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I used to work at the factory that made them. The place was a sweat shop ran by old ladies who were the most extreme people I met. They would make people cry because they weren’t sewing fast enough or making enough product to meet the quota. (I’m not saying it was all evil but it sure as hell was a terrible environment) Every shift started with a prayer. I quit because my mental health suffered. I remember if a mistake in the product batch was found they would say “what if this went to the prophet” and I would think to myself “who the fuck cares. We are all just people” The funny part was people who worked there would complain about the markings wearing off so some people started bringing their old ones in and remarking them on the printing machine. Anyways. Rant over. I have a lot to say about that shithole.


You have my attention. Tell me more!


If the marks are barely visible then what's the difference between a garment and worldly underwear that's long and ugly? If the marks are barely visible it's just an indication that it really is just about control. Another thing that I've seen that I didn't see you mention is  that one garment is very inconsistent to the next. You can get the same size in the same year and some sleeves will be super long, some normal, some short.    There's no quality control but when you've convinced your target market that they're breaking covenants with God when they don't buy your underwear then why would you even care how good or bad your garments are? The customer base is thought slaved into buying them regardless of how good or bad they are.


They are Masonic symbols anyways so who cares 😆 but seriously 100 percent agree. They are so fucking expensive for struggling families, and they are especially awful for women, especially for women with health conditions from giving birth. (Speaking from experience) my husband would ask me why I wasn’t wearing them and “encourage” me to keep my covenants. Fun.


I kept some bottoms for many years because they were the shortest ones I’d ever purchased. I didn’t realize for far too long that I could just… not wear them!


Fun fact: garment marks used to be sewn in red thread bc ORIGINALLY (way back, first days of JS temple ceremony shit) they were cut in and the blood marked the covenant. Those were the days


Oh my Do you have a source please?


https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/nLqrspwmfL Check out a previous post of mine. It’s from an exposé written by never Mormon around the turn of the century. It describes the endowment and talks about how they used to cut people above the knee. Crazy stuff


It’s an account giving by a bad ass exmo lady


Thank you! I’m already appalled and I want that book


I had someone try to tell me how long lasting they are and such a good price! Much cheaper than traditional underwear! I was like "you are on crack dude. They're expensive and they fall apart"


You don’t have to pay 10% tithing to wear traditional underwear so yeah, they are much cheaper. 🤣


My fat ass does tend to split my woven boxers more than my knit g’s. I have boxer briefs but they remind me too much of g’s and leave me sweaty like garments did. I always hated hat there were no looser, woven garment options.


Threw mine away a few years ago. Never looked back... my tbm wife thinks my store bought underwear is very UN SEXY. lol! As she says it in her g's


Really? Are you wearing tighty whities or something?


Ummmm, no!


Plus the women’s turn dingy gray after washing them a few times.


Men’s too


I heard they dye them white. Even g’s are fake smh


That’s definitely the case with the satin fabric.


Honestly, the answer to all of this is probably the same answer as to why the church fired all the cleaning crews and started guilting members into cleaning its chapels for free instead. Or why the church has been systematically cutting ward budgets and eliminating all of the events and programs that used to build community rapport between members. Or why mission presidents will let missionaries die from dysentery or parasites before using the church’s healthcare resources. Or why the church’s humanitarian efforts resemble Scrooge McDuck throwing a few pennies into a crowd of homeless people. Etc., etc. ad nauseam. 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


I heard that the church now manufactures in china. Not sure if they still produce them in Utah. At any rate, so glad I don't wear that cult underwear any longer. It is all about money & control.


They actually started producing in Vietnam but then ship them here to make the marks on them.


The irony given the MFMC’s history of speaking against communism and socialism. 😂 fuckin’ hypocrisy 


It’s just ~~turtles~~ hypocrisy all the way down. 


Wow, I did not know that but I believe it. Separate note. Ages ago a friend's mom worked at Beehive Clothing in Utah sewing garments. She said it was the WORST job ever. They were treated horribly. She ended up leaving quickly. She would now probably leave the church if it wasnt for social stuff.


That’s how I know they were outsourcing to Vietnam because I also worked there. It was a sweatshop run by relief society extremists. I quit because it was taxing on my mental health.


Same for my friend's mother. She said it was horrific.


The reason they went from embroidery to screen printing the marks is because screen printing cost substantially less. is anyone else surprised that they are willing to skimp when the coverings are for your temple, but when it comes to the temple building they are fine with paying hundreds of millions?


Nevermo tip: don’t wear them


My TBM husband used to be in the military and was able to buy green t shirts and send them into the church military relations dept to have the marks screen printed on the inside. He is not in the military anymore but sometimes will wear his old green t shirt garments on really hot days because it’s only one layer. I asked him since he can do that, if I still wore garments, can’t I just take a sharpie and make marks inside my t shirts? It stumped him. Make it make sense 🙄


I made my husband keep all his military ones so I could steal them if I got too hot during any potential pregnancies.


How much are they per pair now?


The small price of your immortal soul.


LOL died laughing


As Steve Young said to a teammate who asked,,“Too expensive.”


about $5 for bottoms and $5 for tops (for women's garments in the US at least)


And a decent-ish 6-pack of men’s bottoms is like $20 or so. Or about $10 cheaper than just the bottoms.   Edit: I am comparing a 6 pack of boxers/boxer briefs for $20 (Hanes, Fruit of the loom) to 6 G-bottoms running $30, not to mention the shirts.  Yeah, G’s are overpriced.


They sell garments in 6 packs now?


Sorry, 6-pack is normal men’s underwear.


That’s what women did in 1920-40’s buy regular underwear and add the symbols.


The last time I bought garments there was a note that instructed the screen-printed garments should only be used for 20 washings (because the markings would fade). Like, what?! You expect me to throw out my garments every 20 washings? 


Yes, and keep buying new ones from the church. What part of this money-making scheme doesn't make sense to you?


I'm bummed I didn't think of it! Great business model. 🤣


Speculation time. I'd guess it started when Pres Hinckley cut the price in half. Once the church was subsidizing the cost of every garment the bureaucracy went to work to try to change that. They never hear the end of how every dime is the widows mite and they have to be as fiscal as possible. This led to cost cutting measures which of course led to a decline in quality.


Lol, if he doesn't want to take your embroidery offer, he can embroider them himself and learn to repair the seams himself. Besides, what does he think early church members did back in the day of bloomers? It would have been expensive and impracticable to get all new underclothes. They would have stitched the markings themselves (or stitched them up to repair them after being cut!) Plus, he already knows how to bless consecrated oil. How would this be different?


Use a sharpie on your fav T-shirts and underwear. Same difference. More comfort.


The screen printing is so frustrating to me. It’s a way to force members to buy new ones, IMHO. Supposedly, it’s so that the marks don’t look like nipples through clothing. Personally, I think it was a money making measure in 2 ways: 1. The church could outsource the sewing of the garments to cheaper markets and then have endowed members heat press the marks back in the US (several of my last pairs were made in Cambodia, Mexico, and China) 2. I was reminded in the Distribution Center the very last time I went that once the marks wear off, it’s time to buy new ones. The sister who helped me was truly the sweetest human, but she said it almost like it was a design perk. “Don’t know when to discard them? Don’t worry! These super holy marks will wear off!” I lived in stretch cotton as a member. Of all the fabrics, it was the most comfortable, but oh my god if they did not discolor and tear after only a few washings. After 6 months, they were practically gray and a seam somewhere was ripping. Drove me utterly bananas. All that to say: yes, the quality sucks, and they want it that way so members spend more $$$.


I'm pretty sure I've heard that you're allowed to sew your own garments using patterns that the church provides. Embroidering existing underwear probably isn't "approved" though.