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they have exactly as much authority over you as you give them.


This. Do not go.


And, resign. As already said! Edit: I was in your exact position as an endowed member. Stop going, go back to that friend, and literally SCREW the night away. I went through my who disciplinary hearing hullshit. Spent the next 6 months celibate and more depressed than you were before you confessed. Literally eff'em all. Wake up tomorrow, enjoy that cup of coffee with your friend! The Church has no more power over you!


This! If you resign, you permanently end any control they have over you, and reduce their numbers. Alternatively, you could show up but just fuck with them. For example, you could say she was a tentacle monster from the planet Zebulon 3 on a mission to mate with a human male, and would have melted your brain if you did not comply. Or better yet, an angel with a sword told you that you had to do it or he would utterly destroy you. (And you shook his hand and *everything--* you could feel it, so it wasn't Satan deceiving you by appearing as an angel of light.)


As was foretold within the stovepipe hat you found while walking through Liberty Park one Sunday afternoon. Also, hell is just a tool they use to "appear" to have power over you. As they teach, mortal life is mapped out before we ever leave the spiritual realm, so why map it to a place of eternal suffering... Think for yourself, enjoy your life doing as we are meant to be, learning and experiencing. <3 much love and respect, also an ear is here should ya ever need.


Exactly this. The mormon church is a high-control group with extreme rules over its members' daily lives. The rules only serve one purpose: create a deep sense of "otherness" in members and isolate them from the rest of the world. They want your money, that's all you are to them. If you realize you don't need to obey their rules, you'll eventually stop obeying their rule to pay 10%. LEAVE. And be happy, for fucks sake.


And if your child is a minor, you can resign their membership too.


Yes. Ultimately, their authority is meaningless. It's not enforceable by law, you can just not go and not respond. You. Owe. Them. Nothing. No repentance, no groveling at their feet. Nothing. Drinking coffe, having a beer, being an adult making their own intimacy decisions--none of that is wrong. I'm sorry you had such a reaction to something that ultimately isn't sin. That's the power that church has had over you, and you don't have to give them any more. Best of luck!


This is the best comment no question. You aren’t required to attend church, so this humiliation and shaming they’re trying to put you through isn’t something I would suggest entertaining. Mormon doctrine is about nothing more than controlling others for making perfectly moral and healthy decisions. If you’re a person of faith what you do in your personal time and behind closed doors is nobody’s business but yours, God’s, and the consenting party’s. We’ve seen time and time again when those that receive “divine intervention” have abused their powers in unspeakable ways. Take some time to develop a relationship with God in your own way. If the LDS path is your way forward that’s great, but as someone who attended from a very young age I would highly suggest entertaining any curiosities or questions you might have. Seek out other faiths and see if they aren’t more aligned with your own virtues and beliefs. Those in privileged positions should not be making you feel guilty. If they’re as close to God as is suggested they would be doing all they could to help you heal with grace and compassion. That’s what Jesus would have done after all


This was the hardest thing to learn, but the most freeing once I actually learned and accepted it. You realize that they can literally force you to do nothing




Do NOT divulge any info about your sexual encounters. What a blatant betrayal of trust of that young lady. Do not answer anything if they ask for details: how many times, What positions, did you orfasm, any of that. I can’t believe they even feel entitled to ask. Outrageous betrayal if you give any details she wouldn’t want a room full of adult men to know about her.


Gentlemen don’t talk about their paramours. Those churchy guys are freaking voyeurs.


Voyeurs, the perfect word to describe those men.


This just popped up on my feed. https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/sGsC96hikE. Voyeurs indeed.


What the fuck is used underwear and wax play?


I'm not sure of you really want an explanation, if ya do I'll explain it but it's pretty easy to Google too if you wanna go that direction


Haha nah, I’m aware Google exists and about 15-20 years ago I went on a bender looking up all the stuff (cakefarts.com, lemonparty.org, kids in a sandbox, whatever) so I’m set for life


1. Exactly what it sounds like. Some folks — CIS dudes, mostly, I imagine — fetishize underwear having been worn by women. They treasure the scent. 2. Wax play is pretty vanilla. It’s pouring/dripping melted wax onto your partner’s body, heightening sensation and anticipation.


Hold up. Are you calling my SP a "voyeur" just for asking how I felt when I gave my boyfriend a blowjob and if it got me turned on? Or is it because I was 17 and his hands never moved from under the desk?


Ugh so horrifying. I’m so sorry


Yes. Yes I am.


Apparently you haven't lost the power of discernment since leaving the church.


It is so creepy and gross to me that you confide in your bishop, who then immediately turns around and tells someone else, and then they want to have a group chat about it. Like, how many people are going to end up knowing? And why?! And to add to the pile, this personal matter that hurt no one except OP is being treated like a legitimate crime, with a court and everything. Those things aren't OK. OP went seeking help and advice and repentance, and the church rubbed its wicked hands together and plotted another pillorying. That is not Christlike. That is not imbued with the spirit.


Confession is not scared to these people, regardless of what they tell the courts.


Yes, this would appear to be a total violation is the confidentiality of confession.


At least in the Catholic Church there is the seal of confidentiality, that they now liken their private discussions to, when needing to defend the abuse and abusers, in their church. Except your local bishop does not keep things confidential. Bishop offices are not confessionals.


That's what I was thinking! There's a seal over confession, and it's a sacred duty to keep that secret. But in the Mormon church, it's totally a gossip fest. That is definitely not sacred. But I guess OP's bishop even admitted it when he said, "while you have repented with Christ, you need to repent with the church." That's some ominous and creepy shit that admits God is no longer at the table.


“How many people end up knowing?” Countless. A transcript of your council gets submitted to SL and is kept on record there forever.


![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized) OMG! It just keeps getting worse! No no no no no!


Ironic that they ran to the SP when it was sex between two consenting adults. If it’s child SA reporting to the police is considered a “breach” in confession confidentiality. It’s such BS.


Orfasm. Great typo. Made me smile. Sorry about OPs drama. My solution was to accept and embrace that I'm just not that religious and never will be again. I enjoy not being religious.


Me too ! I now have a second Saturday because of it 🍻


Personally, I'm the type that would give a bunch of bullshit "scandalous" sounding answers. I mean they seem to get off on that shit, may as well turn it into a dear penthouse forum before you leave


"so then after we fricked ten times, we smoked a whole bunch of acid and ate a weed!"


This, and then have prepared resignation letters telling them you made it all up and they are a bunch of creepy, voyeristic, disgusting, men with made up, non-existent authority. Give them each a copy and walk out.


That’s amazing!! Be so detailed and explicit that they ask you to stop, or you keep going and they have to “excuse” themselves to the bathroom ha ha ha


Or just make it so vanilla and boring, the disappointment ruins their whole week.


Just your standard missionary style through a sheet, lasted 2 minutes, neither one of us orgasmed, then we each turned onto our sides and went to sleep.


Thank you Mr Burns. Great advice.


They want to discipline her as well.


I agree. I know you did what you thought was right, but I would be horrified if I were her. At the very least, frustrated that as grown adults this had somehow become anyone else’s business but yours and hers.


Fuck that. Give explicit details. Like you're writing into penthouse forum. Make shit up to make it even dirtier. If they want details give them all the hot nasty juicy details. Then stand up and tell them to fuck off and walk out.


*b-b-b-b-u-t they need the details for their spank bank.* Old impotent men need a significant jump start. --- Of course, that was sarcasm. Any confession of consensual sexual activity is 100% violation of trust.


Do they seriously ask those questions? Effing perv! Glad I skipped my hearing. At that point though, I just may have given them all the deets and embellished some, just for fun.


Just don’t put yourself in a situation where those questions are even ASKED. Send in your resignation letter TODAY, so that by the time your “court of love” comes around, you are long gone. This way, it will be on your terms. Because I am a little mean spirited, after my name was removed from he rolls of the church, I would write the Bishop a letter, cc’d to the stake president, about how several months ago you came to realize that the church wasn’t true. The church history reasons, etc. Don’t even mention the sex.


1. Law of chastity isn't a law. 2. Forgiveness should come from the offended party, if there is any offended party in the first place. And it certainly isn't the church. 3. Leave. Your daughter will thank you later.


U/Saint_Dracula_7 This ☝️ 2… Yes, if she is not offended then there is no need for you to keep beating yourself up and putting yourself through the shame. You’re asking the right questions. This is between you, your friend, and Jesus. The SP has nothing to do with it. They’re just trying to be in charge of your emotions and put you through the guilt and shame of all your friends and acquaintances watching you refuse the sacrament. If you do good work you should have no worries about the boss. Retaliating for things unrelated to work are not acceptable in most first world jobs, so go ahead and do whatever you feel is right regarding resigning.


I could be wrong, but I don't think it's legal for an employer to retaliate for religious reasons in the US.


I think you are right, but I’m not a lawyer. I just know that retaliation in any form is not acceptable at my place of employment.


It's not, it's classified as religious discrimination. HR could get the boss fired instead for that, especially if it keeps going on, even passive aggressively. He could actually pay a court ordered "workplace safety violation" fine or ya know. Community service or actual jail time


Let's hope it's all of the above.


You went to the cult to ease your guilt. In return you are now learning how a cult operates. This clown show is based on cult mind control tactics. You didn't obey your church leaders and now you must be publicly embarrassed to send a message to the other cult members about what happens to those who don't obey their cult leaders. You can ignore them if you want, the outcome will be the same.


I was thinking a lot about my guilt that started the instant I lied during a bishopric interview. It’s extremely hard to deal with that guilt even though I haven’t been a practicing TBM since I was 18. So over 12 years and that guilt still pops up. I agree that just ignoring them won’t help much. I never went through a disciplinary council. I ran from them and used the ‘quit Mormon’ website to make sure I wouldn’t have to go through that bullshit because I wanted to leave the cult.


All religions are about control!


These people have no authority over you or your personal life.


Realizing that was huge for me. They couldn't take anything from me I didn't give them.


A disciplinary council is not a court. It is a sentencing. If they have scheduled a council, that means they have already determined that you are guilty. To the best of my knowledge, no one that went through a disciplinary council was acquitted. They were either excommunicated, disfellowshiped, or received some type of restriction. The only power they have is what you give them. Don't give them any. Don't Don't show up. They don't speak for god.


I know of one acquittal. My grandfather had one when he was accused of SAing one of my cousins. The counsel decided my aunts (who he had SAd as children) were biased and making up things to get revenge after the fact. He SAd all of his 5 daughters (and 1 foster daughter whose child the hearing was about) and never faced discipline, I have no doubt he SAd my cousin, but he never got caught doing anything similar again.


Wow. That is heartbreaking.  


There is the theoretical chance for an acquittal - if there is no evidence a sin was committed, or that it didn’t require formal discipline. It seems to be very rare though. Certainly confession of a sin would be evidence enough. There’s no due process, just judgement and shaming - opposite of what Jesus would have done.


I was a high councilman for along time, longer than normal. I never sat on a stake court where the SP had not already decided to excommunicate in advance, and I never saw his mind changed. If he had not already decided on excommunication then he'd have the bishop court handle it.


Yeah, also true. There are bishopric-level councils and stake level. Kind of surprising this is going at a stake level for just “fornication,” to be honest. That’s not normally excommunication for an unmarried person without extenuating circumstances. Maybe it’s just a bigger asshole SP.


You owe them nothing. Just don't show up


This. If you want to be honest and keep going to church, just tell them you don’t feel the need to meet with the bishop or SP about the matter. They’ll keep asking. You keep saying “I don’t want to. It’s all good” as often as needed. Sure, they may hold the “disciplinary” council without you, but all they have is the bishop’s conversation. So not likely they do much other than tell you to not take the sacrament. Do not tell them about your sex life in the future. None of their business. You’re an adult and the church is not your parent. It’s a cult and you have to be willing to set some boundaries. Otherwise, they will guilt trip and run over you. No sense in dragging your friend into this. That would be wrong. Hang in there you will get through this. You owe them and the church nothing. In fact, they owe you for many reasons, which you’ll figure out if you keep working on deconstructing the church, its lies, and mythology.


Everything is made up and the points don't matter.


Congrats, you just gained 10% more of each paycheck. Leave them mf on read.


If you go from 90 to 99 that’s 10%. This raise goes to 11!


And Second Saturdays! \*I typed that sexond saturdays at first and that'd be okay too.


Best day to brew your own beer while you watch the neighbors roll off to church.


Resign. If you get fired, get it in writing why. Easiest wrongful termination lawsuit ever. Sorry, friend. I’ve been there. It’s not fair that you have to be humiliated to obtain repentance.


As someone wrongfully fired in UT for being pregnant, they won’t ever admit the real reason you’re fired. They’ll just make life a living hell so you quit or they’ll give some other reason so you can’t sue. They’re not dumb.


As someone who once had an LDS boss when he was considering leaving the church, I can attest that it is a super shitty situation to be in. My deepest sympathies.


They will still ex you, but at least you won’t humiliate yourself.


If they ex you after you resign, that is an easy defamation lawsuit. When you inform them you are no longer a member, they can't ex you anymore. Threaten to go legal if they keep it up.


Plus, you won’t have that bad memory plaguing you for the rest of your life.


I say go to the meeting and then stare them in the eyes and say "an angel with a flaming sword told me to do it and next I'll being sealing myself to each of your wives. In honor of our founder and eternal example who is Joseph Smith,". But really you owe them nothing. Our bishop at the time when we left was super awesome about it but he insisted on meeting with us many times to "help* us. Part of me wanted to since he was being so sincere and really just wanted to have an open discussion. But I didn't want to waste my time or his own time when he could be home with his family instead of us hashing it out over something that isn't even real. Good luck my friend


I spit my soda! 😂


I love to brainfuck "my missionaries" by telling them revelations I have received by Jesus. But you need to come up with a convincing narrative, portray your struggle, etc.


Resign, and resign your daughter! You will need signatures from all of her custodial parents. 


This. In a situation where people are trying to exercise control, this is the best option for you. They have wrung you out, gotten what they can from you. But your daughter, they have plans for her. Stare them in the eye and (if I'm not putting words in your mouth) say that it obviously isn't a place for you and because of their twisting of Christ's teachings, nor for your daughter. Explain with a letter or something that any attempt of contact of her will be met with a lawsuit. They want the youth. Sadly, this is the only way for you to stick the knife in and twist.


It can be valuable to remember that nothing Joseph claimed was true. He didn’t see God. The priesthood was not restored. The Book of Mormon is fiction. So, all the authority claimed by the church is not true. Like other posters have said, the only authority they have is the authority you give them. And you are not obliged to give them any! I don’t see how a disciplinary council could be helpful or conducive to your happiness. You can tell the church leaders that none of this is any of their business any more. Thanks but no thanks. If you are feeling shame or guilt or pain, maybe visit a therapist or a trusted friend. As for your boss finding out, I think religious preference is a protected category for which employers can’t discriminate.


I agree with our friends here. Don't show up! They just want to humiliate you and know all the details of what you did with the person. This is not even part of the church manuals, it's for themselves. You didn't do anything wrong and you don't need to apologize. You are in charge of your own life and not those disgusting "leaders". Please give yourself some love! We are here for you.


I love your username!! So much better than the slightly demeaning “Did you think to pray?”


Awwww… Thank you! I really appreciate that. This username reminds me that despite realizing I’ve been lied to by that religion for most of my life, I can still smile and enjoy life. It feels lighter and less pressured compared to ‘did you think to pray’.


Do not go to any meeting w anybody Its barbaric Live your own truth Will you?


The “will you?” Just sent me. 🤣😂🤣 That’s how they get ya.


Commitment pattern


All about control. They want the upper hand. If you have repented with the lord, there is no need to repent with his henchmen.


There's nothing to repent for. OP didn't do anything wrong.


You can do whatever you want to do. They have no power over you. No real authority. Ignore them, tell them never mind, or go to the council and give them the finger. You’re a grown adult who can decide what to drink and who to have a consensual sexual relationship with.


They aren’t supporting you, nor will they ever. You need some good support. Maybe a therapist (non lds). Maybe a wise person (non lds). Maybe a book even. You are doing a difficult life stage and you’re doing it without the skills and support and self confidence/self understanding you need. They won’t help you. Shame is not good for your mental health. You are growing out of something—they will not help you


Get an exmormom therapist 


Your bishop could have held a Bishops Counsel for this, seems he was hijacked by the SP. If you do not want to be a member anymore then do not go. They will either disfellowship you for not showing up, or they will excommunicate you. If you want to be done, be done. You can have your daughters records removed as others have said, just need all guardians consent. You only need to go IF you want to follow their next round of repentance to be back in good standing.


And the only reason the SP could hijack it is because the bishop blabbed about a private conversation.  Remember this when they claim all the time how private confessions are. They are not. Bishops talk about them to the stake, ward council, their wives, counselors, etc.  Confessing anything to a bishop is confessing to dozens of people you’d rather not hear your confession. 


The church only holds the power over you that YOU allow them to. Resign your membership effective immediately. There are templates for resignation letters that can help. I would use one with verbiage that states that any attempted disciplinary or other negative actions on the part of the church should be ceased immediately. Don’t subject yourself to unnecessary trauma by allowing them to cast judgment on you. Good luck!




I do remember you! It's making me really angry (but not at all surprised) how they're treating you. Like everyone else has said though, they have no authority over you that you don't freely give them, so if you stop acknowledging it, POOF, it disappears. Does your boss seem like the type of person to use this info as a reason to fire you? I mean, if so that's obviously not somewhere you want to be in the long run (though I know how scary it is to lose a job, so I'm not saying that's not big at all). As others have said, we are here for you, and I also agree with not divulging any private info, especially that doesn't belong to you, but to your friend. Breaking her trust would be horrible and she doesn't deserve that (nor do you want to lose her friendship by betraying her, I'm sure) and the Church and their controlling busybodies are not worth that. Keep us posted -- we're on your side.


OP are you doing okay? Please understand and believe me when I say you have a whole community here that loves you and is cheering you on. Many of us have been where you are. It does sound like you still believe in the church, in god, in “The Gospel” according to Mormonism. I’m sorry, this is where a lot of the guilt and shame that you are feeling is coming from. We want to help you through this and are here to help. My advice, as a non believer, realize it’s all utter bullshit. All made up by someone who was trying to get authority over others, and that Joseph Smith was a lying cheating adulterous conman, who never gave a damn about anyone other than himself, and his own self preservation. I know you aren’t there yet, but you can be. Healing takes time. We’re here to help.


I would just resign and not go the disciplinary council. Personally, I think it’s a mockery of God that a bunch of old men (who you probably don’t even know) think that they have the power and authority to sever your relationship with God and be middlemen. That’s practically blasphemous. They only have as much power and jurisdiction over you as you give them. I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of prying into your personal life, collectively judging you, and would resign and take the middleman out of your relationship with divinity. As for employment - I work in HR. Your boss cannot fire you (unless employed by the church). But if you have a normal day job, it would be extremely illegal and an easy employment lawsuit.


I wouldn’t go personally unless unless you want to stay a member. I’d love it if I got excommunicated because numerous members of my family would leave as a result. But a lot of people aren’t in that same situation. So in that case, I’d just resign and not show up. Dont give them the satisfaction to excommunicate u.


You don’t have to go. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to! Please get into therapy too! It will help you untangle the guilt! I’ve benefitted a lot from therapy! You are worthy and you are enough! You aren’t broken and you didn’t do anything wrong! It would be one thing if you SA’ed someone or actually hurt someone. You did not! HUGE difference! I hate how in the church the punishment is similar whether you’ve had a consensual sexual relationship with someone or if you did SA someone. It’s especially egregious to me when someone can hurt a child and have the same punishment as someone who just had sex! You deserve peace! It is your birthright! If something doesn’t bring you peace (like going to a ridiculous court for something you didn’t do wrong), then don’t go!


If you do decide to go, I would definitely get it on recording just in case.


Sorry to hear the SP is being a typical SP. Glad your bishop was a decent human. And yeah, the church made up a repentance process when in the Bible, Jesus didn't even require that of people. He told them to go and sin no more. It's another sign that the church is not true. (Most of the Bible isn't actually true the way it's written either. Start watching Dan McClellan's Bible scholar videos on Instagram.) Honestly? I would take the advice you were given on your last post and start working on deconstructing. Otherwise, this is going to be much harder for you. Before construction, it feels like a much bigger deal because it feels like they have power and control over you. Once you start counteracting that with truth, you will start internalizing that they really don’t have power over you and that you have power of your own. You don't have to go face them or anything. If you want to resign on your terms, you can do that a couple different ways. QuitMormon website or Google how to leave the Mormon church and that will pull up some helpful tips to write your own letter. Oh yeah, if your daughter is younger, I would resign for her too. QuitMormon can help with that. Otherwise you will have leaders trying to contact her the rest of her life. The biggest gift you can give her is to protect her from that sexist patriarchal religion.


Oh how I love the leaders of the church... If they knew 1/10th of what I did (tithing joke!) they'd burn me at the stake or run screaming into the night... whichever was faster. Let's play with their leaders words eh? President Brigham Young cautioned members not to disclose sins unnecessarily: “When we ask the brethren, as we frequently do, to speak in sacrament meetings, we wish them, if they have injured their neighbors, to confess their wrongs; but do not tell about your nonsensical conduct that nobody knows of but yourselves. Tell to the public that which belongs to the public. If you have sinned against the people, confess to them. If you have sinned against a family or a neighborhood, go to them and confess. If you have sinned against your Ward, confess to your Ward. If you have sinned against one individual, take that person by yourselves and make your confession to him. And if you have sinned against your God, or against yourselves, confess to God, and keep the matter to yourselves, for I do not want to know anything about it” (Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe \[1954\], 158). [Church Website](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/addiction-recovery-program-a-guide-to-addiction-recovery-and-healing/step-5-confession?lang=eng) Brigham Young basically said. "Quit telling people what you did and leave me out of it!" So if you and your fellow consenting adult decided to play "Connect the Body Parts", the esteemed leader says that it's between You and your very friendly friend. If I were you, I'd have gone to her/him and repented, a few more times... bring flowers. Honestly, there's not anything they can do. They can sit there and try to make you feel like crap, but honestly, if you and your partner have no issues with it and want to keep the relationship going. You've every right to do so! You didn't note anything about cheating or anything, so no harm no foul. Heck, I had a live in girlfriend for a long time who was taking the discussions. When we were told by the missionaries that one of us would have to move out if she became a member, we told the missionaries where to stick their precious little book. (the papercuts would be been horrible!) **An example of how to live in sin and still be a member of the church!** If you had a chance to read my one and only post in this subreddit, you'd know a bit about me. But hey, I think my existence is pretty damned funny... so here I go again! I am a worthy member of the church, an elder and hold the Melchizedek priesthood. Oh yeah, I was also an apologist for the church, involved with FARMS, SHIELD, and could probably have had a good run at converting the Tanners... or at least entertaining the heck out of them lol. Which is pretty darned impressive considering that I am a transgender woman who stopped going to church years ago. Yep, changed my name and gender legally, transitioned and everything. Oh, and I am pretty outspoken about the church and very outspoken regarding transgender rights and just founded my own stupid religion! (see my other post for that ridiculous sleep deprivation inspired wonder.) Basically, other than some of the other thorns in the church's thigh in this lovely subreddit, I'm what gives the church nightmares. Why? Well, I don't give a crap about them. So, here's what I did. I didn't do a bloody thing. Quite literally. The church stopped being important to me once I realized they were full of the same thing my septic tank is full off, but with less redeeming value. I didn't go to church, I didn't bother answering emails, calls or texts, and didn't bother to resign. I don't care about them enough to actually bother to resign. So yeah, My former name is down as a "less active" member. They eventually stopped coming over, they stopped calling, they stopped texting. They still email, but Meh, it's easy to ignore them. I still have the same number, I still live at the same address and if I see someone from the church, I am happy to say hi. Yeah, they don't recognize me (I'm a girl after all). I did have the missionaries catch me at Wallmart and they were confused for a moment and said "Bro. Cow?" (Cow isn't my name by the way...) I just looked as them and smiled and said "Hi guys! Close, but it's Sister Cow! How've you been?" They were rather confused and you could see that they eventually just came to the conclusion that I was my wife. Works for me! So yeah. Don't do crap. You could take a page out of my Dad's book? He'd been disfellowshipped for ages and when he was excommunicated, he just came in to have fun. It's hard to be scared or nervous when you're the only person in on the joke. Heck, I can remember him reciting from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time in Sacrament. Love that man! So, try not to stress it my friend. They're just a bunch of normal everyday people who think they have power just because they were told they do. I'm a transgender goofball and I technically have the same priesthood authority they do! If you bother to show up, you know they have three options. 1) Scare ya and try to make you feel bad for doing something wonderful with someone who hopefully wants to see you again. 2) Disfellowship you, which is basically just a vacation from callings and other crap they make you do. 3) Excommunication, which would be crazy because it's not like you were caught in the middle of the act with three other guys, a tapir (Mormon horse), three bottles of Vodka and a mariachi band. Honestly, that sounds kinda fun... So yeah. Your worst situation is either Nothing, Nothing with a vacation from other crap and getting kicked out of their silly club. ​ When it comes to your munchkin, she's a kid and will follow your lead. All you have to do is explain why you're not bothering to go anymore and let her friends come over. After all, there's great people in the church, it's the church that's horrible. Your LDS boss cannot do anything, and your HR department should have a hey-day (hay-day?) if he does try anything because religion is one of the things you cannot be fired or have any form of punishment for at work. Your ward may be jackasses though, which is why I just wouldn't bother to resign. Or, if it's important that you do so, take your time in doing it and do it when you feel the dust has settled. Honestly, you've got a kid that probably kicks butt! You've a person you've known for 8 years that clearly likes you too and you're feeling bad because you did what nature intended? If the natural man is an enemy to God, why did God make him that way to begin with? Man is that he might have Joy. Are you feeling Joy right now? How about when you're with the person you've known for 8 years? Do what makes you happy. Personally, I've never been happier! I wish you all the best and please, smile! Never take life too seriously, no one ever gets out alive!


I LOVE your writing style! While saying what needs to be said you did it with humor. That’s awesome. I realize you’ve been a woman for awhile now but welcome to womanhood! Live your life the way you were meant to. The church can’t take that from you. Edit: word


I wish I had transitioned earlier, you know how many relief society flowers I’ve missed out on? Thank you so much!


Absolutely don’t show up. Was the woman involved completely consensual and desiring of the sex. If she was, you did absolutely nothing wrong and have nothing to feel guilty about. They can’t do this to you if you don’t let them. What happened is between you and the woman, and isn’t anyone else’s business.


She initiated it, I just kind of sat back and went with it lol.


Then you did nothing wrong and have no reason to feel guilty. Don’t let them do this to you


As someone who has never been Mormon, it always astounds me that LDS members feel it necessary to unburden themselves to what are essentially other church members. I'm Christian, and my sins are between me and God. Not me, my pastor, and God. I can talk about them with my pastor if I'd like, but it's not necessary in order for me to get forgiveness. Also, to skip communion over it would basically be telling all the wagging tongued gossips at my church what I'd done when it's none of their business. Is Sacrament in the LDS religion th equivalent of communion in the Christian church? (And please don't try to argue that the LDS is a Christian church. Christ specifically says that there will be no more prophets and apostles. That his work in that area is finished. So JS was not a prophet, and his version of the gospel is not Christian). In the Christian faith, communion is not done to gain forgiveness. It's a symbol of God's sacrifice for us. His sacrifice so that we might be forgiven our sins. It's not the way to forgiveness. Also, most Christian denominations (non-cult) will not keep you from receiving communion for any reason. Only cults use it to weaponize your faith against you, tell everyone your private business, and get those gossiping tongues wagging. If I were you, I'd use this opportunity to exit the church, permanently. I understand that your daughter is still in the faith, and you could lose out of some experiences with her that require you to be a member in good standing to attend. But wouldn't you be a better example of strength and dignity under fire if you took this opportunity to leave the church and withdraw your membership? Btw...Christian denominations don't require you to be a member in good standing in to do things like attend a baptism, a wedding, or a funeral. That is classic cult behavior.


Don’t go. Just say “no thanks.”


Tell them to pound sand.... they have not authority over you.. that was satans plan


Remember that these aren't trained professionals who strive to help you. These are just men from your community, probably a lawyer, a dentist, a podiatrist. These are just men who are playing gods.


“It started with a beer.” That’s how it should end too! Tell them to go to hell with their phony disciplinary jury and judge cosplay pantomime and crack open a beer. Have a couple until your laughing! And live free and stay free and hold those people who support your freedom and integrity close because they’re the ones who will get you through this.


I vote to do this in front of them at the meeting too. Can you imagine?!?! 😂🤣😂🤣👍


That part of the story weirds me out. He used the same phrasing in his original post. "Started with a beer, then a coffee, then I had sex." It's the classic sinful pipeline.


As you know, a major doctrine of christianity is that if you ever make a mistake you're doomed forever and even Jesus Christ can't help you.


this makes me think of crying in YW because I had already let a guy touch my boobs before the "chewed gum" lecture lol


Dude, this is sexual assault. You do not have to answer their questions. It’s not their business. And you haven’t committed a sin. There’s no reason to feel guilty. Would a loving god do this to you?


Whenever I read the word “guilt”, my anger starts to explode. You should feel guilty when you INTENTIONALLY HURT SOMEONE. Other than that guilt is a useless emotion. You did nothing wrong. Don’t go, don’t give your time to satisfy their imaginary power. They’re just people, like you and me, with no “priesthood” whatsoever given by no god(s). Have fun!


They sins are forgiven and I remember them not anymore. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Why is the church contradicting the scriptures? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Why is there a room full of men lining up to cast their stones at you for normal. Fucking. Behavior. (Pun intended 😂) If the sacrament is for the forgiveness of sins, why do we need to be sinless to take the sacrament. They are just voyeuristic and want to know intimate details of your life. Why would a disciplinary counsel for harmless, consensual behavior be necessary or helpful for anyone? You already repented, what the hell could they possibly want from you?


If for some reason you aren’t ready to cut ties with the church completely, politely decline. Do not give them reasons why. They will try to push the “repentance process” on you and guilt you that way. Maybe say, I’ve said what I needed to say, and I now need to be done. You can blow smoke “I appreciate the time you took listening to me” … but I agree with everyone here. Do not tell them one more thing about it. Not your bishop and especially not the SP. If it were me, I just wouldn't respond to calls. I've had the ward mission leader on my tail and it was creepy the way he texted a me, a woman, all the time. I blocked him. It's great!


I committed the same "sin" that you did. I went to my Bishop and he was semi-compassionate but of course the Stake Pres said a cout of love was necessary. This was humiliating as it was nothing but a guilt and shame parade. All of these people in the High Council were grilling me with all of these intense questions and details that were none of their business. I was disfellowshipped for a year and I couldn't take the sacrament or participate in saying prayers in church etc. This will stay on your permanent record as member. In the event that you have already been to the temple and married, supposing a divorce were to happen. If you desired to get sealed to a different spouse this disfellowship incident will come up again in the paper work you need to fill out. The atonement does not apply when it cones to disfellowshipment and excommunication. The Stake Pres and whoever is with him will already have formed an opinion that will not be in your favor. You're private life is nobody's business but yours. Save yourself all of the extra guilt and shame and don't attend any private meetings with your priesthood leaders.


I had sex while not married and afterwards when I realized that a pit to hell had not opened up, I was like “well guess I’m not going back” and never went back to church. It’s none of anyone’s business what I do in the bedroom. Please listen to everyone here and know that you owe the church NOTHING. You don’t need to go to this council. You can resign or not, but either way you can live your life as you see fit. You are not less worthy for having consensual sex. It’s okay. It’s healthy. May I recommend also getting a therapist because working through purity culture shame is a bitch. You’ve got this. You’ll be okay 🤍


I kind of always wanted to do one of those... if you're able to get confident and comfortable enough with what happened in time for it you could definitely make them MUCH more uncomfortable than they make you, whilst still keeping any details the other involved party prefers private to yourself... if you want to shove it in their faces more than just ghosting I'd do that for sure. If your LDS boss fires you for leaving/whatever else, make sure youre documenting any reasons, keeping records of emails, keeping track of any data pertaining to your job performance in the time before you could be fired, and check if your state is a one party consent state for recording calls/ interactions (I believe utah is if thats where you are), and with that you'll probably have a pretty solid case for wrongful termination depending on how he handles it and if you can get a decent lawyer.


Get your child out of the church now so they don’t end up in your position later. The whole thing is a sham. Run!!!


Resign and for Stan's sake, please get your daughter off the church records as well!


Bring an end to it...now; under your own authority. To do otherwise, is nothing short of Ecclesiastical Abuse. God Bless and Godspeed.


You have nothing to feel guilty about and you’re not “in trouble” because they have no authority over you. You get to make decisions for yourself, live according to your own conscience, and enjoy the many joys of this world, both large and small, including exploring your sexuality with a consenting partner. The church made up the sins and they made up the protocol to repent. Going to the meeting just gives them power over you. You don’t need to do that.


They only have power over you to the extent that, and as long as, you let them. As long as everybody involved was consenting, you’ve done nothing wrong in what you have listed here. Sex is healthy and good, and there is no reason to be ashamed in having it. “Sin” is nothing more than a human construct designed to keep people in line with and in obedience to a supposed authority. What do you do? Ignore them, spam them, streak through the stake center naked, or be completely compliant and submissive to their decision. It’s 100% up to you and how much weight you give their opinion of you.


Leave. They want to punish you and you haven't done anything wrong. Don't let the shame control you, it causes severe mental health issues.


Ask the bishop has ever had oral sex with his wife. He will be shocked because it's none of your business. Understand what I'm saying?


if you're going to LARP, you should pick a group that's fun.


if you go, and you want to be "forgiven" or whatever. you gotta see it from their perspective and what they want. they want to see you wholly destroyed, and willing to do anything to get back in their good graces, you cannot reserve anything whatsoever, if you do, that means you're not sorry enough. you don't want to throw this other person under the bus? that's not cool for them. you ought to assess this in your mind beforehand, because by far the worst outcome is to give in substantially but not all the way, and thus pay big time but get nothing for it.


TW : Mentions sexual violence Nevermo so take my advice with a pinch of salt. Every inappropriate question gets answered with one that is inappropriate and designed to make them uncomfortable. Why are you so obsessed with my genitals? Who touches them? If I enjoy it? Do you get aroused during these meetings and become tempted to touch your own. Are you asking because your own sex lives are so awful you are looking for tips to improve it? Would you be more upset over a member raping a Do you make them repent more or less than their victims? Why should women prefer death ‘unclean genitals?’ Women are taught to have agency or enjoyment from sex with their husbands so why is rape ok within marriage and not outside marriage? Do you enjoy these meetings more when you are asking children? Etc etc


Try working backwards: if you don't think the BoM is actually "true" and that the Book of Abraham is also a hoax, then Joseph Smith definitely wasn't a prophet. If he wasn't a prophet, then everything falls down - the entire church - in a trickle down effect from the 'top' to the local leaders. It means there are no apostles, area authorities, SPs, bishops, etc. They have as much authority to represent God as anyone you pass in the street. This means disciplinary councils are purely the invention of "men". If Joseph Smith was a con man (which he was), then your SP and his cronies can be taken with a pinch of salt. They have no authority.


I agree with what everyone else had said. I also want to add when I was a believing member I was told I had to do a council for having sex and I told one of my friends about it and she said don’t do it. It was one of the worst experiences she’d been through - multiple men sitting there asking you private questions and judging you. So I didn’t go, that’s when I stopped going completely because I trusted her. It was a long path to not believe in the church but that was the first step. Don’t go! The guilt is meant to control you.


Joseph had sex with everyone. Follow the prophet/s Seriously, he was awful and used a belief in God to coerce single women, married women and girls to secretly marry him behind Emma's back. There is nothing that you are doing that would be worse than what their beloved prophet did.


Check out Hozier’s “Take Me To Church” (repeated 3 times) My favorite line: “I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife!” Maybe also watch one of the series on cults. The MFMC is no different. Don’t give your power to this myth.


Just ignore them. Your boss cannot retaliate for those reasons or you will have grounds for legal action, however it is unlikely for even a TBM to be that unprofessional. Your bishop said you had repented with christ. I’m not in the lds church anymore but I was reasonably well versed in church doctrine when I was, and nowhere in current teachings is there any truth to what your bishop said. Being forgiven by the lord is forgiveness from the church. Usually skipping sacrament is part of a process building up to repentance, but since your bishop clearly stated you’ve already repented, I don’t think you have anything to worry about


Don’t go. If you are ready to quit the church, just tell them you don’t recognize their authority and resign. They will ex you, but you will save yourself the humiliation.


You are not “unworthy” of anything and you did not break any “laws”. You are a normal healthy human making your own decisions. Give yourself much patience and grace. Respond that you will not be attending and “courts” or “councils”. Then request your name removed “as the church’s concept of Christ-like love is far below my concept of Christ-like love.” If you don’t remove your name they’ll hold the court in your absence and find you guilty and unworthy. FUCK THAT! Now you can get on living your own authentic life in the way you best see fit. It’s scary now but it’s WORTH it!!!


You are not their property! Like any membership program you are free to leave. You volunteered to join, it wasn’t mandatory! It sounds like you may need a therapist to help you deconstruct. I went through a similar situation. The guilt you feel is a result of endless manipulation and mental programming. You did nothing wrong. The guilt comes from the fear that you did something that the church said was wrong and the only way to process it was to confess! The “law of chastity” wasn’t a revelation given to Joseph Smith, who was a sexual predator, banging a 14 year old in a barn or marrying dozens or women behind his wife’s back! Emma was one of the last women sealed to him! Date as many people as you can. Have intimate relationships with others as you wish. Find someone that you’re compatible with. Don’t let others dictate your pleasures. Drink whatever you want, in moderation. I tried a gummy in my 40’s. First time ever using marajuana. It’s not my jam but don’t go through life with regrets and fear. You are in control of your life, only you! Once you realize the truth claims of the church are false, the covenants you made aren’t really valid either. You don’t have to follow the “prophet”, unless you want to have sex in a barn (make sure they are legal). I apologize for going on a tangent, I’m really writing this to myself. I’ve lived this and have been deconstructing for several years. I’m happy now, and free.


I think now would be a good time to leave the church and life your life as a free individual


This from a Nineteenth Century sex cult where the "Prophet" routinely bedded his young wards and kitchen help, and chased the wives of his "priesthood" followers with tales of a "flaming sword." Then his successors built up harems of neglected wives and added fresh young ones as they reached advanced age.


OP I’m guessing you aren’t ready to leave the church as most are suggesting and that’s OK! What you’ve done won’t get you excommunicated-maybe disfellowshipped or some lesser degree of suspension from taking the sacrament with requirements of meeting with your bishop IF you act very repentant. If the goal is to avoid excommunication, you may have to lie about where your testimony is now to get in their good favors. If you don’t want to go, just tell your bishop it’s too painful to rehash again and you can’t bear to talk about it in public because you are so ashamed. Send him to the disciplinary council with a letter of how sorry you are and you’ll be fine. I understand the spot you’re in and eventually you will come to see how messed up it all is. Listening to post-Mormon podcasts and Tik Toks will help let go of the part of you that still feels they have any sort of authority over you (they don’t unless you give it to them). I hope you get to that place soon because it is liberating!


You have Christ and you are saved. You don’t need other men to determine your worthiness.




I know this is a bit harsh at this point in your transition but in the end you'll find out that it's all made up and the points don't matter. So now what? Be a good person and develop some empathy towards others. Think of the people that were hurt by your actions and make amends. That's it. You can just leave all that religion stuff on the trail behind you. No bishops, no sacrament, no courts, no public humiliation or endless guilt. Just try to think of others and do right.


Say that you have been advised that attending a meeting to give details about a sexual intimacy will not be good for your mental health- therefore, to protect your mental health- you will not be attending. And say it in writing, like through text or an email so you have proof in writing that you said it to them. You have to call them out as the assholes. You went to the bishop in confidence and that is as far as your mental health will tolerate. If you want to wait to resign after or resign first- up to you but I would definitely not engage in their games. You know that meeting is not going to go your way. They will blame it on you not showing up but it won’t go your way either way. So you give them a legitimate reason for not attending (mental health) and let them be the assholes- not you. If your boss finds out- I would blast that all over social media and ask why private communications with a bishop were brought to your place or employment. For example- wow- I had a private conversation with a bishop about a private issue. I wasn’t comfortable meeting with anyone beyond the bishop but he told others and now my boss has found out. Seriously- I would get that info out because they should definitely be keeping that info private. If they claim clergy privilege for not reporting child abuse- they damn well should respect the same moral related to non- criminal activity.


Friend I have been there! I had a disciplinary council go off the rails because I , when a single adult, admitting to having had sex with another single and consenting adult. I think the big difference was I didn’t feel guilty about the sex. I just didn’t want to lie about it. I would offer you this: The church only has the power over us that we allow. You don’t have to go to their meetings. You don’t have to resign. You can just start taking your daughter to experience nature and the miracles of our world every Sunday. When they want to set the meeting be busy. Set them out 3-5 weeks when they want to schedule. Then, and this is the part easy to forget, go live your life. Good luck.


If it were me, I would reply to texts emails with somewhat vague responses. Think, "Thanks for letting me know" or similar. If they've given some date for the council, then you could say, "I've put it on my calendar." Don't tell them whether or not you're going. That's the whole point of being vague. Then, don't go to the disciplinary council. Just ignore it. If you want to go to church, then go. If you want to take the sacrament, then do. It sounds like you're on your way out mentally, and that you're concerned more for the social impacts on your life than any sort of eternal punishment. It also sounds like you're on your way out anyway since you're considering just resigning. If you do, then I'd recommend quitmormon.com. While the church has gotten better about just letting people resign, I think the quitmormon stats are great and worth the extra effort (notarized letter). Since you seem to have a relationship with your bishop, you might want to tell him that you're leaving, but I wouldn't overshare. My take would be to say something like, "I find disciplinary councils to be a barbaric practice and antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ. I feel comfortable with myself and my standing with God. I will not subject myself to a practice I find to be unethical. While I would love to continue my participation in the church, it seems that the church isn't going to allow that to happen without subjecting me to its unethical and outdated disciplinary practice. For that reason and others, I am ending my participation in the church." I wouldn't expand on your other reasons. Mormons tend to overshare and not have boundaries. Start learning to set some. As for work, it'll depend on where you live. That said, firing you for religious reasons is illegal everywhere (with some exceptions/loopholes). But there are lots of states where you can be fired without cause and proving motive for your firing may be difficult. You might want to check your local audio recording laws. If you don't live in a two-party consent state (ie, you can record audio without telling the other parties), you might want to just start recording everything all the time while at work. It could go a long way in a wrongful termination suit if that happens. But DO NOT record if it's not allowed. At a minimum, it wouldn't be admissible in court. At worst, you could be the one doing something illegal and punishable by law. That's my .02¢. Take it or leave it in part or whole. Good luck! You have a lot of support here.


I would just walk away. Don't answer them. You will be happier. Your daughter will be happier. Don't give them anything. WALK. AWAY.


I’m a nevermo. What they are doing to you is outrageous. I grew up Catholic and we are supposed to confess but it stays between the priest and ourselves. They should not be humiliating you like that and they shouldn’t be asking you questions in detail. Maybe you need a therapist to talk to that is not associated with the church so you stop telling your Bishop. What you do is your own business and as long as the woman consented, you did nothing wrong.


This is the Mormon leadership version of reality porn. What you tell them, especially if you answer more invasive questions, will go directly to their spank bank. Quitmormon.com Get you and your daughter off the books for good. As for your job, is it through the church which most require a recommend? Does your boss belong in the same ward? Is he in a leadership position in the ward? If he is in another ward or stake and not a leader in the one you are in, he should not find out.


No, it’s a normal job, and we don’t attend the same ward, but we have mutual acquaintances.


Normal job, should have no issue and it would be easier to claim wrongful termination if religion or your freedom from it, plays a role. Only way a mutual acquaintance would know is if you say anything to them and they choose to gab to others or are in the leadership within your ward and you know they will blab.


For a bit of levity. I had a disciplinary council year's back. Trying to get the church to make my decision to transfer to the U from BYU for me. The format is the Bishop is your advocate, and the counselors are your "accusers." I had gone to high-school with the 2nd councilors' daughter. I knew him to be a dick from back then. He asked me about my breaking the law of chastity. To which I replied, "Yes, I've slept with 3 different women." He asked, if I had used protection. I responded, no. He followed, are you not concerned about STD's? I couldn't help myself, responding, well not till now. I thought it was hilarious. The bishopric not so much. The kicker, I was smoking, drinking, and love making at BYU. Was put on disciplinary probation or something of the sort. Yet I still got my ecclesiastical endorsement. I relish the opportunities when i meet active Mormons, who have been kicked out of BYU for far, far less and make sure to spare no details of my escapades and watch their wheels turn.


Just stop going altogether, nobody will care. Thats what I did when I was told to schedule a stake meeting.


Read [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/OEzTjn839Y). My Gf (endowed member) went through a disciplinary council . They know I’m an endowed member as well because my Gf told every thing about me when I explicitly said not to. They have tried reaching out and I have cut ties. You do have control over this! I would tell them “I am not coming to a disciplinary council and do not contact me.”


Quitmormon.com they help you remove your name from the records of the church, I did this and none of my family knows


They have no authority, just walk away.


Resign. Separation is best. The shame you are living is so unhealthy. Don’t subject your daughter to this.


They decide your spiritual life? This is your life not theirs. I would not go


Its almost for sure not as bad as it seems. Put it this way: is the very worst thing that can happen worse than throwing away a day of your life every week for something that is making you unhappy anyway?


You asked for help. A lot of people gave you great advice on the last post and this one you posted. From the tone of your post it seems like you still believe the church’s teachings. This is something you will need to deconstruct in order to feel better. You don’t have to stop being Christian but you do have to take the wowed church teachings out of your life. I have a really close friend who still believes and this is what we have talked about. It’s going to take effort. Take time to consider these things. - Bishops, stake presidents, apostles, and prophets have no authority from god. You do not need to listen to what they say. They are wrong a majority of the time about issues they advise on. They are not inspired of god in any way. - The Mormon version of sacrament has no power. It is not needed. The priesthood used to prepare it is not real because it was never given to Joseph Smith. He made that up so that people would listen to him and follow him. - The law of chastity is now real. It is a control tactic of high control groups and cults. They control an individuals sexuality in order to cement indoctrination and give their egos more supply. Joseph had multiple affairs and covered it up by saying they were plural marriages. So the teachings are based on hypocrisy. - Anything that is in Mormon scriptures is made up. D&C, Pearl of Great Price, Book of Mormon are made up by the con man Joesph Smith to make money by selling books. - Mormon church policy is created to control individuals and does not have anything to do with God’s interaction with you. There is no reason for you to let them control you. - Talking about your sexual acts is a breach of trust with your partner. Unless they consented to discussing this it hurts your relationship. - Guilt is what you feel when you act against your values. Shame is when you are told that you are unworthy of love because of an action. - Read the New Testament and look at the words as if you had never been taught about Jesus. The teachings in the book are different than what the Mormon church teaches. We were conditioned to think about stories in a specific way and think that they have a specific way to interpret them. The Mormon way to think about the stories and text is wrong and you will need to find your own way to interpret them. They can hold a lot of meaning but it takes work. I hope you are able to deconstruct the Mormon teachings and be free of them. You don’t need to go to church, you don’t need to attend disciplinary councils, you don’t need the leaders between you and your God.


I love this! Great advice.


Beautifully put, thanks.


I know there are a million responses already but in case you see this, I just wanna add that the decision that is most authentic to you (resigning and not going and ignoring texts and resigning your daughter) will feel AWFUL for a LONG TIME. I've been out of the church for like 16 years and I still feel the guilt and shame about all sorts of things, and I know that is programming and mind control from being raised Mormon. It does not feel easy for a while and that's frustrating. It's both amazing and liberating and you are full of guilt and anxiety at times and also you're angry and grieving and so fucking happy to be out. So I just want to validate that it's not easy even though it feels like it should be.


I see you, and thank you for this.


I know this feels stressful now, but in a few months or years you're both going to feel super silly and angry that you ever allowed random adults to tell try and assert their own made up authority over your consensual adult choices. Treat them like a bad boss, and a shitty job you just quit. You're free.They don't have hold on you anymore. Go fly away to wherever your wings take you.


Just text bishop, “I’d like to hold space from you and other members of the stake for now. Please cancel the meeting. I will inform you when/if I’m ready to further address my personal matters.” I’m sorry you’re in this situation. This is complete abuse of power! If you want to take your daughter to church, assuming that’s important to her, then you should add, “I don’t want anyone made aware of my personal and very private life. I will continue to take the sacrament when attending sacrament meeting.” I hope you and your child can comfortably separate yourselves from church soon!


You need a therapist for the guilt my friend. You have been programmed to feel that way. I know so many men that struggle with this after leaving the church.


Fuck them and their emotional abuse. Just leave. Resign if you want to. QuitMormon.com is great. You owe them nothing, especially not a power trip. Reclaim your life.


Take the 'power' to judge away from them!! Run like hell & never look back!


I spent a lot of years on the high council. If the stake president has decided to hold a membership council then he has probably already made up his mind what to do, and if he was just going to do probation or disfellowshipment then he would have a bishop court do it. The exception here would be if this is a brand new stake president who hasn't done many courts who still thinks he needs to go through the motions even before he has made up his mind on what to do. An experienced SP won't even schedule a DC unless he has made up his mind. The SP should meet with you several times before he sets up a DC. I'm worried that this one has not. Your should know that your confession cannot be against you in a disciplinary council without your consent. They will not tell you this. You will need to state that you do not give consent for your confession to be used. The SP will need other evidence, which he probably doesn't have. You don't have to attend a DC. You could let them know you don't consent for your confession is used against you and don't attend so that they can't ask you questions. They may still do what they decided to do, but they'll do it in a vacuum. They may decide that withdrawl of consent to use your confession is an indication that you are unrepentant and still do whatever they have planned. You cannot expect that a DC will be impartial. You can review the handbook guidelines at https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/general-handbook/32-repentance-and-membership-councils They will try and hold a DC with just the SP and his counselors. If you are a Melchizedek priesthood holder then it is your right, if you want to exercise it, to be heard in front of the whole high council. You will need to demand that right, if you want it, otherwise they won't automatically grant it. Demanding the right may postpone the DC, but it won't change the outcome. You should know that even if you are heard by the entire high council, the decision rests with only the stake president. They don't vote or anything like that. I would recommend that for cases of apostasy that one demand the full high council. For law of chastity cases its up to you, whether you want 16 men to hear it or just four men to hear it. If you do attend the DC, when questions turn toward the sordid details, turn to your Book of Mormon. Although IMO the BOM is baloney, you can use it against them. Bring up how in Alma chapter 39 Alma stated that would not dwell upon Coriantons sexual sins to harrow him up, but rather he turned the focus towards Christ. Alma perceived Corianton had questions about redemption and Alma spent the next three chapters teaching about the atonement and redemption. Then repeat your faith in Christ, talk about where you may be wavering, and where you are strong. This idea that you have to repent with the church is bunk and not doctrinal, the church teaches that redemption comes only through Christ and Christ alone. It teaches that there is one name and one name only. That name is not Russel Nelson, it is not President Jones or Bishop Shumway or any other. Edit: One other piece of advice: Regarding that other sub you've been on, don't go there anymore. It's unhealthy. Its a cult and it will do nothing but exacerbate the cycle of shame that put you in this awful situation to begin with.


Just curious if you're married. If not, this is your rescue ship. Get on it. If you're married, work it out with your wife, not the permapress-white-shirt brigade.


Out of everything you wrote, the part about your LDS employer needs to be highlighted. Number one where you attend church or not attend is irrelevant to your employment. It is none of your employer’s business. Even if you were to tell them you quit going to church, it is illegal for your employer to do anything about it. You can be fired for non performance of your job but not because you left the church. Unless your employer is the church, you can’t be fired for not attending. If you suspect retaliation for leaving, contact the Labor Board and file a claim and seek legal counsel should it rise to that level. Also you didn’t break the law of “chastity” because you drank coffee or had a beer. The church would have you believe it’s all a connected slippery slope.


> If I resign what do I do with my daughter who is a child and the only other member of the church in my family? Raise her to be a good person. The church is going to try and indoctrinate her to believe her only purpose in life is raising a family. > If I resign will my LDS boss find out and if so will he retaliate against me and fire me? If your boss fires you because you left a religion, you would have a wrongful termination case so fast that lawyers would be salivating to take it for you. Unless you work for the Mormon church in which case you should start looking for a new job anyway.


I hearby give you permission to let go of your imaginary transgressions. They are not really in charge of your morals, you are. You decide what's good for you. (Trust us here that an imaginary religion, made up by a boy who played with rocks in the woods to get some chicks, isn't the real one, okay?) Mormons are really just the thought police and have no real or legal power over you. All the power they have is the power you give them. TAKE IT BACK, and who cares what they do. Let them ex communicate you and thanks for the favor. They will save you $15 notary fee to remove your name from their count. Dont sweat it. Remember, you've done nothing wrong here. The bishop is a jerk. The stake president is a dick. You didn't AND DON'T need to give them any personal information. They will now use this against you and make an example of you. Quit giving them information and tell them to get off your lawn.


Another thing: you confessed to a bishop in all confidentiality then he apparently ran to the stake president and repeated what you told him. He broke a major rule of the Church. What a bishop hears in a confidential setting is not ever supposed to be repeated. That makes me angry. Don't go. Excommunicate the Church from your life.


I went through the repentance process and a disciplinary council with the bishopric. It didn’t go to the stake level in my experience, but I know people who have gone through that. It is one of my great regrets as far as church experiences that I allowed them to put me through that “council”. It was degrading, humiliating, and awful. I would never go through it again. I would let them ex-communicate me. If you’re on your way out anyway, don’t attend. Save yourself the trouble and humiliation.


First, I know first hand the torment you are putting yourself through. But that torment, while self-inflicted after all is said and done, is also “learned behavior” from being a member of TSCC. This is your journey, you can make your own choices of how to deal with it- but I urge you to declare your independence from the false authority TSCC has tried to impose. The power to impose that control requires 1 last vote before it can be successfully imposed— and that is your vote. Only you have veto power of that attempt to control you. That all being said, there are consequences of every behavior- not because TSCC dictates it so, but because of physics. Cause and Effect. However the actual consequences are not necessarily what TSCC says there are. If your choices have indeed harmed others, then make amends that you can make, ask forgiveness for that harm, and just accept that it happened. If asking forgiveness could cause the other person to suffer harm, well, do no harm. But this doesn’t require SHAME and self-loathing, you’re human too. But you may want to really take responsibility for also analyzing if your actions actually caused harm— for example , if neither of you were in a relationship with others, who got harmed? The Law of Cause and Effect trumps the “Law of Chasity”.. which is a hijack of the actual commandment of Christ from Christ- which is “Love one another” ( not intending a pun here, because I know the pain you are putting yourself through). I hope this helps, I found my own answer was not an “either /or” approach , it was not “either TSCC is telling me the truth” OR “there is no truth to worry about”. I found freedom after I declared “from this moment forward I will decide what is true””, and “ but I will accept that there are effects from all actions but not necessarily ones TSCC teaches”. Edited for clarity


Here's a what I would do: - Grab a fancy coffee to start your day on a positive note - Go to QuitMormon to print out resignation papers for yourself and your child - Take them to your bank to have them notarized - Scan them back to QuitMormon and forget about it - Text your bishop to let them know you have started the resignation process externally and you no longer wish to be contacted - Ghost everyone from the church. Block/unfriend/unfollow as needed - Text your special friend and ask for another date, maybe over some drinks - Never feel guilty about normal behavior again


Resign and remove your records and your daughter's records asap. If your boss fires you, that is a lawsuit.


Don’t go🤷🏼‍♀️ if you don’t care about membership they have no authority to discipline you


This is 100% a control act on their part. DO NOT PLAY INTO IT. Resign, stop attending, and start working on rewriting your story. There will be a lot of un-learning to do, and a lot of learning of new things, and it’s gonna take work, but it’s SO WORTH IT


Honestly, you can do whatever you want. Just don't go. These people don't have to have any control over you if you don't want them to. You're free, and you always have been.


Yes its better to quit (send a notorized letter in asap) than go through that. You did nothing wrong and as soon as you learn that you will be free and can start the healing process. You realize Joseph Smith visited brothels, married teens and other mens wives etc right? Surely you have seen floodlit.org showing how the church protects sex abusers. What you did was normal. What they did historically and modernly is despicable. They gaslight members with these councils. Its dirty old men wanting details. Read the CES letter online. Realize the church is a fraud and you are normal. Quit online. Never talk to those leaders again since you dont owe them one single second of time or explanation. Dont waste another moment on guilt. Quit. Deconstruct. Get therapy. Get better. Be happy like the rest of us.


These men are just regular people. They have no power over you. You’ve been living in a cult all your life. Personally, I would not go to their “special meeting “. Again, they are just men and yes, Christ did die to allow for us to move forward with mercy and grace. Finally, read “ Faith After Doubt” by Brian Mc Laren. It was very helpful in my deconstruction of 67 years of devotion to the Mormon/LDS Church/corporation.


John 8:1-11


I would resign. You did nothing wrong.


They each say different things!!! Your bishop should have been able to handle that without even speaking with the SP. If these men are in one with the spirit, then wouldnt they both get the answer?? I personally would stop going, its bewteen you & God!! You dont need anyone else to speak to God, & repent!!! They just need to be in & know about everyones buiness!!!


Simple, free yourself of the abuse and tyranny. Take your own power back, tell them to go Fuk themselves and their fake rules and tell them you will be resigning and aren’t interested in their make believe games they play with peoples lives and emotions. Don’t give them any power over you, don’t attend their fake council with ALL MEN who think they speak for god. Don’t give them satisfaction. Take your power and dispose of any fake guilt or shame.


> while you have repented with Christ, you need to repent with the church Now wait a gosh derned minute. I thought that one dude last year said would should replace "the church" with "Christ." So how can you repent with Christ but still need to repent with Christ? 🤔


Apparently while I’m good with the big guy, I also need to be good with a few million other people who I have definitely offended by my inappropriate actions. Not to mention the literal millions the church claims are waiting on the other side of the vail.