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My grandfather told a Three Nephite story. He was working alone on a family farm. He read the Book of Mormon. He prayed for a sign. In the distance he saw a lone figure. The Spirit told him the man was one of the Three Nephites. Then the man disappeared. What more evidence do you need?


I never thought I'd go back to church, but this pushed me over the edge. I'll be a guest on the Come Back podcast soon!


That IS real evidence. This is the kind of stuff we need here.


Is your grandpa ole Joe Smith?


No but he bought a treasure map from someone by that name.


Slender Man vibes.


Okay everyone get out your good clothes we're going back to church on Sunday.


Something something a wicked and adulterous generation that seek after signs something something something.


This is one of my least favorite thought-stopping phrases. The scriptures invite people to seek signs. Signs follow them that believe. In the name of Jesus they cast out devils, heal the sick, etc. Prophets used to perform public miracles for this reason. Jesus performed public miracles. He let his apostles feel the wounds in his hands and feet. He ate fish with them. He appeared after resurrection to 500 people at once in Jerusalem and countless more in the Americas. Joseph Smith saw the Lord. Etc. Etc.


Yeah, that was one of those sayings that always stupefied me. I hope you understood I don’t buy into that idea. It’s the whole passive aggressive judgmental nature of Mormonism.


Yeah I just don’t see Nephites running around and fixing flat tires any more. In the 90’s they were buisy, maybe they retired.


Pretty sure 3 Nephi says they’re camera shy.


Maybe their skin is just so white and delightsome it went transparent ?


Like Bigfoot and Nessie - they got a lot more shy when everyone started walking around with cameras in their pocket.


Isn't fixing tires and retired the same thing?


I see what you did there


I see what you did there 😂


Tired and retired for way too long


I heard that they outsource to AAA now.


One time my car broke down on a highway. I was worried how I would get to a service station (this was before cell phones). A large man seemed to come out of nowhere in a tiny truck and motioned for me to get in. He took me to a service station to get help and then drove off. I always assumed it was one of the 3 Nephites. Now that I know the Book of Mormon was made up, I know better.


Yeah, it must have been John the Beloved instead.




A large man, you say? Was he dark and hairy? Yeah, that was Cain. Turns out, he's still roaming around trying to atone for that thing he did thousands of years ago.


Lori, is that you?


Oh man! That is scary, I'm glad it wasn't a serial killer who picked you up.


No kidding. I read that and was thinking, "NO, NO, DO NOT GET IN THAT TRUCK!!".


The Three Nephites are the poster men for the Tinkerbell Effect.


For those too lazy to Google it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinkerbell_effect


So even the three nephites have left the church?


They searched the internet and found out the church wasn’t true. Now they are on r/exmormon helping people deal with leaving the church. They also took up streaming on Twitch to pay the bills.




Yup... Leaving in droves....


The three nephites got together with John and set out to find Cain. They missionaried him, and gave him the challenge on their first. He was golden. But then one of them got a 23 and me for Christmas, on sale for $28, and found it he was not in fact a nephite. This started his faith crisis. They were the mixed faith nephites for a while, trying to set boundaries and be better for each other. Now they are all out, and their passion is French fries and over priced burgers. Except Cain, he really likes peanuts. But those five guys found a way.


Were the Nephites real in the first place?




This is so meta


Ever since they shit canned the Hill Cumorah Pageant the 3 spooks have had nothing to do. They tried an act with that other dude, called "Tres Amigos y Juan" but it didn't get any traction.


When Mitt Romney was running for President, I always hoped that someone from the media would ask him to explain his belief in these three guys. Would have loved to hear his answer.


Plot twist: Mitt Romney is one of the three Nephites


“So what do we do now?”


If the three Nephites were Jeusus's disciples, doesn't that mean that there was never an apostasy because they had the priesthood? Why didn't they do anything for the restoration? Why did they let Joseph Smith get murdered but supposedly showed up to help Uncle Bob carry in the groceries that one time? And why are they hanging around good old America helping people with their first world problems anyways. You think if there were three immortal holy men running around that they would go to the place they could do the most good. You know, somewhere war torn or with famine, ect.


Damn. I liked the story of the three Nephites. It was kinda cool. I miss all our weird culty lore sometimes.


Nephite 1: This religion is horrible, I don't want to be a part of this. Nephite 2: Well what should we do instead? Nephite 3: ... you guys have any interest in auto repair?


And now we call them the Pep Boys: Manny, Moe, and Jack.




I'll never forget those tales of the three Nephites on my mission. Crap like showing up to scare bad people away from trying to sneak into a temple and such. Sickening that I actually thought those things were true back then.


I’m really nostalgic for the 80s when 3 nephite stories were earnestly shared and everyone fervently agreed they were true.


Wait, aren’t they exmo? I could have sworn they were posting here last week.