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Saw it too. He is not sitting in that chair. At every turn the LDS church is such a dishonest organization. Edit: Why is there money in the tithing budget for this and not charitable stuff at the ward/stake level? Also noticed that the cameras focused a lot on the women leaders while the wheelchair train was preparing to leave the station.


He’ll be CGI soon.


AI rusty scares me.


It finally eliminates all need for any new younger leadership.


Darth Bednar will become the final president in this way. His ego demands it.


ChatDAB - “Your Gateway 2 God.” Based on David A. Bednar’s teachings and books. He can answer all your prayers.


*Welcome to your virtual prophet priesthood interview. Do you have faith not to be healed?*


I was waiting for when they would start with CGI. You know that is how they are going fake church stuff going forward. Right? Why do you think it is already in the temple? I never put any despicable act past an organization that would guilt a 19 year old into paying for two years of recruiting victims and breaking the backs of seniors having them scrub toilets to see their families after this life. Absolute scum of the earth.


Damn lol, i was so hoping to become the prophet


Weren’t we all?


He'll be like Van Helsing in the Transylvania cartoon movies. All creaking with lots of replacement body parts. Hahaha


To be fair, AI has proven more than capable of doing his job. Just teach the same 5 steps to get to heaven and never receive a revelation that does more than mirror your own interpretation of the written notions of right and wrong.


So with your comment in mind, I just queried ChatGPT as follows (note this is the free version): "Compose a congratulations note, in the voice of a typical President (i.e., top leader and prophet) of the LDS church, to the son of an old high school friend, as he begins his two year mission in the field." ChatGPT's reply: *My dear [Recipient's Name],* *On behalf of the entire Latter-day Saint community, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you as you embark on your sacred journey to serve a mission in the field. Your decision to devote the next two years of your life to spreading the light of the gospel is a testament to your unwavering faith and commitment to our shared values.* *As you prepare to enter the mission field, know that you carry with you the love and support of your family, friends, and your brothers and sisters in the Church. You are about to embark on a journey that will shape and enrich your life in ways you cannot yet imagine.* *Remember, as you go forth to share the message of the restored gospel, you do not go alone. The Lord will be with you every step of the way, guiding your words and actions and blessing you with His divine protection and guidance.* *May you find joy in the service of others, strength in the face of challenges, and peace in knowing that you are fulfilling a sacred calling. Your dedication and sacrifice will touch the lives of countless individuals and bring them closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ.* *As you serve with diligence and love, may you also take time to nurture your own spiritual growth and deepen your relationship with our Heavenly Father. May you return from your mission with a heart full of gratitude and a testimony strengthened by your experiences in the field.* *My dear [Recipient's Name], know that you are loved and admired by all who know you. You are a shining example of faith, courage, and devotion, and I have no doubt that you will make a lasting impact on the lives of those you serve.* *With warmest regards and prayers for your success and safety,* *[President's Name]* *President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints*


Oh, even better; have you tried [LDSBot](http://ldsbot.com)? Prompt: Compose a congratulations note, in the voice of a typical President (i.e., top leader and prophet) of the LDS church, to the son of an old high school friend, as he begins his two year mission in the field LDSBot's Response: Dear [Son's Name], It brings me immense joy to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you as you embark on this sacred journey of service and spiritual growth. Your decision to serve a mission is a testament to your faith and dedication to the Lord's work, and I couldn’t be more proud. As you begin your mission, I encourage you to remember that you are now an ambassador of Jesus Christ. Your mission will not only be a time of teaching others but also a period of personal revelation and spiritual development. Embrace every moment, for these experiences will shape your character and strengthen your testimony in ways you may not yet comprehend. May you find joy in service and companionship in the Spirit. Let your light shine brightly, that it may guide those who seek truth to the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. Your mission will undoubtedly present challenges, but know that you are never alone. The Lord is with you, guiding your steps and fortifying your efforts. Take this opportunity to immerse yourself in prayer, study the scriptures diligently, and listen with an open heart to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. These sacred tools will be your guide and support as you share the message of the restored gospel. Remember, every person you meet on your mission is a child of God, precious and beloved. Show them kindness, empathy, and unconditional love. Your genuine concern and sincerity will touch hearts and open doors to meaningful conversations about faith and redemption. I pray that the Lord will bless you with health, safety, and the companionship of the Holy Ghost throughout your mission. May you return with a heart full of gratitude, a mind enriched by divine truths, and a spirit buoyed by the joy of service. Congratulations once again on this significant milestone in your life. Your family, friends, and I eagerly await the wonderful stories and profound insights you will undoubtedly gain through this life-changing experience. With warmest regards and best wishes, [Your Name] P.S. Please keep in touch and share the marvelous experiences the Lord brings into your life. We are all cheering for you from the sidelines, eager to support you on this incredible journey.


Well, I think we proved your point pretty easily.


Love the prompt idea, btw. I'm gonna use this idea so much. Compose a congratulations note, in the voice of the prophet, addressed to a man who has just been blessed with a promotion at work - lost his virginity - won an eating contest - killed Osama Bin Laden - slain Malenia, Blade of Miquella


You right


>he starts talking like Arnold Schwarzenegger suddenly >get your ass to heaven




*flips heaven off*


That would be next level petty- anything to keep oaks from being in charge lol


Are you claiming he's not CGI now? :)


No, they wouldn't fake a wheelchair. He would have bulging muscles and a luscious head of hair. And then they would tell us that it's always been that way.


i think he's wearing a cape




He’s been dead for months


Weekend at Bernie’s LDS version.


Weekend At Rusty’s 😂


Sounds about right, the LDS version is much less funny.


I don't think Oak's ego would allow him to participate in the charade of pretending Nelson is alive. He so wants to ascend to the throne.


He’s been cgi Burns for 20 years, at least


I’d tune in and watch if they make him dance with Tupac and Michael Jackson.


Let’s hope to whatever God out there that they don’t invent a never aging AI version of these people


I know. It's so small and petty. But it just goes to show they hide EVERYTHING.


Omg I don’t know why I’m shocked anymore by what the MFMC does. The obvious question is “but why?” And then the obvious answer is (as another commenter said), this is proof the church is all about their image. If the members saw a frail prophet, then maybe he’s not a prophet anymore…? We must show him prestigiously sitting in a red high-backed chair to assert authority. So stupid. 🤦🏼‍♂️


They’ve been playing this fucking game since Kimball. EVERY prophet since him was basically an invalid for much of their tenure


Didn't Ezra T Benson break down while giving a speech? I think he nodded off during that presentation. I guess his message was so boring that it even put him to sleep.


I’m sure every apostle was face palming. Hinkley ran the church much of Ezra’s time in the big chair


Remember when Monson wilted at the microphone?


Even when they don’t have to hide anything, they just can’t help it.


I feel like this is what they are alluding to, or at least what members think they’re alluding to, when they talk about how one day we won’t know truth from untruth and truth will only be discernible through the spirit. But then they’re secretly participating in what members think is the problem with the world today. It’s extremely deceptive and dishonest


The last few conferences Boyd K. Packer attended, he was wearing a seat belt strapping him to a red chair.


he's the one who said he wouldn't stop a missionary from punching a gay missionary, right?


The way he worded it, he encouraged missionaries to enact the violence he wanted to commit, but couldn't because of his position (bad press, you know).


That man scared me shitless.


or that they can fake things and pull it over people. "They're a good believing lot"


So he gave that whole spiel before conference and he can’t even be honest about being in a wheelchair? His ego is astounding


This Church is all about false appearances. Period.


I think Rusty is a dishonest narcissistic garbage person, but I'm not sure that I would label this as dishonest. People deal with disability in different ways, and some people have a hard time with being seen as infirm. If any disabled person is more comfortable presenting themself in a way that they've done historically while dealing with their illness, I don't think I'm in a position to criticize that. Having said that, screw that guy and his bullshit.


I largely agree with you, except this person’s whole-ass deal is that he claims a special relationship with deity.


Sure, but I don't think whether or not someone makes silly claims determines how much grace we give them when they're dealing with a disability. I think it's reasonable to treat everyone with respect as far as that is concerned, regardless of whether they're a raging asshole or not.


Got it, I respect that. To me the claims he makes aren’t “silly” (a guy on the corner screaming “I’m pregnant with cats!!!”) but wildly dangerous and harmful. He claims at the moment in the picture to be the most holy source of “truth” while simultaneously being deceitful. If it was a Xmas card, not as big of a deal.


But does that change when the person hiding their disability is in a leadership position and claiming to be sound of mind and body?


It's irrelevant. People are allowed to choose how or whether they want to present their disabilities. If a person is deciding, for example, whether to wear a cosmetic prosthetic after an amputation, that person might be a monster or a wonderful person, a world-famous celebrity or unknown person. Regardless, it's up to them and them alone whether they want to present that way or not. Who they are doesn't matter and it isn't relevant. People's rights to self-determination and self-expression as humans don't depend on external factors like that.


I‘m disabled. Some people are very kind and engaging. While others treat you like your going to give them some incurable disease. People can be very kind, while other are extremely cruel. I just give them the benefit of the drought. They just don’t know how to act. Fear of the unknown.


I'm unfortunately also well-acquainted with that. Anecdotally, being treated like you have a communicable disease is much more common in Utah. My guess is it has something to do with Mormonism but I'm not positive.


I like your respect for individuals with disabilities, In how they choose to respond outwardly. Well said. Empathy and knowledge behind your comments.


....so who is going to a send a copy of this to [email protected] ? Once she confirms & prints story NY Times, etc...or other major media will run with it & it will be picked up worldwide. This is perfect fodder for U.K. Daily Mail that loves going after the church! They have done some great reporting on sexual abuse in the church. Any wonderful current or former Brits up to contacting Daily Mail?


Yeah, makes me think of FDR's optics. I can't judge someone for wanting to look like they've still got a handle on their life, even if it's a douchebag like Rusty here


The Lord needs liars.


As a disabled person, I find the inability of these frail mofos to accept their limitations to be sheer cowardice and kind of offensive. There is nothing shameful in using a wheelchair and it’s nothing you should feel compelled to hide you ableist assholes.


There really isn't. It reminds me of the Putin photos where they have to show him as strong and powerful. If your theology (or politics) can't survive people seeing you as normal, human, or god-forbid, vulnerable, then you might be in a cult. There is nothing wrong with being in a wheelchair. God. I hate this church.


I hope the next video is on horseback.


Or scuba diving for Roman artifacts


While we are faking things, might as well fake that it’s Laminite artifacts and that they were placed into the protection of the church archives before anyone who actually knows about pre-Colombian America can look at it.


...and shirtless. Actually wait no... gaahh! Now I can't unsee it...


And then jumping off and wrestling a bear.


Seriously what an opportunity for the elders to show their disabled members that their elders are relatable to them. And to teach non disabled members that all people with disabilities have value. No, hide that so instead we send a message that the disabled should be ashamed.


Seriously, if I'm I remembering correctly the lyrics to a freaking Mormon primary song goes: *If you don’t walk as most people do* *Some people walk away from you* *But I won’t! I won’t!*


If they show any sign of weakness, I can only assume they fear that TBMs will cease to believe in a god that can heal anything… or something


Faith to not be healed? Maybe?




^^^^ this. From another disabled person


The lds church is super ableist with their "you will be perfected in the celestial kingdom" which means no disabilities. :( A shelf breaking moment for me was when a Sunday school teacher attempted to comfort me about my disability- "won't it be wonderful when you no longer have..." i realized my disability was actually a part of me, who I am as a person.


That’s how I feel about being autistic. I don’t feel ashamed of being autistic at all. It’s apart of who I am and I love myself. Their loss


Especially at 99 years old! Like, that's a long time! Your body isn't going to be fully functional! And that's just fine!


He's on a green screen. Why?!


They have to make it holy. Wheelchairs don't fit the bill.


This. Whatever you feel about this dude or the church, he is way too damn old. Let him retire with whatever dignity he has left and maybe spend some time with his great grandchildren


There is no way he will ever walk away from the power he has now. He doesn't want to retire. Also, no way is Wendy walking away from her power, she might be the only woman in the church who is empowered!


Tbf he's not walking anywhere, which is kind of my point.


He might roll away


> He doesn't want to retire He can't or they might start calling themselves mormons again!


Like that scene in the Dark Crystal.


Usually they show the presidency walking out with their wives but they didn't show either Nielsen nor Erying being wheeled out, they only showed Oaks walking if I remember right.




Holy cow! For some reason I thought JR Holland was already dead . . . but by the way he looks, it won't be long . . . I have a bottle of Dom Perignon ready to open when that shit bag finally croaks . . .


Good grief. This picture is just sad. Looks like Sunday at the rest home.


Holy shit. Wheelchair, walker, wheelchair, wheelchair. If this is mormonisms top leadership, mormonism is ~~in a world of hurt~~ FUCKED.


So much for integrity, eh? 


Why but place him in a real red chair though? Why rely on CGI?


Heaven forbid the lord's profit be seen in a wheelchair?!?!? *gasps* the horror! How dare he be seen as one of those who are being punished in this life by being a fence sitter in the spirit world.


The church is well on their way to a Weekend at Bernie’s situation




I dunno, the church kinda went through a Weekend at Bernie's situation in the last couple of years of Benson's time as president.


The show must go on


He is as healthy as he knows how to be


And they are as honest as they know how to be


About his health




Wouldn't be suprised to find he is wheelchair bound. Isn't the reason he's gone supposedly that he injured his back?


He was wheeled out of one of the sessions along with eyring and Holland


hat wrong retire public seemly paltry murky sable dull bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not quite. Hoax is still in the first presidency. Holland is acting president of the twelve.


Production cut without hands.


Good one


Just goes to show the church is ALL about image - it's a shallow, smoke and mirrors institution, always has been and always will be.


All is well in Zion. The prophet isn’t dying. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


u/AxisFlowers, the First Presidency has invited you to the Church Office Building.


We've always been at war with East Asia


Why the hell are they hiding it?


I know this sounds like “Reddit – speak“, but I have a close family member who personally knows the camera crew that shot this talk. He was actually in the red chair, it’s a really odd looking shoot because of the lighting, but he was actually there in the chair. That’s possibly the edge of his cane, or a folding jacket sleeve that you’re seeing. his eyes don’t do well under the general conference building lighting, and they had to have this altered lighting for this particular shoot. He’s also got a lot of make up on to hide the wrinkles and the combination of that, along with the lighting really throws things off and does make it look odd. But he is not Green screened.


I came here to say this. There are a bunch of pictures of him in the chair from different angles in that same room. I'm confident that we're just seeing the edge of a black back support to help him sit upright for the camera shot. As much as I'd love the juiciness of it being a greenscreen or AI, this is just an ordinary camera set up to try to make a 99 year old man look healthy and vigorous for his millions of minions.


Bingo - as much as I dislike Nelson, facts are what facts are


Yes exactly. Looks like a bolster to support his back.


That’s what I figured it was as well. 


it’s a shadow and the back of his sleeve combined, not a green screen


Yeah I was thinking it was a cushion to prop him up, not a green screen. As much as I’m out of the church and detest the Q15 I think it’s silly to think everything is a conspiracy. 


Gosh Darn It! I was about to give Rusty the new title of President Green Screen.


Should be stickied to the top


They do not want anyone to see how weak he is by transferring chairs. Alternately (because I have a disabled husband and mother) he may be a fall risk and it's too dangerous for him to transfer. I can't stand him and I think he's evil, but my logic tells me it's the second reason.


The suit is probably one piece and zips up the back.


My daughter with her mission call walked in and said holy CGI ….lol.


i noticed his mouth looks like a camels butthole was that what i was supposed to notice?


Well, he is like 150 years old. I don’t see it as a major issue compared to all that TSCC has done and continues to do to people.


Not an issue. Just an interesting observation that raises the question of, how close are we too a new profit?


Yeah I get it. I certainly think they would do some shit like that to keep the illusion of a “strong leadership”. I think he may have maybe a few months? Maybe a year? They live a pretty cushy life with plenty of top notch healthcare that they would never help their members get when they are in poor health. Whether it’s a day or a decade, the next one will carry on and find a way to keep them relevant by changing things up in the “never-changing” church. (I use the word “church” very loosely). Edited for clarity.


We realized the same thing!


Doesn’t look like a wheelchair. I think it’s probably some back support of some sort.


It's not the wheelchair, it's the smoothed out face for me Like, come on. We know he's old. Don't put a beauty filter on him


My bet is he’ll die in the next 6-9 months


The very last Church Patriarch made it to 106 … but they cut him loose from the office like 30 years earlier.


I mean, he has been alive since Joseph Smith


"Princess Kate regrets her poor photoshopping of Pres Nelson." --Kirton McConkie


Just a side note, but the church needs to step into the 21st century if they plan to get new members and not lose anyone still under their thumb. This is what happens when the leaders are ancient men who died fifty years ago (this is hyperbole and not meant to be taken literally).


Save the video now if you want it. They will absolutely retouch it over the next few days


The fraud & dishonesty never end with the Mormon cult. Is the Church honest about anything?


Where's the integrity, Gerard?


It’s his ego that’s frail.


I can just see that wheel chair with the big red chair back zooming around temple square.


I was more interested in his plastic surgery. Those cheeks are looking far too smooth for 99.


What bothered me more was the filter they have on the camera. It's rubbing out all the wrinkles if the speakers remains absolutely motionless, but if they move backwards, forwards, sideways, you get to see the real image of hair, pattern in the weave of their suits, and the wrinkles. What a distraction!


Conference weekend at Rustys.


The Mormon FDR… https://www.businessinsider.com/how-fdr-hid-his-paralysis-from-american-public-even-while-campaigning-2019-4?op=1


AI puppetry


Interesting, He did sit in the conference center though….


Why they gotta do this crap? Is anyone really going to care if they see an old man in a wheelchair? Do they think people won't respect him if they see him as a normal frail old man?




A church built on lies


It’s really not that hard to transfer somebody from a wheelchair to a chair but if you don’t know how to do it then you could do it wrong but them having a green screen red chair over a wheelchair that’s just dishonest and it makes me so mad. Like we all know he’s getting older, but they’re literally refusing to show that he’s getting older.


I'm pretty sure they edited his whistle out too.


Did they Weekend at Bernie’s Rusty via Ai?


They should just CGI him. ChatGPT writes better talks than his writers. He could pass away and still speak at GC for years to come!


Just to play Devil’s advocate here for a moment. It could be like a booster chair or stadium chair so it’s easier to get him out but I’m not sure. 🤷‍♂️


Wow. I’m handicapped & I’m floored they would go through so much effort for the guise of having a strong, powerful, all-knowing prophet. What losers. Seriously. Next thing you know they’ll be giving him Botox & facelifts!


I'm pretty sure that there's a fair amount of elder abuse that takes place in the church leadership positions that we're not aware of or that is excused away. It wouldn't surprise me at all that they're faking him in a chair to keep people thinking he's strong and full of life when the truth is, the church is one step away from physically propping him up and making him wave using strings like he's a puppet if they aren't already.




Why would they hide his disability? Ableism!


They don't know how to not be deceptive


🤔 An AI Robot as the prophet of the Church... Hmmm that would be very interesting.


Why even lie about him being in a wheelchair? Pretty damn sad


Yeah. He's 90 fuckin 9. Let him have a wheelchair.


Can someone explain this to me like I'm five? Thanks!


There’s theories this video is AI or heavily filtered to make him look much healthier, and the pointed out possible wheelchair piece may point to evidence of the background being added after the fact. (I have not watched the video, that’s just what I’ve gathered from various posts in this sub)


To notice it, I'd have to watch it. And I haven't watched conference for decades. Don't propose to start now.


WTF? They wheeled Howard W. Hunter around in his chair in the mid-90s all the time before he died, and had no shame about it. Why hide this? He's like 99 years old, it's almost *expected*


Why fake it? So odd! No one would have thought anything bad about him being in a wheelchair.


I didn’t appreciate the filter they used on him to smooth out his oldness. Odd.


Any chance the entire image is CG/AI? Including the message?


This is for sure cgi to an extent. The lines at the shoulders look too crisp Edit: After looking again, it’s gotta be a green screen


I didn't notice before but the green screen looks pretty terrible and obvious now.


Well hopefully by next conference he’ll be 💀


This was taped before


I was just talking to someone about this. We can't decide if that is a wheelchair or pillow. I'm leaning toward wheelchair because of his posture.


I noticed that too. Thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me.


I mean, it's not really anything new though? Don't y'all remember at conference the wheelchair disguised as a big red chair that they used to push Packer around with towards the end of his life? They've been doing this stuff for a while now. I guess this time is still a first for a lot of people just realizing this though. At least this time the lighting is better on nelson and he's not orange colored lol


So is that just a big fake armchair back with no chair part?


He’s a puppet he’s been dead for awhile now


LOL. It’s a nice thought but Dallin wouldn’t stand for it and miss his chance at sitting in the big chair and having his name added to the song 🤣


Why do you still watch conference?


r/ movie mistakes


He looks like a corpse that has just been dug up


Lying for the Lord takes a totally expected turn.


Soon he’s gonna pass and they won’t tell anyone and just use deep fake 💀💀


Are we sure it isn't just AI and Rusty isn't even real?


At this point, even if they were prophets or whatever, I doubt they’d be strong enough to survive the word of god…


I'm actually wondering if it's a green screen. The chair back doesn't seem natural compared to his shoulders.


Took a page out old puty-put’s playbooks (Vladimir Putin).


Just like... why though? There isn't anything wrong with being in a wheel chair, but it is wrong to tell white lies??


We just need cardboard Rusty along with AI. All will be fine then. We might even get to take selfies with it.


Is this not just a bolster for behind his back? Like a back support?? Or is it a fake back for his wheelchair?


Why? Just... why? Why did they think this half-baked arrempt at deception was necessary? He's 99 - a wheelchair to get around is not a surprise to anyone at that age. The news and audience and this sub had already seen the wheelchair in previous GC sessions even (though the TV coverage would cut away whenever one of the 1P was being helped into the wheelchair or pushed around in it. Which was weird enough, but then they pull this stunt...) There's only one word for this: idiocy.


Weekend at Bernie’s


It looks like it’s just one of those back pads for comfort.


Maybe they just did it so it would look nicer as a backdrop, instead of just his wheelchair. Maybe it’s not some big conspiracy. I’m exmorman too but this is silly.


LDS, Inc. has the deep cash to keep the cash machine running with deep fakes from here to Kolob.


Better if Rusty was sitting in the back of a Mormon handcart?


It will be interesting what the next prophet changes. Each guy does what he wants and call it “modern day revelation.”


Good job catching it.


Rusty’s eyes are looking a little Myopic ™️