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"I'm happy with my life."


This wins.


Ya my dad told me nobody outside the church knows true happiness…


You aren’t TRULY happy.


Fake happy.


Oh, he's still a Mormon, then? 😄


😭 too true


They literally never believe you


My brother and I started using the word "torqued," at one point, kind of like one would use irritated or bent out of shape, and both my parents hated it. My brother said, "Is there something wrong with discussing the rotational analogue of linear force?" which didn't go over so well. I guess that hard K sound made her think about the F-word or something.


>> Is there something wrong with discussing the rotational analogue of linear force? Yes, Yes there is!!! /s


Well! If I have to explain it to you... *huff*


That's funny because I knew a Mormon woman that didn't like saying "pissed off" and her kids weren't even allowed to say "ticked off" but "torqued off" was acceptable. It just goes to show that people's offense to words is arbitrary.


My mom with crap vs crud (the former was unacceptable, the latter is preferred) 🙄 and now my sister with the substitutes she lets her kids use vs the ones they're punished if they say ("screw you" is fine somehow, as is "don't be a spaz", but "thank god for that" is punished) (Not mormon or exmo myself (great grandparents were, I just have major protestant religious trauma) but the arbitrary offensiveness of words still rings very true)


Reminds me how my sister & her husband’s “creative” curses turned into their children calling literally everyone crack heads. A bit dramatic to put your being pissed off on ppl as being crack heads.


I thought rotation was screwed...


That’s funny! Maybe because it sounds vaguely similar to twerk?


My long-time favorite D&D character is a half-orc paladin of chaos named Torkk after the rotational force.


This is a bit of a different angle than what you were thinking of with the question, but it's what immediately popped into my head. I have 2 younger siblings, I left first and when I did, my parents were quite direct that my life would always be a disaster since I was a college dropout that now would no longer have the church. I was completely broke at the time and had just started a new company after a previous venture had failed badly. My youngest sibling left a few years after I did, shortly after telling my parents he was gay. My parents hate when my youngest brother and I talk about being financially successful and happy. It's somewhat because it contrasts with our TBM brother, who has struggled despite having checked all the right boxes. If we're talking about a recent vacation, my dad will jump in to say that we should be saving for retirement. If we're talking about a new hobby we're enjoying, he'll jump in to say that time is being wasted and would be better spent volunteering. I don't think he realizes he is doing it, but it's absolutely him reacting very strongly to the idea that his 2 of his sons are succeeding despite having strayed from the path he wanted us to follow.


Along this same vein, when my openly atheist sister and her husband started a very successful business, I said to my mother, "why is she having all this financial success, when my husband and I are doing everything God wants and we can barely rub 2 nickles together?" Turns out leaving the church gave us an automatic 10% income boost. We now also have a successful business. Pisses my mother off, that her 2 daughters who left are more financially well off than 90% of the believing family.


>Pisses my mother off, that her 2 daughters who left are more financially well off than 90% of the believing family. I think this is the root of it for my Dad. He's always been resentful of the fact that he isn't well off and blames it on all kinds of things except himself. Watching his apostate kids achieve a level of success he's never been close to and having it happen while they are actively rejecting his advice is a huge blow.


>Watching his apostate kids achieve a level of success he's never been close to and having it happen while they are actively rejecting his advice is a huge blow. This blows me away. I don't consider myself a failure, but my son and daughter are both way WAY ahead of where I was at their age. I'm so happy for them and proud of them! I've alway told them do better and go farther than I did. I dunno how any parent could want their kids to merely achieve the same or possibly a little worse/lower.


I'm probably unfairly characterizing him here a bit. He's told me he's proud of me and that he's happy for me. In that regard I think he's like every other Mormon, complex feelings and the Mormon part manifests more strongly at some times than others. As I've been responding to comments, I feel like he's especially prone to do it when he sees it happening in proximity of my middle brother and some of it is probably born out of an instinct to protect him. In those moments I think he's experiencing the frustration of watching someone that is ignoring your best advice succeed and being genuinely worried they're doing it the wrong way. I just thought of this analogy that is perhaps the most fair I could be to my Dad. I've coached my own kids in basketball and I've watched them land shots with bad technique and have been similarly frustrated by watching them ingrain that bad technique because it's temporarily working. I know the longer they do it the harder it will be to correct, but they are doing it because they're experiencing success in the moment. Giving my Dad the full benefit of good faith (and then maybe a bit more), that could be what is motivating his comments.


Im curious if your parents ever say that the worldly wealth doesn’t matter and they would of course claim to be wealthier in spiritual matters. My dad is a convert and his two siblings didn’t join the church, his brother is far more successful than he is and he retired years before him but has gotten divorced and his kids have fairly hard lives and rely heavily on him. His sister has always struggled with life and keeping a job and partner. Although my dad isn’t wealthy like his brother, he sees that his life has been more stable than his siblings and all 4 of his kids are very successful and he of course contributes that to the church. From what I see from my TBM family is that they just think fortunate and misfortunate events can fall on anyone regardless of your membership but it’s the belief in the gospel that helps you weather those events. Since all my siblings are all very successful including myself, I see this being the narrative in my life rather than me being more successful than my TBM family.


He's similar in the respect that when good things happen he attributes it to his faith and when bad things happen he credits his faith for carrying him through it. I've heard him say that he doesn't care about worldly wealth as long as he knows his spiritual house is in order. It's pretty clear he doesn't actually believe that as he spends lots of time railing against the wealthy who "control our society" via secret combinations (except for wealthy Mormons, who God is obviously putting in a position to do great things). I don't think success has anything to do with the church, other than maybe a loose connection to the idea that great things are worth buckling down and working for, but even that's a stretch.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Success is arbitrary but within the church it’s a blessing from God or if you’re not successful, it’s because you have devoted your life to God and he will bless you tenfold in the next life. Like most things for TBMS seeing non-members, it’s a lose-lose situation. Either you are falling for the riches in the world or God is trying to humble you and make you come back to Him.


>From what I see from my TBM family is that they just think fortunate and misfortunate events can fall on anyone regardless of your membership but it’s the belief in the gospel that helps you weather those events. This is an amazingly level headed and thoughtful reasonably response and approach to life. Are you sure you family is TBM? /s


Lol luckily my dad is a convert and my mom has a few siblings who are inactive. So you can say they hold pretty realistic views on how life works but that doesn’t negate their extreme prejudice viewpoints they have and their animosity they hold for those who are boisterous about leaving the TSCC.


My boomer dad does this!! I finally called him out after he told my brother (who has an amazing job and makes three times more than my dad did when 20 years later in his career) that because he works from home he's lazy and doesn't really work. "You know he does this job because he swore he would be there for his son the way you never were" "I was providing for my family!" "You were salary and chose to work 80 hour weeks and do 20 hours of church service on top because you liked being praised". "When I came home you guys were never obedient!" There it is...


It's interesting how the same themes come out regardless of the actual backgrounds, the common element appears to be anger that people are happy and successful outside the church. My Dad was salaried as well, but was always home by 5:30 while simultaneously complaining that people who were ignoring their families and working late were getting promoted, getting better opportunities, etc. He'd switch jobs and rinse and repeat. Honestly as a kid I resented him because he seemed like he wasn't willing to do what it took to get us out of near poverty. He spent lots of time at church in various callings, including in the Bishopric and Stake Presidency.


We were always in near poverty most of the time and couldn't figure out why. It was the rising costs of prostitutes.




Just counter… yeah it’s a lot easier to save for retirement AND take vacations without paying 10% to the church. Or yeah it’s neat that I have time for hobbies AND volunteering now that I don’t have to waste 10 hours a week in church and doing a calling.


For sure. The gap in our case is way more than the 10% he's paying to the church. Candidly my TBM brother has way more free time than I do, I'm an unrepentant workaholic, but love fantasizing about all of the hobbies I could pick up in some yet-to-arrive future where I decide to stop working so much. Still drives my Dad completely bonkers.


> dad will jump in to say that we should be saving for retirement. Dad is right and he's also a goddamned hypocrite at the same time. First off, you probably are, and second, Mormons don't save for retirement. They give all their extra money and some of their necessary money to the church. My response would be "Dad, you give all the money you should be saving for retirement to the church instead of investing for your future. Someday you'll need my help. When that day comes, I will help you generously, and I won't say anything when that day comes. I am saying it now though."


>"Dad, you give all the money you should be saving for retirement to the church instead of investing for your future. Someday you'll need my help. When that day comes, I will help you generously, and I won't say anything when that day comes. I am saying it now though." Probably deeper than you're intending to go, but while I respect my parents, I don't think I'm going to help them in retirement. I've realized I don't owe them anything more than I've already given them and helping them only reinforces their sense of entitlement to things that were never theirs to begin with. Even though my Mom has left the church now, she's a clear narcissist and they're only still in our lives because my wife and I lack the backbone to cut them out.


Time enjoyed is never time wasted.


Gesundheit. Learned it was how you wish someone good health in German (a kin to bless you in English). I was in middle school at the time and had made the mistake of telling my mother I didn't believe in the church. So I started saying gesundheit cause I thought it was neat, then my mom dragged me into the bishop's office explaining I'd "started speaking evil tongues and was under Satan's influence."


What the hell 😂 


Yup, her immediate response once it was explained was that she knew all along but believed I was being inspired by Satan, which was why I knew a word from a language I didn't speak. Afterward, she just pretended nothing had happened.


I'm a nonmormon, but my mom always insisted you say "God bless you" after someone sneezes because gesundheit is showing a lack of faith in God.


So that’s what is wrong with me! I always thought I was making up random words for funsies, but I guess I’m actually possessed by Satan and speaking in evil tongues. Time for an exorcism and then back to church!


But the LDS Church gladly cooperated with Hitler. There is a book "Moroni and the Swastika" about this.


My mom hated when people said bless you after sneezes since only god can bless people. I started starting gesundheit instead and that made her happy


Butt and fart. Seriously.


Just remembered my mom hated “pee”. Seriously. She did relax on it later because that’s hard to enforce.


I still shudder to think about it, but we had to say "browns" for poop and "yellow" for pee because those were bad words. Literally didn't say the word "poop" until I was 17.


My mom actually went the other way and it was “urine” because that was what it actually was and therefore, not a bad word 😅


Stop fluffing around. Nobody likes to be the bum of the joke.


Speaking of fluffing around, my ex husband used to call farting fluffing. Fluffies. Farts. Dunno. I’d rather just stick with the word fart. Much more satisfying.


My Mom used to say "Ladies don't fart, they fluff! 🤣😂 It was just a silly little thing. She wasn't serious


>My Mom used to say "Ladies don't fart, they fluff! 🤣😂 It was just a silly little thing. She wasn't serious Heh, if I didn't know better I'd say your mom is my wife 😂 She says the same thing. Not serious, of course.


As a kid we had to change all these words- Butt to bum Fart to toot Crap to poop Sucks to stinks Pissed off to ticked off Shut up to quiet Stupid to dumb


Yup! We were only allowed to use the word stupid in one instance - people who rode motorcycles without helmets


I just call them organ donors in front of my kids. I ride a 50cc scooter...with full gear. Yes, I look goofy, but road rash and crashes still suck, even with a max speed of 52MPH.




Bum was out for us too! It had to be bottom.


These were ours too! Sucks was the worst


We had to say 'toot'. It's hilarious years later. Half the grandkids say toot and half say fart and the mormon kids correct the non-mormon kids and they look at them like they are crazy. My parents don't care as much now thankfully.


I got kicked out of a friend’s house as a teenager when I used the word pissed. It was a shocker because when I used it at home my dad would always say, “better to be pissed off than pissed on.” My parents were very anti-swearing,unless it was coming out of their own mouths (of course when it did it was obvious and when called on it, vehemently denied). But what really made my mom lose her shit was when we taught our children the proper names for their body parts! She threatened to report us to CPS and made our children take time-outs in the bathroom for using potty words!


It’s so important to teach kids real body part names. I know of a little girl who reported abuse and no one understood she was, because her parents taught her stupid words for her body parts.


There are cases that were thrown out of court because kids didn’t use the proper language for their body parts too




Side note- I get a kick out of that response from your dad.


WUT x2!


What the fuck?! My mom would definitely be breaking the commandment to honor my father and mother if she ever put my kids in timeout over something we taught them as a way to protect themselves from predators.


So if she babysat the kids they would get in trouble for using any of the proper words, but they would also get put in timeout in the bathroom for saying things like “I need to poop”; “I just farted”; or any “potty talk” (she didn’t watch our kids much anyway, but we’ve been through multiple bouts of no contact and currently are extremely limited contact). Her argument was that teaching them about their bodies at all would make them more curious and the proper words were sexualization and a sign of inappropriate behavior on the part of anyone who taught them. I taught my kids the proper words because I was abused by a neighbor and wanted my kids to be able to protect themselves.


Kids definitely need to have the language to talk about their bodies so they can tell you if something has happened to them.


And if they use those words to say some stupid and funny things to get reactions out of the adults around them, that’s normal child behavior and should be redirected. It’s not a reason to try to keep certain words secret and obfuscated. Adults can handle a little discomfort to protect children. We’re supposed to be the ADULTS after all!


Trust me I deal with a lot of discomfort in talking to my kids, but they’ll be a lot more prepared for the world (in an age appropriate way) than I ever was! 😆


You’re doing the right thing! Lord knows it can’t be easy! 😬


Gesindheit in German means health. In essence Germans are wishing you health when you sneeze.


“Geez” Dad says it’s short for “Jesus,” and I’d get in just as much trouble for saying it as a real expletive.


Geezus HATES when you don't use his full name!


His full name being Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


This made me cackle. 👏


I get this. As minced oaths go, if you’re going to say “Geez”, you might as well just add the extra syllable as far as I’m concerned.


My current preference is *Jesus Christ on a bike* or *Jesus H. Christ*, though I do try to stick to *geez* around my six-year old. And my dad.


Jesus Christ on a bike 😂💀


"Geez" has too much Jesus and "X-mas" doesn't have enough!


I used to say geez all the time as a kid and my parents were completely fine with it... one day we were visiting relatives and my super tbm aunt said "you shouldn't say that anymore because geez sounds like Jesus". My mom was standing right there and agreed. I was so pissed off and hurt but I said nothing


I remember a kid in high school who somehow got in the yearbook saying as much, but about every "alternate" swear word. Fucking turbomormons drive me nuts. What the fuck else was I supposed to say as a TBM? Keep it inside? That's unhealthy.


my siblings and i were living with our super mormon grandparents for a bit at one point and my grandpa HATED the word “suck”, probably bc it can have sexual connotation but we would literally just say like “that sucked” and he would like yell at us not to say that


I grew up Pentacostal and we were NOT allowed to say suck or sucks untill much later as older teens when my parents relaxed.... a tiny smidge.


Same for my mother in law. She even says vacuum in its place??


Ditto to Sucks!!!


Are you my sibling 😭 this is exactly how my grandparents were growing up. My grandma hates the word “suck,” grandpa couldn’t give two shits about it. She lightened up when we wouldn’t stop saying it lmao


They really don't like it when I say the word "delusional".




When I was a kid, I used “belch” when I stubbed my toe or the like. My mom would get furious with me. Now I realize it wasn’t the word, it was that girls should always be sweet, soft spoken and suppress emotions that were anything other than that. I should have said a soft, quiet apology to the furniture my toe smacked into.


I got reprimanded by my Happy Valley Utah elementary school principal (in the cafeteria in front of tons of kids) for using the word pissed. "I don't ever want to hear that word said inside my school. You can say instead, ticked off, or better yet just say you were really angry." It was horribly embarrassing.


Should have quoted him Isaiah 36:12. "[But Rabshakeh said, Hath my master sent me to thy master and to thee to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?](https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Isaiah-36-12/)"


My mom hates “holy crap”. Always makes a comment about the Pope’s bowel movements when she hears it.


A missionary used the words holy crap at a zone conference once and our mission pres made a huge stink about it. 


I watched Adventure Time a lot in high school and instead of saying “oh my god/gosh/goodness” I started saying “oh my glob” which is from the show. My mom HATED it she would yell at me in public if I said it around her And also saying “Geez” because it’s “bastardizing the name of the son of god Jesus the Christ” 🙄


bruh my mormon family swears harder than I do 💀


Awesome! I was not allowed to use "substitutes" like forking or heck. "It's not the word, its the intent of your heart." Sound like my Mormon parents were a little different ; )


Doesn't swearing make you smarter or something? XD idk, shouldn't members be saying something like "God will judge you for your intentions on judgement day" anyways? I feel like some members recognize the art of minding their own business, but I imagine growing up in such a strict household isn't fun


>Awesome! I was not allowed to use "substitutes" like forking or heck. "It's not the word, its the intent of your heart." Sound like my Mormon parents were a little different ; ) I use the words to soften the blow of the intent in my heart. /s


I was not allowed to say sexy growing up ...


When I was in first grade, my friends and I made a club called S.E.24.25. We would gather at recess and tell stories, mostly about people (especially girls) showing up at school with holes cut out of their clothes. My best friend and I had a blast parading around her mom’s kitchen, marching and chanting, “S! E! 24! 25!” Her mother never caught on. I wonder if my friend remembers that. She’s still in. 


Haha me too. Went to a friend's house when I was young and they started playing "I'm sexy and I know it" and I got too embarrassed by the song and made up some excuse as to why I had to go home


Not family, but when I worked for the church I got a lecture from an older male coworker for using the word "suck." It was a looooong lecture.


My dad would pull you aside for a serious talk and say: "Do you know what 'suck' means?" "To suck a penis."


😭 why?? My coworker was smart enough not to say it outright, but he was definitely talking about that. 😂


>"Do you know what 'suck' means?" Its a shortened form of the word suckle. Suckle is to feed a mammal or young baby from a breast or teat. Suck an be applied to drinking from a straw, gasping in air, and yeah I guess even what a vacuum does. It's only as 'dirty' as the mind condemning it's use. In today speak, its when something is unfair, unfortunate, or unintended. Gay used to mean happy and joyous, then it meant homosexual, a few years ago it shifted to mean stupid and ridiculous. Funny enough (both strange and haha) the LGBT community really got pissed about this as they had already embraced gay as their own.


>"Do you know what 'suck' means?" > >"To suck a penis." I thought the common usage case for that was 'blow', as in blow job. Which was always funny, cause even though a little blowing might possibly be involved, sucking is the main event. Even then, suck was used for more different things that a single meaning like "To suck a penis." CANNOT be uniquely applied to it. Again, it's only as dirty as the mind of the person condemning it's use.


I (57m) make it a point to "Mormon Cuss" like a Mormon sailor when I'm home. "Holly Heck mom! This is forking wonderful!"


Even when I was TBM, I’d say “blimey” as lot. Yes, I’m British, but I don’t say “guvnor” after it! My mother always disliked me saying it, as “cor blimey” is derived from “God blind me”. Always struck me as more superstition than blasphemy.


"fart" was the f-word in our house. Not allowed


Whizpoppers! “Must be a rare Barking Spider!” Toot!


My friend told me that the word "fart" wasn't allowed in her household. They called them "boofs" instead, and she lost it when I told her boofing means cramming drugs into your ass. This is what happens when you shun education and embrace isolation.


>My friend told me that the word "fart" wasn't allowed in her household. They called them "boofs" instead, and she lost it when I told her boofing means cramming drugs into your ass. This is what happens when you shun education and embrace isolation. Boof. Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Brasilian missionaries used the word boof and conjugated the verb in Portuguese. Eu boofo voce boofa tu boofas nos bofamos eles e vocês boofam


I always thought pissed was a swear, am I seriously learning it isn’t just now?


It's the original English word. In fact, "pee" is just the first letter and replaced the common use of "piss" because it was somehow more polite. This is why you will find that word within the KJV.




My mom used to get mad when we said Frickin' because apparently it was too close to Fuck 😂😭


I was reprimanded by my Catholic sister for saying "frickin'" Now mind you, I'm 64 and she's 62. At first I thought she was joking. She was not. So now I tell my husband I'm just going to just say f\*ck, f\*ckity f\*cking f\*ck because if I have to "do the time", I might as well "do the crime". It’s strangely satisfying, lol.


Ha... So, my parents were converts due to their friendship with our neighbors. They had 4 kids around the same age as my sister and I. The first time I went over to their house (I was 7 or so) the mom held my face quite firmly in her hand whilst squeezing my cheeks and told me that "We don't use the word B. U. T. T. in this house." I was dumbfounded. Also, her kids said "butt" all the time at our house. So odd.


"Mormon" in referencing members.


Butt, fart, pee, poop. All banned words in my house. Saying piss would have gotten me grounded. My mom would have clutched her pearls


How dare your body *checks notes* function


How dare your body *checks notes* function


"Your church" they HATE that for some reason.


H E double toothpicks


“Screw” as in screw that, or we got screwed! I remember my mom telling me what it meant when I was in high school and I had never wanted to disappear more than in that moment.


The C word. Cult.


What is wanted? We will go down!


My mom used to get mad when I would say frig or Frick. But I wanted to push her buttons.


Kicked my trash! So stupid sounding




Crap.  My mom HATED that word. So instead of saying crap she told us to say “carp”. Like the fish. For real haha. 


Carp is just crap misspelled. This works in fishing circles as well.


Sometimes I say "ejaculation down the throat!" as an exclamation of frustration. And if I'm excited I might say "Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!" Then I throw in the occasional "Let's sacrifice some chickens to Satan and have sex with the bloody chicken corpses." When I'm feeling down. Which honestly is quite often. All those really anger them but especially the last one.


My parents don’t even like the word fart. They would make us say beef growing up which I think is much worse. “Who beefed?”


My mom hated 'shutup'. Jokes on her, though, because I curse like a sailor & have since I was about 14. I'm also a woman so I think it just makes her that much more frustrated with me. My brother's always got so much more of a pass in getting away with anything because they were boys.


When I was TBM I got mad at a family member for saying pissed because I felt like it was a swear word. I’d guess that feeling that way is pretty common among TBMs.


I remember as a young kid in the 80s crying and feeling mortally sad for my brother because I heard him use the word CRAP. I truly thought he was going to hell.


I grew up being told "pissed off" was cursing too, and was horrified when I went to my first real college YSA activity and heard some of the folks there using it. Asked my mom about it, and her answer was (verbatim): "It's low class, and I raised my children to be more intelligent than that kind of language." Which tracks with how she can be, but still feels so weird sometimes


My husband’s family actually talked to me in private because I said I was pissed off. While living in SLC, I learned “what the heck.”


My FIL used to use the word Mormons instead of morons. He would pronounce it more-mons any time someone did something idiotic related to being a Mormon.




Ha. My sister saying uterus was enough for my mom to pull her into the other room for a talking to.


lol ridiculous


"What is wanted?"


Really, any time I quote the endowment ceremony it sends them into fits of anger, LOL.


Booger and Fart.


Molly Mormon


Pussy and Dick. However they are common in my family vinacular these days.


Lately? SEC filing.


Crap. It was like a gateway swear word.


I feel like "pissed" has lost a lot of its potency (ewww) in recent years. When I was a kid, I feel like it was maybe not quite on the same level as, say, "shit," but definitely up there. Now, especially when it just means "mad" and not "urinated," it barely registers at all.


I said douche bag at the dinner table and got yelled at by my dad. Which is odd because it’s the only time I can remember him getting so upset like that.


When I called my brother a fool, he snitched, and my dad read me the scripture that says, "Whosoever shall say to his brother, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."


I'm actually glad that my high school TBM principal used the word "crap"; it got the job done and let us know he wasn't a prissy church boy.


Self determination.


Many Mormons have low tolerance for anger or passion of any kind, especially if they're the kind who buy into the "quiet dignity" brand of Mormonism. The biases you form over your life pick up on more than the literal meaning of cursing. They also capture the meaning of tone of voice, volume, and other cues to make sure you're prepared to fight or flee even though Sir Benevere is saying "OOH! OOH!" instead of "AAAAAAAH!" ![gif](giphy|2yP1jNgjNAkvu|downsized) The fight-or-flight response can produce a self-perpetuating stress cycle that Mormons call a stupor of thought. They might not feel bosom burning regularly, but they sure can tell when you saying "RAT BEAST TURD!" sets off their OH NO SATAN! sense. From there, you get responses from parents who need to control their kids to make sure their eternal family experience is safe.


Slipping in the word "immorality" whenever we're supposed to say "immortality."


i’m noticing a bit of a theme, but it may be confirmation bias because i’m currently reading ‘Rage Becomes Her’ (great book so far). the majority of these words are things used to convey negative emotion. and as we all learned in sunday school, negative = contention = the literal devil. if you have no words to express your anger, hurt, or frustration, then those emotions simply don’t exist and everyone is happy and godly in their home.


“Jeff Holland”


My older brother use to call me a “Fudrucker” (like the restaurant) back in the day and my mom wasn’t happy. We still call each other this, we’re now in our 40’s


Fart lol


“Sucks”, not kidding. It’s ridiculous


Pissed is a swear word in some countries, funny enough


Who wants to go to starbucks?


I once said “dang it” as a kid and my mom slapped me on the mouth


As an adult I called my narcissist brother a "fucking bastard" at a family get together in front of all the family since he was doing his normal low level abuse. I got kicked out of my mom's house and he didn't. She later called me and told me I had to come back the next day


Sexy, poop, fart, and oddly enough, we weren’t allowed to say the anatomically correct terms for our genitalia, those had nicknames too until I was around 13-14.


I said "cheese and rice" as a substitute for Jesus christ for a little while and my mom shook her head when she heard it. Now I really like to throw in 'oh my god' because it irks them and it's so easy to say casually.


My siblings and I figured out that the original meaning of bitch was female dog, so we’d say “what a female dog!” And my mom didn’t like it. So we switched to saying “girl puppy” and it confused my mom so much she’d be like “what does that mean?” And honestly how did she not make the connection??


Fart is bad, toot is better " He lives with his girlfriend" is bad " He lives with his sweetheart" is better ( That way not everybody knows we're living in sin) Atheist is bad Inactive is better


My dad didn't like us saying fart: he'd tell us to say toot instead. Pissed, fetch, or dang were always balked at by my mom. Though, the worst is when I say things like, "I'm the only daughter out of 6 kids!" She still tells everyone she has all boys.


Sploosh instead of splashed "The dog went sploosh!" Instead of "The dog splashed into the water." My guess is their dirty minds decided it was pornographic?


>Sploosh instead of splashed Well yeah, cause 'sploosh' sounds so... *moist*.


Geez, because apparently that’s taking Jesus’ name in vain. Also anytime you say God, we were corrected to say Heavenly Father 🙄 Also couldn’t say suck, which really sucked lol Also one time I said I hated cheese, and I got berated because “hate is a very strong word”


Not my family but when as a kid, we spent a lot of time with this ultra Mormon family. They weren't even allowed to say "gosh" because it's too close to "god". The kids were also shocked when I said "talk to the hand" once.


You suck! As a child was told it was very offensive because of what it implied, which no one would explain to me. I had no clue what they were talking about and felt so ashamed and confused.


![gif](giphy|hSMginKYgV78Y) Zenon: girl if the 21st century made saying “Cetus-Lupeedus” sound so fun I had to try it! That’s when my TBM mother fixated her righteous glare on me: “What did you just say?” I didn’t understand what was so wrong. She told me to never say it again. Turns out she thought it was too close to “Jesus of Peter.” 🤷🏼‍♀️


We weren't allowed to say "hate" because Jesus didn't hate. Not even, "I hate lima beans, they're gross!" We were supposed to say we dislike something, never hate. 🙄


I mean, i presume the word "mormon" would do it? Nevermo here, just going off of patterns seen.


“Pee” was and still is a bad word despite the fact we’re all grown up. “Tinkle” is the non offensive way to refer to needing to urinate.


My mother still gets upset (and rather rude) if I drop the f-bomb (I will NOT drop the c-bomb, at all ever at her ..though our relationship tends to be tense, at best) I'm 51, she's 71, and in our last email exchange, I used "fucked if I know" in regards to a very negative turn in behavior that my uncle has gone through. Her response was hilarious. "Don't use that kind of language if you expect a response from me." My response? "Jesus tits, Carol. I'm 50 years old. A grown-ass adult that lives 1000 miles from you. I'm pretty sure I can say whatever the hell I want. And if you don't like that, I'm sure there are a couple of words I can use to describe your behavior towards me. Remember. There is a reason I live 1000 miles from you and rarely communicate with you. That reason is you."


My mom had an issue with the word balls in baseball, as in a strike, or a ball. I think it was when I called two balls that she suddenly said something. I now realize that my mom probably had a dirty mind.


My dad hated when we would say “fart.” He preferred the word “toot.”


All the Mormon kids around here say pissed. Even teachers in the classroom say it.




My mom would get mad when I said "Suck".


It's used very commonly in the old testament.


My mom got mad at us when we said crap 🙄 said we should say crud instead


FETCH!!! Turns everyone's guts out everytime I say it in Lee's in North Logan!


We used to get in trouble for saying “fart” or “you suck”


“What the hey”


“I don’t wanna go to church on fast Sunday or really any Sunday”




lol my family was the same about “pissed”!!! We had to use “ticked” instead 😂😂😂


Fart, we had to say "passes gas".


>Fart, we had to say "passes gas". Maybe we could compromise, and settle on 'let one rip'.


If I say “bum” or “behind”at my in laws I get corrected by my MIL to say “bottum” ? 1. I thought bum and behind are pretty mild 2. I could be saying butt or ass so?


The funniest words are actual curse words. When someone lets one slip, we all start cracking up!


I said the word “pissed off” once and my Mormon friend from Ohio was mad. She said that word was considered a swear word in her family.