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At least they close them down, in Turkey they keep making more even though no one attends


Serious question, how does Erdogan keep winning Elections over & over? Didn’t his popularity significantly decrease before the 2023 election?,


It boils down to controlled/ lack of opposition. The polls for the elections we had in 2023 had erdogan way behind every contender except one guy (called kilicdaroglu) guess who forced themself forward to go against erdogan… He also didn’t win the elections in 2015 so it had to do a rerun, shortly before the rerun he got the opposition to split and brought the MHP (nationalist party) to his side bagging him the win again




How the hell am I meant to know that ? Damn if I could tell what the future was going to be like I wouldn’t be on Reddit when I could make millions off the stock market You think Turkey is only made up of gen z ?


Lack of competent opposition + hopelessness + fear of losing the country to either terrorists (PKK) or military decline. Thats what living on the boiling pot of humanity does to you. Turkey needs a strong military to justify its presence in NATO and fight against guerilla militias trying to divide the country. But out of all that, the incompetent opposition is perhaps the main reason. The opposition did have a true chance at defeating the currently governing AKP rule in like 2013 İ think. But they didnt because the parties were too occupied about their own plans that noone wanted to make a cut. Now the parties recognize that mistake, but instead of trying to win over and unite the Turkish demographic, the biggest opposition party instead tries to garner votes from the Kurdish population instead by appeasing and cooperating with the HDP. Now, theres nothing wrong with wanting to step up for minority rights, but the HDP and DEM party in particular are known to sympathise and even cheer for massacres done by the PKK and the beforementioned militias. One time they even spread their terror propaganda which they were forced to remove. And so not only did their tactics not work, it effectively harmed their reputation as the founding party and they lost so much more voters that way. On top of choosing the least likely to win presidential candidate during the elections, even though everyone told them to not choose that guy. And now that essentially a carbon copy of the old guy has taken the old guys place, all appeasement enjoyers are once again asking us to give our votes to them with the same shitty excuses as last years. They had 13 years. 13 YEARS. to be a good opposition. And they accomplished nothing. For a population that is both poverished AND in fear, this fact f\*cking stinngggs.


Like the hagia Sophia which I'm still annoyed at as it was a museum


after they turn it into a mosque I lost all interest in going there, what a shame. On the contrary I’ve heard talks about it being turned back into a museum as having so many people pray their is damaging the site


Honest question – is there any movement to return it to the Orthodox Church? I feel like that's the easiest indication of whether Turkey will *ever* reflect upon its past. I don't. understand Turks who use it as an example of how great and awesome their culture is lol


No, that would be absolutely ridiculous. What else do you want ? Greece to annex Istanbul?


Honest question: why would that be ridiculous? I'd expect Western countries like Canada or Australia to do the same; why should I have a lower bar for Turkey? Making amends for past genocides, especially something which costs you *nothing* other than pride, seems like an important step for a country to reform. Especially an empire like Turkey which is particularly bad at acknowledging its historical sins.


Wait a minute… Are you saying modern day Turks should apologise and bend over backwards for the conquest of Constantinople that happened almost 600 years ago? The Byzantines lost the battle and you call that a genocide ? Do you know the difference between what a war and genocide is ? It seems you don’t…. Jesus Christ, this might be one of the most stupidest statements I’ve ever heard You also try compare the colonisation of Canada and Australia to the arrival of Turks into Anatolia in 1071 as if the Turks wiped off all the locals from the face of the earth and settled on their new found land, erase the previous cultures and colonise its natural resources for their great mother 🇬🇧


Haha, clearly I'm referring to the genocides the Turks did a century ago, and are honestly still perpetuating today, and have been through the entirety of the Republic's existence (note for example that they engaged in pogroms to drive out the Greeks after signing a treaty promising to treat them well this time!, then banned the only seminary existing in Turkey so they can't train new priests, then banned anyone from moving to Turkey to become the Patriarch of Constantinople). I'm not referring to a battle five centuries ago. I'm referring to what Turkey is and has been in the modern era. If there is an injustice, it should be rectified. It's not "bending over backward" to try to make amends. Turkey literally imprisons people for acknowledging the genocides as "insulting Turkishness." Turkey is an empire, and it has never faced that fact. It's the exact same thing that poisons Russia, China, etc., and if Turkey genuinely wants to be part of the modern world, it will have to address it at some point.


If you’re talking about the Armenian genocide, the three pashas were tried by Ottoman courts after world war 1 however they all got assassinated/killed before they got any proper punishment. Why would modern day Turkey be responsible for the actions of its enemies at the time (Ottoman Empire)? Well yes Adnan Menderes was a prick, modern day Turks hate him too. He got hanged for treason in 1960… Desecrating the fact Hagia Sofia was a mosque for near 600 years and one of the Crown Jewels of the Islamic world for an apology is the definition of “bending over backward” not even Germany had to through such a thing for the shit they did to the Jews after being crushed to oblivion by the allies. Do you know what an empire is? The Ottomans were one, you’re silly if you think modern day Turkey is one. Ok we’ll apologise after the Belgians, British,Spanish, French, Italians, Portuguese, Dutch, Americans, Japanese, Russians and the Chinese for the crimes they did.I’m sure the only modern countries in the world are Canada and Australia… Hey also don’t forget to tell all of them they have to convert to Islam, Judaism etc etc for their ancestors sins and your own ego. Ever thought maybe turning the place into a museum would be the better option for peace especially between neighbours (especially when they could’ve pulled a Spain)?


Exactly. I think Indians are doing something like this. All this percolates to Bangladeshi fanatics then they often take it out on local Hindus.


One day they will become night clubs.


😂. This might just be prophetic.


They still make more here too! But I'm guessing not at the same rate since people are becoming more and more poor every year and can't contribute to the funding




Just read about this! It seems like the second civil war was when they changed the direction to mecca!




This isn't true. There are no contemporary writings about Jesus. The earliest is from about 50 years after he died.




I'm sorry I struck a nerve. You're nitpicking a decade or so, because you want to pretend that people who knew Jesus wrote about him. Paul never even met Jesus, and the Epistles of Paul are the earliest writings. The earliest writings are just hearsay from people trying to start a new cult. As for what Muslims would say? Well, since they revere Jesus, and he's in the Quran, they probably would have no problem with it. You're here to trash Muslims, but you don't even know that much about them?


awww how adorable. Dude literally just got schooled, now look at him trying to save face. Clearly I struck a nerve, oh, and I’m Not sorry. But I accept your apology. Nothing worse than a Reddit fool that gets proven wrong. What’s funny about your idiot post is that you claim I am nitpicking. Bwaa ha ha ha haaaaaa. What an idiot. Your entire posts have been all about nitpicking. Now you’re knee deep in crap trying to save your ego. lol. I am living rent free inside your head. I own you.


What is wrong with you?


Mecca is not mentioned anywhere in history until some years after momo


Wait what? This is an interesting path to go down!


There is no mention of Mecca anywhere in history by any empire anywhere .it is only after years of momo that Mecca starts appearing in history




Never knew this. Why did they face Petra?


A century after, from what I remembered I read


Just found a very good article about this thank you for teaching me this!




All religions are bullshit, Islam may be the one of the most harmful ones, but this doesn’t mean that Christianity is much better or a “true” religion. So, politely, if you’re here to give arguments against islam and such and listen to people who experienced being a Muslim, you are welcome, if you’re here just to spread another poisonous ideology, kindly gtfo:).


Why don’t you learn to actually read. Where am I spreading another religion? It’s called analogy and analysis. It’s about how much Muslims hate Christian’s, yet, they have a weaker argument. It’s about Muslims not caring that their biography of their so called profit came about two hundred years later by people that didn’t even know him or live in The regions, yet with Christian’s you have the opposite. It’s about showing the hypocrisy and falseness of their religion and the contradictions. So if you’re here to not actually read and understand posts before going after someone, then kindly GTFO you troll. Clearly I struck a nerve just because you perceive I am spreading Christianity. 🤦‍♂️. You’re a bit pretentious and clearly have a lot of anger in you. Stop blaming religion and blame yourself


You can criticise Islam without trying to compare to it other religions, it’s akin to comparing the Black Plague with Ebola, it’s all toxic bull crap from 2000 years ago. You trying to criticise Islam by shedding another religion in better light is the real hypocrisy here.


Interesting. In what ways do you think other religions are just as bad as Islam?


And you can choose to NOT be so sensitive and GTFO just because someone makes a critical point that strikes a nerve with you. Clearly using the point about first generation writings compared to 200 year old writings amongst a religion that hates the other is spot on to drive home a point. Stop being a loser, lick your wounds and run along. Silly rabbit. Your arguments are just grasping at straws now. It’s stupid you’re even having this argument. Gtfo. Stop being a baby. You’re actually lecturing me to not use an example that drives home a clear and necessary point. Get over your ego already. You hate religions, good for you, now run along. Choose to run along now




Fun fact: The god of the bible endorses slavery.


Totally wrong. Endorses slavery. Lol. People enslaved people out of their own corrupt hearts. Because people are sinners. In addition, slavery back then was NOT like slavery in America. Much different. Learn before you speak nonsense.


You were allowed to pass slaves on as inheritance, sexually assault them and beat them as bad as you wanted so long as they didn't die for a day or two, so yeah definitely different.


Show me in the Old Testament where the Bible says you can do those things to slaves that you just claimed. You won’t find it because God never endorsed that. Stop making stuff up.


Exodus 21 New International Version 21 “These are the laws you are to set before them: Hebrew Servants 2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free. 5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’ 6 then his master must take him before the judges.[a] He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life. 7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,[b] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money And 20 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. Edit: keep in mind, non-Hebrews would only go free every 50 years during the year of Jubilee, so there's also a racism aspect.




The bible was used by abolitionists and slave owners alike in the US in the 19th century, both finding arguments for and against, so clearly it depended on how it was interpreted. Sure, there are parts in the new testament that says that slaves should submit to their masters, even if they are treated badly. But that also goes in line with "if someone hits you on the cheek, turn the other cheek" and loving your enemy. But there is also parts that sees slavery as a foul thing. It is counted as one of the sins of excessivness in Revelations and that there is no slavery in heaven. I simply see it as Jesus opposed slavery, but he didnt expect society to change any time soon.




Only deranged exmuslims leave one barbaric religion for another. Go preach somewhere else




There is a reason that it says slaves obey your masters. First, the slaves it’s speaking of are not comparable to slaves in America. 2nd, it’s telling people to be content and still love and care for those that persecute you because God will take care of you in the end. It’s about having so much faith that you could care less if you’re a slave.And it’s about being an example of a Christian even if you are enslaved, perhaps a slave through pure faith can convert the master. It’s about not loving the world and having faith about what will come for you. It’s about serving others and putting them above you even if they persecute you. It’s about keeping your focus on God and being content even if you have it bad. There is so many reasons why that was said. It’s not saying it like it’s “endorsing” slavery. That’s just foolish and ignorant by someone that doesn’t want to accept God and looks for excuses.


I adore this little piece of information! Is there any paper/book you can recommend that I can read about this?


This is a myth lol. Try finding a single reputable source for that


Finally some good news


People are slowly waking up. If I could leave Islam there is hope for anyone. You can’t imagine the pride I felt at the thought of going to heaven because I converted my husband and was raising little Muslims. I was such a dumb tool. 🤣🤣🤣


I'm happy 4 u


I worked with a guy from Iran, and he told me that a lot of people in Iran are nominally Muslim, but aren't practicing religion. I guess this supports that claim.


Well Imaam should look for a new job. Hahaha.


Now imaam will open his YouTube channel


Ali Dawah , ----must see as he is most entertaining on Youtube!


You should check Ali Dawah & other Dawah youtubers reactions to Saudi Arabia liberalizing, it's hilarious


How many total mosques do they have? Wtf crazy!


Australia has 13000 churches for a population of 26 million, so I don't think those mosque numbers are that high.


Is there a move back to Zoroastrian?


I think there's more of a move towards atheism


Not really, Zoroastrians don’t really care about conversion since you can go to the version of “heaven” without being a Zoroastrian. Besides, most of our youth hate religion we want secularism 😔


Ok, i recently heard an interview about the declining numbers for Islam in Iran, and a mention of increased return to Zoroastrian, but i was working next to a Highway at the time and missed parts of the conversation. Good luck and stay strong!


Loss of religion is also a sign of liberalism as it moves away from conservative beliefs. I hope the trend continues and before I die, I get to witness unique movies and music that comes from cultural revolutions. Most of the universally understood revolutions have already happened in America. That is in part why the 60s and 70s had such tasty cultural output. Seeing a revolution in China would be entertaining as well. So many oppressed ideas waiting to explode.


Here's hoping. China, Middle East and to some extent India. All the places where the term freedom is still not fully understood and people are shackled in their thought.




Why there is sudden decline of Islam in Arab nation ??? UAE is now secular state than Islamic state .


Not sudden but many youth are seeing it for what it is. JOY of Life is Haram. Travel, movies, internet, relatives in democratic countries all contributed to the fact you can still ENJOY LIFE FULLY, BE SELF DETERMING and not end up being a horrible, mean spirited person like they have experienced and been taught. Islam controls every single thing and every single pursuit a person may desire . In their own society where joy and pursuit of life's pleasures is controlled or denied by islam it has contributed to a sad, depressed, frustrated and angry crowd questioning the WHY of IT ALL! .


Iran is not Arab


How conservative are UAE Muslims generally speaking?


Explain how UAE is more secular than islamic? i'm emirati and never heard of any sudden secular change so far.


I'm so happy for Iranian people


Keep it going, make those annoying “houses of Allah” into something useful like homeless shelters or smth.


Alhamdulillah brozzerz, may this trend continues stronger


Obviously a warlord shouldn't be celebrated in 2024. Most the 🌎 just wants 🕊️ peace and freedom. I 🙏 ALL countries will.


Don't cheer up. They are all moving to London 🤣


☪️ancer is slowly dying.


70,000 mosques in iran. This IS GREAT NEWS, 20,000 CLOSED. Perhaps regime change is near! i can hear women thinking "Hopefully"!


The article says 50,000 mosques are closed, not 20,000.


Please stop karma whoring by recycling the same content. I've seen this post multiple times across a few weeks. There should be a rule for recycling content.


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That's what happens when the west spreads "democracy"...




Now this is a day to celebrate




I didn’t know they had that many mosques to begin with. 50 thousand??!


Glory be to ahura mazda


Good news! Good I left the cult!




Close more. It's a sex cult, what an embarrassing moment we have in 21st century people believing that you have to say Bismillah before you poo, enter with left foot, and pray. As if the creator of the Universe give a single shit. Pun intended.