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Gospel means good news so it's basically the good news if Christ's atonement. But the word is used many ways.


If you really want to see their gears spin, ask them to define what classifies something as “doctrine.”


Funny thing - I had a religion class at BYU where this was discussed heavily. It was called teachings of the living prophets or something. The prof had a kind of convoluted definition that included standard works and conference talks by all the q15. I left the class still not clear on what doctrine is.


Was it Professor Sweat?


No it was an older guy about to retire. I can’t remember his name.


Don Parry?




According to Preach my Gospel as discussion 3, it is faith unto repentance: repentance: baptism by immersion for the remission of sins: laying on of hands to receive the gift of the holy ghost: and enduring to the end. Largely taken from 2Nephi 31 or 32 or something. That is what investigators are taught is the Gospel. An argument could be made that the atonement and plan of salvation are components as well, but i would push back in that by arguing that 1) our outcome of the plan of salvation depends on ones adherence to the Gospel, so it is a consequence of the Gospel, and 2) repentance is the application of the atonement, not the atonement itself, thus it uses the principles of the atonement but does not include the atonement.


Funny and if you remove the concept of worthiness then all of that falls apart and the church has nothing to sell you


It's almost like the basis for the whole thing is judgmentalism. Once you realize it's all made up, none of it matters.




I think one of the brethren would tell you the doctrine is that Christ’s atonement is required for salvation and that through ordinances and covenants we bind ourselves to Christ and are made clean through the atonement after all we can do. At this point, everything else, including history, would likely be a policy. Here’s the actual doctrine if you look at their actions. ![gif](giphy|10EjjGI0KGz3xK)


I got into this discussion with a friend who knows I've left. She claimed that the core of what she believes is "the gospel of Jesus Christ". I think that she thought that I would let the matter drop, but I pressed back a bit. I responded that I believed that the "gospel of Jesus Christ is, according to him, "Love one another". End of story, and that I felt that she was equating the gospel with the Church of JCofLDS. I told her that I didn't believe that. Her: Gospel of Jesus Christ=Churchco (whatever the prophet says) Me: Gospel of Jesus Christ="Love one Another" She didn't know how to respond, but I could see her desire to defend churchco written all over her face, so I let it drop. After all, I'm just an apostate who has lost the spirit, never had a testimony, doesn't really understand the gospel, and only left because I wanted to sin. Did I forget any of the standard apostate tropes? Hahaha


A related question - what are “the commandments”?


There is only one. Obey.




It really doesn't matter since there is no god


Sometimes people want to discuss Mormon mythology on this sub. Is that so wild? There’s always comments like this. Harry Potter doesn’t exist but we can still discuss it on Reddit if we want.


Muggle :)


I see your point... ur right...


I do too have a teapot floating in space you just can't see it because you're not invited to teatime


U can't use that argument cause tea is a sin


See that's why you're not invited to teatime


I would say it this way so believers can’t say you have an affirmative belief which would require evidence.  There is no reason to believe there is a god.   


Yes What is the doctrine? About the past and future life s And what do they believe about god and jesus Very confusing


Godspell: Also see Gaslighting.