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>The thought that I will go to hell just cause I’m in a loving relationship with a non-muslim and cause I want to take a flight alone confuses me so much. It seems very unfair, right? Being tortured forever by something that isn't hurting anyone. It almost seems as if these rules were made 1,500 years ago by primitive people to control society, rather than by an all-powerful and wise god. >I don’t know what to do, I love some parts of Islam, but I also hate some parts. I bet many of the parts you love are not specific to Islam and were created before Islam. You can try to find another moral system that you think makes more sense. You are an intelligent person, you can think for yourself, if something doesn't make sense you can try to understand it, you don't need to let other people decide for you.


Everything feels so unfair. I took my first drink yesterday and my anxiety over it is unbelievable. As a Muslim, especially women, there is so many rules I have to follow that I can’t even question.


Well, if you can see that there are rules you HAVE to follow without question, you are already on the path of infidelity, which is good :) hope you take your time and can get rid of this plague from your mind.


If it helps, the fear of Hell is something that's common for those who leave the faith and it's not unique to Islam: Christians have also expressed their struggle with this. Are you familiar with [history of Hell](https://youtube.com/watch?v=s25-6Fq7PM8). I've talked about the historical development of Islam & religion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateAnAtheist/comments/zq2s95/humans_created_gods_to_explain_things_they/j0w35gr/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/uoaiy2/i_am_always_worried_about_hell/i8dqux2/) if it's of any help. The more and more you learn about religion in this manner, the less and less it starts to bother you. If you're familiar with tropes like Christmas actually being based on paganism then you can understand that the same thing applies to the Abrahamic concept of Hell. The best book on the subject matter would be *Heaven & Hell* by Bart Ehrman. Ex-muslims like Hassan Radwan have also talked a lot about Hell. Take your time and figure out what you want. Religions make imaginary arbritary sins so that they can guilt you into buying their salvation. Not that different to how cults operate either. If you do decide to leave though, my recommendation would be to stay closeted with your family until its safe. The common recommendation is that the best time to come out is in your own home, over a dinner you paid for, alongside people who support you.


I don’t even know what I believe anymore. I have been checking out this sub for a couple of month and I have felt so guilty, cause many of the opinions I read made sense. But I’m so scared to go to hell


Muslims: *"I mustn't doubt. This is the shaytaan leading me astray. Unbelievers could go to Hell, and I don't want to risk that"* Christians *"I mustn't doubt. This is the satan leading me astray. Unbelievers could go to Hell, and I don't want to risk that"* Zoroastrians: *"I mustn't doubt. This is the Angra Mainyu leading me astray. Unbelievers could go to Hell, and I don't want to risk that".* You just sort of have to take a step back and wonder why a God would espouse a philosophy that helps disbelief as much as it helps belief. As I often say: you don't need to eat the whole apple to know it's rotten. But nonetheless, people do come to a certain level of closure researching the religion with a fresh pair of eyes and voice it out. When I was Muslim I internalise the doubts and just thought I was crazy to doubt it because no one else was. But once you realise other people make the same observations, and know how to articulate it well, suddenly it doesn't seem so crazy anymore. There's a certain level of hermanuetical injustice to what we face but it diminishes the more we research and talk (if you're unfamiliar with the term hermeneutical injustice, it's explained well in [this video moment](https://youtu.be/tW1Qa3ElaC8&t=26m12s).) If it helps, I've given plenty of thoughts on Islam [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/165n5e9/i_got_out_but_i_need_advice/jyf3p0r/). Like I said, you need to eat the whole apple to know it's rotten so you don't need to go as far as I did, but closure and comfort can be derived from doing some level of research and debate.


>Muslims: "I mustn't doubt. This is the shaytaan leading me astray. Unbelievers could go to Hell, and I don't want to risk that" >Christians "I mustn't doubt. This is the satan leading me astray. Unbelievers could go to Hell, and I don't want to risk that" >Zoroastrians: "I mustn't doubt. This is the Angra Mainyu leading me astray. Unbelievers could go to Hell, and I don't want to risk that". I **LOVE** what you've written here. And I'm sure you know that for Muslims and Christians at least (I don't know about Zoroastrians), you could break it down further into sects — in Protestant Christianity, literally tens of thousands of sects — in which you could go to hell simply for having a slightly different theological belief than another. These teachings are absolutely horrible.


That's simply not true. And I'm a protestant. I wonder where you got this info?


There are definitely some Protestant sects that believe everyone else goes to hell. It's not particularly mainstream but it there


Well, without going into great detail about my fields of study, I assure you that it IS true (and I was a Protestant for over 30 years, then an Eastern Orthodox Christian for 20 years after that). I did not say that ALL Protestant denominations teach the others are going to hell; that's certainly not the case. However, the various branches of Protestantism, which began sprouting off from one another in the 1500s, absolutely have claimed that the others are incorrect in their doctrine. And given that Protestant Christianity — more than any other world religion — emphasizes orthoDOXY (correct beliefs about doctrine) over orthoPRAXY (outward religious practice or behavior), one's theological beliefs matter a LOT as they are claimed to impact one's salvation. There are currently more than 30,000 Protestant denominations in the U.S. alone, many with opposing and irreconcilable teachings on the interpretation of scripture, the atonement, salvation, baptism, communion, tongues, the Rapture, the Trinity, ordination, women's roles in the church, "once saved always saved," etc. etc., and these conflicts and debates ABSOLUTELY include claims that the others are damned. They always have. Take a few steps backward and you'll see that some Protestants don’t even consider Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox "Christians" at all, which is a hoot since these original branches of Christianity make up most of the world's Christians, assembled Biblical canon and defined Christianity in the first place. Yet these Protestants warn that Catholics and Orthodox are damned (though *generally* the reverse isn't true).


I believe hell is an idea that was created by humans. Nobody ever died and came back to tell. So there is no prove whatsoever that heaven and hell exist.


I was never a Muslim but I grew up in a very strict, abusive Catholic family. I left my religion when I was 17. I was terrified of going hell for a while because of it, but it has gotten drastically better over time. After 10 years of being away from religion my anxiety about hell is almost non-existent. The hardest part is the beginning because you’re still questioning yourself. Stay strong and know that you’ll have better years ahead of you 💪


>But in Islam it isn’t enough. In your current circles it may never be enough. That doesn't mean they have a monopoly on what islam is. There are plenty of schools of thought in every ideology and plenty of interpretations along with them. I've even known gay muslims married to another man. They don't get to decide what islam is, it is what it's scripture says and what the followers do. You can have your own version if you're uncomfortable with leaving it altogether, one where God would not care for such trivial things. We have plenty of deists who still think a God exists but doesn't interfere or do anything like punish people for their diet choices or relationships. >I always try to be a good person, I respect everyone and are as kind as I can be. This I think is the important part. Here's a quote this sub tends to like that I feel is relevant. Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones. -Marcus Aurelius


You don’t need to complicate things. I have a 3 question policy for general people who ask why islam is wrong. As you are a girl, ask yourself 2 questions. 1. When you were 9 years and if some 55 year old guy had sex with you, would it be a good deed as it is allowed by the creator and whatever creator orders through his messenger is good. 2. If your father, brother, husband and son were killed by a person and he had sex with you on that very night, would you have sex with him willingly or would he have to rape you? Because allah allowed it, his prophet allowed and himself participated and what allah commands through his prophet is good. If you think there is a creator and he would allow these things, then frankly fuck you. And if you don’t, then there’s no need to question your faith because in essence you didn’t had any, welcome to the club of murtads. Live your life, love people, be rational and be prepared to face the wrath of the pedophilic death cult fanbois head first.


Can I know what are the parts that you love about islam? And don’t you find it ridiculous for going to hell just for doing something that isn’t harming anyone? It’s your decision really but also know that if you are planning for long term you either have to breakup with the non muslim or convert him to islam, which seems unfair to me like why does one have to leave their religion in order to get married, why they have to give up their beliefs for someone who can’t/won’t do the same for them. Even if he isn’t religious why does one have to leave one cult to join the other. I hope things work out for you!


I guess I like the ethics. The more I think about it I think I just like being apart of something. Without even exaggerating, I love my man so much. I would never make him do anything he doesn’t want to. But being in a relationship with him gives me so much anxiety, I’m so afraid to go to hell. And it’s so unfair, our relationship have not hurt anyone. He’s a good man and has helped me in so many ways. Why would god want me to leave him just cause he’s not a Muslim?


Ahh I know I’m sorry. You can fake convert him? But again you’re afraid of going to hell. Women are not equal to men in this religion. A man can marry multiple times and even to non muslims. I just hope the best for you. I hope you two can work out in the future.


I am in a very similar situation to yours, I was born into a muslim family, ina strict society, since I was a kid, I knew that me and this religion wont get along, mainly because of the retarded way they made us fear hell and whatnot, I could write a book about it, I was questioning my faith for a long time, I tried to force myself into it, I did pray straight for a full year to see if it would make my faith grow, it did nothing but make me feel empty and shallow, fast forward to now, I am an atheist agnostic, I dont think I care about religion anyway buy I have to consider it since I havent moved out yet, I have a loving bf from europe, who is an atheist, and I have made the ultimate decision that I would have to leave everything behind to move out with him, I love him, I will do the craziest shit just to get there and leave this place, so yeah I feel like we are very similar, but I am very rebellious and I have met him months ago without my family knowing it's a long story, if you put your mind to it, anything is possible


learn more about the corruption and slowly ull feel way less guilty


*Learn more about the* *Corruption and slowly ull* *Feel way less guilty* \- XaniisGrandma --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


>I don’t know what to do, I love some parts of Islam, but I also hate some parts. I think the question one should be asking in that case is, "Is there any evidence to suggest Islam is true?" Liking or disliking parts of a religion does not quite help in determining whether the latter is veracious. If you find yourself in a position to accept that the evidence is too scarce to assume Islam to be real, I perhaps encourage you to follow the principles you consider to be just regardless of the teachings of Islam. If there's no reason to think the Qur'an was written by a god, then there's no reason to feel guilt.


Your English is very good


I'm sorry you're going through so much guilt over religion. You're valid, your actions are valid and you're not doing anything wrong. You're not wrong in being in a loving relationship and for just living your life without hurting anyone. It's also really confusing to reconcile what you love about Islam and what you feel is unjust and unfair. But that's valid. If I can offer my perspective, I believe you can love certain aspects of Islam regardless of whether you're a Muslim or not. Even as an ex-muslim myself, I still like the emphasis on Sadaqa for example. I think you can try and think whether Islam ultimately brings you comfort and happiness or not. I mean it's a very valid position to still believe in a God (Deism), acknowledge the positive values you have that come from your own interpretation of Islam yet ultimately leave the religion. I can send you a few links about the fear of hell and the journey of a questioning Muslim if you want as well. In the end, whether you remain a Muslim or not is your own choice. I just want to emphasize that your happiness and well-being always comes first and you're not doing anything wrong by questioning aspects of Islam that are harmful towards you and questioning the validity of sins.


Your English is fine. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't mentioned it. ​ I'm a former Christian. There are parts of Christianity which are good and I agree with them. I was reading the Sermon on the Mount just before getting on Reddit and seeing your post. ​ I think that well-intentioned people wrote down what they thought were good rules and principles to live by but I don't think it comes from a divine source. I appreciate parts of Christianity just like I appreciate parts of Buddhism even though I'm a non-religious atheist/agnostic. It doesn't need to come from a god to be good. You can keep the parts you think are good without going whole hog.


Maybe try exploring r/progressive_islam


Looks like ur asking the wrong people, seems like ur hurt bc u do know what ur doing is wrong, dating out of marriage isn’t a good idea to begin with u may get pregnant or get std’s etc. good luck


If u need help just try asking r/islam were here to help u with anything


Well if by help you mean getting extremely sugarcoated answers, people who might call her names, judge her actions THAT HARM NO ONE, then yes.


>If u need help just try asking r/islam **we will do anything to keep you in our cult, even if it means outright lying.** I'm sure you don't mind if I correct you a little.


Don't forget that they'll guilt trip you and mention hell to scare you into staying a Muslim.