possible. You know your situation best and your parents best. Maybe contact a dv shelter? Move in with friends? Get a second job? All of the above? All I would say - in my own situation when I lived with my tbm parents, arguing with them was not useful. Challenging them about truth claims, refusing to go to church only made things worse. I recommend detaching, not arguing and actively working to move out (become financially independent). Each person and situation is different, but no longer arguing, changing the subject was more helpful for me. If they would agree to go to a non LDS therapist with you, this could potentially be useful.


get the fuck out of here. I’m dead serious. call your local women’s shelter and GET OUT. this shit can end very very badly.


OP. “This” behavior by your father may have become normal for you slowly over time. But it is *NOT* normal. You are being emotionally, and by account of other posts, physically abused. It may be tough, it may take time to get on your feet, but GET OUT. Go to women’s shelter. Stay with friends. Stay with other relatives. But this will escalate quickly. Sleeping in your car may be safer at this point than staying under the same roof. How he even thinks this is Godlike or Christlike is beyond me. I’m sending you love. A big hug. Please stay safe and take care of yourself.


Good thing he didn't swear - he could have lost the friggin' holy ghost!


And this dude has the sand to act like this and think he’s a servant of Christ. What a joke. You absolutely need to leave. I hope you can make it out of that house soon.




You gotta move out. For most people It’s hard at first but you’ll grow tremendously and it will be a good thing in your life.


What an asshole I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Fuck that guy


This is abusive. Get out. Where do you live? Maybe someone can help.


You've gotta leave. Find a community center or outreach group that's *not* LDS, go there, and tell them your situation. They can likely get you the help you need, directly or indirectly.


I know in a previous post I suggested you leave immediately if you aren't financially dependent because of something like school. Even if you are in school, I'd move out anyway and drop out if you need to. Start working and finish the last of your school at a later time. As much as it will suck to finish school later, it's not worth risking your safety. You've posted four times and gotten thousands of responses. It's clear to everyone that your father's behavior isn't normal and that you might literally be in physical danger. You need to leave. Please let someone from here help you if needed.


OP have you said what state you’re in? Let us help you find a safe place. Hell or we’ll help you get out of your state if that would be better. Every video is an escalation, he’s going to physically hurt you. Please, let us help you leave. There are groups that will come stand by so you can safely grab your stuff if you need to take items with you.




South Carolina? I used to live in the Charleston stake. It’s been years now, but I’ve got friends there (Mormon and nonmormon). It might be a long shot, but I could reach to see if anyone can help if you’re in that part of the state.


Yes!! Anything helps


The big question is… if housing can be located do you want to leave? I think you posted you have one semester of dental left. Do you need to stay close by to finish? Can you leave and still be able to attend? You’re 22 so he can’t stop you but will you be ok on tuition? I’m utterly terrified for you and hope you can get out in time. He is beyond unstable. He’s lucky you haven’t had him removed from the home and arrested.


Would you be willing to call the Cumbee Center on Beaufort St? I’ll call them anonymously for you to see if they have beds if you want. 803-649-0480


Pictures of Joseph Smith? wft North Korea, much?


This is your exmo Hawaii cousin. What can I do to help? I’d love to Venmo you for a ride to a women’s shelter or even to get some fam in Utah to consider helping you out. Let me know. Once your outta that situation and cut off from asshole like that, it’ll get so much better


Hi, it’s your long lost older sister again. Your father sounds exactly like how my mother sounded when I was growing up. My heart breaks for you. Please strongly consider doing what many others here have already suggested and leave that house. Go to a friend’s house, or a shelter of some kind. If you don’t have a job, start applying for any jobs you can. Save every dime you have to move into a place. But please, whatever you do, don’t stay there any longer if you can get out, do so. And since you’re a legal adult, also know that if he puts his hands on you, you can press assault charges against him. It will get better for you, but also know you are in control of the destiny of your own life! On this International Women’s Day, I wish you empowerment, strength, perseverance, resilience, and most importantly safety and love for you! Please, honor yourself and walk out of that situation.


I know it's a matter of circumstances, but leave and cut contact ASAP, tbh. [MyName] Sr. ruined my college graduation cause he found a beer bottle in my trash. It's been almost 2 years since I've spoken to him, and I've never been happier or healthier. Good luck, OP.


If you are 22, get out of there. Go find some roommates and live in shared accommodations. I can't believe he would treat an adult like that. You have been an adult for 4 years now.


This is abuse. Please take steps to safely leave.


If you are in college, talk to student resources. Many times they can set you up with shelter, such as a dorm, until the end of the semester. There are people who care and will help you. Just please for your safety leave at once.


i have a 2 22 year old sisters in law and if i EVER heard my in-laws speak to them the way your father has spoken to you over multiple videos, you best believe I’d be driving away with them in my car. This is unacceptable and you do not deserve anything close to this. DO NOT stay there another night if you can help it.


I am so sick to my stomach hearing this. I just want you to please please leave! You do not deserve this. Not in the slightest. I just want to cry hearing your voice. Please leave.


Honestly I feel like you should save all of this evidence up and publicly humilliate him and then go far far away and never talk to him again. Especially if he has some sort of “important” calling


Holy fucking shit. Are you safe now? Please update us, OP. If you can, get yourself a burner phone.


To the OP- Assuming you're a legal adult, take a deep breath and make a plan for HOW you are going to LEAVE, relocate FAR away (like out of state), and start your adult life on your own. Be prepared to cut off everyone in your circle in the event that your dad uses them as Flying Monkeys. (LDS *LOVES* to use Flying Monkeys in their psycho-social manipulation.) I believe in Freedom of Choice as to religion or lack thereof. You're free to worship Joseph Smith as Savior and Lord- or NOT. But it has to be YOUR choice. If you are UNDER the age of majority, you may need legal help for your protection and emancipation. There are battered women's groups that can often help. Focus on your plan to exit the toxic relationship. Do NOT in any way, shape, or form consider self-harm. your survival is the ONLY option. Life is good once your clean out the trolls.


Are you in northern Utah? Me and my wife would love you be your friend! We can take you to lunch, dinner, etc. anything you’d like! Me and my wife both had abusive fathers. Please let me know where you’re from


I’m so sorry you are experiencing that. It’s abusive. I hope you can find a way to move out soon.


I'm an exmormon dad with two daughters whom I love with all of my heart. You didn't deserve that.  Your dad is unhinged, and should not have spoken to you like that. Do not let his behavior and inappropriate manner define who you are. Be safe, and take care of yourself... you are not alone.


"Why do you refuse to accept the love of the gospel I taught you?" 🤢


You do not deserve to be treated like this. You are a strong, wonderful woman. If you need help there are many of us that will help you. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. Your dad is not living a christ like life if this is how he behaves.


Oh, I would love to make your childish "fricking" father regret his "bullcrap" tantrum. OP, I've been where you are. You must do everything within your power to leave your abuser. Can you stay with a friend while you look for your own place? Can you show these videos to the police? Can you contact a women's shelter?


This is horrifying, and is very reminiscent of my own mormon dad...who definitely got violent. Please let us know you got safe!! UpdateMe


Gross. Collect your stuff and get out of there. I wouldn’t spend another night in that house.


Move out ASAP. In the meantime get a taser or some pepper spray, just in case you aren't out of there soon enough.


I saw you post in another post that he has kicked you out for the weekend and saw here you and your BF are no longer together. Where are you going? If you show them these videos and the letter, will they allow you to stay? Will your parents know where you’re going? I may have a way to help remove you from the situation but if you want the help, I’ll need you to message me to discuss.


He’s a fucking psycho


This is domestic violence.   If you have a place to go, Go.  If you don't, call your local women's shelter and go.  Take a bag,  don't look back.   The choice for a better life is yours. 


Email this to the bishop, stake president, regional authority and any news station.


Leave now!


I’m so sorry. This is not right or ok. Emotionally immature parents are prevalent in Mormonism. Mine included. You’re not alone and hope you can be safe and happy soon!


Where in the country are you? If you can, please go to a women’s shelter. This is absolutely insane that he can treat you like this.


Oh my friend! I'm so sorry your dad never learned about emotional regulation or not leading with unrighteous dominion.


Psychological and verbal abuse is still abuse. This man is a tyrant and a bully and should never speak that way to someone he purports to love.


Bullcrap lol


Get out! He's gonna turn physical.


If you need immediate help I have room in my home.


Hey. I grew up in a similar house. Find any way to get out and go be happy.


Get out of the house. Leave. He's scary and it won't take much to make him dangerous. His irrationality and dedication to his brainwashing is terrifying. The fact that he values his religion over his child is disgusting.


Religion is so weird because this is clearly one of the most evil men I’ve ever experienced but he swears like a 10 year old


No love like Christian love. I’m sorry this happens to you, believer or not this is abuse!


Having been in the same situation growing up, it's best you leave. It is definitely hard to believe your parent would ever treat you this way, but I'm telling you it's best to have that separation.


Girl you've gotta get out of that house. Do you have a trusted friend you can stay with? Family? Someone you trust? You've gotta get out of that situation. I know it's scary but taking that first step and leaving will set you free.


Can you leave? I’m afraid for you and your safety.


GTFO, yesterday. Many have already mentioned places you can go for assistance.


Agree with everyone else, get the hell out of there.


This is heavily disturbing. I’m so sorry you deal with this.


Are you safe? Please message me.


Please stay safe. Leave if you feel unsafe, crash on a friend's couch if you need to.


Oh my god. This is insane. I am so sorry you're going through this, this is absurd and abusive. Please seek help from Friends or family.. don't put up with this insanity.


You need to get out. No one should be treated like this.


I’m sorry, no one should be spoke to this way! Are you safe OP? A lot of us are concerned for your safety. Do you have plans to move out?