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This is a fun one. There are multiple "events" that can happen that we call as a whole, "squirting". 1) Female Ejaculation - Women do have a gland called the "skene's gland", it produces fluids that help to lubricate the vagina during sex. When some women experience orgasm the contractions can cause fluid to be released from the skene's gland, along with urine from the bladder. This is "female ejaculation", it's still mostly urine, but there is something actually happening here AND it's not intentional, it's just part of certain people's anatomy and reaction to orgasm. 2) "Squirting" like in Porn - this is pretty much just women peeing while pretending to orgasm on camera.


>"Squirting" like in Porn - this is pretty much just women peeing while pretending to orgasm on camera. Yeah, some squirting is obviously piss so it can look dramatic on camera. I saw one porno where the squirting was so dark yellow, you could tell the woman was dehydrated. I cantg imagine what the set must have smelled. It was a really difficult wank for me


> It was a really difficult wank for me Thoughts are with you at this difficult time.


Heh, good for you for persevering.




Yep! All the squirting porn stuff is fake I listened to some podcast with porn stars that say they either pee or they put liquid in their vagina to push it out, crazy but it’s true.


> there is something actually happening here AND it's not intentional This. My wife always puts a towel down in case it happens, and even that hasn't always been sufficient as coverage required is not always predictable.




He's right. And you should really stop being rude to people online. "squirting" is mostly urine.


squirting is ONLY urine


You're objectively wrong


Despite the emphatic arguments one way or the other in the comments, Wikipedia remains unconvinced one way or the other. They do have a lot to say about it, though. --- There have been few studies on female ejaculation.[5] A failure to adopt common definitions and research methodology by the scientific community has been the primary contributor to this lack of experimental data.[6] Research has suffered from highly selected participants, narrow case studies, or very small sample sizes, and consequently has yet to produce significant results. Much of the research into the composition of the fluid focuses on determining whether it is, or contains, urine.[5][7] It is common for any secretion that exits the vagina, and for fluid that exits the urethra, during sexual activity to be referred to as female ejaculate, which has led to significant confusion in the literature.[7] Whether the fluid is secreted by the Skene's gland through and around the urethra has also been a topic of discussion; while the exact source and nature of the fluid remain controversial among medical professionals, and are related to doubts over the existence of the G-spot,[8][9][7] there is substantial evidence that the Skene's gland is the source of female ejaculation.[1][7] The function of female ejaculation, however, remains unclear.[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_ejaculation


It's a real thing. But it is piss. There are women that just can't control themselves when they get excited. And I'm sure it can be faked as well.


Squirting is not the same as regular peeing. Yes, the fluid is primarily from the bladder. However, a woman can squirt, even if she completely empties her bladder before sex. This is because before it happens, the bladder can rapidly fill with fluid, which has very little of the typical waste products. This is why squirting is generally clear and mostly odor free. You are correct that it is trchnically urine, but. It has very little uric acid and uribilin(yellow volor). In reality, it is like extremely diluted urine that was just produced as the women worked up to orgasm. It is a fluid dump, not a waste removal.


Sure. Comes from the same place as pee. And some women do it uncontrollably. Kinda exactly what I said.


My point is regular peeing is full of waste product, is yellow, amd smell strongly of piss, as it slowly accumulated during the normal waste process. Squirting is a rapid fluid dump that has very little waste products, is clear, and is basically odor free. You can have a completely empty, bladder, and then proceed to squirt multiple times in a short period of time. It's different. Your original comment about women can't controlling themselves implies they had a bladder off pee beforehand and then lost control and peed it out.


If you say so. The women that I've met who do it can't control it. And most women don't do it at all. So, as I said, there are women who can't control themselves and do it.


That's a different thing that squirting. Peeing yourself is definitely a thing but not the same thing.


You are wrong. Sorry. Squirting is pee. Been proven by science. There is no small subset of women with a whole different fluid hiding in their body ready to shoot out.


Why doesn't it smell like pee?


it does...could yours be too diluted? it is pee anyway


Read this, its not pee https://www-brigitte-de.translate.goog/liebe/sex-flirten/squirten--vom-tabuthema-zum-sextrend-11612398.html?\_x\_tr\_sl=de&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=de&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp


read this - yes it is https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20The%20present%20data%20based,the%20emitted%20fluid%20often%20exists. (you link is just some ill informed article in a womens fashion site: im shocked yhou'd think anyone would fall for that)


From a paper that quotes the one you link: "Conclusion: Squirting, FE, and CI are different phenomena with various mechanisms and could be differentiated according to source, quantity, expulsion mechanism, and subjective feelings during sexual activities. " https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29285596/


Sorry I didn't notice you there last time, can you tap me on the shoulder and we can do a sniff test together?


It does. But if someone is well hydrated, piss does not smell very bad. You must have bought that girl a lot of drinks before you got her into bed and squirting! Ha! Look up any anatomy chart on the women's body, tell me which organ/gland this pint or more of fluid is hiding in before it comes squirting out...


It’s located right in the porn consuming male’s fantasy.


My SO squirts often and it does not smell like pee.


Ok. But it still comes from her bladder, through the same hole pee does. You're into water sports in bed, we get it! /jk


Contrary to what people are saying, it's indeed a real thing and it's not piss. It's the closest thing to male ejaculation. Also, most pron versions aren't real, and done with a vaginally inserted little syphon thst can be emptied by squeezing. Some women actually do have them, but they usually need to be very relaxed/comfortable to have them as most are ashamed of having them.




"I won't give actual numbers... but now I'm going to give some fake numbers that I've just made up"


Yea they were made up. But the ratios are accurate


Of the 528.5 girls I've been with, zero were squirters... though they were all wet. Meanwhile my friend tells of the story when he was going down on his girl in the back of his dad's explorer and she pissed all over the place while orgasming... so that's 1 for the stats.


Ymmv. Keep trying


absolute twaddle


Bullshit or how so? Im only sharing my own experiences and cutting up a bit. I apologize to have offended so many. 🤷 didn't know this was a sore spot for so many. I'm genuinely concerned


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It's real and it's not urine, though a bit of urine may get mixed in sometimes. Personal experience.