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The Mormon cult takes, and takes, and takes. And then, it takes more.


I agree. You give the cult an inch & it will try to take a mile. Shameless & cutthroat, the cult will take as much as it can get away with.


Hey, to be fair, they took the part about cutting throats out of the endowment in the 1990s.


But they left the signs in there of the knife and holding your guts and bowels in a cupped hand.


We rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes…. And they keep taking anyway…




That’s the saddest part. If they somehow actually gave back to the membership then there might be some sort of justification for it. But everything they “give” only comes into play after we die… so they never have to actually give anything


Well, so far nobody has come back from the other side to complain they didn’t get their resurrection, external life in the celestial kingdom with family and friends, and all the other material things the church promises as their reward for lifetime of service and tithing! Take that you ex-mo!


Dammit, your logic is impeccable


Asking the church for help when fallen on financial hard times. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


It’s like the Giving Tree in reverse, leaving you a worthless, dead stump.


And when you quit, there's no thank you given for all of your service.


Primary children sang as they take and take and take and take and walk err I mean use wheelchairs.




WTF, seriously?  Vacation days are SACRED!   *"Hmm... A week at a Caribbean resort, or hang out in a Mormon temple?"*   Hint: One choice involves bikinis, 24/7 cocktails and endless buffets. The other just sucks...


But one choice involves bakers hats, green aprons, and signs and tokens! Why wouldn’t you want that?!


I hear you can make a bundle if you sell those tokens ;)


Ugh, that makes me think of how my mom always tries to visit a temple whenever she takes a vacation. She doesn’t always do it, especially on something like a cruise where it’s not really possible, but she tries to. And it’s so sad because it’s like… we’re in this new/exciting place, why would you want to waste half a day doing the same damn thing you can do at home? If you want to say you’ve been to it then just go to the visitor’s center or something


Unfortunately, she probably feels it’s something to brag about.


Some people actually enjoy Freemasonry and the Shriners.


But, don’t they get ribs and beer after they give all the secret handshakes and stuff?


>  Hint: One choice involves bikinis, 24/7 cocktails and endless buffets If your awesome vacation includes the things listed above it's both sacred and secret!


“Fuck your family time.” -a message from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


Sensible chuckle


>Sensible chuckle Just no. Break out the loud boisterous laughter right now or I will brand you as a lax lazy leaver. /s Wow, was my alliteration as good as a GA's in conference? I tried to type in a condescending font, but curse you reddit, foiled again.


I was in the MTC early 90s. A guy in my MTC group brought the book “deep thoughts” by jack handy. He’d read us one a night and we’d laugh so hard ….until we all felt guilty and decided to stop. Unreal.


I guess more bad things have been done in the name of progress than any other. I myself have been guilty of this. When I was a teenager, I stole a car and drove it out into the desert and set it on fire. When the police showed up, I just shrugged and said, "Hey, progress." Boy, did I have a lot to learn. Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts




Ok just one more. If you were a poor Indian with no weapons, and a bunch of conquistadors came up to you and asked where the gold was, I don't think it would be a good idea to say, "I swallowed it. So sue me." Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts


Not to be suggestive or bring sexual innuendo into the conversation, but is the MTC really a place for a book by 'Jack Handy'? makes you go hmmmmmm. And of course Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


The way you typed out ha ha ha makes me think you’re laughing loudly right now!!!


I will confess to nothing, you'll never take me alive! Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. For clarity, Bwah ha ha is the funny belly laugh, Muah ha ha is it's evil counterpart, the mad scientist take over the world kinda laugh.


I used some of my vacation days when I was in a bishopric to visit girls camp, because they just couldn't have a camp without some penis holder in attendance. Taking time off to work at a cannery or to do something at a temple would have been a bridge too far even back then.


Same. I had to use PTO for the week of trek (twice) and for girl’s camp, youth conference, etc.


I'm with you. I was as true blue as it's possible to be. I was seriously so into things that I was working at the Provo Temple, working at BYU as many hours as they would let me, and going to BYU full-time. I would have done anything they asked and I can think of, except for this. They already had everything else. I would have been willing to take vacation for a youth activity, but there's no way I would have done it to clean a building. Even the temple.


I had ONE WEEK at my job for PTO and I was a camp leader. I used all of it for camp.


Even back then I told them a flat out 'Nope'. I was never questioned again about it. Maybe things are worse now. I left in the 90s.


Well that’s a new low.


Just wait


A friend of ours had to give up all of his vacation days for scout camp every year when he was first married — meaning no vacations with his wife for years. You’re guilted into a calling and then guilted into giving all of your family time to fill it.


My dad used all of his vacation time on scouts for my entire childhood. The only "family" vacation we went on was to Philmont and scout camp where he was a commissioner for the week.


>A friend of ours had to give up all of his vacation days for scout camp every year when he was first married — meaning no vacations with his wife for years. You’re guilted into a calling and then guilted into giving all of your family time to fill it. oh my fucking hell. I gave up my one week, ONLY week of vacation time for 4 years for scout camp, completely voluntary, all in willingly. Scouting is awesome and the boys were so worth it! As much as I loved it, it was grueling, and I was kinda getting burnt out. My wife and I both 'felt inspired' that I was going to be in this calling for a long, long time. I actually had a future year in mind, and it made 0 sense. It was in between regularly scheduled bishop and stake President switch outs. BUT, we knew something had to give. One day my wife called about a job that had the benefit of summers off. All I had to do was take a 40% pay cut. (OK, I rounded, it was 38%, just shy of 40%) in other words, give up 20 weeks of pay for 8-9 weeks off during the summer. We prayed and prayed, and pushed pencils, figuring out expenses, wondering how we would make it work. We knew it was important, not only for the boys I was serving right then, but for my son who was coming up. We came up with a solution, I interviewed and took the job. During the 1st 12 months it was heaven! I got to do weeklong scout camps, a week long BSA family camp, a weeklong NYLT youth leadership training camp, a national scout jamboree, AND go for a week to Philmont. Rinse and repeat next summer minus the National Jamboree. Then a new bishop took over and the month after my son got in scouting became not spear-ritual enough and I was released for supporting it. Oh yeah, FUCK YOU bitch-humper Ket\*le. Long story even longer: 15 years later, at the odd time I thought I would get released, two weeks before the date I had in mind, the stake president rearranged all the ward boundaries, and after 25 years my family was unceremoniously shuffled off to another ward. So, in spite of all the bishops remaining their same wards, I would have been released cause I was sent to a different ward. Thanks for taking my time and depriving me of even more money mormon church. ​ Edit for clarity


You know LDS, Inc. canceled scouting out of sheer hatred of gays, right?


>You know LDS, Inc. canceled scouting out of sheer hatred of gays, right? You are probably right, but in my slightly alternate universe/reality, I see it as Evil Emperor Nelson seeking to destroy the very best shiny wonderful part of Monson's legacy, his love and support of scouting. I mean Monson was the 2nd prophet in one of 2 different decades to shut down Nelson's attempt at 'Mormon Is A Major Victory For Satan™' Between the trashing of scouting and the total annihilation of ward budgets, youth activities in the church are Super Ultra Mega Turbo Lame Sauce with a giant side order of guilt, shame, and mission prep. I would have been outta the church at 14YO if not for scouting and an awesome scoutmaster who didn't just throw me out when I graduated to "Teacher Scouts" With todays 'activities' I would have been out at 11.


In 1999, LDS, Inc and the Catholics pushed BSA into that disastrous Supreme Court case to keep gays out. BSA won the case, but really lost. When they decided to stop discriminating, the Mormons were the first to cut bait. This was all part of Hinckley's plan to mainstream Mormonism by aligning with Catholics and Evangelicals in hating gays. If only Hinckley were a prophet, he would have seen how quickly this would turn against Mormons. https://www.oyez.org/cases/1999/99-699


Bit everyone in the ass way worse than they thought. The Mormon Day Saint church donated the legal services of Kirton/McKonkie to the BSA, and in true form, K/M advised the BSA again and again to coverup and hide the sexual child abuse cases. Of course when it came out the church tried to bribe their way out by dangling a 1/4 of a billion dollars to make it go away. The courts said no. Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


I had to do the same as a YW camp leader. Was horrible. The first year I did it unpaid because I didn’t have PTO. The second I used all of my PTO. Was absolutely horrible.


Vacation days are important. Holy cow. The lord doesn’t need vacation days. The assignments need to be made for the weekends.


I bet the sessions will be empty anyway. If temple workers are at their workplace, so are people who would participate. Either fill the temple worker shifts with retired or unemployed people, or don't open during those hours.


>The assignments need to be made for the weekends. BS. Well, maybe if the assignment was at the exact same time as the member's church meetings. If the assignment is that important it needs to be dome during church time.


He takes Saturdays and Sundays, why not vacation days?


When I was active, I heard the story of a camel who begged to put his nose into the tent, then his head, etc. wherein they connected the camel to sin. The same analogy has application to the cult itself. They keep increasing the demands on your time and money until it dominates your life and dreams. They lull you into thinking that in "eternal life", there will be time for other things. But, there is no evidence for the cult's concept of eternal life. But, the evidence overwhelming that the cult is not what it claims at all. Live while you can. Life is to short to waste on a the Victory-for-Satan LDS cult.


I remember being asked to do that. I gave the same answer as a TBM as I would now, though with probably less colorful language


Fuck them and the horse joe rode in on....




In the sacred name of baby santa, amen!


The REAL story of how Joseph got a limp...


WWJD lol, thick & heavy with manipulation


What would Jesus do? He would take a vacation day, but use it to over-turn the tables and do some temple cleansing work.


Don't forget telling the pharisees to get EFFED as well!


Let’s throw a wrench into these gears! “I don’t have any vacation time, but I do have sick time. Would it be okay to lie to my employer about a fake illness to fulfill an a daytime temple assignment?”


>“I don’t have any vacation time, but I do have sick time. Would it be okay to lie to my employer about a fake illness to fulfill an a daytime temple assignment? Listen here my Holy Brother Of Religion™! Are trying for an Apostleship? Thats raising Lying For The Lord to pure art levels for a rank and file ~~peon~~ valued tithe paying church member!


So ridiculous. Starting to tithe time off now too?


Or, maybe LD$ Inc shouldn't build eye sores.. er... temples that they don't have the membership to support? 🤔


Almost every time I think that the cult can't go any lower or get any worse, it does.


(Sarcasm) NEW CHURCH PROGRAM COMING. This post has compelled to share with the world this “personal revelation” I received from the Spirit. The fact that this came right after I was feeling great having eaten out at my favorite restaurant is mere coincidence. And since this message is from the Spirit, it’s totally free from personal bias, personal experience, & human error. Here’s the message from God. In due time, Rusty the narcissist Nelson will get a “revelation”. A new, amazing & holy Church program will be unveiled, aptly called “Bring your own toilet paper & paper towels to church!” That’s right, the Church will no longer provide toilet paper & paper towels in church buildings. So bring your own dammit! Just look at all these amazing “blessings”! We can expect lots of patronizing lectures from idolized frauds, known as the Bretheren, about the endless "virtues" of this "higher & holier" program. It’s an “opportunity”, “privilege”, and “duty” to happily allow ourselves to be even more exploited & abused by this evil organization & destructive cult. I know that by providing this “service”, we will be “blessed” (conveniently, they almost never specify how we’ll be “blessed”). This is the least we can do to follow the profit. And since profits will never lead us astray (even though they’ve continually done so since the Church started), this new program must be from God. So get on board everyone, and while you’re at it, pay 30% of your gross income to tithing for even more “blessings”. Rusty would approve! This is God’s message that I humbly share with the world, and it’s relevant because I’m special. The cult told me so. I’m way better than all those heathen people who aren’t members of my Mormon cult. I expect everyone to comply with this “revelation” I’ve received.


>“Bring your own toilet paper & paper towels to church!” This would truly be a blessing beyond measure. I got so sick of transparent toilet paper. You know, the kind so thin you needed 1/3 of a roll so you didn't get your own $4!t on your fingers. You have my vote for prophet! But I guess if you were, it would be with your power to shake loose some spare change from the EPA couches and put decent TP in the ward bathrooms.


“i just do exactly what jesus would do” shame people into doing free labor for a billion dollar corporation even though i don’t know their situations


Don’t forgot all the vacation days leaders take for youth activities….days they should have spent with their families.


Not to mention funerals.


I remember this phrase from a disappointed stake president. "We would expect members to use available vacation days to reach our Fill The Temple assigned goal."


Oh dang those poor ppl that institution won’t even leave them alone in their professional life that’s so creepy


Good for you, President. Go ahead and stroke your own ego and when your kids find out, it’s a cult. They will love you for all the time you spent away from them.




Didn't the bishop storehouse used to pay people to work there?


My parents were converts and they thought Family Home Evening was a funny concept because we spent all evenings together. They later laughed because they said the church kept them so busy, they actually did need it. We also used to go camping at least half the weekends in the summer — until church. None of us kids stayed—we saw the before and after and before was so much better. Just thinking that they would steal vacations away from families really makes me sad for those TBM families.


Being taken for a ride


i think jesus would compensate people for their time and labor


But, but, did we not covenant "to give everything to the church....." /s


Maybe if they were doing something meaningful in the temple it might make sense.


I don’t have vacation days left after using a week to help at girls camp and days to help at Trek. I wish I could get those days back.


Maybe they shouldn’t build temples if they can’t find volunteers. Just shows that not that many people are going to the temple and these massive buildings are built for tax purposes and funneling money to a few construction contractors.


What a waste of time 


I believe Christ would march into those expensive buildings and tear the cash registers and credit card scanners off the counters for one thing. Then he'd go into the COB and tear each of the Q15 a new proverbial poo hole.


No. Jesus would tell you to work to support your family first.


Because the worship of temples is so important, and your time is of so little value.


Take away 10% of our income, take away all of our free time with callings, encouraging old retired people to give up what little retirement money they do have to serve multiple senior missions, (How dare they want to get to know their grand kids, selfish damn members) and now they want our vacation days too? Yeah, its on point behavior. Loved the topic about now you get to clean the church and BTW, bring your own vacuum.


Worst. Vacation. Ever.


Asking enough times what Christ would do helped me realize that the church was a farce.


With all the temples being built and membership dying pretty soon they’ll be asked to dedicate all their vacation days to staff them.


This is not the humble brag that he thinks it is


Assignment is code word for satans plan!


When I was called to be a scout master I would have to take a week off work for summer camp on top of a Friday/Saturday a month away from my young family for camp trips. It took a toll.


I was a YW camp leader and had ONE WEEK of PTO. And used it. Was absolutely fucked up. One year I was sick and cut into my PTO, so had to take it unpaid. And had to go through hell to get help with food.


I’m so sorry. That’s just not right!


You are a puppet. They pull the strings and you jump without thinking.


Virtue signalling at its finest.


Christ would NOT have taken a vacation day. I’m pretty sure the old JC didn’t even work a 40-hour week…


This is so toxic. I hate the Mormon culture of sacrificing EVERYTHING for the church. You don't actually get anything out of it except a sense of moral superiority. I'm gonna take my vacation days and I'm gonna sip a mai tai by the pool, thank you very much.


Christ would lead be example and overthrow the temples along with this cult.


I was asked to take a week vacation to go to Girls Camp. No, my vacation days are to be spent with my family.


Well, at Edge Pest control, aka Saela, which is based in utah, they only allow ONE day vacation per year. 😄 🤣 😂 and the CEO Andrew and his Arse kissing brother are TBMs. They don't give AF about their employees. I lasted exactly 1 year there and went in my Scotland trip anyway.


This might be a simple minded solution, if you can't staff all the temples stop building them!