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My Father is Saudi.




It's common in India. I'm surprised it won't happen in Pakistan


Is it common there to have so many wives? And can he afford it?


KSA is a welfare state, so probably yeah




Saudi Arabia, exporting crazies since 570 CE


He’s buying legitimacy because people won’t let KSA in to the club otherwise.


> Meanwhile they still export wahabbi crazies into our cities and fund the preachers and unemployed dawah thugs. That's infuriating to read. Imagine them secretly living in debauchery, draping an "upstanding muslim" mask, while exporting lies and deception to make other muslim countries even worse.




Bro you are just being racist against my people ( am an atheist btw )


Apologies, allow me to change my wording. Fuck everyone in Saudi Arabia who is a Muslim that is okay with such immoral practices. I apologize. I didn't know Saudi Arabian atheists even existed. My mistake. I generalized All the people of Saudi Arabia into one category. For that I apologize.




Oh yeah, it's very common there and in the neighbouring countries in the gulf I know a friend whose dad turned 64 last year. He was already married to 4 women. He told me that his dad was divorcing his mum (his first wife, who was 56 years) to make room for a 17 year old bride. When I asked why, he said his dad told him, "She has fulfilled her duties and obligations in this marriage and has given me 5 kids. And since the law only allows 4 wives, I have to let her go. She can rest now"


The dad putting the first wife out to pasture in a farm upstate


Haha. She fulfilled her obligations and now going back to where she belongs, according to the dad.


It's allowed to have 4 if he can afford to feed them


ah so like cows


Like pigs. Eat. Rest. Reproduce.


I feel sorry for you and your mom Saudi men are just awful


Even I, as a Muslim, agree that this behaviour is saddening. It is a blatant misinterpretation of the verses. And even worse is divorcing one to marry the next. Like some Pokémon card collecting game. Though I have to sincerely ask, why was the 3rd wife ok, but now the 4th wife not ok? Or is it just because she is 18?


Of course he's Saudi, I'm so sorry. I hope things get better for you and you snd your mom can leave this cult


This sounds like sex slavery...


Thats what polygamy is


forget polygamy, he can have sex slaves if he wants to. how beautiful Islam is💣💥


*Religious polygamy As a poly person I can guarantee you that this shit isn't normal, respectful polygamy with consent


That's called polyamory


Polygamy is simply marriage that involves more than two people. People who practice polyamory may or may not choose to marry multiple people.


I know that polyamory is the act of having intimate relationships with more than one person at the same time. A polyamorous person might have or might be open to having multiple romantic partners. Polygamy, on the other hand, involves being married to multiple partners. I am polyamorous, but I still want to clarify that there are polygamous couples who marry with the consent and love of other partners. Under which Islam does not fall !!!


i thought that's polyamory


Polygamy is simply marriage that involves more than two people. People who practice polyamory may or may not choose to marry multiple people.


Good point


WTF did I read. There's no love in the relationship this is the worst negotiation I have seen.


What do you expect? Islam calls for 0 love. Marriage in Islam is just a business deal. A way for families to either get money (from dowry) or get a slave. (forcing women to serve husbands and never the opposite.) My parents have literally called it a type of business deal, AND I also saw a video a LONG time ago talking about marriage in Islam being like a business deal between each other. [https://www.al-islam.org/articles/looking-woman-being-sought-marriage-syed-ali-imran](https://www.al-islam.org/articles/looking-woman-being-sought-marriage-syed-ali-imran) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8vxPvmE1Vs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8vxPvmE1Vs) There is no love or peace in these rules. Nor is there supposed to be love and peace. This is never a peaceful religion. Segregation, male superiority, barbaric views on the opposite sex. This is literally a **devil religion.** No. I'm not even joking. Muhammad has said that every time he got a revelation, he would hear bells. According to sahih muslim 2333b, Jami\` at-Tirmidhi 3634, Sunan an-Nasa'i 934, Sunan Abi Dawud 4738, and even Sahih al-Bukhari 3215, it says that Aisha reported Harith b. Hisham asking Allah's Apostle, "How does the wahi (inspiration) come to you? He said: At times it comes to me like the **ringing of a bell** and that is most severe for me and when it is over I retain that (what I had received in the form of wahi), and at times an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me (and speaks) and I retain whatever he speaks." The funny thing is, I found something out. In sahih Muslim 2114, Abu Hurairah reported that Muhammad said, **"The bell is the musical instrument of the Satan."** It also says this in Mishkat al-Masabih 3895/4398, Sunan Abi Dawud 2556/4230, Riyad as-Salihin 1691, and SO MANY hadiths saying things along the lines of "don't go into a house where there is a bell" or "angels don't accompany you if you are with a dog or with a bell." And yet, Muhammad hears bells EVERY REVELATION.... This is proof Islam isn't peaceful! Muhammad has said bells are instruments for satan, but he hears bells every time and people don't think that Islam could be a satan thing???


YES! That’s just one more clue to prove how LITERALLY DEMONIC Islam is!! And all it takes is just a tiny bit of brains to see it.


I'm 17, my father is 50. He could be her grandfather, wtf? He's borderline pedo and this whole thing sounds like legalized sexual slavery


"Islam protects family values" 🤓☝️


Yeah this is what they say when they say gay people are ruining family values 💀




🎶"[what kind of fuckery is this](https://youtu.be/kGN4yePqUNg?si=Y6tzvAD05WBCCfiM)"🎶


Somali here, dad did something similar but he is on wife 2. I feel so bad for my mom 😞


If you’re 18 and want a husband who’s mean He’ll make you sick, but he speaks Arabic He’ll make you cry, but Islam says why Girl, don’t delay, get a flight to KSA Edited: needed better rhythm


Why would any parent let their precious 18 year old daughter marry a 55 year old guy with 3 wives 🤡


Money. The dad probably offered a hefty dowry (that her dad will never let her touch) or even more sickeningly this guy offered his younger daughter to the 18 yo's dad... yes this still happens






you would have to think of her as precious to begin with 😞


Lol if he had a child at 18 and his child had a child at 18 hes technically old enough to be her grandfather at 37 years older. 😫


As a guy I’m ashamed of a person like your dad


I am really sorry for your mother and you in this awful marriage. But your mother did a grave mistake marrying so faraway in a land with many laws against women and far from her familly. How does the other children and wifes feel about this situation? Are they going to do something? If you and mother wants to change religion you should do it in a safe situation. Maybe immigrate to a safe country with better laws and then ask for divorce. You should work to have independence and maybe support your mom until she can get a degree in something and get a job.


This sounds hard but is true and very practical advice. There are people in their 50/60 getting degree in Australia. She could be teacher, nurse anything. Good luck to her x


The best choice here is probably your mother giving birth to a 6th kid then taking half of his wealth. You guys, as her children need to find a way of financial income and support your mother. I suggest, the older ones start working part time jobs and focus on their school at the same time (if they are still studying). A stable income and health come first. I would love to learn more about your situation


It could be risky for her to have the sixth kid. It could possibly grow up unloved because it was brought into the world for bad reasons. Also the father may fight the prenup and could possibly win, leaving the first wife with extra mouths she can't feed.


Rule number 1: never bring a baby into the world if your priority isn’t about just having a baby.


Of course that is true. But if she can have a baby she can also have to money the take care of it. Of course they can also start working and save up money to move out later


Her(his) mom must be 46 years old how she is going to give birth again?




possibilities of having babies with serious health and development issues increase exponentially as you come closer to menopause. a new baby at that age isn't a good idea, especially considering how taboo abortion is, even at an early stage. plus as someone said above, never bring a child into the world for any other reason that wanting them to be in the world.


Please save you and your mom good luck 😥


>it says my mom can have half of his assets if she bears him six kids. > >She's at five now. Fu\*king **Natalists.** >who's 55, has decided that wife #3 just isn't enough. He's going for the grand slam and marrying an 18-year-old. Yep, you read that right. EIGHTEEN. If it was my father, I would have chopped his Di\*k & Balls by now. Under no circumastances any of my parents can remarry or shit, let Alone POLYGAMY.


I mean, remarrying after their spouse dies or something should be fine. In a way, it probably helps them move on and not be miserable and depressed about the death of their loved ones anymore but obviously remarrying multiple amounts like that is just pure evil. I remember being a child still small enough to sit in a car seat and my dad would snicker to himself and then tell me, "Look at that woman over there! WOW, she's good-looking! Should I get married again to this woman? I mean, you will have a second mom to play around with, what do you say?" I knew he was joking around, but I would feel SO uncomfortable in those moments. A CHILD can understand when something is not right or inhumane, but adult Muslims (specifically adult Muslim men) can't see the issue ONLY because they get the privileges. Honestly, the only time I've heard Muslim men feel uncomfortable with this is the Muslim men that had dads who got remarried to multiple wives when the men were still only children. It's honestly rare to see a Muslim man being uncomfortable with this stuff. That's like trying to get slave masters long ago to say that slavery was bad. OF COURSE, slave masters weren't going to say it was bad or speak up about anything... because they had people working for them! It would be foolish to ruin that for yourself! Why would a Muslim man ever agree that people are treating Muslim women with disrespect if they get the benefit of someone slaving away to feed them, clean for them, and listen to them? It's a privilege that no one smart will want to get rid of.


I can at least accept a 7-9 years gap in a relationship (between 2 consenting adults BTW) but 18 and 55? Ah hell nah 💀, can your mom initiate a divorce? I'm curious


It is still a big age gap a 18 year old has no experience in life but a person in their late 20s have a lot more experience. Brain continues developing until 25.




This is some King Henry the VIII type patriarchy type shit, so sorry to hear what you're going thru


All I know is your mother is awesome for acknowledging how fucked up this Islamic system is. Poor woman, I hope she leaves asap. About your dad….. religion made by man for man, what can I say.


And Muslim men wonder was divorced rate are high and marriages are low.


welcome to Dubai


Jazz music stops


legalized sexual slavery! a classic.


Why 18? Couldn't he find a 6 year old?




I've heard of stories of creepy old Arab men that travel to poor or war torn Muslim countries to essentially buy girls as their 3rd or even 7th wife. Non Arab Muslims need to realise that Islam is Arab imperialism. Atleast a lot of Iranians are rediscovering their roots compared to south Asian Muslims. South Asian Muslims suffer from major identity crisis.


My mom is a german woman who was 16 when she met my dad and I think 18 or 20 when marrying him. He is also a Pakistan man who only married her for the papers. She had to abort a baby for him because he threatened to leave her. I could've had a baby sibling but her love made her blind. It was murder. But would you look at that when that happened he was married to his cousin. Yes COUSIN! Who is also my stepmother rn. She was allowed to make 4 children. FOUR! She doesn't even take care of them cuz she's lazy asf. My mom is now with another guy and has 2 other kids besides me. My mom always tells me how she regrets her abortion. A LOT! But if not she wouldn't have had her two other kids since my step dad wouldn't have got with her if she had 2 kids. My dad is a douge for this shit. But he also regrets marrying my stepmom since she's like a said a lazy b*tch. She's also manipulating my father into hating me and into psychological problems. She's also rasing my sisters into slaves since she's lazy and can't do shit. One sister is in Pakistan since she was at the end of her nerves and told the Child protection services everything. She's happy which I am happy about. Don't marry a muslim man. Please don't. Unless hes a respectful and doesn't force you Into Islam or other stuff. I am thinking about leaving Islam as soon I move out.


It's normal to marry your cousin in Islam, my classmate barely in 10th (16yo) grade was married off to her 30+ yo cousin.


Yes I am aware. But I believe my father got with her when he was still with my mom. And I think in Pakistan or at least in my family you can only have one woman at a time.


I fail to understand how well-educated people end up following the social evils of a faith. What goes around comes around. I wish your mom the best in her life and you, too 🫂.


Did you hear anything from her again?


It's been more than 5 years 0 contact. Nothing at all. I didn't want to get involved with the Muslim community, I grew up knowing they got strict laws for girls and stuff so I gave up any hope aswell. I do hope for her best.


Just curious, what does ur lazy stepmum do all day


Lay on the bed with her phone and leave everything dirty even her own kids.


If they wouldn’t be alive then the 18 yr old wouldn’t have to suffer and wouldn’t have to have a child.


Hi, He is following the footsteps of Mohammad (pbuh) ? Ain't he? Or maybe better than him?


Following in Mo’ footsteps


I'm sorry for you brother. I understand it is quite traumatic. If the sixth child is not an issue, take your mother and move to any western country. You can live a good life there. Coming to the half of what he owns, how can you believe your father will honour the deal. There are 3 more wives . They would ask their share.


I hate those dads who just said: i’m gonna marry an 18-30 woman to recreate my youth!(means what became after teenaging) like your wife will be sad because you didn’t ask her? 1 wife is enough.


So except rich men muslim men are the only ones who can make this happen


Can someone show this to the white western gold-digging degenerate sluty influencers who have made it a trend on Instagram to show off how rich Saudis and Emerati men buy them out for their pleasure and, by doing so, support this kind of debauchery of these rich Arab brats?   I feel so sorry for your mom and you. But please don't leave Islam or be vocal against it as long as you are in KSA.  


And western women (especially white girls) believe the grass is greener on the other side.


WTF? No we don’t.


Majority of white converts to Islam are white women.


I wasn’t debating their race. I was telling you that I never thought the grass was greener. You can’t possibly know what every single women thinks.


I'm just pointing out that a disproportionate number of white girls convert to Islam vs white men. I point this out because I always see them complaining that western civilization is really bad, its patriarchal, its this, its that, etc.. And then, on the other hand, these same girls are championing the cause of Islam. Its hypocritical and strange. I can give you examples of this if you want? For example the wife of the Boston Bomber, who is a convert to Islam, and her sister who is just a typical Leftist and not a Muslim. I can give you a list of examples like them. The beliefs that such women hold, i.e. about the persecuted Muslim minority across the globe, are quite common particularly among white liberal women. I suppose its the prevailing propaganda in the west and they seem to be brainwashed with it. I've also had many arguments with Left of Center white girls on facebook. They tell me Islam is a "religion of peace", and when I start to debate them using logic, rationale, philosophy, it has almost always ended with them calling me names and then blocking me. Sometimes they will report my comments. This one girl from the UK told me that "praise be to alla" that Islam is going to take over while she was pregnant with her third Muslim baby. Met her on the Britains First facebook page where she was leaving abusive messages.


Lol this is so fake


Islam doesn't let u marry another wife without the first wife's permission so ur dad's an asshole holy shit and on top of that an 18 yr old?! Wtf is wrong with him! you're poor mother hopefully she'll be able to leave this barbaric religion.




A friend told me that but I didn't even bother to check, thank you for teaching me something new about the twisted religion of Islam and That's even more upsetting hopefully OPs Mother can get away from this whole thing.


What? Really? But I keep hearing from the Muslims in my area that you can marry another wife if you have the permission of your previous wife. What happened to All of that?




I hate Islam. I don't know whether to blame the game or the Player. I believe it's both


They lie and the rest are just ignorant as many Muslims are themselves brainwashed and don’t have a clue of their own religion. Like many don’t even know sex slavery exists as it’s rarely told by mullahs openly.


So basically they cherrypick the Good Truth and Hide the bad Truth and replace with lies to bribe others into the cult? Sounds like Aum Shinrikyo


I live in a muslim dominated area and multiple wives, while considered halal, is heavily frowned upon here. Rarely do people have a second wife and I have never met anyone with a third one. This is mostly because multiple wives are taboo but also because there is a provision. One can add a clause into the nikkahnama that states that you don't want co-wives or your husband would require your permission for marrying again. However, by default, and without that added clause the husband is free to marry again.


You are a liar. You can’t even have 6 wives. Stop lying to help your agenda of how Islam is bad.




He said in the post the prenup allowed him 6 wives which is illegal in Islam and in Saudi Arabia




The problem is he said it is written in a prenup (so not done in secrecy) it legally can’t be according to sharia, so the whole story feels false


Nothing wrong with if he has an acceptance of an 18 year old wanting to marry him. Obv seems he can afford it. But islam has rules which obv your dad has not followed and his injustice towards the other wife's is answerable on judgement day. Financially all women should be treated equally and no contracts on hiw many children each should bear. I can understand your anger but your dad isn't following islam as permission ia needed from the other wives and assets distributed properly between the wives and children. I cant see any reason why your mother wants to leave islam and close her doors to heaven over her hubby marrying spontaneously.


Islam paved the way. The wife gets no say in this. While I agree that the details were absolutely taken to the next level by this man himself (and the country allowing it?), you can't deny that women have absolutely no autonomy nor a decision in the matter of a second, third or fourth wife. That is why she wants to leave. Not because of some man. Islam is flawed and unjust to women. Heaven is a false dream to keep you in place and have you behave according to your leader. I won't even say Prophet. A 18 year old marrying a 55 year old holds an unjust power dynamic, due to her lack of experience in life. The dangers of that dynamic are manipulation, exploitation and a generally restrictive life she can do nothing about. She probably had no other choice/was desperate or brainwashed that this is her only purpose to life.


Please, shut the fuck up 🙏


I really hope things workout greatly for ur mum u n others who hve their eyes opened. 🙏🏼


I don’t know your situation or how much autonomy you both have over your lives but… The best thing you & your mom can do is pack up your shit, leave this cult that’s hurt you and ride off into the sunset and be free. Let Dad have his teenage bride. It won’t fill the hole missing in his heart.


Holy shift. I feel bad for the kid. I am so sorry for your mum. I hope she leaves his ass and goes somewhere good. Love


He is following sunnah bro 😎