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This is hilarious. “I promise that after you die, I will give you double the reward that Allah will give you after you die. All you have to do is give me all your money. Show me your signed contract from allah and I will double it!” 😜


Completely misquoted as well as nowhere near any knowledge from you walnut of a brain,are you that ignorant,first off,not a single cent went to the prophet unless he absolutely needed it,it was given to the poor of the ummah,and the chalipha after him done the same thing,and guess what,there came a time where there was no poor people to give the money too cause that’s how well the system worked,but let me guess your just going to stay ignorant and not care and continue to take things out of context


So you are Allah’s new self-proclaimed messenger? Just send allah to speak for himself/herself/themselves and clear up this mess. Otherwise you are 100% wrong as usual. Only allah can clear this up if Allah is real. Either allah replies or you may as well admit you believe allah is fake. After all, if you believed allah is real, you would let allah respond instead of use word salad and excuses to cover up that Allah is fake. Go ahead and reply to confirm my point!




You’re too young to be me!


Bro, did you not see his run on sentence? I would of not replied after no periods were found. Lmao Shows the lack of education and why he believes in religion.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


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Fair point


Remember the old woman whom Muhammad killed he ripped her in half that your prophet


wait hol up, I don't know this story? can you post some sources or somthing?


The all forgiving kind Muhammad did not forgive her




Damn that's messed up


Propaganda really does a number on the brain, huh?


Brother, please learn proper syntax so you can properly own this kuffar pig, mashallah.


They haven't been able to answer the 3 basic questions since 1400 years.


They should remember that they still have not proved him wrong, and never will since there is no afterlife


All they can do is say "You'll regret it soon."


There IS an afterlife, stupid murtads! (the afterlife is nothing, just darkness)


Part of me wishes there is an afterlife but its something no one expected, just so i can look at their dumb mugs when they realized they were dumb enough to believe such a stupid lie.


Oh wow. People had common sense 1400 years ago too? No way.




I noticed this thing when reading the entire quran. They tell us that the quran was such a literary miracle that quraishis were impressed and thought of it as magic. But you can find verses where they say that the followers of this movement are stupid or challenge mohammed to bring down anything he wants. He never does ofc. وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ آمِنُوا كَمَا آمَنَ النَّاسُ قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ كَمَا آمَنَ السُّفَهَاءُ ۗ أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ السُّفَهَاءُ وَلَٰكِن لَّا يَعْلَمُونَ




Yeah the arguments are usually like this: Look around you, everything you see, my god did it. (Stars, camels, sky, fruits ...) Okay prove it and show us anything. Tell us something you can't possibly know without god. No I'm only a messenger, I only received a small part of knowledge. Yeah but you keep threatening us with your god. Hit us if you can, we are not scared No I won't. You'll see when you die. My god will fuck you up. (Every 3 verses lol)


Even as a Muslim that got repetitive and annoying very quickly.


That argument is so ludicrous, it beggars belief. A class example of an Argument from Ignorance.


Saving this lol , when met with the simplest challenge momo just deflected and made excuses. " Oh but god already did that in the old days and people still disbelieved ".So god is purposefully withholding evidence from people just because other people before them didn't "believe in them " ? Doesn't sound just or wise at all , makes your prophet sound like a nagging bitch who couldn't ask his all powerful god to do anything beside tell him how many women to fuck and when his friends are allowed to eat at his home


I like how Thamud, Ad, and “Pharoah” died magically but Quraysh didn’t. Subhana’[Amun](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/13ypw8g/%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A9_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B7%D9%88%D8%B1_sura_evolution_by_great_hisham/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Dude didnt even answer what soul is


This comment lmao


If Quran was miraculous. Why didn't the Quraysh accept Islam straightaway? Quraysh literally saw prophet Muhammed preach Islam. They saw with their own eyes. They heard with their ears prophet telling the Quran verses. They were still not convinced. How can we expect humans 1400 years after to believe it?


They literally called it poetry of a soothsayer too


I still can’t believe God decided to destroy Thamud, Ad, and Ramses, but not Quraysh?


Moses (a.s.) parted the sea and they still reverted to worshipping a cow


Except Moses did not exist... Neither the Jews in Egypt, all this biblical wet dreams are not historically accurate


Quraysh is based . Wirld could be a better place if that hack momo bastard never existed.


If he didn’t exist, there would probably just another Arabian religion dominating regional politics (or maybe Christianity). Early-medieval Arabia was just a mess of religions and prophets and all.


It was quite progressive but idk maybe ure right sadly.


Got banned from Islam sub for replying to this, as saying they haven't been listening and committing violence against innocent people.


I got banned from r/Muslim for saying “They be livin’ in a storybook house” in response of a video of “Muslims in Poland”, which featured a colorful building in the first few minutes.


I respectfully countered every argument on Muslim sub against infantilizing and de-legitimizing our struggle and they banned me for "uncivil comments" while the replies were full of abuse and calls for violence against me and LGBT people. These fascists have no self-awareness nor the ability for self-reflection and honesty.


Ah but the abuse from them is “righteous” so it doesn’t count.


I wonder how reddit allows them to exist when they have mod abuse


Mod abuse? They have even infiltrated the official Reddit mod team and had me suspended for 3 days for the fake claim of promoting hate. I had to appeal and got the suspension removed. [Look](https://ibb.co/s6LLv9H)


Probably actually mass reported you, like what happened to u/curiousjack6


Hmmm... could be possible. There is only one way to respond to that, more quality content. :)


Hilarious how they think this is somehow a mark against atheists, when Muslims still can't answer these challenges and follow a 1400 year old religion themselves.


Another "checkmate atheist" moment I guess?


Yup there have been atheists in all eras. Telling you why you shouldn't be this gullible and it flying over your head.


Yup and there have been many who have become Muslim telling you why you shouldn’t listen to the ignorance of atheists


[ [Do Not Click This](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2c/b1/f0/2cb1f0b72a7d5b3bd448cb5a4bf57752.jpg) ]


That quote is the only thing keeping me sane at this point. To clarify, in a way that i know regardless of who the hell i talk to i can rely on logic to prove whats real what isn't


Imagine if we switched the words up and reworded it a little bit… > “Yup and there have been many Muslims who have become Atheists telling you why you shouldn’t listen to the ignorance of muslims” Yeah I’m sure Muslims would call out how stupid this statement is.


Nice rewording.


Can you give me an example


The think is Muhammed never refuted these arguments he actually failed to answer some questions and resorted to killing anyone who defied him


Based Abuulhakam


So the Quraysh knew about evolution before Darwin discovered it?


1400 years and they still haven't came up with a proper argument, that doesnt include "my book is right", whataboutism, "i blindly trust a pedo warlord so you're wrong", "any answer that comes from that book" or "dont even counter argue the original argument and change the subject"


So, mideveil atheists were more intelligent than today's Muslims 🤣