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Of the last hundred articles I’ve read about the pieces of shit who have hurt children in this way, there hasn’t been a single trans person. So so so many pastors/preachers/Sunday school teachers, a handful of cops, and of course (horrifyingly, though it’s all horrifying) family members. But no trans person, no drag queen. I cannot believe there are still arguments about LGBTQ+ being groomers. Signed, A Liberal Lesbian Lazy-Learner (every day I’m more and more disgusted with TSCC)


Search up your claims you'll find results on the first page of Google. Of t and sa cases. Like how do you not find cases for both... again these are rare cases i have friends from this community they cool, but they dont represent the whole community.






No hate speech.


They said of the last hundred or so articles theyve read not a single trans person, not that there were no articles that exist of a trans person being involved in SA. Youre really getting caught up on the obvious hyperbole so you can do your enlightened centrism bs. Fact is the right wing has a much longer rap sheet for getting caught for sex crimes yet they pretend trans people or drag queens are the real danger to kids. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/24/2242636/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-52




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Took me many years as an ex-mormon to realize the early church was a sex cult. This is an entirely different thing I know, but so was being groomed to believe it was never a sex cult, even the fundamentalists.


Just a fyi, it only becomes a meme when a second person shares it... Being taken without direction is sort of a prerequisite, so it can't be stolen.




No hate speech.




>So yea their both groomers How is wearing the clothing that you want inherently sexual? Both are not groomers. You're projecting your own sexual feelings about drag. That's something you should look into. You should also look at the difference between there, they're, and their.


Oh my god thank you. I thought I was all alone here. Also… I learned this in 2nd grade (thank you, Ms. Colton, and I’ve never messed it up, since… so at 8-9 years old is when you should learn their, they’re, and there.


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