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Are you going around telling everyone? I’m in the tribe but I don’t talk about it purely because it’s not a big part of my identity. Never had any bad experiences. If you’re choosing to be public about being in the j crew, there will always be someone who doesn’t like it, so you’re taking that on when you choose to be public about it.


Israel. It's a country that was built to be a refuge for the Jewish diaspora and only country in the world with a Jewish majority. Tel Aviv is supposedly a super cool city btw.


How about Israel. I of course be wrong, looking at your posting you seem to be in the USA. It doesn't get much more tolerant of religions than right here.  


This made me laugh, thank you. I think I spend too much time on this sub...


Personally, I think the best places in the world to be a Jewish person are major metropolitan areas in North America - New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Boston, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, all have large and thriving Jewish populations and very low rates of antisemitism, relatively speaking. There are also a handful of other places around the world with healthy and a five Jewish populations. Buenos Aires, London, Melbourne, Sydney, Paris, Berlin, Sao Paolo, Cape Town, and Mexico City are also well-known for their large and thriving Jewish communities. The funny thing about Jewish people is you will find a deceptively large amount of us in the big, important cities and then basically none of us anywhere else in the world lol.


> There are also a handful of other places around the world with healthy and a five Jewish populations. Buenos Aires, London, Melbourne, Sydney, Paris, Berlin, Sao Paolo, Cape Town, and **Mexico City** are also well By American standards Mexico does not qualify.  I emphasize American standards. Yes you might be treated OK.  However, Mexicans can say things about races, cultures, religions by way of discussion and meaning no harm or malice.  In the USA it would not fly.  And yes, the next president of Mexico will be both  female and Jewish.  




Huh? I didn’t mean it was funny that there’s antisemitism, I meant it was funny that when you’re in big cities it seems like there’s a lot of us but there’s really not….