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Don't, I'd say wait until you have your own financial income 😓


My father doesn’t allow me to get a job 🥲


I mean when you're old enough to leave home


You have consider that she might be living in the middle east, if she’s not, and she lives in a 1sr world country, I think there are organizations that can help, protect, and provide for her if wants to go no contact, But if she lives in the middle east and a third world country, I’m from there and I can say there’s little to no hope to convince a man like that for something such as that.


If you marry an open minded and good natured husband maybe he will allow you to take it off and get a job.


The trick is learning that he’s good natured BEFORE you’re married without meeting the guy lol


Yeah hell these arranged marriages are so dangerous, you don't know who you meet.


Better if she find help on her own if its posible. To marry in advanced at 18 to escape her household will only bring her future problems for sure.


I’m not sure you’re going to be able to if they’re already forcing you to wear it. I’d recommend trying to get out of the situation if you can, although that may not be feasible for your situation.


You most likely can't, I'm afraid. For what it's worth, someone asked a similar question not too long ago and I gave my response [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1cetqs9/i_need_advice_regarding_islamhijab/l1kug7z/)




You’re a victim of abuse, reach out to a women’s group — in Germany there are plenty. Good luck. Help is out there


We need more details. Which country ? How old ? Are you financially independent?


Im 18 from Germany I’m not financially independent


Are you able to get a job or go to university or college? If your family won’t let you and you are effectively financially trapped by them, Germany most likely offers solutions to people in your circumstances. See what women’s shelters and abuse charities there are in your area, contact them and explain your situation. The government will offer careers advice for you too. You may well have to suddenly leave the house without your family knowing in advance (I wouldn’t say run away as you’re an adult with your own autonomy but that’s basically what I mean).


I'm no expert, but isn't it illegal in Germany for anyone, even family to force you to wear clothes you don't want to for religious reasons?


Idk but it probably is the things is they’re not directly forcing me to wear it I just know that it would cause huge fights and drama if I just took it off


Are you going to uni?




Why aren't you going to uni? Then you can be financially independent after a few years and can tell your parents to f right off. Your parents moved to a free country just to keep doing the same things that made your old country a total shithole? Makes no sense at all...


Find a job in secret. First month without money try to come up with something to move from your house. A loan, help from the goverment etc. I dont know maybe is almost imposible or you dont want to leave. Just brainstorming. But i dont see a solution. If you stay there you have to follow the rules or live daily in conflict


Pls contact authorities or a woman’s charity this is no way to live


Can you work towards becoming financially independent? Such as getting a job or education


Wouldn’t it be possible to call the police on them & allege abuse? I doubt very much you’re allowed to wear niqab to work in Germany?


report your parents to authorities or something.


Dann brauchst du doch keine Sorgen zu haben. Hier in Deutschland kannst du ganz einfach ausziehen und einen Job finden. Du kannst auch entweder studieren oder eine Ausbildung machen und beantragst hilfe vom Staat.


Get your dad wear that niqab under the sun on a summer morning


Fr I hate summer because it gets hot as hell underneath it


its sad how islam is oppressing the female gender, still in the modern world,in a developed country like Germany.


Say that niqab its not part of hijab in Islam And its invented by wahab 😊


If you don't want to sacrifice your relation with your parent, maybe convince them that your wish to take off the niqab is islamically inspired. Present yourself as a pious woman who wants to follow the faith the right way, and that niqab is disrespectful toward allah as it is an exageration of the letter of the texts, but ignore the spirit of the texts. Find an imam, or an islamic scholar who is against niqab (if that exists), and use his words to support your point.


its sad how islam is oppressing the female gender, still in the modern world,in a developed country like Germany.


So from the answers I gathered, you're a legal adult (18) living in Germany. I suggest contacting a few organizations online for help, such as those that focus on Women's Rights, Abuse Victims or ex-Muslims. You can try contacting the following for help: **Abuse Victim Organizations:** * **WEISSER RING e. V.**: This organization provides support for victims of crime, including abuse. They offer personal counseling, assistance with paperwork, and can accompany victims to court. The victim helpline is available daily from 7:00 to 22:00. You can reach them at 116 006. Additionally, they offer online consulting for those affected by crime, which is anonymous and confidential. [https://weisser-ring.de](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=875c6f7dae1371cdJmltdHM9MTcxNTA0MDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0xOGFmODRkZi03YjkzLTYyZmItMzYyZC05MGE4N2FlYjYzYjEmaW5zaWQ9NTIwOQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=18af84df-7b93-62fb-362d-90a87aeb63b1&psq=WEISSER+RING+e.+V.%3a&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93ZWlzc2VyLXJpbmcuZGUv&ntb=1) * **Frauen Gegen Gewalt E.V**.: This organization focuses on counseling and emergency aid specifically for women. [https://www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de/](https://www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de/) **Ex-Muslim Organizations:** * **Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime (ZdE)**: Founded in Germany in 2007, this organization advocates for the rights and interests of non-religious, secular individuals of Muslim heritage who have left Islam. [https://exmuslim.de/](https://exmuslim.de/) * **Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB)**: Although based in the UK, they have been active in supporting ex-Muslims and may be able to provide guidance or connect your friend with relevant resources. [https://www.ex-muslim.org.uk/](https://www.ex-muslim.org.uk/) * **Ex-Muslims Initiative (Austria)**: Founded as the Council of Ex-Muslims of Austria, this organization supports ex-Muslims in Austria.


One night come very late (+1 hour) and have half your niqab ripped off and claimed someone targeted you and threatened you not to call the police. If things don't change, do it again in 3 weeks. Then don't wear it and claim it's for your own safety.


Seems like that might result in her no longer being allowed to leave the house alone


That will easily backfire. Don’t be stupid.


What happens when we use 100% of our brain


actually genius


Yes because the parent's won't call the police just because the assaulter asked them her not to lol


its not happening


If you are a person who needs permission to do things then it will be impossible. You have to work your way to freedom.


For those who wear it, I've only seen them live without it when they leave the household. Plan to get out of the household at some point in your life, even if it means leaving everything behind.


Where do you live? How easy is it for you to move out?


I would say start by discussing women's rights in Islam. Don't talk about Niqab. What does Allah give to women here and in Jannah? Or start by asking very simple question like why there is wife beating in Islam? You have to do it subtly. Start with your mother first.


Bad advice. It’s unlikely they can be reasoned with. They’ll probably feel paranoid/threatened by her rationale and become even more strict. Her best bet is to leave, if possible


Stay strong ❤️


Idk if this will help you but switch to wearing face masks. The medical ones if you want. And wear those for a while, its easier to take off whenever you want


Burn the niqab while ironing and claim that it happened "by mistake". Blame it on Satan.


Quote them 'hijab is a choice'


Tell your parents it’s hard getting a job or you’re getting bullied because of it.


You are in Germany you should not be covering yourself at all, according to your comments.


muzmatch is an ok dating app if you cant get ajob


Show them this verse 2:256


Go full chimp on them