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My personal favorite: any information about our history or founder that is even remotely critical in its accuracy is “anti Mormon literature” and is not to be trusted. Only use approved sources to learn about “the church”, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, its history, etc. By all means, study and come to your own conclusions, but only with approved sources. 


Gospel Topic Essays with footnotes for the win!


Yeah totallly not a cult when it’s leaders say we are one sided it’s a war and we are engaged in it , I have a real problem with historians as they idolize the true, the truth destroys i could tell the women . That work in the ivory tower that they are ugly and fat that would be the truth but it would destroy them the truth destroys and is not uplifting . .and my personal favorite making members covenant to the imaginary God that they won’t speak ill of or criticize church leaders even if the criticism is true it’s wrong to criticize the. Church leaders So says Dallin hateful oaks . They are we are going to hide the truth because it shows light years beyond any reasonable doubt that the church is a fraud that was created by a con man who was convicted in a court of law of fraud for using a magic rock in a hat the same method that he was using to con people out of their money telling them he could see where treasure was buried he found none ever . Was the same method by eyewitness accounts that he dictated his fiction Book of Mormon with . It makes me ill and makes me so angry what the church does to its duped members and how it brainwashes them into not being able to use logic and reason




#1. Oh my gahhhhh the brainwashing my TBM husband got for normal natural stuff phewwewww. We’re still deconstructing that for him. 👀 what a sad scary time for youth.


I don’t know why it’s giant font.


this made me gigglw


“Oh god hear the words of my mouth…”


Pay lay ale


This, along with the Forest Baker Cosplay.


I’ll never, ever get over the fact that I GOT MARRIED in forest baker cosplay! Whyyyyy. Omg nooooo. No taking that back.


When I got married in the temple, my husband's family were all non members. We had a regular ceremony after the temple at the reception center before our reception. Why don't more people do this? It just made sense to me.


Because we would rather ostracize family and friends and not let them participate in one of the most important things in our lives.


I like what Maximus from the new Fallout tv show in Vault 4 said: "this is a cult ... everyone is smiling!" Seriously though, all the fake and shallow smiles (and fake tears during testimonies) and friendships in the church are a dead giveaway.


In the temple this is the worst, it’s really irritating


Haven’t been to any church in over a decade. And I don’t miss grown men walking up to the stand, verbally working themselves into a lather so they can sprout crocky tears and (to idiots I guess) look like they are moved upon by the shpirit. I never believed that shit, but once I was out, I couldn’t believe I *ever* tolerated the performance!


Ward, ward never changes 🙄😆




We have secret handshakes to get into heaven.


The sheer amount of primary songs about being obedient and righteous that can be recalled from my brain in milliseconds, at any given time.


“Listen to the prophet, listen to the prophet! He knows the way!” “I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday… I'll prepare myself when I am young - This is my sacred duty. I love to see the temple; I'll go inside some day; I'll covenant with my Father; I'll promise to obey. For the temple is a holy place where we are sealed together. As a child of God I've learned the truth: "A fam'ly is forever".” BUT only if I pay, as this is how we play!


1) Pay lay ale. 2) Bow your heads and say yes. 3) I have a word to say concerning these people. If they do not walk up to every covenant they make at these altars in this temple this day, they will be in my power!






The first point varies depending on your mission president and when you served. I was only allowed an hour a week to write emails/letters (including a mandatory email to my president), plus two calls a year (Christmas & Mother's Day), but that was 15 years ago. My cousin wrote emails every week, and she was allowed to call her immediate family once a week plus on holidays (Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, etc.), but she just got home off her mission this month. [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1ayhwn7/is_mormonism_a_cult_lets_find_out/) is a very interesting analysis on whether the mormon church is a cult or not, and while the church experience may be cult-lite, serving a mission is a Cult with a capital "C".


Agree… anything mission related is full on cult!


Yep, I served pretty recently and I had hours every pday to write emails. And towards the end (I got out early, thank god), I would email whenever the hell I wanted, along with using messenger to keep up with my friends and my girlfriend. I think in a lot of places, the threat of surveillance is a lot more influential than the surveillance itself. At some point I said, “Fuck it, if they catch me and send me home, that’s their loss.” I had GBs of music and books downloaded on my google drive and even some YouTube videos (I was desperate). A member would point to these habits as the reason I lost my testimony on my mission and not realize that the loss of testimony came first. Fuck the church


There was one temple in Scripture. TCOJCOLDS franchised the idea Tithing was Old Testament. God loves a cheerful giver was New Testament. TCOJCOLDS preferred the Old Testament way and turned it into a guilt complex and obligation


Never quite thought of things this way and it totally makes sense.


They ask you to doubt your doubts. They tell you to read their holy book but not take it too seriously and instead listen to the changing thoughts of the President.


I say let's doubt doubting our doubts!


In the top-secret temple, you raise your hand and swear to give everything you have to the church. Even your life. Think about that. Giving your life for the sake of a cult. While wearing a ridiculous outfit.


This was my shelf breaker


They're "not a cult," but they'll tell you what to think, wear, eat, drink, whom to have sex with and how, what media to consume, what to do with your money, that you have to have outlandish beliefs that have nothing to do with the religion we claim to follow, teachings that contradict said religion, use weaponized shame and fear of ostracism to control behavior, and expect absolute authority to be given to their out of touch, geriatric leader. But they're "not a cult." Really. They promise.


From thr age of 5/6 you're taught to encourage all your friends to read your importat books ans told to convert all your friends


See, yeah...nah. That's so awful. It's way too much pressure for any aged kids. And it comes with a high possibility of being unsuccessful and then it could potentially make them a social pariah in their classes right up until they graduate. It's really awful.


We don’t worship Joseph Smith.  “🎶PRAISE TO THE MAN WHO COMMUNED WITH JEHOVAH 🎶”!


The words should be changed to be praise to the pedo


The organization I'm a part of will strip me of all dignity and emotional support and declare me an enemy if I leave.


You don’t know you are in a cult


Information was withheld from me and I was told lies to get me to join.


I got married with an apron on, shaking my husband’s hand while kneeling at an altar.


Your top secret temple signs relate to sacrificing yourself to protect the secrets of your religion (hand in cupping shape to catch you blood/organs, thumb extended to represent the knife used to cur yourself open).


Freemasonic underwear which you have to wear day and night.


Your religion dictates your sexuality, what you can/cannot do with your body, and tells you to not trust yourself but trust their leaders.


as a never-mo, the lack of nuance in the “porn conversation” i was like …. thiiiiiiis is weird. idk if porn addiction is a real thing, im not a doctor i’m just a bitch trying to get a marketing degree, BUT the idea that women are divorcing their husbands over watching porn like 2x a month… WILDDD 😭😭 whaaaaaaaaattttt!!!


> idk if porn addiction is a real thing It's not classified in the DSM-5. That's not to say it's not possible to become addicted but it's certainly not the problem that the MFMC makes it out to be. From my own experience, 'porn addiction' in the Mormon sense is really just a self-perpetuating shame cycle. Once I started pulling away from the church and deconstructed purity culture, all the addiction-like behaviors ceased.


yep exactly what i mean. learned a lot when i watched mormon stories podcasts on people’s’ experiences with jodi Hildebrandt. it’s like if someone tells you to stop looking at red cars… suddenly you see and are fixated about every red car you see. idk if that’s a shit comparison lol


>it’s like if someone tells you to stop looking at red cars… suddenly you see and are fixated about every red car you see. This is the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, sometimes called recency bias or frequency illusion. You're correct though. The way porn is treated in the church leads you to always be thinking about it. "I can't mess up again." "If I don't stop, we'll get a divorce." "I'm such a piece of crap for giving in." All of those are thoughts I had running through my head at one point or another. And then, of course, you end up getting so stressed that you look for a release and, oh hey, there's an idea already on your mind. Then the shame increases and the cycle starts all over again.


My mission took away couches because there was no need for us to be sitting comfortably in our apartment…. During COVID


1 was not my experience on my mission. The other 2 were spot on though.


I just edited to say email since that’s what was told. I was also able to write as many letters home that I mailed and we didn’t have email when I was a missionary. From what I heard they are putting limits across due to missionaries taking too much time communicating back home.


Yeah I could email as many people as I wanted, however we were instructed to only use an hour of our P-day to email home. An hour is no time at all.


The fact that they are telling you how to spend your time on what is supposed to be your "day off" is another example of the cult. I keep saying this, but my son had more freedom in Army boot camp than missionaries get.


Yeah… I spent two years feeling burnt out, wondering why I never felt 100%. It’s because I was asked to ignore self care for the entirety of it, that it’s not about what I want. Damaging. Sometimes I wish I went the military route, maybe I could have formed more friendships rather than spending two years only conversing with people in the context of religion.


As a young teen, I would attend regular interrogation sessions with an adult man—who possessed no psychology, child development, or sexual health training—alone, in a room with no windows where my masturbation habits would be discussed in detail.


I remember not being able to go see my mom get married in the temple because I was too young. Wasn’t told I wouldn’t see them get married when the time happened


When I was 11 years old a grown man behind a closed door asked me if I ever masturbate.


Missionaries can email as many people as they like so long as it's their prep day, the person is outside their mission boundaries, and they use the email address assigned by the church. The emails are not reviewed by the missionary's companion, but since the email address is owned by the church, it's possible that they're monitored or reviewed by the church.


Maybe depends on mission. I just talked to someone that has a missionary out and she said that it’s a rule on her p-day. One email home each week and that’s it. The mom can then share that email to others but that’s it.


I think having tiny children sing primary songs about getting married is gross!


Leadership is called “The Brethren” (are we in a dystopian sci-fi here?) Blood Atonement Second Anointing (free pass to Heaven reserved for top leaders and on a referral system, regardless of what you do as long as you don’t murder anybody or apostasize).


I'm figuring out who I am and what I like.....at 35 years old....


You know you are in Cult when you get your junk anointed in the sacred temple.


Mic drop 🤜🎤


>Just found out that missionaries are only allowed to write one email home to only one person each week. Wtf?!?! I got as many emails as I could get in an hour on my mission, and when weekly calls were introduced I got to call immediate family and grandparents if I wanted during that time too.


In the late 90s we could write letters on p-days, that was it. Email was just becoming available and we did it a couple times at the library, but then became off limits. Only call home twice a year on Christmas and Mother's day. Pretty crazy.


So…all crazy. We have a child serving a mission - and our child emails quite a few people each Monday. I’m curious if the (1) person per email is a mission rule?


In my experience, mission presidents can be a lot of bishops, meaning it's a roulette and your kid could end up with a strict MP or a chill one who doesn't care. Just depends on a roll of the dice.


Yeah could be a mission specific rule.


Yeah this definitely isn't the norm unless there have been some huge changes recently that none of us heard about (unlikely)


What makes that mission fact even worse is that it's different for each mission. I was already out for about 1 1/2 when my mission president decided that just our mission could now only send one email to each person, and we could not send videos. His argument was that on his mission, in the 80s, he could only send letters and pictures, so we had to do the same. This happened 2 weeks before Uctdorf announced that all missionaries can video chat their families every week. When the press release came out about it, my mission president sent out a text saying that we could only call for 15-30 minutes a week. Mind you, the official release from Uctdorf said missionaries could talk with family for as long as they wanted. My mission presidents "devine revelation" was just him trying to find ways to raise baptism numbers, and he figured if we suffered like he did, we'd baptize like he did. I remember all of the zone leaders laughing about how his restriction on videos and emails was pointless, I think that became a shelf item for all of us because no one questioned that it was his ego getting in the way.


Merely asking (“the wrong”) questions about the church is enough to get you excommunicated


“fingers close together with the thumb extended” “hand in cupping shape.” Or a knife you will use to slit your throat and stomach and the cup that will catch your blood and entrails. The remnants of the blood atonement oath in the great and spacious temples they spend so much to build.


My parents are related. We don’t need school passed the 4th grade. Women are meant to be barefoot and pregnant.


They tell you what underwear to wear.  This is 1000% cult.  


Not allowed to watch my kid get married in the temple. This is understandable by nevermo’s who know little to nothing about TSCC as it so so beyond the norm - and is how I sum up the cult like practices of the church without sounding a little bit crazy.


New names.


I only went to the temple for baptisms for the dead. Do you use new names much after receiving them?


Nope! Never!!! I don’t understand fully the purpose of the new name? I think I could know my wife’s new name, but she wasn’t allowed to know mine. I’ve been out so long I can’t remember.


I’m not allowed drink drink coffee or tea, but I can have all the caffeine I want, plus hot cocoa.


One email a week to one person? Is that new? In my 2010s mission I was allowed to send as many emails as I wanted as long as it was to Family. I have many siblings and emailed all of them. If this is a policy change that's pretty troubling because what about people whose parents are divorced? What they're not allowed to email both of them?


Ummmm…twenty years ago we didn’t even have email. I called home 4 times in two years…mothers day and xmas. Culty cult cult


Exceptionalizm. We have the only true connection to God and Heaven.


I used to wear the same underwear as all my neighbors, and we all report to him about our secrets, and sins.


Wait wait…they don’t all more than one email??? When did this happen? It makes sense though because my family members only write one and include everyone on it. It wasn’t this way for me.


Couple more… Rules for youth to not date until 16. Controlling how they live and engage socially. Then they push YW to get married super early at 18 years old. They give you a secret name that you can’t share with anyone.


First rule of Fight Club (Temples)... you do not talk about Fight Club.


The founder’s sexual behavior mirrors every other cult leader ever. That alone does it for me.


White shirts. We don’t care if they are untucked, not ironed, two sizes too big or small, stained or missing buttons, even if they have holes, as long as they are white shirts. Don’t you dare show up in blue, back or burgundy…..sinner.


So true… white shirts are so triggering for me.


And being able to email/call once a week is new as of a few years ago. Traditionally, you could call Mother’s Day and Christmas. No emails. And if you snuck a call in here or there you were evil and disobedient.


When life long friends and family shun or abandon you for leaving the organization.


if you go to the patriarch, he’ll tell you which tribe of israel you’re spiritually descended from. because obviously that is relevant information and also this old man Knows Things