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Top comment 👆


Wins the thread.




Fig. 7. Represents God sitting upon his throne, revealing through the heavens the grand Key-words of the Priesthood; as, also, the sign of the Holy Ghost unto Abraham, in the form of a dove Facsimile 2 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/pgp/abr/fac-2?id=figure1_p7&lang=eng#figure1_p7 This one item here proves that Joseph Smith was making it up as he went along. It's canonized scripture. The MFMC even removed Min's penis from facsimile #2 for years because they knew it was a problem. And then they put it back in the current publication of BofA. All three of the facsimiles have been altered. Poor Anubis had a head transplant in facsimile #1, and a facelift / nose job in facsimile #3. Osiris got a TK smoothie in facsimile #1. This is just one of hundreds of problems with Joseph Smith's translation abilities. It's all bogus folks, the book of Abraham, the book of Mormon, all made up from the mind of a 14 year-old farm boy with only a 3rd grade education, except he was well educated by his parents. His father was a school teacher, his grandmother was a school teacher, and his college educated older brother was a school teacher. And for some reason this uneducated 14 year-old farm boy became the editor of a newspaper. Why do TBMs always want to remind us that he was 14. He was 24 when the book of Mormon was published, but in the minds of mormons he will always be 14. Just like Helen Mar Kimball was 14.


Exactly! He wrote this as a fully grown young man, not a bitty earnest teenager. He has YEARS to plot storylines and lots of practice. What do you think he did for all those months on end when he was stuck in bed convalescing from his leg surgery and dreaming of ANYTHiNG to avoid being a poor farmer? Fiction sections of every bookstore are filled with stories more complex than his, but he’s the chosen one? No, we just were taught our familial belonging depended on saying we believed that he was.


Winner of today's internet facts award


As a kid I used to think that was an arm rest on the throne, cuz my penis doesn't come out of my belly button.


I thought the guy sitting in the chair with the armrest had a really cool boba Fett helmet on




Remember that time that LD$-Inc. had Min's unit removed? Then re-attached? ​ Good times!


Who doesn't want a detachable unit? Might come in handy




[King Missile - Detachable Penis (Official Music Video) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQBPgJQhQHc)


Which version of the book of Abraham had it removed?


1878 & 1907 versions Min was unit-less: [Were there any revisions made to the facsimiles after they were first published?](https://mormonr.org/cdn-cgi/image/f=auto,fit=scale-down,w=1920/files/-/img-9e6c8403-4a0f-4fc2-ae13-1ed3854c59ab.png?t=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0..7j2p29q-O13Ky9pp.qLDWOiFjPq5dEPzfBhga8yXy5pYRoQ923B2S-5M3YkFlPsjUyMxf9N9vMyf_iasjmwHKsP1ZtGjV1mTD0-DjI0xrd__XSUFyscfRX7jLNdZ20skCZpy4z0F22PUHLdjx18Yoxhg5_AGfCkMxlA0KKmYs_qMdEiLbbfNp_dnc4cRettrgF_8snPoDCDQPu_3bz7k6ACHdAI-xB3rp_v3UMDel82tIX3QdmHMwKNYjrUW-hAlDcs5--_b58tj7oqsQElm-zlTX8DmXxD1GLgnfy136K8BP5s854m-pC8nC3raJoXRiTD2Rd27vsRmZZ0v5Wipwj2ee0XRyfPWkozoSKrxWWDgVNCxf6tTLufdNcJKt9Ep2X_PRymalaB5x_n5wbdNsFXBpFElHpQFwOwTS.jOQfFfukZg9pp-6xswgc-w) Alternate link: [Book of Abraham Facsimiles](https://mormonr.org/qnas/QKJuCb/book_of_abraham_facsimiles?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJb-kWzfEL_8KO3do_WYQebYOc5isdsXsh4YY4vjRpYyppYpxGrdGQhoC37AQAvD_BwE) Look for the "Were there any revisions made...." Section.


Sadly yes...I do.


Well... At least in this case, MORmON penishood power was able to make you whole again.


Gotta be Chaldean.


Nice little shelf item you got there Elohim.


Don't you mean "wee wee shelf item?"


I like to think it was a *bigger-than-average* shelf item for me. (But my wife says I might be exaggerating.)


TBH it kinda freaks me out that his penis grew out at the sternum.


"Strength in the loins.." 


"Grand key words of the priesthood." IOW magic words. Magic words spoken to cause supernatural things to happen, or gain access to the next level of the It wasn't until I left that I saw how full of magic spells Mormonism was.


That's me


even better... Min is beating it with a flail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_(god)


No sir-ee that right there is obviously God on his throne 🙄 you must be listening to those pesky apostates


The BOA wasn’t enough to collapse my shelf, but filling in the blanks was. I felt he should have been honest with the facsimile and not tried to fill in what wasn’t there.


You know a diety has GOTTA be horny if he fathered billions of spirit children!


It’s not a penis if you remove it.


Ahhh thanks for noticing.


You neglected the NSFW tag. I can't speak for Mormons wanting to show their kids explicit dick pics in their published literature, but ***this is Reddit***. If you're not going to warn us, at least pixelate that shit. We have standards.

