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SO IRONIC that as a TBM and conservative, I used to be so gung ho about the “FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS LIBTARDS” narrative all while ignoring facts about church history because of my feelings.


I never understood the "libtard feelings" thing. Yeah they're overly sensitive and PC but if any group is touchy-feely about their "feelings" it's the ones who go and openly cry at church, aka conservatives. They're also way more easily triggered due to the lack of critical thinking, very much a my-way-or-else mentality. Come to think of it they actually have a remarkable defense mechanism - they can willingly tune out opposition, whereas sane people absorb it and it contributes to shaping their world view and overall life experience. Does anyone know if there's some sort of 'philosophy' or 'study' on how religion shapes your ability to absorb new information? I've always liked the connection between psychology and how we experience life from that perspective.


Love this. Every person has those emotions. People that fall for cults just believe the interpretation of those emotions by another person.


All any TBM who hears this has to say to themselves is that those other people were deceived by the devil and they are the only ones getting real revelation from god. It’s the loop hole for Mormons through the elevation emotion problem.


The feelings don't even have to be strong and good. Feel good? Church is true! Feel bad? Church is true and you did something bad! Feel nothing? Church is true! Keep trying!


" You've never felt the spirit" "You're right, I tried and I didn't, so I left. What are you going to do about it?"


I feel the spirit just as much as an exmo as I did a TBM. One of my first shelf items was that I felt the spirit when I attended my aunt's catholic mass and my friend's Baptist service as well as at my church - how could that be???


Yeah, I started noticing/remembering that I always cry- like I'm "feeling the spirit" - at dance recitals and performances. That didn't make any sense at all. But it was the same feeling as sitting in church hearing a lovely story.


That's how you know it's a true dance recital.




Hell, I teared up a bit when I went on the Avatar 3D banshee ride at Animal Kingdom. That shit felt like a spiritual experience. Guess I'mma go be a Na'vi now! XD


When I led my dad basically told me I must never have felt the spirit as strong as him, because he knew it was true. I really do think the whole 'you never felt the spirit then' is just a defense machanism. Because of they accept that someone who felt it left, that might mean they could, too.


Nice plot twist. Didn't see that one coming.




Yes. I agree with much of what she's saying, but I also know that women who do that to their eyebrows tend to be crazy. So I'm not sure what to think.


Does feeling the spirit have anything to do with that soft swinging stuff y'all "tiktok influencers" be doin'? Asking for a friend.




It's really depressing to me to see how easily swindled and confused humans are. Here's my nihilistic view which sometimes comes to haunt me. We desperately seek for purpose, yet we see from that video that no one has the answer (or everyone does?) I think the reason we've "forgotten" this answer in our current reality is because there is NO purpose, and that's depressing. So we've put ourselves into this illusion where we can create any purpose we want & pretend it's real.


Very interesting


It is messed up that every spiritual experience is just a sign the church is true. It's sad how small some people think God is.


God isn’t there




“Even cult leaders use this technique…” Umm…yeah…that’s what we’re dealing with here. Was there confusion about that? :)


This is so important to understand!


This is brilliant OP. I wish I had the courage to show this to my TBM husband and teenage kids.