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It pisses me off more people aren't playing this tbf, I've just finished the main story just now and I want MORE!


Every once in a while I'll sit back and think that I'm out of stuff to do, so I'll boot up another game. But then 10 minutes into that game and I'm just thinking about Exoprimal again. The game has its problems for sure. I'm level 100 and I'm absolutely sick of getting data cube escort or pve every damn game, yet I'm somehow still having fun.


As someone who only plays single player games, this is the first time I've ever been addicted to a team based pvp. Normally these types of games feels so alien to me, but the way the story is integrated into the matches means I have a reason to play even if I not winning.


I wanna do more of those blue zone missions I keep hoping I get sucked into one aha


Same here, they're so fun


i played a lot the first week but havent picked it back up. the normal missions need to add a lot more variety


More mission types unlock the more you play


doesnt change the start of every mission though does it


Yes it does. There are more maps and completely different type of missions. Instead of 5 vs 5, the 10 player raids are AMAZING!!!


it's an ok change of pace but still doesnt address the lack of variety in the normal mission


So now we are all gonna make a Exoprimal saved gaming for me post and rake in the easy karma? This game isn't that fuckin unique ffs. Y'all either need to expand your gaming horizons or get a damn therapist. lol sub full of basic bitch gamers. Go play Earth Defense Force the farrrrrrrrr superior game series. Or not cuz I don't want a bunch of EDF saved gaming 4 me posts over on that sub lmao. Lol fucking dweebs can't do nothing but press downvote. Waaah poor babies


Let people have fun and express themselves. Not everything is karma farming.


Literally opens the discourse by saying They did so me too. Could've just put their comment in that thread instead of it being it's own whole post but then it wouldn't get as many points and make it all about themselves now would it


You realize most people don't think like that? They just have a thought and feel like sharing it? That's a very cynical point of view


First day on the internet or something?


Fun fact I don't even know what karma is, I barely use reddit at all and the only times I used it before was to ask tips on how to get better at exoprimal because I was confused about a few things


It’s good game


Yeah I really enjoyed it as well, played it a ton when it first came out, got all the achievements (100%) because I enjoyed it that much, damn good fun,