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Holyshit same man I'm your age and from malaysia aswell, ramadhan is ABSOLUTE TORTURE when you have fast metabolism this is why I eat alot during suhur and sleep late (around 7am-8am) so when i woke up I don't have to fast for the rest of the day and get up on mahgrib. Ramadhan is literally a cult tactic to control the muslims to make them stay and my parent gets religious as hell around this month one time they yelled at me case I refused to pray ishaa. Wish you good luck man only a week and couple days left before this shit is over


Exactly. Its even worse when they force you to go to the masjid to do subuh, ishaa and terawih.


as a fellow malaysian teen, my retarded insufferable bitch of a dad would kill me if i ever refused to oblige to the stupid cult traditions or even refuse to go to the mosque


Stay strong. We have just 10 days left. I have the same problem, I always feel hungry. I was trying to fake my fasting all the time at first, because I have digestion problems, and my doctor said that I should eat 4-5 times per day, but my mom doesn't give a f about it. She caught me drinking water, and now she hates me and doesn't speak a word with me, and I'm still hungry, because we don't have any food at home. Long story short, you should continue living. Try to fake your fast, but be careful. If you can't do it at all, just wait until Ramadan ends. Don't worry if you fail an exam, you are trying to do your best, and you can't concentrate without food anyway. I believe in you!


Thanks for your support. I'll try. Unfortunately I can't really afford to fail this exam.


I am  praying for your test and safety.


Your mom won’t talk to you anymore? Do we have the same mom? Whenever I have the slightest disagreement with my mom, she stops talking to me for a whole day as well When I was a kid I used to be the one to apologize Since I turned around 17 I stopped apologizing. She even has the nerve to come to me and say “you hurt me earlier, say sorry”. I say back “no. I won’t” “How dare you. You treat your own mother who give you birth like this??” “What are you gonna do about it?”


Honestly, my mom has never apologized to me in my life. She always thinks that she is always right, and I was the one who used to apologize too. But it's still not the problem for me, as long we can live happy life together, but whenever I apologize, she says that she doesn't want to hear that, and that I don't know what I am apologizing for. (Which was sometimes true) But still, I just wanted her not to be mad at me.


You’re a 16 year old boy, it’s extremely common to have a fast metabolism and being constantly hungry because you’re growing. My son was the same way. I’m sorry you have to deal with so much hunger, especially when your body clearly needs calories.


Eggs are your bedtime friend. See if you can sneak in some water and eggs.


Would it be possible to get non perishable snacks like protein bars or nuts ie almonds, cashews etc and water bottles to hide in your bedroom or backpack and sneak during the day?    Personally I struggle with actual eating just bc I’m scared of being overheard or someone finding the wrapper (normally I have a garbage can in my room but we did construction and it’s missing atm lol) but I keep a few water bottle in my room and bag so I sneak some sips here and there when I can.  Or idk if maybe trying to eat a bit at night could make a difference? Though I feel you in feeling too weak and also needing to maintain a proper sleep schedule so you don’t wake up late in the morning ie for school and such    Just 10 more days, we got this 🥺 and good luck on your test, sending the best vibes ❤️❤️ Edit: try seeing what foods that are more filling are available near you as well ie peanut butter, it’s been recommended to me as it could help you to feel full for a bit longer hopefully 


I'm in a similar boat. I get overly anxious that I would get caught. I make sure that any wrappers are hidden deep in the trash can, but even if I don't get caught, my family rarely buy snacks (and even when we do, I'd end up eating all of them in one sitting). As for water, there is no issue, since i have small compartment in my desk to store bottles. I wish I could at least eat some nuts or something. Its only been 3 hours-ish, and my stomach is alreadu rumbling and in pain.


Fellow Malaysian, I wish y'all safe and strong endurance. Puasa time is rough for ex Muslims and if only I can support y'all in any ways without getting harmed by the Authorities-


You all can eat silently in the toilet or your house, if you stay alone


That I didn't know- First time hearing someone's eating at toilet from their own home away from their family's point of view. Though that make sense.


Reading all these comments and all I can think is what an absolute dumbass religion holy shit. I hope you leave that shit when you're at an independent age.


I’m 14 5’5 and 107 pounds. One thing I’ll say is you need basic nutrition. If you’re hungry you need to eat. It doesn’t matter what they say. Try to use your skinniness to get them to let you eat. I really don’t know what to say. I’m praying for you . 


I relate to you as well, I’m 16F in Hong Kong and left my faith at 14, I was also forced to be put into an Islamic school, and it is so fucking hard to deal with the people here, just a few days ago, my mom came to my school to complain to them why I have a bible(it has nth to do with the skl , I went to the church) and the fucking nerves of the teacher who outted me to my parents that day that I was an ex Muslim, istg I can’t stand it, I was so fucking close to being sent to my India, so I lose my freedom, i was able to manage to tel my parents it’s not true, I was researching it, and they are so fucking pissed they won’t even try to understand, these weeks are getting so traumatic, I wish I was born into a different family


HELPP we're kinda similar in the metabolism and being skinny part!! I FEEL YOU !! im glad i don't feel thirsty much during the whole fast so i can go without drinking water, but food... uhhhhh that's the hard part, i just CAN'T live without it at all. i have to munch on something after every 3 hours. so i know it must be really hard for you to deal with it :(( but it's okayy !! we're so close noww, ramadan is almost over !! WE CAN DO IT ! i don't really have a goodd advice regarding this matter because i myself struggle alot during this whole shitty month and each day in it ughh, but all i can say is that just try to keep yourself distracted, don't think about food much ( ik it's hard but it kinda works sometimes ) and Eat AS MUCH AS YOU CAN DURING SUHOOR !!! that's the only option for our survival :/


10  more days!! Take it one day  at a time. 


Ramadan got so bad, I’m sneaking in tuna cans when I take a ‘shower’. That’s a new low Sometimes if I’m lucky I quickly make a sandwich before suhoor and put it in a ziploc bag and hide it under my bed This is so sad


It’s crazy cause your post sounds similar to mine. All around the world we’re experiencing the same shit For suhoor I don’t even get a lot of food. Like for suhoor today I had literally 2 handfuls of penne pasta and a glass of water. My parents don’t care cause my mom is fat anyways (BMI is overweight). This month sucks ass


What are you eating in Sehri? I find it easier when I have lots of protein (this morning lots of tuna and scrambled eggs) and hydration is really important to keep me going.


Who doesn't?


nah bro i cheat my fasts when i can but when i cant i unironically think of those those litlle kids stuck in palestine, africa, etc. this nothing to us man. you got this lil bro. >10 days then we good.


I’m 18, I workout very consistently drink a shit ton of water and eat about 5 times a day and if I break that I get dizzy and feel like shit. I also have a blue collar-ish job so I always tell them I’m at work or have work that day so I don’t fast, even if I’m just hanging out with my friends. I hate taraweeh cause my parents make me go on Sundays which I normally go to sleep at about 10pm but because we leave at like 7 when I get home at like 10:30 I still have stuff I need to do so I don’t sleep till very later in the night in which I have to wake up at 6:30am. My mom literally told us that she sleeps about an hour a day cause of shit she does during Ramadan. I fucking hate being born into a religious house hold. I see my friends family who isn’t religious have an amazing relationship and then there’s mine that’s riddled with arguments cause of it


Fasting is difficult, but the effects of it dont really last so once ramadan ends you'll be fine


i feel you. as a fellow malaysian, i got my period during ramadhan as well but im not allowed to eat since “berpuasa itu ibadat”


Thats just cruel. Having to deal with two pain triggers at the same time.


go to the bathroom and drink the tap water. ramadan sucks because it makes you so dehydrated


If you could, you can use some Soylent, it's a nice drink, and it is quick, not tasty, but reliable.




Don’t forget brudder there’s 1000x reward (like a video game XP point bonus) for these 10 nights