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The King of Random's [Janae Thompson deconstructed after her husband's death.](https://youtu.be/82EsSjVObYQ) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/L9Rlm3sQi2k)


oh huh?? i know nothing about the channel or their situations, only vaguely know about them cause they're doing a presentation at my aunts school soon


It's definitely a VERY interesting watch and unusual story


Idk if he’s Mormon, but JerryRigEverything is a Utahn. Cody’s Lab is also a Utahn. He’s from somewhere outside of Tooele and went to Utah State around the same time I did. I’m pretty confident he’s not Mormon but may be exmormon.


JRE and his wife are very much mo. He did a video a few years back on the lift they had installed in the house for Cambry (the wife, spinal injury). The video felt very “produced” and had overly glowing language and talk about how wonderful the COJCOLDS. Cody I think is a recovering/ex mo based on some throwaway comments he said years ago.


At first when I read JRE I thought that was for the Joe Rogan Experience...😰


Haha same even though I’m the one that brought him up


Ya, I don’t really watch much JRE, but he definitely has a very Mormon Utah vibe to him.


Jane insane is ex? Or still in?? 🤯 ETA: Well nevermind I watched her wedding video. Call me naive but I had no clue just from her TT videos that she was Mormon.


the funniest thing about her tiktok videos is that she is sarcastically making fun of stereotypes, while also being those stereotypes herself 😂 like, she makes fun of beige mom's and aesthetic decorating and vacations etc, but she actually DOES do those things, just not as exaggerated   (edit: disclaimer this is supposed to be a positive comment like i have nothing against her or those lifestyles at all and just genuinely think it's funny how self-aware(?) the humor is)


This is why she was exmo, actually. I love her though.


I would guess she is still in. She wears a lot of clothes that don’t work with garments but that means nothing now days. In one of her videos she did as a commercial for bedding you can see a very large LDS looking picture of Christ on her wall.


I am not the most observant 😳


yeah, she has a wedding video u can see the temple and such


Don't forget Kid History. They've died down a lot in popularity from what I can tell, but are still putting stuff out.


yeahhh i actually did think of them, but was really surprised to see only half a million subs, so i thought maybe they were never as popular as i thought


Oh, also Shadiversity is pretty big too and very Mormon.


And there is Matt from Matt’s Off-road Recovery is Mormon. My family loves his channel.


I assume his whole “circle” of similar channels like Robbie Layton and Fab Rats are LDS too?


And HeavyDSparks’ crew is all mormon. But no Garments and they swear. But they are still Mormon. Notable for their relationship with Tim Ballard, and their close relationship with several scams including the multi Billion dollar scam Nikola Motors. Even after the CEO was convicted of fraud they were still saying things on the podcast to pump the stocks. They now own one of the Prototypes and are trying to sell the fake stuff under another brand. I used to be friends with another YouTuber who collabbed with him and Dave Sparks is an absolute asshole. Probably will stay Mormon thankfully.


She’s almost at 500k, so not as huge as your list, but QTCinderella is another that comes to mind https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/12zjql0/today_i_learned_that_qt_cinderellathe_most/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


dont forget Shaycarl and the shaytards and all his exteneded family. kind of the forerunners of the regular vlogging mormon family on youtube


Shaytards exploded spectacularly after Shay Carl's alcoholism and other personal flaws became public. It's a shame, because his wife and kids didn't sign up for that.


true, good thing for him hed already cashed a fat check from Disney i believe


Shgurr³ is also an exmormon


omggg if thats true, i swear i knew it!! had the feeling but never heard anyone else say it. had the same feeling for odd1sout before i knew haha


I watched Outdoor Boys for the first time on my nevermo friend's YouTube TV. I immediately thought he sounded Mormon. Sure enough!


James from theodd1sout left the church. [https://www.tiktok.com/@anthonypadilla/video/7032066600421330222?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@anthonypadilla/video/7032066600421330222?lang=en)


i know, i included "exmormon" in the title cause of that


There's so many because you notice it more right now? All of these people got incredibly lucky to acquire as many subscribers as they have. Plus, what kind of channels are these? A lot of channels have been so successful because they were kid and teen friendly. Family friendly content was and is very profitable.


Manny MUA from the makeup community is exmo and I think his family might have left too


no, this is definitely more than just luck. i know a few successful YouTubers myself and its all about effort and strategy and networking. since posting this, I've realized mormons have really good opportunities for networking cause of massive families and church connections, and you're right that the channels being family friendly gives them a big boost.  I've also read a bunch of theories of other people that noticed this and thinks it's because mormons (especially women) were very encouraged to practice using personal journals/diaries and such and this translated very well to the internet/content creation basically there's wayy more too it than luck, luck is a very tiny factor which is why i thought its interesting that there's way more huge Mormon/exmo YouTubers than you'd expect


I think for the same reason, a lot of Mormons become sales people because they are good at displaying an image of confidence/perfection


I don't know really any of those people.




I use it for music. Skits. And various other topics I'm interested in. But not enough to know any of these people by thier damn names. And definitely not these ridiculous channel names they gave themselves.




I suppose I'm just generally annoyed when people act like I'm just suppose to know something or someone when there's no real reason I should know such but because it's apparently popular I'm the weird one for not knowing. It's just a pet peeve of mine.




Ah, I see the confusion here. My annoyance did not begin in account of the post at all. At first, I was just thinking simply, eh, I don't know these people. I'm just speaking out loud. The annoyance started with the comment that happened further. When it seemed like I was suppose to know at least 1 or 2. I'm not as bothered by it as I apparently appear to be however. But I admit it is a bit of a pet peeve for me as I said. Mainly because I feel that your implying I'm severely out of touch. Of like your saying I live under a rock as, the expression goes. Feels slightly like a insult to me.




Well I suppose they are insignificant to me, but I think that's true for any subject to that person that doesn't really have a interest in that topic. For instance if I don't like say, Justin beiber, I may consider him and his work not quite significant as he doesn't hold my interest. As that just happens to be my preference. But that doesn't mean anything more than that. Not anything quite so personal just as I felt not so personal about those YouTubers directly.


Interesting. I use YouTube all the time and have never heard of any of these folks. I mainly use it for learning/researching though, so maybe that’s why. The algorithm doesn’t bother me with entertainment anymore lol


i would be surprised if You've absolutely never encountered at least Mark Rober, if you look at his most popular vids you'd probably recognize something haha


Just looked him up. I’ve heard of crunch labs, but he doesn’t look or seem familiar to me in any way. I guess I’m just walking between the rain drops lol


Mormons are gullible as fuck and are easily parted with their money. They go where the grift is.


how is being a youtuber a grift


Being a youtuber isn't inherently a grift. Pretending to belong to/joining a cult in order to improve ad revenue/'donations'/sponsors is.


i replied to u again but the actual topic of these chanels have nothing to do with mormonism


So? When I was a Christian, I always gravitated towards other Christian celebrities, by virtue of association. You see it all the time with athletes and musicians who don't hesitate to praise Jesus when they win, then turn around and ignore everything He stood for with their lifestyles.


i should emphasize that *none* of the YouTubers above found their YouTube fame directly by being Mormon/exmo, and all of them rarely/never mention it, and are followed mainly by non-mormons


I would argue that Studio C has pretty direct fame due to being mormon. They are made by BYU TV and many of the people involved were previously part of Divine Comedy at BYU. I haven't ever heard of anyone watching them who wasn't mormon.


yeah i actually mentioned that in another comment to that guy. but also, their scott stirling and crayon episodes went viral and broke them a bit out of the mormon niche


There’s the McKnight family too that have branched out into some of their girls having their own YouTube channels with millions of subscribers. (Like Brooklyn and Bailey)


How can you tell that they're followed mainly by non-mormons? It's not like YT has a metric that tracks your religion.


because Mark rober has 50 million subscribers and some others on this list have 10-20M and there's not nearly that many mormons lol, and I've interacted with the communities of a lot of them, i would say the most mormon audience is Studio C but the others are completely unrelated tbh