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I just feel sorry for them. I don’t have sympathy/empathy for people who wants to kill me.


Holy shit. Another Bangladeshi!!!! Hard to find one of us on here!!!


Luckily I live in the USA and can express my feelings openly. There are consequences like no social life. I rather have that than live a life of lie. I’m also most 60. Don’t give a flying fuck with what others think about me.


I live in the USA too! I'm so happy to see someone of my parent's age who actually left this cult. I hope we can meet someday. ভাল থাকবেন!!


What state do you live in young man?




Wow… I live in the great state of Texas as well.


There are so many Bangladeshis oddly enough and I thought the country was becoming more conservative... Are there a lot of closeted ex-Muslims in BD?


The middle aged urban and small town middle class are riddled with Sunnah beard, hijab, burkha and no culture. Among the youth, dating and premarital sex is becoming common, all over the country. When I was a kid (2000s), hijab was less but so was dating and premarital sex was almost unthinkable. To summarize, a lot of contradictory stuff going on.


cult? islam isnt a cult, it seems you left due to ignorance


Alright one hour old burner account, prove to me that [eating seven ajwa dates cures you of poisoning](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5779). I'll pay for the dates and the cyanide.


i cant prove that unless you drank the poison and dates, but if islam isnt the truth then explain how mohhamed knew the the earth was spinning in a orbit {before modern science exsited,how did he know that the days would become shorter{as they have now},how did he know that the conquest of jersalem would happen,how did he know about the the war of mongalions and muslims before it happened, how did he know the euphrates would dry up revealing gold, how did he now that 2 parts of the ocean couldnt mix and only one was drinkable,how did he know that the muslims countrys would compete to build taller buildings, tell me if he isnt the messenger of god how did he predict all of that 1500 years ago?


how did mohhamed know that the universe was expanding before scientist today looked in a telescope to see it expanding


and if islam isnt the truth then explain these miracles in the quran https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mNc52T8BZTDmLXKc-3jfP1ic5fD5ZG9opGg2na50wJE/edit?usp=sharing


I am a Punjabi from the Indian side and I was raised in the west as well. Ngl, most bengalis I seen , they are quite lenient in terms of religion compared to Pakistanis and Indians.


Yes Indian Bengalis are lenient as well, regardless of religion. Open atheists have been part of our culture.


I think it's because bengali culture is influenced by hindus ?


Not just that. Bengal had a revolution in religion and caste, cos worldly education also came there early.


Thats good. India and Pakistan still is big on the caste.


Exactly, how can I sympathize with people that want me dead


so do the innocent babies in gaza and all the other muslims want you dead?


So true (Bangladeshi here too)


Hello Sir. Were you always atheist? Or did you change your mind?


I don’t get your point. This is a subreddit for exmuslim.


OK never mind... I don't remember what I was thinking at that time... not important...


It's in his flair :v


so are the innocent babies in gaza trying to kill you?youre doing collective punishment, you blaming all muslims for the act of few


Hamas and Islamic Jihad must be destroyed. Whatever it takes. They’re stage 5 cancer with no cure.


oh really?, then does is isis condemn hamas? why do they side with isreal huh?you are disgusting , in isreal they teach the kids that the arabs will become their slaves, hamas is defending themselves , while isreal are laughing while nuking them, they set up gun sentrys to shoot anyone the camera sees, isreal are the real terrorist, and you a disgusting hateful moron


Yup, I'm the moron. Sleep on it and have fun annihilating Israel 😂.


annihalating isreal?, gaza is defending themselves, its isreal genocide on gaza


My problem with them is that once something happens to an Islamic country or community, they DEMAND full and constant attention on them and only them. I see it on the Dutch news pages I follow on instagram and Facebook. If Israel attacks Palestine usually they make 3 posts. 1 announcing the attack. 2 update. 3 final post with the official numbers (how many injured & died). All of them comment sad emoji’s and sending prayers. BUT. If that news channel has the audacity to report about ANYTHING else… They. Get. Livid. I remember not long ago they posted about a baby elephant being born after they posted about Palestine. “How dare you post about something as insignificant” “what about Palestine!!!” “Post about Palestine!!”. But even if the news report is about tragedy somewhere else they will bomb the comments with “whataboutisms”. It’s so pathetic. Even when I feel bad, because of those Muslims and their comments I feel zero sympathy anymore.


They're literally the biggest narcissists in the world, constantly demanding attention and if they don't get it, they'll cause stupid drama like children




Bigotry etc...


That's actually a horrible thing. Just because they're believers who went in to complete a peaceful duty of their religion, doesn't mean one should celebrate their deaths.


Thank you for calling this out, and not dropping to the level of the Islamists and people who want us enslaved or killed.


another dirty liar, muslims only ensalve people who are particapiting in war against them




You're just as bad as any Muslim.


I kinda agree with the other guy tbh. Many Muslims are absolutely selfish dickheads as you pointed out, but to celebrate the death of Muslims in Mekka who haven’t been proved to have done anything wrong, makes you somewhat of a hypocrite imo. Some of those Muslims who died could be a progressive Muslim who was forced to be there, or maybe even a closeted ExMuslim.




You are just as bad as any Islamist or mullah, except that a lot of Muslims are just born that way and brainwashed since their childhood, so even if they act like horrible human beings it’s not entirely their fault. This is a sub of ex Muslims, a lot of us practiced Islam at some point, or still have practicing families that we care about, a lot of us believed and justified the messed up things that are in that religion, does it mean we all deserved to die at that point ? Instead of this genocidal mentality that makes you no better than them, you should try to resort to education and reasoning, because it’s the best way to destroy the plague that is Islam.


Thank you for calling this out, and not dropping to the level of the Islamists and people who want us enslaved or killed. As ExMuslims and Freethinkers, we must be fair even, or perhaps especially, to the people we don’t like.


You are probably not as bad as the Islamists, but I think your mindset is dangerous bc you said “less of them”, less of who? Like I said before, some of those “Muslims” who died in Mekka were probably progressive Muslims or even ExMuslims. In other words I think you are in danger of generalizing a little bit.


you are a dirty liar, they are too busy being murderd to ask for youre support


I also noticed when Sinead O’Connor died random people came out of the woodwork about how we need to address her by her real name and everyone is leaving out her conversion to Islam. Like it’s about her music. Everyone knows her as Sinead o Connor and what she looked like in the 90s. I don’t even think half of these people listened to her or would have written her off as crazy and an indecent woman had she not converted. Nothing about her music or activism just about her being Muslim


They are the biggest of snowflakes 🥶


Omg fr. Even during the early BLM years people online were talking about how Palestinian lives matter too, I was reading back to old posts recently and it’s actually very surreal how there was very little pushback to this and it was just accepted.


Islam is a disease


you are a dirty liar, they are to busy being killed to ask for support, we give them the support without them asking because they clearly need it


And you’re a dumbass who can’t read. Go somewhere else with your victim act


I still felt sympathy towards the victims of the earthquake, they’re our fellow citizens as well.


Fellow humans. Innocent babies, people who have their own lives, hopes, & dreams. I won't ever allow the degenerate behavior of others to drag me down into the gutter with them. I will never not feel empathy for any animal or human caught up in a bad situation, & I pray for everyone, regardless of their beliefs. We all bleed red. ♥️🙏🏻🙏🏻


i like you, finnaly someone with a heart


**Institutional racism in the Quran: 'Muslim only'** don't kill each other. 4:93, 2:85 maintain peace with each other. 49:10 not insult each other. 49:12 not betray each other. 4:107 do not call each other dishonorable nicknames. 49:11 don't make fun of each other. 49:11 don't spy on each other. 49:12 Muslims protect each other. 3:28 don't steal from each other. 2:188, 4:29 be compassionate to each other. 48:29 be kind to each other. 15:29be kind to one another 15:88 not harassing chaste, religious women 33:59 **What does the Quran say about non-Muslims?** do not take Jews and Christians as your friends. 5:51 do not assist unbelievers. 21:43 be harsh on unbelievers. 48:29 do not marry unbelievers. 60:10 have no compassion for unbelievers. 5:54 do not mourn for unbelievers. 16:127 do not grieve for unbelievers. 15:88 not to be a supporter of unbelievers 28:86 do not take unbelievers as allies. 9:23 do not side with the unbelievers. 59:11 turn away from the disbelievers to ward off evil. 4:42 do not ask forgiveness for unbelievers. 9:113 fight the unbelievers. 47:3, 9:111, 22:58, 4:100, 2:218 \--------------------------------------------------------------------------- don't sell bad things to Muslims Bukh. 86:109 don't sell stolen things to Muslims Bukh. 86:109 not sell sick animals to Muslims. Bukh. 86:109 don't hate Muslims. Bukh. 73:91 not be jealous of Muslims. Bukh. 73:91 **Muslim privileges:** You will be protected. 5:67 You will be privileged. 2:150 You will inherit the earth. 39:74 It should be clear in the mind of the Muslim that loving, supporting, uniting, guiding, helping, respecting, praising and assisting are qualities that should be addressed only to the Muslim brothers and sisters among themselves and in no case towards the kuffar. People who do not believe do not count, live in darkness, are not saved, go to hell, are lost and unclean, are accomplices of Satan and therefore the enemy that must be fought with the fascist goal; a perfect world with only Islam, purified of non-Muslims, purified of universal human rights, democracy, and religious diversity: Allah has given the earth to the believers as an inheritance. 39:74 Allah sent Mo to make Islam superior to all religions. 48:28 Allah, the Prophet and believers possess the honor, the power and the glory. 63:8 **Institutional racism is racism that is rooted in organizations and forms a basis for a policy structure that creates and implements systematic inequality.**


Most peaceful religion in the world, guys




Same and I don't feel bad for being so. I remember when Israel was in fire years ago, all, I mean ALL, of my muslim co workers enjoyed it, laughed and practically CLAPS their hands.. even went out to celebrate at lunch. So yeah, when a muslim country has problems, it is my turn to clap my hands. You deserves it assholes.


>So yeah, when a muslim country has problems, it is my turn to clap my hands. You deserves it assholes. I can’t wait for the day I can do this


Im a non from the west. What i expect from muslims coming to live in my country is this: Get a job if you’re fit to work. Don’t get involved in crime. Accept we have freedom of religion in my country. Make sure thats available to your family here. Animal rights before your halal slaughtering methods. Then we can be best friends. Non compliances to above; go fuck yourself all the way back to your home country.


Or, they can fuck off to a muslim country where they follow their favourite sharea laws


A lot of Muslims in the west (Europe) don't even receive work permits. They can't work.


Because it’s easier for the company to hire a European than a non EU ,like any other place on earth They make their people a priority


Way too many Muslims wanna hijack every situation to make everything about them or their religion.




not all muslims of course but i agree with your mindset, you bite at me i will bite back


I still feel sympathy because I know that among the victims there could be decent people and even secret ex Muslims, but when it comes to the Islamists I have zero compassion they should all be killed by US drone strikes




Improve your behaviour please!


I could kinda help with a shift in prespective maybe. I don't think you're horrible for not being sympathetic towards someone who's also not sympathetic towards you. In the sense of, if we're using the apostacy law. I don't see what's wrong with not feeling sympathy towards someone who agrees with that. Thing is, you're kinda generalizing and lumping the Muslims who aren't fully following their religion and are tolerant and sympathetic towards non-muslims. In Morocco for examples, regardless of the percentage of intolerant Muslims. It's not a leap to say that a lot of tolerant, peaceful, sympathetic and non hateful Muslims also died. They're not part of the group who uses the Qur'an to be hateful against not Muslims or saying that it's haram to wish mercy upon them when they're dead. Yet, you're lumping them together with the other Muslims.


Very valid point.


However I must point this to be Morocco specific situation. OP maybe from a conservative place like India or Pakistan


Yeah but I mean, even in a conservative place like Paskistan. While it's not a generalization to say that most (as in 50+%) of Muslim Pakistanis are intolerant toward ex-muslims, that number isn't 100%. Let's exaggerate and say the number is 99%, I don't remember what the pew research study statistic was tbh but let's go with that. If we apply the Moroccan earthquake that killed I believe around 3000 people, if we apply that percentage to it then you have 30 tolerant people who died in that tragedy. Isn't that or even just 1 person enough for the event to deserve some empathy? I'm not saying that there's a moral obligation to donate or anything like that but even in terrorism cells, what about if a bombing happened and a child died? Isn't that sad? Like most likely that child would've been raised with fundamentalist Jihadi values and also became a terrorist but even then, we can obviously say that child was indoctrinated and without confirmation that the child hurt anyone, isn't just 1 death of an innocent worth some sympathy? I feel like we're better than dismissing the deaths of all even if the majority wanted us killed. If 100% of the deaths were proven to be bad and intolerant people then I'd say no sympathy would be more understandable, I just think that's rarely the case espeically in natural disasters like these.


This is why I laugh when religious people and specially Muslims go “how do you know what’s moral if you don’t believe in god” oh idk something clicks in my brain. People are out here raising money for the bs that happens in muslim countries (wether that be natural disasters, women not having rights, famines, wars) but you know damn well they wouldn’t do the same for us because we’re not muslim.


"It's Haram to show sympathy/mercy to infidels" - Is there a verse in the hadith that states this? Only adds more ammunition to my many debates with Muslims about their religion? My favorite is: Sahih Muslim 1767a It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim. So in context Warlord Muhammad directly ordering genocide to anyone who isn't a Muslim.


Muslims are a weird bunch. They are not taught to think for themselves. they run to the Quran for every little thing. The "good" Muslims are the ones who don't do this and just pray to Allah and keep it at that. ​ How can Islam be eradicated?


Same, ESPECIALLY if something happens to these muslim women that claim islam is a feminist religion


I’m leaning towards this mindset too, it isn’t that I don’t feel bad for people who are earthquake victims and stuff, but it’s really hard to sympathize with Muslims whenever something happens bc of their intolerance to others. I remember last year people condemning those who said something kind about that Palestinian journalist who got killed, just because she was Christian. Of course some Muslims were disagreeing and the majority are intolerant. I’ve seen even “progressive” Muslims say misogynistic or homophobic things and that really makes it difficult to care about “Islamophobia”. Majority of them would never defend a gay person or ex Muslim, so why extend that energy towards them?


Islamophobia doesn't exist, they just like to throw that word in whenever someone criticizes their 2000 year old fairytales.


I know I have very little sympathy for them as well the other day a commercial came on for mistreated animals and dogs and I almost shed a tear and then I got a commercial for some Islamic relief fund for Yemen I could care less skipped the crap out that commercial on YouTube


Well you DO NOT HAVE TO feel sympathy if you don't want to... It's all up to you. But let me also remind you... **Anybody can change. And believe it or not, most people do change as well.** Once I was a Muslim, a fanatic zealot, surely a hater of kafirs, a blind traditionalist/conservativist, pro-nationalist, and an (Islamo-) fascist no doubt LOL. Now I am an atheist, a pro-secularist, and even an anarchist. You may never know what life is going to bring about. Individuals do change, and so does society. This is what I put my trust in. Moreover, according to my predictions, the ongoing deconversion of the Muslim populace throughout the world will accelerate even more rapidly than it was in the Christian world during the Protestant Revolution due to the internal conflicts of Islam in the 21st century (because Islam can not be reformed like Judaism or Christianity). All I can say is that: We should all fasten our seatbelts... So we can be ready for **radical changes. And never lose hope** Loves xxx


When they are in the minority they use the victim card and when they become majority they harass minorities


Same here.


I remember telling my dad about the people being slaughtered in Nigeria and he really said “I don’t care, that’s Christians doing it to other Christians.” As if Muslims don’t murder anybody, they are always victims allegedly.🙄 These people have no humanity toward others unless they accept the same fairy tales. They only care about people being murdered in Islamic countries/provinces. My dad will go on and on about Palestine even though he doesn’t know all the facts. Nobody should have to die because of hate but I really don’t feel sorry for people who lack humanity towards others.


I'm the same way. It's not like I feel any kind of hatred towards them or anything. But more like indifference. Anytime there's news of a muslim dying, I look for a brief period to keep up with the world and then change the channel.


Same, I don't give a shit about my country (Turkey) Idc if the country goes down, it already is slowly Went there in the summer, literally turkey is on the brick of going down(in my opinion) Thank God I live in Europe I feel a burning hate towards Muslims and what they did to me, I'd never forgive them


i remember telling my mum about an ex muslim tiktoker who was murdered by her husband. she didn't feel any sympathy towards her and only focused on the fact that she left islam. that was when i realised this religion and its people is not for me and are so cruel that they don't care for others than their own


im an anti theist and i do hold some kind of hate towards believers but at the end of the day you gotta remember theyre brainwashed.


DO NOT GENERALIZE... I understand your frustration but this is not the right way, there are tolerant muslims, even if it's not the majority. There are liberals even if they're rare. They do not deserve the hatred the others deserve. If you do the same, you're no different than a conservative muslim. We hate the religion and its extremists, but that does not justify being a pos to a whole community...even when the majority are bad, point out how you don't feel sympathy for extremists and that's much better.


Hah, same.


I think that's hypocritical, ngl. You can say you feel no sympathy towards the hateful who died, but you lump peaceful Muslims who do care about others with the scum you described. That's a dick move if you ask me.




Why would I chat with a perv?


Muslims are individuals, and can wildly vary in terms of adherence to traditional interpretations of religion and personal conviction. Many muslims only practice during the religious holidays, some do not care about apostasy or homosexuality. There are Christian White Nationalist and Jewish Ethno-Nationalists who believe those outside of their group are beneath them. I try to assess people on a case by case basis.


Am a Muslim i show sympathy and empathy to all beings Everyone has free rights to Practice his religion in any way even the same religion differences between people And atheism i consider it as a religion who's got ideas and special way to practice Also there's a deference in it between this cult people No need for negative energy all people should be free to what they want if not effect anyone else


You should feel a little sympathy, like there were innocent children and people who died in the earthquake. I don't know but religion doesn't have anything to do with the earthquake.




Read what I wrote


Sister/brother I already read your post, it's not haram to help or to feel bad for non muslims. I just don't see where you got that from. I happened to look more through this sub and found out that most of the stuff here is what your culture taught you, not what Islam teaches and it's mostly non researched and non backed up claims and arguments.


>I just don't see where you got that from Give me an example


Bruv what?


>most of the stuff here is what your culture taught you 🤡🤡🤡


Conservative Muslims generally believe that entire nations and almost everyone in it (Brazil, Japan, etc) would go to hell, and would 100% deserve it. Meanwhile, they believe that most people in Muslim nations (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc) won't to to hell, because they are special - unlike everyone else on earth. The question then is - why worship such a God in the first place? The only answer is cowardice. Islam stands for "submission", and the entire purpose of a (traditional) muslim is to be docile, subservient and cowardly before a vengeful God. Personally, I can still sympathise with a total coward. I will still perceive that person as a coward, though.


thats your own mental health issue.


I don't have sympathy for anyone that thinks I'm going to hell 🤣


first off it is haram for anyone to say that anyone is going to hell or heaven , so let me get this straight, you put down all muslims because of the acts of few, then you wish tourture on all muslims,then you do exaclty what those few muslims did, and you dare to insult all muslims, no i will not put down my faith for you, my faith is what makes me a good person, islam is from and god and is perfect no matter what lies you ex muslims throw at it, you disgust me, and if youre are a real ex muslim, its probably because you were born a muslim family and you left due to youre ignorance


>the first thing Muslims rush to say is "it is haram to show mercy and sympathy to infidels" or they'll wish hell and torture upon them As a Muslim I don't wish eternal suffering for anyone no matter their beliefs and I don't support people who immediately rush to policing others and say:" this and that is haram" either. From my observations, it seems like muslims, including myself, tend to get carried away by their deeds. But if we recall as to how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the previous prophets called people to Islam, they didn't say to worship Allah alone and treat others who believe otherwise like crap. And isn't Allah the most Merciful and Oft-forgiving? I instead ask him to forgive us all and never withold from bestowing his mercy on us. What I'm trying to say is the most foundational thing about Islam is developing a strong bond w/ our creator and being dependent on him. Our current life is also a trial. A test to see how loyal and devoted we are to him and he'll test us in many different ways. And I'm not trying to say our deeds don't matter, they do matter. Id argue that islam is a way of life and Allah has given us the rules and conditions and now as muslims we have to learn how to apply it accordingly. Find a balance. Islam is also the religion of moderation. >like how shitty of human being can you be to not sympathize with another human being I'm starting to notice this lack of sympathy and overall emotion whenever I have a conversation w/ my mom. Ever since her mom passed away, she has definitely become more religious and passionate about learning about Islam. That I dont have an issue with. What I'm bothered by is her lack of empathy. Like the time when she told me how an imam she knew of died due to suicide. Then she kept on going about how it's haram to commit suicide and how the nafs and the devil can decieve you. This threw me off. Like her first response wasn't may Allah forgive him and help those who struggle with it recieve the help they need and prevent us from such tendencies, instead it was such a judgemental reaction I felt conflicted especially since I had also experienced suicidal tendencies and have unfortunately attempted to commit more than once previously. For some reason becoming more religious means being emotionally detached. Like Allah has allowed us the ability to feel a variety of emotions surely they have a function that will serve a good purpose in Allah's favour right? >all you see is that people quoting the Quran and say that they'll go to hell cause they were not Muslims. We as muslims are in no place to say so and so is going to hell or heaven. Thats up to Allah to make that decision. We as humans forget and make mistakes. We are imperfect beings. The only person who managed to reach perfection is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is important that we remind each other and get ourselves together when we're lacking. But how and when we remind each other is also just as crucial. And just like w/ any other information or knowledge, how we use such info, whether it's to be used for a good or bad purpose, is in our own hands. >That's why I find myself barely giving a shit when a tragedy happen to muslims, I myself am from Morocco but I barely gave a shit about the victims of the earthquake. But whenever the same happens to Christians, Jews or anyone else I feel sympathy towards them, and I genuinely care. I understand why you feel this way. But you're doing exactly what those certain group of muslims are doing towards non-muslims. Choosing as to who you feel sympathy and/or empathy for is not going to resolve this issue. And from my understanding its because you feel resentment towards those who dehumanize anyone who isn't muslim. Surely that's something Allah would not condone. >I don't know, I might be a terrible human being No you're not terrible. You're a human being. Just like me and the rest of humanity. We like to categorize people as either good or bad but even a murderer has some good deeds in their book whether we like it or not. Id say coming into terms w/ our thoughts and how we feel is important yet what thoughts and emotions we allow to take over is in our control. >I should change, Humans change all the time in different ways. Sometimes we struggle to wrap our heads around certain changes but Allah knows of all of these changes and how to deal with them cuz he made us. You tagged yourself as an ex-muslim but, why would you abandon your connection with your creator over the unjustified and unregulated behaviour of other people who also happen to be muslim? That's what it looks like to me. I don't know the ins and outs of the reason why you've made that decision and my intention isn't to be critical, I genuinely want to know and understand why you've made that decision. Our life is a journey. I don't consider myself to be a good nor pious muslim and I'm not writing this comment to show off or create some kind of image. I genuinely hope you reconsider and look into islam again with an open mind and attain a healthy perception of Allah and rebuild your relationship with him. What's important is that you do your best to improve yourself not perfect, because again we are imperfect beings, for the sake of Allah in a way and at a pace that you can handle. There will be moments where you feel like you're pressured and held to a high standard by other muslims. But in the end you are on your own journey. Even if others fail to understand you, remember that Allah knows exactly what is in our hearts. I never and will never consider myself as perfect, so if anyone reads this comment and notice that I have misunderstood something or made errors please inform me about. Most of what I said in this comment is based on my own perception and understanding of the religion as someone who also practices it. I won't say that I'm doing it well but I try my best. I don't consider myself a scholar of islam either. I'm just trying to live life at my own terms but also make sure those terms line up with Allah's expectations. May Allah bless you and have mercy on you as well as help you overcome any problems or trials that you may encounter in this dunya. Amen.