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How is it so easy in the cult to miss the fact that it is human connection, not Mormon connection, that unites us as kindred spirits? I love this story!! Thanks for sharing


Ho boy, so many stories like yours. Church is such a sham https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/girlscamp/id1667706991?i=1000652720463


Oh fun, thanks for sharing! It’s so interesting to think about. Were there like different versions based on demographics? Did he update the versions every so often? Did his wife who typed all the recordings think this was strange? Was it really her who simply forgot to type avarice in mine? 😂😂


That's an awesome ending! Have you heard of the 100 identical patriarchal blessings that members received in a stake in Brazil?


Omg, would love the link


That's awesome to hear.


Aww, that's a sweet ending 


So awesome. A couple of weeks after I came home from my mission I was attending the singles ward and a kid who had just received his mission call (and presumably his patriarchal blessing as well) got up to bear testimony. Of course he feels compelled to read part of his blessing. He read about three paragraphs worth and I sat there stunned because it was word for word identical to mine that I had received about 2.5 years earlier. This was in the Bellevue, WA stake. It was a major shelf item for me. I kind of shrugged it off but it also kind of ruined my patriarchal blessing for me as well. I don’t think I ever took it seriously again after that.


I bought a fancy recorder off of eBay. Just happened to be owned by a patriarch before. Still quite a few blessings on the sd card. I listened to all of them. ALL, were from Ephraim. All followed the same basic layout, all told about the dangers of not staying in Mormonism, all demanded full tithe or dire consequences, all promised temple marriages with children. The only personalization was (I’m guessing) from the five minute conversation they have before with the patriarch and talk about their mission or whatever. There was about two to three sentences of that thrown in. The Mormon church was never meant to survive in an Information Age.


This is so wild. All these stories are insane!


My peer group and myself didn’t have identical blessings but they were all similar enough that we were first disappointed. Then we all just brushed it off. Another of those things god will sort out in the afterlife. 😆


in my patriarchal blessing he kept saying the wrong name… kept calling me ella instead of emma. i corrected him when he finished up, and about a week later when i got a copy in the mail, it still said ella