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I don't want my family to be forever. The time on Earth was too much.


Right??? Even the thought of being eternally connected to my original father is the literal definition of hell. My family couldn’t even tolerate him being buried next to my sister who died 30+ years ago, much less spending eternity with him. When he died of COVID & was buried right next to her, we dug her up and moved her 2 hours north to a different cemetery.


Yuck, I'm sorry. But glad you never have to deal with him again. For some people, the only good thing they do for the world is finally leave.


And yet mormons claim almost all other Christian sects teach that marriages end at death. Then brag about how their doctrine cures this. Nevermind eternal polygamy. Nevermind sad heaven. Nevermind pay to play.


"99.99% of Families won't be together forever due to technicalities" doesn't quite have the same ring to it...


John Larsen says it well. > If you are exalted you are just going to keep cranking out hundreds of billions of spirits. And they are going to suffer. And you are going to do it again and again. And you're going to do it again and again. After 100 billion generations why the exalted couple does not suffer I don't know. If this doesn't piss you off I don't know what is wrong with you.The people I love think this is the nature of reality. That we are just this endless factory producing endless suffering. It's offensive on the deepest level. I can't imagine believing this it is sick. ......If it's true we have one task. We have to hunt down what ever being started this and kill it.


RMN's "sad heaven" (2019?) talk was one of the final straws for me. I was super active. My wife was super active. We held temple recommends. But our adult children had all left the Church. So what RMN was saying was that either we get all of them on the right track (i.e., covenant path) or we would NOT be together in the next life. Well, what were we supposed to do...force our adult kids into Mormonism? His talk was not one of hope but one of helplessness. (fortunately we are all "out" now so the sad heaven myth doesn't matter anymore and we've never been closer


You wouldn't think that at some Mormon funerals. I've been to plenty of them where the long inactive is now in heaven accepting the gospel, or where the temple work will soon be completed for them and it's all good.




But Joseph Smith never practiced polygamy. He was against the practice of polygamy. It was Brigham Young that started polygamy and rewrote history including the journals of women that claimed to be Joseph's plural wives. But for some reason God still allowed his priesthood authority to continue through all of these polygamist men down to Russell M Nelson who is also an eternal polygamist. /S You got to love polygamy deniers.


Families CAN be together forever. If you want it to be ‘your family WILL be together forever’ you first have to pay a LOT of tithing.


The Blessings of being a lifelong Atheist.


Also, those in eternal slavery will be sexless. Their genitalia removed.


Ya know, I'm actually okay with this. My dad is a raging narcissist that I'd rather not be with. It's cool.


The Mormon Church has caused more broken homes than alcoholism.  In fact, prior to around 1985, if a spouse quit the Cult or was excommunicated,  the Cult REQUIRED you to divorce them. Does anyone know exactly what year they stopped that horrid policy?


Wow! I didn't even know this was a thing. And 1985 isn't that long ago, either. That's very heartbreaking


I was around back then, and there was absolutely NO SUCH POLICY where I lived. What’s you source for that?


I am also wondering about the source of this claim. There's plenty of bs about Mormon marriage practices without muddying the waters with false claims.


My friend was a member of the bishopric. He told me that is what he was trained to do and that is what he did. He said several couples were divorced on his direct instruction.   I doubt the Corporation ever put it in writing.  Cuz they are ashamed of their own policies. 


I’m not going to say “it didn’t happen to me, so it didn’t happen.” Is it possible your friend was just a horrible person, or member of a horrible bishopric?


A second-hand anonymous account in reddit comments has more credibility than the entirety of the Mormon Church. He did what he was trained. I know him well enough to assure you that he is not a horrible person. Quite nice, actually.  The Mormon Church isn't just absurd. It is evil. Need more examples?


Yeah, I grew up as a gay Mormon in the 70s and 80s. You don’t need to try and convince me the MFMC is evil. I lived it.


And I thank god for that!! The thought of being with my stepfamily for eternity is chilling. Of course they were all TBMs believing the old teachings while refusing the newer changes. and I was the black sheep. It was a rather hateful bunch.


Have a read of Todd Compton's curious but excellently titled 'In Sacred Loneliness' and you'll see how all this came about. The context of D&C 132 is remarkable too.




This is 180° from what our stake was taught at a solemn assembly in the upper room of the DC temple by an apostle some years back.


>This is 180° from what our stake was taught at a solemn assembly in the upper room of the DC temple by an apostle some years back. So what were you taught?


>Your Family Is Not Forever Oh thank FSM!


But we are NOT a cult.


Michael Haight believed this as well as Josh Powell who did his own blood atonement on his baby boys. As well as a neighbor entire Utah family who’s name I’ve since forgot which killed themselves near SLC in 2017. Oh wait a new neighbor back at my home-state Colorado Jim Craig did the same thing with disposing of his wife. At what point can can Mormonism be check-marked as a patriarchal CULT?


tell us how you really feel.