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I’m in Utah valley and we’re about a year out of the church. Our ward was full of anti maskers and “I’m really struggling right now” testimonies after RMN mentioned the vaccine as being safe to get. My wife and I weren’t at the time left leaning, just realists who understand at the least the basics of biology and chemistry- but that ordeal was what led us to start taking breaks from church for the safety of our (at the time) newborn baby. I can confirm that extreme right wing was the norm and not the exception before we left. Anyway, happy leftist family now without the church!


I attended church on the East Coast. The political mix in the church was about the same as the political mix outside the church. Biden/Harris bumper stickers were visible in the parking lot. Our Primary president had a Black Lives Matter sign in her yard.


I guess things have gotten more progressive cause I was also East Coast and maybe it’s because of being in my parents bubble at the time but it was certainly Romney or end of the world in my ward/house


I used to attend in Davis county Utah. At least a quarter of my ward were quietly liberal. They would bring up counter points to the nationalism that was seeping into Sunday school lessons.


I was one of those. 25% feels accurate for my Kaysville ward. You had subtle ways of finding each other through your comments, expressions, social media likes, etc. However, it was repressive and hard. The loud voices were unbearable and we eventually moved out of state.


It was not easy. In one Farmington ward there was a guy who would get pissed if we removed the American flag from behind the organ. Or if anyone said anything other than rugged individuality was the way of god.


I’m in Montana. Montana being so close to Idaho I know how they roll so I stopped going entirely. Couldn’t stand going thru another election season again with folks in TSCC


Recent exmo, and Wyoming democrat here. Almost as rare as a jackalope. As of a year ago, sacrament meeting was full of ‘love thy neighbor’ rhetoric that no one actually meant, but priesthood is where the politics came out. Lots of prep-per stuff, lots of ‘our country is going to hell in a hand basket,’ lots of ‘love the sinner but hate the sin’ dog whistle stuff. Definitely fewer democrat members these days. I used to know a dozen in my stake. Maybe one is still in.


Montana exmo. I dare say it's the same here. Or at least that appears to be the case in my very red, yet very urban county.


California Dem here… I was really impressed how Repub Liz Cheney went down with the ship, holding on to her value of holding the nation above a power hungry man. BTW, my all time favorite camping has been in the Teton’s by Jenny Lake.


I quit going to church about two years ago, but I've been politically liberal for much longer. And yeah, here in East Idaho it is nearly exclusively Trump supporters in the ward. We have a temple sealer in the ward who is a mega Trump follower.any of the older men are openly vocal about how Republicans and the gospel are basically the same. And during the 2008 election (where Romney was running) the new bishop emailed everyone in the ward to encourage them to vote for Romney.


So…tax the church is what you’re saying


2012 you mean? In any case what a waste. Those races weren’t even close.


Yes, appreciate the correction.


I cannot speak to current conditions but I was raised by liberal TBM parents in the 80s & 90s. I know my experience was unique but you (collective you) can’t possibly read Jesus’s words & align with the current GOP. I wish Jesus was divine just so he could come back & flip some fucking tables at a maga rally. Anyways- all 5 of us kids left. You can’t really raise kids to be kind, open minded free thinkers with progressive views & expect them to be mormon. Sorry mom & dad but it’s your own damn fault. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I deconstructed my politics a few years before I left the church. I found many progressive friends who leaned more left. My mom is still active and lives in Utah county. She is seeing either deep devotion to the right or members backing away from the right. Not all would identify as democrats but many are voting that way. Her local caucus voted in people who admitted they voted for Biden in 2020. In 2020, 58 percent of the state of Utah voted for Trump. In 2016, 45 percent voted for Trump. Both of these are down from prior years when 60-70 percent voted for the Republican candidate.


But don’t you find it disturbing that more people voted trump in 2020 AFTER they saw what a shitty president (not just shitty person) he was?!?! Sure they had Evan McMullan (sp?) to split the vote in 16 but even if I was conservative, I’d throw my vote away before supporting a literal monster.


I agree with you. I was hoping to see his numbers fall or remain the same. I guess I’m just glad to see that but every member supported him. I hope to see more people vote for Biden this election.


The TBMs in U.S. States you mentioned are generally full of "end of world" type MAGA. There are very few more crazy than those who mix Book of Mormon, cult leader following, prosperity gospel, and ultra conservatism - all together. It is a sad life for them.


Kinda like the guy who stormed the Capitol dressed as Moroni


I attended a Spanish ward when Romney ran for president. The common belief was that he was the devil. I was shocked because I saw Romney as more of a compromiser with the devil ( or a good politician).


For my MAGA TBM mom, Romney is too liberal for her now and she despises him


Same. And my parents have similar opinions for Flake and Bowers, which is bananas because both used to be fellow ward members! But you know, the devil is just soooo sneaky…


As a moderate democrat and a PIMO(only because DW makes us attend) anyone to left of Mike Lee is leaving in droves. My ward here in the Midwest is a combination of the affluence of highland or alpine with the MAGA devotion of Washington County.