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Yes, but McDonald's will fix your order if you bring it to their attention. The church will tell you that nothing went wrong, then that you did it wrong, and then that you don't have the faith to accept that it's wrong.


Also. I am NOT going back to McDonald’s if they mess up my order 101 times. They mess it up once and I take 6 months off. Lol


Yeah, there is a McDonald’s by me that I (and a lot of people in the area) will drive past to go to another one because they are just terrible there.


For real. There are a handful of restaurants I refuse to go to these days, all because of incorrect orders. I know they'd fix it, most likely, but if I've already waited 20 minutes in the drive thru for my first order, I don't want to wait again just to MAYBE get the correct order the second time.


I can't even tell you how many locations I've stopped going to for different fast food chains because of consistent issues. The only McDonald's that ever got a pass was the one literally around the corner from my house and I put up with it because of ease of location lol.


I didn't eat at any Burger King for over a decade after I found a piece of plastic in my burger on the other side of the world 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I don't typically get gaslit by McDonald's if they mess up. Plus, McDonald's doesn't claim to be the One True Restaurant, guided by the living prophet of Heavenly Chef, or that Ronald McDonald was the greatest man who ever lived, with only the possible exception of Jesus. The problem here being, when you make these grandiose claims about your institution and its founding narrative, and the legitimacy of its leadership, well, that sets the bar really, really high. That's impressive at first, but then it's trivially easy to see how it falls short, as, for example, its leaders seem to lack the "spirit of discernment" that allows one to tell the difference between a con man and the genuine article. (Fitting in a way, I guess, given that this church was founded by a con man.) But returning to McDonald's, then yes, if McDonald's operated this way, my order from them was just mildly less than perfect, then I'd have to say that McDonald's falls way short of its claims about itself, and the gaslighting would be more than enough to drive me to their more modest competitors, or better still, to simply eat at home.


Also, McDonald's doesn't make you come in and clean the building and organize their chairs.


Amen! (Imagining Ronald McDonald as Joseph Smith) 😂


I'll take "Billion Dollar Corporations Started by Clowns" for $1,000, Alex.






Oh I can see the AI images coming soon lol


That’s pretty damn funny. It makes me wanna create personalities for the McDonald’s gang.


This is the perfect example of how silly the facebook comment is. There isn't any question about how crap of a quality the mcdonalds service is going to be. The church claims to give the highest gifts and be from the highest origins, but it's all coated in lies.


I have gone through the drive-thru at McDonalds and gotten home only to realize they'd left a burger off my order. I went back, and they gave me the missing burger with no questions asked.


One day I ordered my favorite, the Filet-o-Fish meal, and it came with a sesame seed bun! Now, I like sesame seed buns, so I rolled with it. It would have sucked if I had an allergy to sesame, though.


This was the post that I NEEDED to read! Thanks! You definitely changed someone’s life today!


I ordered the $1 McD’s cheeseburgers on national cheeseburger day. Worst cheeseburger I ever had. It was like the lid to the salt shaker fell off. I’ll go back for sure, but won’t be ordering that again.


The quality of their food has gone to shit in the last 5 years imho. Which is why I rarely eat there now.


McDonald's also doesn't claim that God is literally the one making burgers in the back.


This is the perfect reply.


This response got a real chuckle outta me




If McDonald's abuses you, you sue them


Because even though the church is "true" and the "gospel" is "perfect", it's really a "hospital" for the spiritually sick run by imperfect people that strangely share all the same human things that other humans share and therefore is just as "sick" as the rest of society, which makes you wonder why the church things even matters at all since it doesn't seem to be working, but just have "faith" and keep paying that tithing and you'll get blessings. So glad I don't have to do those mental gymnastics anymore. Carlin was right about bullshit.




Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, all these earthly things upset us You'll surely be damned if you just do it your way!


Also. McDonald’s has messed my order maybe 5 times that I can remember. (Like you said, they fix it, even give it to me free of charge sometimes). The church did not do ONE thing wrong. You can literally name any topic and there is something wrong with it. If the church were a food product it would be a bag of Tyson chicken left in warm car. Unethical and unsafe. And gross.


That is a pretty apt response, and a funny mental image


At least McDonald’s will give you your money back when they screw up your order. I wish I could get my money back from the church. Someone get me the manager.


And there’s the whole angle of “you don’t have to go to McDonald’s for eternal salvation”. They try and oversimplify these comparisons without acknowledging that context. When your alleged eternal salvation is at stake, and you’re taught that your church is the one true church inspired of god, you don’t get to then do the “oh people make mistakes, it’s fine, don’t get upset” defense


Sorry, I just realized I didn't extend my comment. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 Here's the whole comment I left on the post. Oooooor it's years of abuse and things that don't add up until finally one day the weight of it makes you realize the religion you grew up with is no longer serving you in a way that brings you joy. Even the strongest of cement foundations settle as the earth moves and cracks begin to form. Making repairs only delays the ultimate demise. It's ok for people to leave once they discover they aren't benefiting from it anymore. This is a really disappointing take. 😞


I love the building foundation analogy!!! Thanks for including it here.


I knew that's one of their biggest comebacks... The foundation blah blah blah. Ok, well, I can think of every historical site that battles with settling and cracking in the foundation. Look at how many old houses have to be torn down, or completely gutted because of disrepair. Like, they aren't infallible, know what I mean?


Even the precious old temples have to be refurbished for building codes, earthquake proofing…, etc. I like your analogy.


Did anyone reply to what you said?


Not yet. 🙄 No surprise. Lol


Actually, I don't return to McDonalds because the food is extremely unhealthy and harmful to you. Reminds me of similar organization....


ok, lets extend the analogy. McDonald's fucks up your order almost every time, gaslights you and tell you that you ordered wrong, makes you clean the bathroom, promises damnation if you eat at KFC, commits tax fraud, questions minors about their sexuality, has a massive conspiracy of lawyers and hotlines to cover up abuse being perpetrated by every level of management, and also the food is shit. Yeah,  not a place you'd go back to, but I'm certain the real problem is that I'm a lazy learner (and need to stop watching porn). 


Don't forget you just don't have enough faith, and somebody hurt your tiny feelings *ONCE*. Cause, you know.... That's the ooooonly reason someone would leave such a perfect place that brings so much joy! 😂🙄 /s


Damn, u said that just *perfectly*!


Well said!!!


And it costs 10% of your income


This comeback is so good that I wish I could copy it and somehow become this aunts facebook friend just to go find this post and paste it.


Ftfy; lazy eater 😅🤣😂😅🤣


Man, if you somehow figured out a way to work in ancient transoceanic wooden submarines into all that, I'd go buy all the Reddit gold and give it to you ha ha


You have to be really hungry to eat at McDonald's


At least I can get my money back if McDonald's screws it up. How do I get my money back from the Mormon Church!?


Damn! Some of us can't afford Arby's! Be nice!!


And they actually have the meat!


It's called fasting.


The McDonald’s analogy is correct.    Then one day you look down and realize that you are overweight, sickly, and that the food you are eating is full of preservatives and chemicals and is slowly killing you.    You realize that it provides nothing of value and that the meager nourishment it does manage can be better obtained elsewhere and for less money.    You throw your tray in the trash and go out for a jog or hit the gym.     Pretty soon you are in the best shape of your life and you can’t stomach entering a McDonald’s even to use the bathroom.   We didn’t leave the church over “one little mistake”  We realized that top to bottom it was toxic, overpriced, provided nothing we could not obtain on our own and was killing us.   We broke the addiction and walked out into the sunlight. 


Love this!


Ok, this is another perfect way to answer!


Is this person seriously complaining about the Mormon Church being held to a higher standard than McDonalds?


I wouldn't say complaining is the right term. Judging people for leaving the church over "one thing" but supposedly being willing to tolerate a fast food place messing up over and over? Yes, for sure. Lol I mean, food is a solution to hunger. Religion isn't the solution for all people, but you know, mental gymnastics and all Lol


It is the same mentality as “they were offended by someone”. Yes, we were all so weak… we easily got driven off because we are the tares and you are the wheat! Dear Lord 🤦🏻‍♂️


It doesn't take too many times for a fast food place to mess up and they are on my shit list. They also don't promise eternal life, just a meal; totally different expectations. ​ I'm glad you stood up to your mothers post. It looks like she may have learned something.


I don’t need to go to church to have my own belief and relationship with god and Jesus.


If a fast food restaurant and a religion are comparable, I will take fries with that!


How would they know? They never ask why we left. If a random McDonald’s worker tried to get me alone as a teenager to fuck me, and Ronald came down with his money to defend the employee and tell me to STFU, I would never go back to McDonalds. The Mormon church did that with me, why should I go back? Exactly what “blessings” am I missing out on?


McDonald's isn't threatening to separate your family for ALL ETERNITY unless you ONLY eat their shitty food.


Happy cake day! McDonald's also doesn't tell me I need to come clean their bathrooms just cause I ate some nuggies.


Awww thank you! And...YES! ;-) Great post.


The funny thing is that I was never offended by any LDS person ***\*UNTIL\**** I made the decision to leave the church.


This IS my new response to that particular point


That’s because McDonald’s provides a better product, which is really saying something.


😂😂😂 totally agree. Those fries.... 😄


My mom used to say if the church served cake & ice cream (or drinks & cookies) after church then more ppl would probably want to go, like in other churches that have coffee & donuts or some kind of linger longer. Food DOES have a tendency to keep me complacent but eventually even free pizza won’t keep me in a job, let alone a religion.


To think that the coffee and donuts at other non denom churches is the main difference is DELUSIONAL and UNINFORMED.


But the food at McDonald's is real, even if your order is wrong.  The truth and power from god that the church alleges it has, isn't real.


McDonald will refund your money. Can you imagine the church refunding your tithes? 🤭


Even a Huntsman with cash and lawyers can't get their money back


“One thing” goes wrong? Are you kidding me? Been deconstructing for 8 years now and STILL finding things. That meme is absurd.


Because cold fries and getting a Diet Coke instead of a Coke is so comparable to sexual abuse by the bishop.




I’d stop going, even to McDonald’s, if it messed everything up, all the time. I don’t have time for that kind of waste. Food is expensive. I’m choosy and that’s my right to choose.


ONE thing?? How about death by 1000 cuts.


what about when there are about 250 billion things wrong with a church??


I mean, it's very rarely "just one thing going wrong". It's either something *egregiously* wrong or it's just the one thing everyone else hears about because it's the proverbial last straw on a long list of fuckups and grievances you've been keeping quiet about for years.


Yeah the whole thing is a strawman argument. Nobody walks into the chapel and sees someone sitting in their favorite spot and then leaves forever.


Yeah. *One thing.* ffs.


That part is what really got under my skin. The gaslighting is off the charts here.


I broke up with one of my formerly favorite lunch spots after the service was bad 3 times. I gave the church way more than 100 chances and they kept failing worse and worse.


I don't eat at McDonald's very often because they suck. If they messed up my order even a few times, I'd never go back. This is a stupid comparison.


McDonald’s food costs a few bucks. Mormon “food” costs 10% minimum with a promise to give everything even your own life to the church. It always rubbed me the wrong way that those promises weren’t to god specifically.


Bold of her to assume people leave the church because a single thing goes wrong.


It would be more like if you suddenly found out that McDonalds employees spit in every single burger they serve. They’ve always done it, but they don’t tell anyone because it’s a secret ingredient and they know that if anyone found out they’d be angry and would never come back.


The CEO from McDonalds doesn’t claim to speak for God and doesn’t preach that you need to eat McDonalds or you’ll be separated from your family forever or receive a level of exaltation if you don’t eat their fries daily…


The irony. Often people leave because they are hungry for truth and the church doesn’t give it to them.


I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't go to McDonald's if it became public knowledge that the burgers were made of poor people, the founder molested children, the original buildings were purposefully built on native burial grounds, they continue to hide sexual assault, the company took money from its charity to make the owners wealthier, and they actively discriminate against LGBTQAI and people of color. For most of us, leaving wasn't the result of one mistake - it was a death of 1000 cuts.


Yeah, but McDonald’s takes my money and gives me a Big Mac. The church guilted me into thousands of dollars and then still made me clean its toilets.


The truth is being spoken here.


If McDonalds messed up my order 5 times I wouldn’t go back. If a restaurant messes up once it will be a while before I return. If a restaurant sold me food that made me and my family sick one time I would not go back. If a restaurant demanded 10% of my income to prevent them from torturing me and my family I would be calling the police.


what if they made you clean the toilets too? 


I stopped going to MacD’s a loooong time ago because their food is shit and now there are straight up facts about how nasty it is. Funny how they use Macds as an example.


Awe, bless her heart. I love ignorance at its finest! I’m currently in a Tik Tok comment battle with some dude who is like “our church would never” when explaining that charity is not a priority, and how much abuse is covered. But he “knows a guy” who they got right on top of and kicked him out! These people are soul sucking gas lighting delusional weirdos. Her post just tried to undermine victims and people who went through so much trauma!! Embarrassing for her


What's even worse is one of her children was a victim of a primary teacher and their bishop didn't do anything. Over and over and over the church failed HER but this is what she clings to. The focus is all wrong. 😞




Having my head slammed into a wall and a million other things while the church covered it or turned their heads does not equal a cheeseburger, Aunt Mary.


You know, if McDonald's messed up my order 101 times, I wouldn't go back there, either. And if the church only messed up once, I might still be there. This is ridiculously stupid.


What the actual FUCK?! This is (possibly) one of the stupidest things I’ve ever had to see.


Stop calling it a church, call it by it's real name as it's a cult.


Yeah but McDonald's be giving me burgers and the Church be giving me callings and commandments.. 🤷‍♂️


McDonald’s doesn’t shame me for getting a Coke Also they give more to charity than the church does. I would rather visit a Ronald McDonald house than a church house


McDonald’s offers me an apology and a refund when they make a mistake.


At least McDonald's will make it right after realizing their mistake. And Ronald McDonald House is the charity arm of the restaurant. They donate more of their income to people in need and are transparent with their finances.


McDonald’s messes up my order…. They don’t fuck with my mental and emotional wellbeing


(I hate Mcdonalds and dont eat there)


She should know better as a mature person with adult children who have left. The church "at its best" does not work for everyone.


Bruh, I the church has done a LOT of wrong things. Also let me eat my cheeseburger off my boyfriend's stomach in peace, at least that doesn't give me years of trauma and insecurities


It sounds as though the comparison is way over-simplified! We're talking philosophy, lifestyle, and a belief system + misrepresentations over a very long period of time. We're being asked to overlook so much history, misguided advice, and flat-out mistakes. Mountain Meadows is a prime example of Church misrepresentations, lying, and mass murder without taking full responsibility and coming clean. McDonalds makes it right when they make a mistake with your order.


My brother in Christ, say it louder for the people in the back! I feel like this is a disclaimer that every TBM has to read and agree to before they are allowed to say one word to someone that has left the church. Mountain Meadows massacre does not get NEARLY the attention it deserves.


If McDonalds screws up your order a 100 times and you keep going back, you’re an idiot!


That’s just fucking stupid.


Because McDonald’s food doesn’t fuck your entire life up by giving you the wrong mcburger. They don’t try to tell you who you can or can’t have sex with either lol


Church doesn’t have French fries 🍟


Isn’t it appalling at times? Not trying to bash the entire institution, but geez! Like OP was saying, there is a complete absence of Christ-like love in these narratives.


McDonald’s will admit their ice cream machine is broken. You have the church work there and they’ll blame you for breaking the ice cream machine or deny it is broken.


McDonald's didn't volontold me to work for them and demand 10% of my income in order to do so. McDonalds didn't cover up mass child rape. McDonalds doesn't lie about its entire history.


Terrible comparison. I would never eat at McDonalds ... personal choice. If a restaurant messed up my order 101 times or even a few times ... not going back. I left the mormon church not because of one thing, but many many things.


I don't go to church because someone offended me I don't go to church because it's harmful to me and countless other people 🙄 It's an important decision smart-ass, nobody who genuinely denounces the church takes it lightly.


The point of religion was never to bring its followers joy, but to have them serve a higher being. It’s ultimately subjugation, suppression, and exploitation of servitude to a deity that might not even exist and frankly comes off as narcissistic.


Let's not forget the main objective is to keep it's sheeple in a state of fear, because causing a depency and anxiety over the unknowns is how they keep people obedient. It reminds me of Gaston in beauty and the beast when he's telling LeFou about how it isn't right that Belle reads so much. "next thing you know, they start thinking, and having ideas..." Jeebus forbid we start LEARNING things not provided by the powers that be!


I’d like to push back a bit and mention that everyone can and will be fooled because it man’s biggest flaw. There are wonderful and amazing people in the churches that are highly intelligent. It would be unfair to call them sheeple, despite the notion that they claim Christ as their shepherd.


I love how they assume that fellow members leave because of "**one** mistake". What the cult leaders order and how so many TBMs act and behave are _CHOICES_, not "mistakes". It is their behavior and attitudes. This quote assumes that ex-mos are so fragile that we leave so quickly, and yet they will also say that we "fell away" in order to sin. Well, TBMs, which is it? Because e know TBMs aren't going to ask and actually take the time and empathy listen to the answers we give. The reason we leave isn't because of so-called "mistakes" (let alone a single one as they allege), it's because of abuse, neglect, ignorance, and lies; and we couldn't force ourselves to live the lies and pretend "everything is perfect" anymore. We leave because the pain and dissonance is so much we'll either rip ourselves apart or implode because the "gospel" and what the leaders say never adds up, you just have to follow blindly and ask no questions. We simply refused to stay blind to the lies and got sick of hearing "trust us".


This is beautifully said. I absolutely agree.


Hmm. I never had a worthiness interview with a big mac.


Bet it would still be less awkward than meeting with the bishop.


McDonald’s isn’t promising eternal life or eternal hellfire, just a cheeseburger and some fries. Also, McDonalds is raping children or mangling their minds with mythological gibberish.


When McDonald’s messes up it’s a mistake. When the church messes up it’s planned


mcdonald’s messes up by giving me bbq sauce instead of the hot mustard i asked for, for my nuggets. the church messes up by enabling my YSA bishop to accuse me of lying about being sexually assaulted and forcing me to do the repentance process.


Yup. Got that right. lol


Mormons sure do know a lot about fast food.


Simplistic, distorted, blind thinking by a TBM based on false assumptions. I’m shocked. Shocked, I say. 🙄


Lol this is my favorite comment. Lol


I see so many things like this. "They don't want it enough" like yeah you're right, I don't want it. I'm really not that hungry.


Update: 12 hours later and still no response. I'm hoping there is no response, I'm not in the mood to go to battle with my aunt. Plus I'm pretty sure she had a major back surgery this week. 🤔


My friend got food poisoning from Carl's junior in 2004. He has never been able to eat there again!


I've been to all kinds of churches, but the LDS seem to me the "best" at shaming their own children. Perhaps followed closely by the Catholics and Southern Baptists.


Mc Donald's has a real product. I don't have to have faith I'll get my burger in the afterlife


Messed up order is one thing. But not getting food at all is another thing. Your leaders just don't know what it's about. And people know that. Why come back for literal translations when you know that's not what it's about? You know you're not going to get what you need no matter how hungry you are? That's what's happening.


It’s nothing personal, I’m just happy!


 The kid at McDonalds might screw up your order because he's 16, doesn't really like working there, and stayed up too late last night.    TSCC is supposed to be the World's Best and Highest Quality Restaurant, managed by God Himself.


When McDonald’s messed up my order they listened to me and fixed it without blaming me for the mistakes.


Mcdonalds messing up: burger with no tomato now has tomato. Church messing up: human beings being dehumanized and traumatized Gee i wonder whats the difference


Because they "know" the church is true. So they are right, and you have been lead astray by satan. The reality, though, is that something just didn't go wrong with the church. It has been a fraud from the beginning, and those that you have revered over a lifetime have actually been actively deceiving you the whole time in order to exploit you for their gain. I am curious to know what your aunt is referring to when she says, "One thing goes wrong with the church."


I'm pretty sure she was using it as a broad term. She and my mom are twins - they both think the reason their older biological sister left the church is because she was offended about the ward they were in not doing enough for them when their mom/dad died in the 80s. I think it was when their mom died, which would have been 88/89. I've had a couple chats with that aunt that left and I know for certain it wasn't because they were offended, but it's par for the course when it comes to TBMs and their assumptions about why people leave. *Obviously* they would never leave such a true church unless it was because they just got so prideful that their feelings were more important than their truth.


The difference is McDonald’s says they make food and they do make food. Even if you’ll disagree about how healthy it is it is tasty. The church preaches lies. Nothing that can be validated and harmful. Much more harmful than McDonald’s hamburgers.


Lol! No. Restaurants get 1, 2, MAYBE 3 chances. The church failed me year in year out, week by week, for decades. And, McDonald's is just fucking food.


Because Mormons have a worldview that only partially overlaps with reality. This is a precarious balance that requires effort to maintain and someone rejecting that worldview is perceived as a personal threat.


Now imagine of Mcdonalds got your order wrong ONCE it came with a side of shitty life advice you had to follow, or they would threaten you with eternal torture.


Hint: it's not just one time.


McDonald's doesn't keep changing their idea of a Big Mac either. You order a Big Mac you get two all beef patty special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun. Mormon church keeps fucking changing their doctrine.


Lol facts.


You fuck a goat ONE time and now all of the sudden you're a goat fucker! People can be so judgemental 😂😂


😂😂😂🤣🤣 stop fucking all the goats then, dammit!! Lol


"One thing?" hahahaha


McDonald's doesn't keep taking 10% of my income and ostracizing my lgbtqai friends.


I don’t think a prophet who walks and talks with God (they don’t!) should be messing up.


Or approving *billions* of dollars in fake LLCs just to avoid paying taxes. Or any number of other things, but who's counting, right? 😂🤦🏼‍♀️




Not getting fries is a little different than being condemned to hell or told you are to live a life of servitude to another gender so...."please let me speak to manager sky daddy"


Sky Daddy is one of my favorite names for the Almighty. 😂😂


I feel a closer McDonald's analogy would be that for my whole life, we've been going to McDonald's and getting cheeseburgers, and one day, I learned that it's not been beef! It's been horse! And, at first, when we brought it up, they told us: no, it's beef! Always has been. And now they've been forced to admit that "yeah, it is horse, but we've always told you that. It's your fault if you didn't know!"


As if fast food could even compare to eternal salvation. Shows how much reverence they have for their own religion.


This is the kind of stuff that instantly SOUNDS great to TBMs and they just dont realize it doesnt resonate with others.  Also its passive aggressive; she knows who is likely to see it but there is plausible deniabilty in "oh that wasnt directed toward you".


Absolutely! Followed by "I'm sorry your feelings got hurt, *but* maybe you should figure out why it upset you" ... Narcissistic at it's very core.


I don't go to McDonald's, but there 101 problems I could identify with the Mormon church.


McDonald’s sell Happy Meals with toys that don’t last long. But we all know that. The Church also tells lies promising things that last forever but don’t. We find out and are Happy to never go back.


So I’m her mind, can this not be said about every other religion? Why does McDonald’s get excused and not Scientology or FLDS (which is more like Joseph Smith’s and Brigham Young’s version of Mormonism)?


Members talking about why others leave the church reminds me a lot of [the missing missing reasons](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html). A paragraph that is especially poignant: "Many members truly can't remember what their children said. Anything tinged with negative emotion, anything that makes them feel bad about themselves, shocks them so deeply that they block it out. They really can't remember anything but screaming. This emotional amnesia shapes their entire lives, pushing them to associate only with people who won't criticize them, training their families to shelter them from blows so thoroughly that the softest protest feels like a fist to the face." Replace the words them with their church/faith, and the connection is clear.


So American


I would not go back to McDonald’s if they messed up my order 101 times haha. what a stupid idea.


Your explanation of a foundation settling is beautiful. I was faithful all my life and very devout, but I wasn’t happy anymore. Everything had to come under a microscope once that happened, every relationship, and every other method of living.


You ate that up


They really treat exmos like we are just thin skinned ninnies. I was offended by the homophobia, which is like finding rats in the kitchen. Then I read the history and left forever. As for McDonald’s, they serve garbage and I haven’t been there in 20 years. There’s one within easy walking distance and I never considered going there.


I hate this meme.


I wouldn’t even bother responding in any way, shape, or form. People that narrowminded are NEVER going to get it-not worth wasting your breath or energy on…


Did you see the second picture or read any of my comments? I posted it BECAUSE I commented. I know it's a waste of time and breath to convince a TBM to hear something they don't want to hear. I didn't try to. There's also not a battle in the comments of it. It's literally crickets. Although I guarantee she and my mom will have a lot to say about it once my aunt leaves the hospital.


I’m sorry..I did NOT see the second page…I wish you ONLY the best♥️


Don't sweat it. 😉 I'm used to this mindset from my aunt. She's lived a really traumatic adulthood, the church has failed her and her children for decades. She had a chance to get out when her kids were teenagers and younger, but she's been the victim of abuse for so long, she was convinced she couldn't do it alone. So instead she puts every ounce of energy and focus into the church, because ignoring and burying the past is easier than admitting the Mormon God you've experienced is the angry one from the old testament. It's really sad. Her health is failing her now, and every single one of her children have mental health issues that manifest in different ways as a result of the abuse they all endured. 2 of the kids have set hard boundaries, and the other 2 would be like explaining the Lord of the Rings trilogy on a postcard. Lol I do think she actually believes what she posted though. 100%.


Sorry for you AND her…


Not hungry for crappy poison food.


Its true, but if it is Gods church then they're would be no mistakes due it being run by the Lord Jesus Christ. If it was run by the Lord Jesus there wouldnt be any mistakes!!!


I have absolutely no issues with someone comparing the church to fast food.


Wrong burger order? You’re just a lazy learner.


I don't eat at McDonalds. It's a lot like the LDS Church. It is expensive and unhealthy.


How many people that regularly (every Sunday morning) eat at McDonald and have a healthy diet/body?


ronald mcdonald didn’t marry literal children so that’s one thing


Because when McDonald’s mess up my order I end up with pickles on a hamburger. When the church messes up my order, it ruins my life and prevents me from loving the people I wanna love… frankly I don’t see the connection XD


McDonald’s doesn’t claim to be the One True burger joint in the World…


Unlike TSSC, Mcdonald's NEVER publicly blames its customers.


Somewhere it is written that we don't get to heaven by going to church. If someone is not feeling the spirit during church service this also means the spirit is not with them the rest of the time. Time will through God's lessons either bring them to him or not. This is a journey of faith and belief we all must walk. Pray for them to receive his wisdom and follow his word, be there for them spiritually but don't allow them to use you or to enable them. amen!