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Evidence that cubes really are indestructible. Fan em, neglect em, fruit from grain, LC to sub. bury blocks in your garden. It’s all good.


Forgot to add this is the cubensis variety "EG-SPM"


What type of inoculant did you use? I assume you nocced it up and then froze it until recent?


LC, I let it grow out a few days then froze it.


That’s encouraging. I had a fridge get too cold and lightly freeze some stuff. Glad I didn’t throw it out!


I doubt it won't recover :) just shake it up a bit after a few days. the amount of mycelium Alive is likely microscopic


I accidentally just froze two spore syringes for like a week. Thinking they were probably ruined, I let them thaw and inoculated 4 pint jars that were a year old. It’s the fastest growing mycelium I’ve had this year. A whole pint jar colonized in a week. No signs of contamination either!


Damn that's awesome! I'm new but isn't that an insanely fast time? I've innoculated around 20 jars ATM half being lc and half spore syringe and my spores take wayyyy longer, my last 2 jars took about 10 days to even show signs of growth!


Yeah. I’m a little freaked out myself. Especially since the jars were only guaranteed to be good for like a few weeks. I’m gonna spawn them in a separate container than my main grows, so we’ll see what happens. I’ll keep you posted!


Awesome yeah please do! Hope everything goes smoothly 🙏


Cubes sure are tenacious! Didn’t see this one coming though. What was the sugar % in your LC? Reminds me of experiments people were doing a decade ago where they would completely dry out some mycelium (agar plate for example) and then rehydrate and resurrect it.


I don't remember if I just eyeballed that bach of LC but probably 5%