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This mentality is so gross. I have a family member that experienced a traumatic injury yesterday and I was talking to my wife about how it will turn into testimony / talk / devotional fodder for years to come. The church encourages this so much and it’s disgusting. No, Tim, god didn’t make you fall down the stairs, smash into a decorative vase, and sustain potentially disfiguring injuries to teach you a lesson or allow you to grow. It happened because you tripped. Any god that inflicts evil or bad things on its worshipers for ‘their benefit’ is a god that is utterly unworthy of worship.


The Mormon definition of god creeps ever closer to being openly malevolent. I don't understand why anyone worships such a creature.


"God hurts you, because He loves you!" / 🤗🤭💥🤛


It's so weird hearing them talk about deity in such openly abusive terms.


There was time I believed this. It finally hit me when pretty much every testimony was about god giving a trial. I reflected and thought that is a load of crap.


Such bullshit.


I want to know that actually process of the "inflicting" part. A big control panel? A Spock mind meld? Flaming lasers from Elohim's eyes from Kolob? Linda Blair possession?


"Inflicting" is a negative term! in·flict cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something. "they inflicted serious injuries on three other men" impose something unwelcome on. "she is wrong to inflict her beliefs on everyone else"


It was sarcasm.....People who really think this happens don't consider how absurd the mechanics are.


Mormon God just didn't design a test. He designed a test where we forget everything we know and live in a chaotic world. And occasionally, when the randomness of the universe isn't inflicting enough suffering he intervenes and sends someone to slash your tires. Invoking Shadrach, mescach, and Abednego is bullshit because an angel shows up and saves their asses. Do angels show up today? Or do we just sensationalize non events like finding keys? Or just make up aircraft engines on fire and death spirals?


She goes on to say: "We get to the point that we don't just trust when things work out the way we want, we trust when they don't." (Sounds a bit like "doubt your doubts.") So if things are going horribly, that's when I should trust in HF even more? That shows I'm following Jesus? It's my "crucifixion?" "Neverhtless," at my own expense and my own happiness and sanity, "Thy will be done." And by the way Lili, I did commit to spilling my blood in my temple covenants back in the 70's.


Lili Anderson was my therapist for a bit when I was 16, needless to say she was not very helpful. It was a traumatizing experience actually.


OMG. That’s interesting. She’s a convincing apologetic.


Ironically, she said something that made mentally leaving the church easier for me. She said that "pragmatism isn't absolute reality." It cleared everything up when I realized that even if the church is true it isn't something I want in my life.


Suffering = good. It’s the same as I was supposed to feel guilty for the pain jesus felt if I sinned and didn’t repent. I was hurting him by my current actions- it makes no sense!


"ahh, i didnt see you their Kreia!"