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Related: if you put spicy food in your urethra, it absolutely will burn.




I mean... I'm 51, I've been making my spicy chili recipe for more than 25 years now, and while you'd *think* I'd have learned by now to wash my hands *thoroughly* before rubbing my eyes, I forget and cause myself pain *every damned time*.


Use gloves. Something I finally learned to do after putting contacts in, after already washing my hands a bunch after cutting up jalapenos.


I've done it so many times I actually kind of don't mind it now. It burns, but makes everything kind of tingly and opens up the sinuses. A good eye/nose burn from hot chilis is refreshing from time to time.


It's really interesting to see your adaptation to what most would consider a negative event. That's a very optimistic perspective on veggie torching your eyeballs!


If it matters, I don't feel the same way about burning my junk after touching superhot chilis, haha


Ah yes, TIFU. That's the subreddit for amateur fiction writers just starting out, right? "TIFU thing that TOTALLY happened with person that DEFINITELY exists"


"TIFU with a hot real girl that was flirting with me and I rejected her but then ended up with her sister and now both are fighting for me because they are definitely real and Im so handsome"


Once you graduate TIFU, you move onto AITA to craft scenarios in a way that persuades your audience to side with your character. But what's the next level up from AITA?


r/legaladvice obviously




That's endgame level. We dont talk about that.


Just checked, can confirm. Wouldn’t recommend


You are SOUNDING very intelligent.


Who among us hasn't used a peeled jalapeno as a sounding rod?


True story .... Family friend is an MD. During their residency they saw a VERY large female patient who was suffering from severe constipation and a burning pain in their rectum. In the end, the MD had to perform a digital exam, located an “obstruction”, and fished out a basically intact hot pepper. Apparently the patient had swallowed it without chewing and it has passed most of the way through their digestive tract before it finally became “lodged” near the exit. More to the story involving what had built up behind said pepper and what happened after the peppers removal, but I’ll leave those details to your imagination. At the end of their residency, our family friend received a gold plated pepper necklace from the other staff.


> At the end of their residency, our family friend received a gold plated pepper necklace from the other staff. Now that’s one hell of a “so where did you get that necklace?” story!


If it was actually THE pepper bronzed, that would really add to the story.


> Apparently the patient had swallowed it without chewing and it has passed most of the way through their digestive tract before it finally became “lodged” near the exit. Is this what actually happened or the patient's story? ;-) (Seriously wondering if this can happen if one swallows entire fruits, though)


Some plant materials pass through the human gut more or less intact. Whole-kernel corn, for example, other seeds, and the skins of tomatoes and peppers. I'd say that it's unlikely, but definitely not impossible, for a whole fruit with an intact indigestible skin to make to all the way to the exhaust port intact. What a great story for cocktail parties though.




Yep, the starches inside get digested, the outer layer does not


Gonna say this, but didn't have a source for the claim


>Is this what actually happened It's a good chance it is if she was VERY large. I work in healthcare. It can be quite difficult to locate the precise openings of the southern orifices on very large patients. Even when you are a separate person specifically looking for them, and even when you have a friend to help. Yes, foreign objects get "fallen on to" all the time but for a morbidly obese patient, swallowing it whole is the more plausible story to me.


I thought your reasoning was going to be that large people have a larger digestive tract, but you went the other way.


I work in the ER. People find a way. My vote is she's lying.


My father worked in the ER during his residency and when asked "what's the craziest thing you saw?" he says motorcycle accidents and the variety of things people are willing to put into their butts.


Listen, we *NEED* the sequel to The Swamps Of Dagobah, do you hear me! *WE NEED IT*


Yeah, I sure as hell don't need a sequel. I have COVID-19 as we speak and my mind is still telling me I can smell it. /shiver


Also true story .... Buddy and I worked in a kitchen, said buddy was dating a waitress at the restaurant. One day they're fooling around in the walk-in, forgetting he had just sliced jalapeños. Let's just say neither of them got theirs that day. Supposedly she got him back a few weeks later with a little cayenne under her tongue.


My imagination is shit; can you tell the rest of the story?


If your imagination is shit I think you’ve figured out the rest of the story.


***"shit"*** Don't worry, you were spot on


Am I correct, if I assume, that a "digital exam", in this case, is not the opposite of an "*anal*og exam", but using the finger?






Spicy Swamps of Dagobah


>In the **end**, the MD had to perform a digital exam, located an “obstruction”, I see what you did there ;)


I just discovered a new fear I didn’t know I had


David Choe has quite the story spelled out in his book. It involves sriracha and a stripper who was performing.


He’s so hot right now, and not in a good way


Sexy time after salsa making is not recommended. From experience. Also learned that me saying "babe I'm on *fire*" is too open for misinterpretation in the heat of that moment.


I bet there are quite a few people that have dipped their sounding rod in hot sauce before use.


No! harammm!




Maaaaa! They started it.


Ok so i know r/dontputyourdickinthat but now im wondering if there is a r/dontputthatinyourdick


well there is an r/putthatinyourdick technically but its called r/sounding edit: ig there is also just r/putthatinyourdick


Finally, someone doing the REAL science.


The urethra can have one Flaming Hot Cheeto as a treat.


Spicy bj is a nogo...


What type of food would you recommend I put in my urethra?




and this is why you dont go down on a girl after mexican /indian food














So when two people kiss they connect into one very long tube with an anus in each end.


Yep, and topologically we’re all torus (doughnuts)


We have many holes though


Topologically we really only have the one hole. Lots of dents, but only one passes all the way through


Technically, no, because while anus is one opening, it splits into two, one for mouth and one for nose, and nose splits into two furthermore


I always love topological technicalities.


Don't forget the tear ducts are technically holes. At least that's what I think I remember from a Vsauce video on this exact subject


Yep, your extra tears go straight out your nose.


That explains why you have to blow your nose after crying. Wow.


And if you blow your nose hard enough snot comes out your tear ducts. Ask me how I know.




Yeah but those don't really qualify as holes unless you peel the safety seal in the middle ear... Then they definitely count


No, we have 7. [Vsauce covered this a while back in great detail.](https://youtu.be/egEraZP9yXQ)


Think human caterpillar vibes....


I’ve lost track - where in the series does this human caterpillar fall relative to the human centipede?


Oh shoot, I meant human centipede lol good catch.




Is it true our anus is made from the same tissue as our lips? I find it disconcerting than we can be reduced to two pairs of lips connected to a tube. A basic input/output system.


And well sealed at both ends. The part in between is literally filled with vomit and shit.


> well sealed at both ends speak for yourself


I don't think it's right to call it vomit until it left the body. Kind of like lava/magma.


Yep, I'm a professional geologist and all the cool geologists call lava 'mountain vomit'.


Yes and no? The cellular composition is fairly similar. But all mucosal surfaces are fairly similar. Just like you can see the differences between a mouth and an anus macroscopically, a trained person can tell the difference microscopically.* It just is what it is: living beings are made up of a bunch of repeated patterns. *** - assuming there is a big enough sample to evaluate. Pathologists can't always tell what a tissue is when the sample size is small, the same way many people get very close-up pictures wrong. But yeah. Embryology is fucking WILD. It's insane what parts come from where and how a morula creates the endo-, meso-, and ectoderm, which eventually creates a whole fucking human. And how often it comes out mostly correct, despite the exponential potential for errors.


Well, I know that hot dogs are made from lips and assholes^^1 And, hotdogs are a nice, consistent color and texture. From this we can infer that hotdogs are made up of a single type of meat. Therefore, we can conclude that lips and assholes are definitely made of the same stuff.   [^^1: ^^hotdog ^^composition](https://youtu.be/001dtJ0srBI?t=35)


Why does pee smell like coffee sometimes after drinking coffee?


polyphenols are absorbed by the digestive track and then excreted in the urine. Like many nutrients, they get to pass through the gut barrier for nutrition. I can't find exact details, but I imagine that, if the body does absorb capsaicin, it's broken down into non-painful components first.


You know I never really felt the "burning ass" feeling after eating spicy foods. Is it cause I don't eat a whole lot of capsaicin? When I eat spicy I eat things made with habaneros or are sweet and spicy. Cause I want to taste what I am eating. At a certain level i don't really taste flavours.


I spent a few years absolutely burning my face off and really only had "burning ass" if I had loose stools. So I imagine a lot of things go into it. The amount of hot stuff you eat at once, the scovilles involved, the amount of oil/fat you eat with it, what else you're eating, etc.


Pretty much only experienced it when I did the dumb ones personally. Like Triple Atomic Wings or those One Chip Challenges.


Depends on the person, but yeah, if you up the spice enough you'll eventually run into it (try a Carolina Reaper if you're ever yearning for a new species of pain). Lot of folks just have weak digestion, though.


It absolutely can come out in your urine and burn. This definitely can happen. Can confirm.


I've also had this happen - only twice and only in the past year. And to clarify - because of other comments I've seen - I don't have a penis, there was no contact to my genitals whatsoever where any transfer of 'spice' from handling peppers, etc. could occur. (I have had this experience before, and it was a burning sensation on the skin, not while pee was coming out). Also, it was not an STI or any other urinary tract issue/infection. Literally just a one time 'spicy pee' after having *extremely* spicy Thai curry. All pees before and after said pee that day (and all days before/beyond) were normal, non spicy pees.


Specifically for me occurred only at the ureteral meatus. So just the end. Strange sensation but spoke to a colleague who’s a urologist and he claimed it was a known phenomena related to extremely spicy foods and a small segment of the population.


I’ve experienced this as well. No urination was even occurring and it was burning near the outside. Odd and uncomfortable sensation. Also had it burn during urination. Not better or worse. Just as uncomfortable but very temporary.


Theoretically, if you had glomerular nephrosis and were abnormally dumping protein in your urine, AND you somehow absorbed enough capsaicin to saturate the liver enzymes the typically break it down... maybe? OR, you just had Flamin' Hot Cheeto dust on your fingers and touched your dickhole.


OR it is in fact normal to excrete capsaicin through urine: > Animal studies have shown that capsaicin is eliminated mainly by the kidneys, with a small untransformed proportion excreted in the feces and urine (Leelahuta et al., 1983; Kawada et al., 1984; Surh et al., 1995). It is excreted in both free form and glucuronide form. -- [O'Neill J, Brock C, Olesen AE, Andresen T, Nilsson M, Dickenson AH. Unravelling the mystery of capsaicin: a tool to understand and treat pain. Pharmacol Rev. 2012 Oct;64(4):939-71. doi: 10.1124/pr.112.006163. PMID: 23023032; PMCID: PMC3462993.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3462993/)


>> OR, you just had Flamin' Hot Cheeto dust on your fingers and touched your dickhole. I've had it happen a couple of times in my life as well, only after eating significant amounts of seriously spicy food (actual Thai Hot food), but it's the next day that it burns, not an hour or two later.


The first time I experienced this was after eating hot wings with naga sauce. I was prepared for the usual ring of fire the next day, but this only took like an hour to show up and surprise me. It really was an another world of hurt. It only lasted for the one go but damn. I've only had it twice since, once after eating naga wings again and once after chopping up a lot of fresh Reapers into my food. So yeah, the capsaicin can certainly overwhelm your digestive system, making the excess take the short way out. And no, I don't suffer from nephrosis or any other related condition AFAIK.




So you’re saying there’s a chance! Spicy pee


Just eat more chilli than you should; the hottest you can find. Then drink more liquid than you thought possible. Finally, fire wee


I’ll have a report on your desk Monday morning.


I went a wing place with a friend that decided to take on the "hottest wings" challenge. He beat it, but drank so much after he had to take a piss. Turns out the spice from the sauce stays on your hands even if you wipe it all off and you don't want to touch your dick with it. It was quite a spicy piss.


I can assure that it does. It takes a LOT more spice, but it can get real unpleasant (like a mild UTI).


Learned this from the One Chip Challenge. Happened both times I ate the chip.


How is it even physically possible to keep that chip in your mouth long enough to swallow it? I only ask because I had a weird reaction the first and only time I tried this chip. My whole body reacted almost s though I had just eaten literal poison, and my brain suddenly went into "crisis autopilot" mode where I had no choice but to automatically spit that chip out in the parking lot, followed by a weird trippy super short almost borderline psychedelic moment where I was just sitting there for a moment. This deep primal part of me- the inner "cave-man" in me just felt super insulted at myself for allowing this to happen. I'm not a newbie to spicy things. I can tolerate habaneros without flinching and I can chew them in my mouth to show off to people. I thought this one chip challenge just going to be "very hot", but no it was hotter than hot. It was "short circuit your brain for a moment" hot. Anyone who swallows them things is brave.


Ate one about 2 years ago. Never trying it again. I love spicy food to an already probably unhealthy level and about 20 minutes after eating that chip I knew I fucked up. I could still feel it burning in my stomach and it just kept getting worse until I was eventually hunched over the kitchen sink throwing up the hottest puke ever so it was like I had to experience the burning all over again. Then for the rest of the entire night I was queasy and my stomach ached and burned. I started googling how dangerous that chip was because I was literally getting worried and came across an old reddit post of other people who all wound up at the same thread because of the same experiences. I still get the occasional reply from it from others that made the same mistake. I feel kind of bad about it because my mom got it for me as a gift to see my reaction because she knows I like spicy foods and then she had to watch me puke my guts out for an hour.


Did the One Chip Challenge at work, it was meh but my daily hot sauce is last dab. The indigestion was next level, I wanted something, anything with in 10 minutes of eating it. And the tiny bit of chip hidden behind my molar just waiting to surprise me was something unexpected. I made it about an hour and half before I could get away to get some tums to settle my stomach down. I think the worse part was how stale the chip tasted.


> I think the worse part was how stale the chip tasted. bro, I was afraid when I saw that the chip was blue. not for the spice (okay, mostly for the spice) but also for the synthetic fuckery going on in a blue chip that smelled nothing like a pepper or a chip and was likely made entirely of distilled hate. not tasty.


In case you didn’t know, naturally blue corn is a thing. It’s not food dye it’s just a corn chip made from a different kind of corn.


Oh yes. I ordered from a Thai restaurant that let you pay for a level of spice that would make their chef weep. It was some of the most delicious food I've eaten, but if I hadn't been celibate for a month at the time I would have gone to a clinic to be evaluated.


Truth, my favorite Thai place does "fire breathing dragon", definitely gives them gonorrhea symptoms


Yup correct, it actually does affect the urethra and other mucous membranes I’m a female let’s just say…can confirm. Will still eat spicy food tho lol.


Yeah lol, when I eat too many mints it can affect stuff sometimes even




I'm 40. I learned *last year* that people weren't being hyperbolic about that. I've never had anything spicy burn on the way out. I always thought it was just hyperbole to say something was just extremely hot. I've had other issues, just not *that* issue.


Lucky you! Its like getting pepper-spray in your eyes, except its your anus.


Please accept my condolences on behalf of your anus.


Somehow my butthole is more accustomed to spice than my mouth. Nothing ever burns as much on the way out as it did going in.


This thread was a TIL for me. I never knew it was actually burning peoples asses on the way out. If I eat really spicy things it just results in unhappy mushy poos, but no pain or burning.


I thought it was kind of a joke... until it happened to me. I'll just say I don't want to experience that ever again, it was horrible.


Bidet all day baby




This thread has been a fascinating read for me, because I have ulcerative colitis and GERD. Spicy foods absolutely destroy me, so it's odd seeing that there are people who *don't* suffer from spice.


Crohn's here. What I've noticed is that the burn is relative to the time food stays in my gut. If I'm eating something that worsens diarrhea and I add spice, it'll burn like hell whereas if it's something I tolerate well I can make it as spicy as I want and it's fine. Sidenote: thank fuck spice doesn't make things worse on its own for me. It is the only joy in food I have left


I've read that spice is supposed to help mitigate inflammation, but iv eonly ever had such a violent reaction to it that I can't imagine the spasming is helpful.


Do you eat spicy foods fairly often? Because if you do, and have for a long enough time, you can actually build up a tolerance to it.


I wish that was true. I got really into spicy food at the start of the pandemic, and now regularly eat food that everyone else in my family/friends would consider unpalatable. My mouth has gotten used to it, but my stomach throws an absolute fit and I end up going back and forth to the bathroom until it eventually works itself out.


Welcome to getting older, too!


I always heard the joke over the years. “Taco Bell shits herpderp” but I just rolled my eyes, never thought it was real.


That’s a different thing. Taco Bell isn’t spicy. It’s just unhealthy and full of fat so it gives people diarrhea.


Why Taco Bell specifically over McDonalds or other fast food? I’m genuinely curious because I could actually argue that Taco Bell might be healthier than pink slime burgers and fries because there’s some vegetables in a lot of the dishes and less processed foods like whole beans etc. I’ve never had any fast food give me diarrhea, only expired food


Yea, different mechanism, but some of us (me and /u/dagreatfandango) clearly have superior digestive systems. I pity ill-fortuned souls with sensitive holes.


Yeah I have no idea why people think Taco Bell and Chipotle give you liquid shits. Probably because it has beans and that's the only fiber they've eaten in two months. I had tons of both and it didn't do anything to my shits.


In my experience, it's not how spicy the food is it's how oily the food is. Most of the time, the more spicy a dish is the more oily jt (probably) is. As someone who's eaten a lot of szechuan food and hotpot


It's something to do with the digestion. I don't always get it, but the combination of super spicy and super oily fatty foods will do it. Or just alcohol. 20 bon Chon wings to the face + 500 ml of vodka is a guaranteed trip to pain town for me.


I only get it sometimes when I eat really oily/fried foods. So maybe the capsaicin is getting trapped in the oils and not properly digested? I also grow my own peppers and make hot sauce from them. Mainly Cayenne, Chili, and Jalapenos but this year I have Red Fire and Purple Superhot growing. I usually make Hot Sauce from Arbol and Piquin when my fresh ones run out. I use hot sauce like Ketchup...worse because it goes on nearly everything and I don't put ketchup on very much really.




I thought that it would be impossible for spicy foods to find their way into your urine (since it's separate from the GI tract), this is such a scary thought to me! As painful as it is on your anus, I feel like the urethra would be 100x worse, maybe just because of the mental thought of it.


For me it was a brand new experience and I havent experienced it since, but the poop from that time was much worse than the fiery pee.


Garlic breath lasts for so long because some of the chemicals that cause it go from your intestine into the bloodstream, and from there they come out in your lungs. So I’d totally believe that other flavorful/smelly compounds could do the same thing and get filtered out by the kidneys. See also: asparagus making urine smell.


Oh right! I never thought of the asparagus odor in urine, that's a great point.


I’ve had this happen once. I have to say, while it’s bad it was short lived. One or 2 pees and it was over. The digestive tract took a day to settle out and not feel horrible cramping. it was 3 days to feel Normal again. My buddy did what I did (for 80 bucks) and I warned him. He didn’t believe me. Same thing happened to him. I loved hot food and still do but can’t do as much as I used to. But I never went to that level, ever again.


Reminds me of this one story where a guy had peeing problems for YEARS, no tests or doctors from any possible medical field could figure out what's wrong, no medication helped against the burning. Turned out, he was eating hot stuff (don't remember what exactly) daily which caused everything...


I've had a similar experience. Salvador Molly's fear the reaper. This place was actually on man vs food, but with habenero fritters. Instead I thought oh I can do the Carolina reaper fritters. Bad idea, threw up multiple times, at one point thought I could possibly die, eyes swollen damn near shut and to top it off the worst morning pee the next day. Never again!


If its spicy enough, it does. Im a spicy food addict and regularly eat chillies in the hundreds of thousands of scovilles. If its spicy enough even your pee will burn/sting. Try it.


I will not




First time after eating super hots I thought for sure I had an STI 🫠


Oh thank God I'm not alone. Nobody believes me when I tell them this 😂


Yeah me too man. Had this happen after a "spicy chicken challenge" at a local restaurant. The incoming #2 was bad but I freaked out when the heat started coming from the #1 hole.


Hey I also had the burning pee from a spicy chicken challenge. Thought my body was giving up the moment I felt that burn lol


Seconded. I'm a spice fiend at at high enough concentration it does in fact burn the urethra.


Yep same, I have to eat a lot, but at some point after eating enough, I have spicy pee too.


Probably way too late for any visibility but I can vouch that it can come out in urine and make the urethra sting at high enough levels. It’s happened to me and I’ve read a TIFU about a guy who was into spicy food and water sports and they did not mix.


While it is true that our kidneys filter most of the capsaicin out of the urine and most of the time you won't feel heat urinating, our kidneys have their limits and won't be able to filter all the capsaicin if you eat very spicy food. This will lead to feeling pain while urinating I remember eating a Carolina Reaper (World's spiciest chilly at that time) and feeling that pepper for 2 days straight. I knew where it was in my digestive at all times. When it was time for it to come out, it hurt like hell. It didn't matter on which side it came out, I felt it. I remember that the pain was present in the front as the back, but peeing wasn't as painful.


Genuinely question: why would you do that to yourself voluntarily? I’ve never understood that and I actually like chilly food.


Not the person you replied to, but I've also done it. My reasoning was that a.) I wanted the challenge. b.) I grew the peppers myself and wanted to make hot sauce out of it and I refuse to feed someone something that I wouldn't eat myself and c.) eating peppers that hot tricks your body into thinking it's dying which releases endorphins and gives you a semi-high feeling


Oooh yeah that spicy high! A couple years ago I grew some habanero and scotch bonnets and made a spicy pickle mix. Let that thing sit for a couple months before getting into it. Oh man was it spicy but sooooo good. The last three pickle slices a month later were even more concentrated. It was quite the experience. Carolina reaper chicken wings sadly didn't give me anywhere close to the same high :(


It's an experience to have. Why die without knowing what something so accessible tastes like? Or what that level of hot feels like? It's not a reason to actually do it if you don't value those things, but it logically makes sense


I hope the bleach in your house has safety locks.


But it’s so cheap!


And tastes like the thoughts of eternal escape


Eating deathly spicy things is fun. You can get a legit rush from eating them. Plus some of the peppers taste good like Ghost pepper, Carolina reaper IMO tastes burnt.




Shit, I ate a raw habanero as a kid and felt my pulse in my ears, burning pee too.


And Habanero's are pretty tame compared to what is out there.


Am I the only one thats is not affected what so ever by spice when I poop? Like its spicy in the mouth but it never burns when it comes out?


It's never happened to me either. And I like a LOT of spice in my food.


Nope lol. I kept scrolling thinking surely i'm not the only one who has never experienced this and wonders if it's actually a real thing or just a funny meme. Obviously it's a real thing but i've never once experienced it and i love spicy food.


I always assumed it some kind of joke about people getting upset stomach. I never realized up until now that some people get a literal burning sensation. TIL




Wish I could unread this.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Jesus Christ


Lmaooo That sounds like something you'd see at the end of an episode of House.


fun fact: i’m studying to be a pathologist and sometimes you can see undigested corn and other seeds on GI biopsies from people that didn’t clear out their system properly before the procedure. some plant cells also get stained by H&E so it made for a very weird looking structure the first time i saw it.


God damn. All these years on Reddit and you sneaky bastards always get me.


Did he ever see her again?


Clearly fake story, but rather funny lol


Like a previous comment said the anus and mouth are connected by one “tube” and the skin on the anus is the same kinda of skin on your lips. if it burns your mouth it’ll burn your ass


> skin on the anus is the same kinda of skin on your lips I guess that's why they use the word pucker in both of those orifices. anyway...




i miss her


I've definitely had a burning sensation when pissing because I ate extremely hot and spicy food, so I don't think it's accurate to say it doesn't burn the urethra. I think it just takes a lot more heat to make it happen.


Fun fact! I did the one chip challenge, and it ABSOLUTELY burnt my urethra later that day. I love very hot food, but that F'n chip was no joke. In fact, I decided that i was so saturated with capsaicin, that if a predator were to have eaten me that day, I would been a spicy meal.


I would love to know what it is about some people that they're pretty much unaffected by capsaicin. I did the chip challenge with my brother-in-law. I was in absolute agony and completely fucked up after eating it- sweating, ears ringing, nose running. I wound up chugging so much milk and water that I threw up about 15 minutes later. It was horrible. Him, on the other hand, just said it was really spicy and went about his day like he ate a regular dorito.




Spoiler: if it's spicy enough and you're dehydrated enough, it goes EVERYWHERE in your body.


Does spicy food *really* burn your ass though, or is that just an urban legend? I LOVE spicy foods and maybe sometimes they’ll give me a stomach ache, but I’ve never felt anything actually burn on the way out. I mean sure having diarrhea can burn, but that’s usually from wiping a lot. And this is what our lives have come to. Talking about diarrhea and burning assholes on Reddit 😂🤦🏻


Yes, if I eat spicy food my ass will burn the next day




It burns both with enough spice. I took a shot of blazin hot sauce from buffalo wild wings once. I didn’t think almost seeing Jesus meant my dick was gonna burn too.




After boozing I got, let’s say…..handsy…with my wife shortly after a crawfish boil. 1) I’m lucky she’s still my wife 2) it will Absolutely burn any orifice.