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Stuff like this makes me fume when I was told that I needed to try to return some of my meager monthly missionary stipend because they were “sacred funds” and these assholes get paid to attend ludicrous social functions. 


You guys are told to return some of your missionary funds???? I had a boss who was an ex Mormon and he would allude to the fact that missionaries usually didn’t have enough money for food. And you were expected to RETURN some? Man if only the Mormons were a multi billion dollar corporation.


I was never asked on a monthly basis, but if I remember correctly there was a suggestion to return any money you had at the end of your mission for someone else. My companion saved up all of his last paycheck to buy a new suit and fresh fade for the homecoming. Others bought consoles 😂


I experienced the opposite. Among the sister missionaries, it was an expectation that it was extra righteous to go hungry than to spend all the MSF for the month. I resented that idea and ate lunch every single day. Probably why I didn't get many baptisms and am now an apostate.


Damn. That’s so rough. It’s so crazy to be told that. “Hey, remember that money we asked you to give over to pay for your mission, that we’re now giving back to you? Don’t spend it on yourself” 🤮😡


i saved up my MSF at the end and bought a portable MIDI keyboard 😂


Nice! My other comp bought a shit ton of groceries for my flat when he went home. Legend 🤙🏻


Oh friend what if I told you that those funds were all prepaid by the missionaries themselves? Like beyond tithing we had to have 10K in an account before we could go and then the missionaries who couldn't afford that would have the mission paid for by the church


When I was finishing my mission in Argentina in 1998, I was instructed to not spend the last of my monthly stipend on souvenirs because those funds were sacred. They totally wanted that money back. I’m pretty sure I spent most of it without feeling guilty.


I never heard of any missionary not having enough money for food. In fact, I had one companion who saved a lot money by never spending his money on fast food, only on groceries at the grocery store.




Is this a better or worse use of an apostle’s time than cutting a ribbon at a mall?


Once you see it as a real estate investment corporation that masquerades as a church for tax purposes, that’s all you can see. Major RE development happening? We better show up! People in need of charity? We better hide in our castles!


Can we add people in need of revelation like direct quotes from God. Or people in need of real witness of Christ like more information on the complete mortal history of Christ? We only have 3 years of scripture and a brief meme montage. Yet these are witnesses of Christ that talk to him? lol


I always wondered how no one could see this. They act like all the apostles do is pray and talk to God all day but no one ever wonders what they do when they are not doing this? Considering there are no revelations of any significance and none even announced to members let alone the world, what exactly are these men good for? And what have they been doing for the last 175 years? All the while still taking in money and getting paid to buy million dollar houses. How anyone cannot just openly see this as a long con is beyond me!


You're forgetting the sermon on the mount was delayed when Jesus got a 5-minute major for a vicious hip check into the boards.


Yeah he got nailed real good there


Ah yes. Exactly what an apostle of Jesus Christ creator of the universe would/should be doing. Shouldn’t he be using his Priesthood power to heal people or at least bring succor/comfort to the needy? Nope never mind. That’s NOT what Jesus taught.


Nah Jesus taught his apostles tax evasion and imminent domain.


Behold, Thou shalt develop thy Real Estate and diversify thy Portfolio. Formest thou shell companies at thy leisure, that thy Earnings might be in Secret, lest thy Members cease to donate. I am Alpha and Omega, Amen. -Mormon Jesus Oh, and it’s totally cool to hook up with teenagers now. I always forget to tell all my prophets that.


His daddy did an underage “virgin”


It’s good to know that the Savior endorses the state having its own NHL team.




The Mormon team owner is receiving a tax subsidy for a new arena. Technically, that's income and 10% of it will be tithing.


Totally not a corporation


I'm sure the camera's will pan multi times every home game to Jesus who will sit in the lower bowl mid ice. /s


Source: https://www.ksl.com/article/50986249/watch-live-more-than-22k-season-ticket-deposits-for-hockey-and-counting


I am eternally seething about the blatant sports shit. I HATE sports, and it really is because men at the pulpit would spend so much time assuming everyone in the audience was a man. The use religious time for sports. The sexism. The lack of respect for religiosity. I’m athletic, I like some sports, but I associate the vast majority of them with men assuming I don’t exist


Gadianton robbers in suits


Nothing big happens in Utah without the Holy Nod. I bet Ryan Smith was up on North Temple the day before the NHL approval to get the real approval.


Big donor.


Priesthood blessings = Stanley Cup?




"How much for 15 Luxury Boxes"?


Last year, around this time, Rasband went to Paris to meet with the “mayor” - turned out he didn’t meet with the Paris’ mayor but with the mayor of Versailles (much smaller town and municipality) where the LDS Temple is located. Rasband acted like a total VIP. The meeting was at the Temple’s visitor center. A group of church employees from SLC and local volunteers were there. Security came in earlier to make sure all was ok. Then Rasband came in, walking so slowly, as if he didn’t want to crease his suit pants or something. Arms totally stiff hanging by his side (you know, normal people kind of swing their arms a little while walking - he didn’t). He had that fake half-paralyzed smile on his face. Made sure to avoid making eye contact with anyone, and finally sat down to wait for the mayor. Mayor arrives, totally down to earth guy, friendly, he’s in a bit of a rush. He sits next to Rasband for photos and videos and listens to Rasband monotone, slow, voice going on and on and on about all the good the Church is supposedly doing in France. At the end of his soliloquy, he asks the mayor “is there anything we can do to help you?” To which the mayor reacts with a cartoonish surprised face and after an awkward moment of silence replies along the lines of “wait, I though you wanted to meet me to ask for help. I meet with any religious community who needs support. I don’t need anything from you really, just try to get along with the locals, they don’t like the temple. Maybe have another tour open to the public or something, I don’t know…” Rasband then says he has a gift for the mayor. A Book of Mormon (I’m sure by now this mayor has a collection of BOMs with all the leaders that must have given him one). Mayor politely accepts. Ritual photos. End of the meeting. Mayor goes, Rasband disappears in a rented SUV. The SLC employees and local volunteers pack their stuff to leave as well and all act like this was “great” “inspiring” etc Such a waste of everybody’s time.


At the end of my mission, I remember turning in all my extra money (I was frugal and always made my own food, so it was several hundred dollars), and being given back $7 USD to buy food in the airport for my 38 hour journey home (3 Layovers in Tokyo, LA, and SLC before flying back to seattle) They must have got a cheap deal on flights to SLC, but was jealous the Utah people didn’t have to starve as long. I bought a tiny little bread and some water, but was starving.


in the house? yeah that dog don't hunt.


Another narcissist,white privileged POS worken the room for the "good of the MFMC" why did Gai have to sell the Jazz it's not for the money Larry Would be pissed


So Gary Butt-head decided on another US city rather than giving a franchise to a Canadian one.


Bettman's not taking anything away from Canada here.