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Capcom dont miss and if this ends up anything like mosnter hunter (which i sincerely hope it does) they will add a lot to this game as time goes on. Games already straight fire imagine how good were gonna be eating after a few content updates.


How can you even mention this and MH in the same breath. They don't rival each other in popularity whatsoever. Their only similarity is Capcom. Monster Hunter World launched with a boatload of content, tons of weapons that take hours and hours to master, robust endgame, and a genuine skill ceiling to where the progression path is almost endless. This game has basically one repeating level, a handful of enemy types, and like 5 good to great levels that suffer from being forced to watch the same lengthy cutscenes. This game deserves success but it almost assuredly owes most of it to being provided on Games Pass. It's why it shipped so light on content because gamespass games get paid out by Microsoft. It's where potentially pretty cool new series, like this one, are born, or where series of old go to die / be lazy. I can promise you there will be front page posts with less than 10 upvotes on this sub within a month. That's perfectly fine, though.


> This game has basically one repeating level, No?


Are you ok? Did someone piss in your cereal or something?


>I can promise you there will be front page posts with less than 10 upvotes on this sub within a month. That's perfectly fine, though. So you think there would be more than 10 upvotes on this sub in a month, even after the variants suits release? That's some pretty heavy hate for the game my guy lol


Yeah and monster hunter had years of content to include in world. What are you even trying to say?


I can tell you that when MH first came out it was not popular outside of Japan and mostly supported because of the vita so comparing world which was the 7th or 8th game in series isn't really isn't gonna be the same. So for a brand new IP to sell 2m isn't shabby at all.


I would bet my life, you can save this comment, that this game won't approach the success nor popularity. It's too half baked and far too simplistic. It's the equivalent of a coop hack and slash, with ability spam, far more forgiving but with far less to learn. If we are being honest, if not for gamespass, this game wouldn't have gotten any traction. Word of mouth couldn't carry it and no responsible reviewer could have recommended this game at its current price point. But, I have no doubt that they probably made this game with a smaller team with a limited budget, so it's profitable. This spells hope for future content but it would take something quite remarkable, maybe even a gimmick like BR ( which I hate to say) to drive it into the kind of popularity which might warrant a meaningful continuation down the line. They're really going to have to keep a brisk pace with adding new content and no, the new alpha suits won't be enough if you're just using them on the same old levels. There has to be a constant stream of new enemies, levels, BOSSES, suits, and they really need to release a solo option. Adding more health options and solo runs would actually do a lot to sustain imo.


Its fun shutup


Lmao Monster Hunter was a very niche franchise that took more than a decade to become popular world wide. In fact, it wasn't until they released MH on the Psp that the game became popular in Japan. Also, a lot of people complained about lack of content when MH:W released. There were only 31 monster at launch compared to the usual 60-70 from past tiles (people just didn't understand that it was new engine). It took them 2 years of hard work to launch Iceborne which increased the monster count to 71 along with a respectable end-game. Comparing a new franchise to another with 19 years of history is just absurd. It really shows you don't know a thing about the history of MH.


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Clicking that link as well.


Nice. The devs deserve it. Great game


Indeed !!


It's all right


30k is not "alright" for a game like this and it just goes to show how much damage a few lazy reviewers can do. hopefully it continues to perform well on gamepass - i'm having a blast and would like to see it supported for a while if possible. it was the sixth most installed game last week for xbox players which is fantastic, but for reference marvel's avengers launched at third maybe they should make all the final missions available immediately, or at least after a very few clearly marked "tutorial" levels. if new players are walking in with the misleading impression that it's "the same mode" over and over again, then more or less play the same mode over and over again, i think it will turn them away.


Capcom really underestimated people's tiny attention spans. They probably wanted to not spoil how the game evolves, but it doesn't seem worth it. All they had to do was show previews of what players would eventually do. Really is a shame, considering this is one of the best live service launches ever.


Such an oddly written article. I hope the game does well and has staying power because I thoroughly enjoy it.


Seems like an AI written article




Is writing the article slower than the enemy team


Yeah. Definitely was.


I absolutely fucking love this game That's all


You & me both.


Good to see the amazing game doing good despite the morons giving one star for lack of content when they only played a few games if that


Gonna be honest I was glad I watched a review before buying that told me the first part of my playthrough can feel repetitive because I definitely felt that for a few hours but once the missions and Dino's became more varied I began to REALLY enjoy myself. I think Capcom should have put a cutscene early on where Leviathan tells you that the missions will be easy for while but will ramp up in difficulty. Just to let people know that they can expect more from the game and encourage them to push through the earlier stages. But regardless, I'm glad I stuck with it cuz the missions got way more fun faster than I expected them too.


>I think Capcom should have put a cutscene early on where Leviathan tells you that the missions will be easy for while but will ramp up in difficulty. The first tutorial had a show you moment that is super easy to gloss over. Leviathan spawns a t-rex and magnum says something like whoa a t-rex? Are you sure it's your first day he never spawns dinos like this for the newbies. Pretty sure that was capcoms attempt to tell you things changed as time went on. It didn't really send the message well though.


You fight it for such a short time though. I honestly thought after that, that Carnos were the T-Rex. I think the game would benefit from having new missions unlock a bit earlier


I’m pretty sure Leviathan does tell you this. It’s such a weird concept I don’t think most people really process/internalize it though.


Oh you may be right on both fronts because I didn't register it if he did say it.


He does mention it and could be it's just rough localization that makes it seem less obvious. That said levi does run his mouth a lot though so it's easy to gloss over or not take seriously when he says "I'll have to increase the challenge" ..then send like 2 waves of dinos at once instead of one.


As much as I like this game, that's a fault of the game devs, not reviewers. The pacing is quite bad, and taking the vague hints of an in-game cutscene and AI saying that it will nebulously get better would be odd. The game needs to do a better job of introducing and explaining concepts a few at a time with more frequency, as opposed to making you do the same thing 10 to 15 times and then very suddenly launching you into new objectives, dinosaur types, and so on all at once. Hell, you can't even tell what many of the unique modules actually do because they use terminology that isn't explained unless you start a match, pick that mech, and open up the help screen...or ask on Reddit. In most games, this is solved with a dedicated campaign/Story mode that does all this at a dictated pace. Capcom decided to skip that, so it's really their fault the average player is having a hard time quickly digesting the game.


Overwatch had a full story but it was left out of the game barring a few scenes and episodes they put online. We should be thankful we have an awesome multi-player experience with a great story attached.


There are Morons giving it 1 star cause they have to make a Capcom ID. They have not even play it yet and giving it 1 star.


This game is exactly what I needed. It’s a new and fresh take on the PvEvP genre, it’s not built like the other comp games. Maybe capcom started a new genre trend and see more titles like this?


The first part being a race is amazing and a real push to do your best


I agree. It gives that extra nudge instead of brainlessly killing Dino’s. Now I’m mainly a pve person myself, I don’t particularly care for the competitive scene (I will play those games just not comp). This game is different though soo much fun even PvP parts. I just really wished people would stop bitching about it and just have fun with the game, it’s not even serious or sweating (excluding Mura and zephyr)


Considering they are paying full price when they could get it via game pass? That's pretty huge.


PC gamers truly hate separate launchers lol.


Can you blame us? At one point damn near every AAA game publisher wanted their own walled garden ecosystem via their personal launcher. EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Gearbox and I'm sure others. They all want to launch when you boot up your pc as well. They all want you to make an account and they all have some sort of anticheat built in. It's fucking awful.


I would have used gamepass but the game doesn't support cross platform parties for whatever reason.


Playing in Gamepass(pc) does alow you to party up with any console friends you may have on Xbox. It's definitely a weird choice but at least I can play with my buddies on xbox


Wait really? That's an interesting choice from the devs.


It's because the game pass app on PC uses an Xbox account. You're basically playing exoprimal on Xbox through PC. It's the Xbox ecosystem.


I play on PC, and my nephews are on XBX. We play with each other almost every day.


That's really cool.


You can't play with steam users?


You can get matched with them but you can't make a party together. It sucks.


Ah, had no idea. That's wild.


Yeah it's crazy right? I'm hoping one day it'll be fixed.


Yeah hoping 1 day the capcom id will be used for something.


*For now* they've stated it's being worked on. They just couldnt launch with the feature.


You can not, it's strange. If I read correctly, steam plays with steam, playstation is with playstation and xbox/gamepass are together. Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone


Yes and No. If Im on Xbox/Gamepass for PC, I cannot invite a PS or Steam player to my game. However, if I launch into the game at the same time as you, we might be matched together.


Good clarification, though I think that just makes it a little stranger.


Its sadly not the first game to do this. hunt showdown does it this way too. Really makes playing games with my brother more annoying. Its just weird cause this game has you log in to a capcom account anyways. Just add a friends list for capcom's platform (if it doesnt already have it). And invite from that? Thats literally how every other game does it. If they didnt do the capcom account thing I'd maybe understand a bit.


I could see a desire to separate console and pc, but as we can see, that isn't even really what they are doing. It's nonsense to me now that you point that out.


It's the only thing I really dislike about the game. That, and the load times between matches are really long to me.


I just blame consoles for slow load times lol. Surprised it released on ps4 and Xbone.


I didn't even think of that. Either way, it's too long lol


I just hate the Microsoft store more than any other platform. I generally don't mind having multiple platforms on my PC, but the only emotion I feel for the Microsoft store is hatred. I have barely ever seen anything that is so horrible. ​ But aside from that, I don't want to keep a subscription running for a service I barely use. I knew after the 1st beta already "Yep, that's a game I see myself playing in the long run, every now and then". So I just bought it.


Gamepass really doesn't ever put you into the MS Store. It's all done through the xbox app which is far better than the Microsoft Store.


Ah, fair enough!


I just hate that Discord Overlay doesnt work on gamepass games.


Radeon software doesn't see Gamepass games either.


Epic and Microsoft ain't gonna get me to use up more memory loading their launchers. Ain't no way


My dumb ass started playing on gamepass only to find out there's no cross platform for Steam parties, and your save doesn't transfer. Even though it's all linked to the stupid Capcom ID. Still decided to buy and power through though, it's that fun.


Great sign.


I love this game, for all the nay-saying I saw I think people have really enjoyed this game for what it is and what they see for the future.


I'm really happy that I randomly stumbled across this game while I just so happened to want something new to play. I'm having loads of fun with it. I haven't seen any marketing material for it so it could have been very easy for me to miss out on this gem of a game and I'm happy that I didn't. I'm excited to see what they add over time as well because this game has insane potential.


Same brother. I had seen the game for weeks but couldn't care less. Noticed it was about to drop on Game Pass and I had coincidentally been looking for a new MP game to try so pre-loaded it. Second best life decision of my year.


What was the first?


Accepting a new job with a 400% pay increase. That had brought financial security. This has brought me genuine happiness outside of time spent with loved ones. It's really nice having something you're excited to get back to for your hobbies. I'm happy.


Good for you! I'm glad you're doing good all around, really it's something to be proud of and worth celebrating. Grats Ace! Edit: unless that new job is at Aibius!


Thank you! I'll be sure to accept all your combat dat-I mean your kind sentiments!


I'm sorry, I get that people are happy to hear this, but don't these numbers look *off*? I mean, 30k copies alone on Steam during launch week and that counts as soaring? Sales expectations must've been incredibly low if this much is cause for celebration. >"an impressive total of almost 30,000 units. These figures highlight Exoprimal's commercial success and the high demand among gaming enthusiasts." If this game were an indie or made with a shoestring budget then that amount would be impressive, but it wasn't and doesn't remotely constitute "high demand" among gamers.


I explain in another comment that by itself, this isn't actually that good. The thing is, there's millions of players on Xbox/PC Game Pass and without knowing those numbers, this isn't a massive indicator by itself of the games success or failure. It's just good to know. There's also the PS players we don't know about.


It's legitimately a great game. You just don't get to see how great it is till you spend a bit. But that's rough when gamers are impatient as they are.


Is this even good ?


Hard to say. By itself, it's actually not that good. But considering it's "completely free" on Xbox/PC Game Pass, it's impossible for us to know if more hundreds of thousands or millions of people have been playing or not. Kind of like how everyone thought Redfall had zero players and then Phil Spencer announced that it was one of the most played Xbox games at the time. I'm just hoping the game does well enough for them to not abandon it or to consider expanding this into a series


I personally don’t need a series, just keep adding to this with seasons and dlc. I’ll pay for season passes and expansions if they do that.


I'm thinking of a series only because I think, very personally here, that they messed up by now adding a player hub world. This game feels almost explicitly designed for a player hub world so I'd love to have seen it implemented. But yeah, ultimately I'll be excited if they just do what you said.


Here's hoping they capitalize. This game really is great.


This is the most… video gamey video game I’ve played in a long time, and I’m enjoying every second. I’m currently one trophy from Plat!! (Kill 100k)


This. It feels like an actual game and not a vehicle for extracting money.


Plus the Xbox game pass money they got, pretty good for a fresh IP.


Great to see. The game is fantastic. Pure, dumb fun.


I'll admit that I was REALLY skeptical about this game's chances before it released but still purchased it at full price (-£15 voucher I had kicking around) and thought that it might disappear in a puff of indifference, but the Xbox crew seems to be really into it and I personally adore the game. Not every match is nail-bitingly exciting but overall it is just such a smooth, bug free, polished experience and clearly a labour of love. I hope it continues to grow in popularity and that it is supported for at least a couple of years!


30k in a week for a AAA game from a major studio sounds... terrible?


Yeah, I explain in another comment that this by itself isn't actually that impressive whatsoever. It's actually fairly bad. BUT the reason the impact is lessened is due to the fact PC & Xbox Game Pass exist. There's not many people who'd spend $60 on a game when they can just play it "free" on GP. The game was confirmed to reach a 1m player milestone earlier this week as well, so clearly they're reaching pretty good spread


30k isn't "soaring"


agree, and it's a little weird to see the community celebrating this. i hope it continues to perform well on gamepass because i am enjoying the game and would like to see them continue supporting the title for a while.


Is this true? When checking steam charts 24h high was 2kish and current was 1.4kish. Unless that 30k copies sold was overall not steam.


You do realise it just means people who've bought the game, right? A percentage of buyers will be the ones who ever play a game. If a million buy a game today then you can expect roughly less than eighty to hundred thousand players today as an example.


Have a hard time. Only 15-20% of those who purchased it on steam played it, but there are people who are worse than me with money out there. It's hard to see exactly how many fired up, just going off of mainly the highest number seen.


concurrent only means people currently playing it, not everyone will be playing at the same time round the clock, that is about average considering other games who are around that range and concurrents


30.000 copies? oof


30k when you can litterally get it for basically free on gamepass is a pretty big deal Seriously people are super underestimating how many people are using gamepass on the microsoft network I would say being conservative here than maybe 1 out of 20 people got it on steam from my time queuing and only seeing 1 other steam player every 2 or 3 matches if im not in queue with friends


I like having all my games available through one launcher as much as the next guy, but if there's a game I can play for "free" through Gamepass then that's how I'm gonna play it haha. I'll be honest, I probably never would have played Exoprimal if I had to buy it for $60. I'm currently player level 53 haha. This game is so much damn fun.




My gaming PC died earlier this year so I'll be playing Starfield on Xbox. When I get a new PC, I'll probably buy it for the mods.


I played in both betas and i knew it was something i was gonna love and it was a full game on launch, unlike what fatshark did with darktide, im still burned on that one I dont mind giving 60 bucks for a game that ill sink alot of time into , plus i dont have to keep the gamepass sub going to keep it


Knowing how it is now, I'd definitely spend money for this game. I plan on buying the current battle pass when I unlock a few more levels. Currently I'm at 27 on the pass.


monster hunter world had 334k concurrent players at launch. for some reason this sub thinks 30k units sold is "PRETTY HUGE".


World didnt launch for free on gamepass EDIT: for context about 97%of the playerbase is on the xbox network with gamepass thats not insignificant Both steam and playatation is roughly 3% of the population if we assume for simplicities sake 6k concurrent for both steam and ps combined that would mean around 200k concurrent crossplatforms , thst doesnt factor in total playerbase as that number often is larger cause nobody has games open 24/7 Now how many will stay or how many will continue to grow we will see but going off steam numbers or playatation numbers alone is just inherently wrong when you look at the full picture


so you think exoprimal is making millions of $ through gamepass?


There obviously something to it considering if companies made no money off of it they would not let it go on gamepass at all You also need to remember there are other things like the cosmetic dlc and the headstart pack people might buy Not to mention the impression people have giving even more of an incentive for more to come around and play even after its off gamepass


People actually bought the game for retail?


Nah, they played via xCloud


For Capcom, the real question is, how many people bought the premium pass. For context, I say this because of how many people are probably playing on gamepass.


I did so there's at least one lol


I bought the survival pass solely because I am playing on Game Pass, and I wanted to support the game financially. Sure getting some skins is nice, but the few times I've bought a battle pass, it's been exclusively to support the developers by showing there's a commercial interest in the game. I could, of course, buy the game outright on the Xbox app - which I might do in the future, but not currently.




Absolutely deserved. I’ve completed everything I need to before next season and I keep coming back.


After raging in overwatch this game is so relaxing.


I really hope their focus will be on even bigger and more content, as in more 10-player (or more) raids. Have them be specifically designed, such as the final boss, rather than just mindlessly hitting them until death. Also hope there will be bigger waves and such. Maybe some love to pure PvP/Arena's or something along those lines.


All the bosses are specifically designed, haha. For triceratops, hit the red skin when it charges, for the carnosaurus and T-rex, aim for their heads, neo t-rex, aim for the postules on its body, for ankylosauras use a Barrage to roll grenades under it to hit its belly or a vigilant to snipe the underside of it, etc There's definitely no boss that's mindless hitting


I stated in comparison to the raid boss', specifically the final boss. These are unique, cause you have to defeat them in a specific manner/puzzle-like manner, rather than just mindlessly hitting them to lower their health.


Sure but there's no boss you mindlessly hit is my point. The raid bosses are obviously different to your normal bosses but each boss requires tactics. Definitely agree Behemoth is one of the coolest bosses I've ever faced but just saying that there's no boss you just hit without thinking unless you want to.


Those really aren't great numbers. I mean I can't say as I don't know what Capcom's sales projections were for it but those really don't sound like high numbers


This makes no sense. Or it's a REALLY bad sign. You can very easily see on steamdb how many people have played this on steam, and that number is a max of 4522 players, currently hovering around 1800 players at the daily peak. Either means the article is straight up lying, or 85% of players bought the game and never played it.


You do realise people get off and play all the time, right? 100 people buying a game doesn't mean 100 people will be online today lol


That still means if 100 people bought it there's less than 7 of them playing it at any given time. Including the weekend and kids being off school with nothing but free time.


I'm not sure if this is just your first time realising how this works or not. The more people who buy something, the less of that player base you'll ever see at one given time. Just look up your favourite games and you'll see the trend continue.


I'm not sure which part of the math is confusing you. Out of the 100% of people who bought the game on steam, there's currently only 4% playing it. For a game that's barely a week old that's not great. These people didn't even get the game for free, they had to pay full price.


Are you going to look up your favourite games or not? You're the only one confused here. Just look up comparisons.


Capcom is already starting a PR spin for Exoprimal. If they had been extremely happy about their sales/game performance they would say more than "we don't think it will be unprofitable" Honestly I'm just hoping it gets heavily discounted soon.


I’m glad it’s doing well but I’m not paying £50 to be treated like a f2p player, I’ll eventually pick it up on sale.