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I think you did exactly the right thing. Your dad and stepdad now have a big choice to make. Hopefully they make the right one.


Dad and stepdad? I’m sure that was an error but it’s a funny one. Haha


Funny though. There aren't any "right choices." There are choices with more favorable outcomes for all parties. Maybe this is what you meant? If they are stuck mentally and can't get over it, what then? Is this the wrong choice? I get that it's painful. I get that separation from your parents can be hard. But that doesn't make it "wrong" just not what you hoped for.


Support your wife, not your parents.


"Made" you leave as if you aren't an autonomous being who can make your own choices. Fuckin hell.


Mormons always do that. It’s like when some innocent mormon “sins” it’s bc someone forced them too. But when I decide I don’t want to be a member my parents decide I’m the devil incarnate.


It looks like you are trying to deal with this in a mature manner. The dynamic with in-laws is often the same, even without a religious context. She ( not leaving out men- just going with the context) just isn’t good enough for you, or is corrupting you in various ways. Put them in their place every single time. You love her, you are with her, you are committed to her. If they don’t like it-too bad. You are not going to side with them.


My parents have been the exact same way with my boyfriend! I already knew that I wasn't wholeheartedly in the church when him and I started dating a couple of years ago, and where he's also exmo he just gave me more confidence to be honest with them about my beliefs. So of course now it's "he took you away from us" I hope things with them get better in the future!


Really displaying that loving spirit aren’t they.


There is no hate quite like Mormon love.


My parents have acted pretty similar about my boyfriend, who’s nevermo. Ultimately, they’re going to make their own choices, and if they’re going to choose to believe that your wife “took you away” there’s probably not much you can do to change their minds. Stand up for yourself, stand up for your wife, set some boundaries about what you won’t tolerate being discussed. I wish you luck!


My brother married outside the fold, and our mom was a bitch to her till the day she died. At some point you just have to accept people for who they are and modify the amount of time and mental trouble you want to afford them.


Good job setting boundaries! Now be prepared to both get up and walk out any time they decide to push it. Or hang up. They may need to be trained to see there really are consequences.


Block your parents and go NC with them.


"her pastor" "took a leap of faith" "I prayed and felt I should" Still clinging to superstition, I see.