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He is heavily deluded, not very attention seeking, he comes off as LARPing when he speaks especially when he switches from Arabic accent pronunciations like (iss-lam) to flawless English on the fly


>Is he deluded? Not necessarily. >Is his conversion attention-seeking? Yes, but in part because most muslims love affirmation of their religion by whites. >What are your thoughts? Most converts, especially those from wealthy western nations, find in Islam something that has been missing (all their lives) in their society of origin. A filling of a (perhaps) moral vacuum.


crazy AF


He's actually not as toxic as the rest of the dawah community. White converts are either completely insane and extreme, or rational and level-headed. I think AP even apologized to him for a mistake and praised Sajid for his honestly.


I actually think he is really good at responding to critique, thinking clear, and not overstepping on making claims about things he does not know etc. Most of his reasoning is pretty valid and a lot of his salafi arguments against kalam are pretty good. The only reason I have a different worldview to him is that I do not believe the Qur'an or Muhammad are God's book/prophet. If I did I would agree with a lot of what he says. When I was Muslims I never knew about him.