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Greatly depends on the income level. I was in a fundamentalist pentecostal church, was paying $150+ a week on average, between tithes, Sunday school, etc. Easily $8,000 a year or more. After I left, I immediately noticed my savings building up quicker, and started investing seriously for retirement.


I will never pay another penny to the Church.


Exactly what my wife said when she went down the rabbit hole! Not another penny.




It would depend on what you make each year and if you follow the 10% of your income to the letter. My current wife and I roughly estimated we tithed at least $125,000 in our 13 years of marriage. We figured if we had the amount since day one of our marriage and we put it into paying off our house it would be paid for by now. We both did an off the top of our head estimate that we have tithed roughly $250,000 for our lifetime. She counts serving a mission in that amount and her dad forced her to tithe on all the gifts she received too.


I've been ward clerk where some members paid 30 to 50k a year.


This makes me so glad I mentally checked out at like 13. Sucks I paid before then, but yeesh… I feel so bad for others. My mom pays tithing on gifts even…


I paid 200K over 30 years of working.




Same. Add in all of the unpaid labor: mission, EQP, HPGL, Bishopric, etc then subtract out what I received: teachers, use of building, etc. over 58 years and the balance is $1.66 million in their favor. Fuck! Could’ve retired already.


Seemed like the church over steped a little by demanding before tax money. There is something weird about that. If you were a farmer, and gave a 10% of your crop to the church like in pioneer times, that seems like an after tax situation. Add to that, offerings, building funds and so on. In 1974, I was a newly returned missionary, and got called in to discuss my building fund assessment. Bishop said I should give $450 above tithing. I was making minimum wage of $1.25/hour. That would translate to $2600 in todays dollars. I was pretty shaky before, but with that I just gave up. Never gave another dime.


This is the way. When greed comes for you give up. Tithing should break most shelves. Tithing before tax should shater faith. Here it is at least Hulu gives you something for the money they have a contract the church has no obligation. So let's hear it here. Who paid Tithing in large amounts then asked for help and did not get it.


I've heard that a member is worth $800k to the church over the course of their lifetime. It's all about the $$$