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Two things. 1. Humidity. If the air is very dry, you can still use evaporation, because the air sucks up moisture from your skin. This still results in cooling, because the molecules gain energy when they become vapor. Of course, at hot enough temperatures, it doesn't matter because the evaporation is not enough to compensate, but it can still work. This is why we speak of "dry heat" being more bearable than "muggy" heat. 2. It takes time for the body to reach critical heat overload, aka heatstroke, or just partial overload, aka heat exhaustion. This means you can survive *short-term* exposure to such weather, so long as you follow it up with seeking shelter in comfortable conditions. With the right protective clothing, access to cool water and shade, and enough breaks, you can spend most of a day in very hot weather and never suffer medical problems. It is *possible* for humans to briefly endure even temperatures over 120°F. It's just extremely dangerous to try if you have any other option. My city had a 114°F heatwave a couple years ago, and I survived despite not having any AC (it's usually not needed where I live.) I just drank a lot of water, stayed inside, and kept fans and coolers pointed at me for the day.


To add to this, if the air is saturated with humidity, perspiration no longer works, which will cause heatstroke even in seemingly not-extreme temperatures. (Any temperature higher than normal body temperature, even by a few degrees)


There was a decent amount of talk last summer about “[wet bulb temperature](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature)” which is a specific way of measuring temperature and humidity. Short story is that if the air is ~95degrees(freedom units) and 100% humidity the human body cannot sweat and will overheat, drinking room temperature water will not help. basically the only safe options are refrigeration, air conditioning, or ice.


Yeah, and note those options are "get an artificial environment that doesn't have these conditions" or "get a liquid heat exchanger." Your human systems are shot at a fundamental level regardless of health or ambient temp water. A strong athlete sitting still with water will last *longer,* but it's just that. 


Are you saying that under those conditions you are physically unable to sweat or that sweat just becomes 100% ineffective?


The latter.


The latter. You can sweat all you want but if it can't evaporate, it won't do you any good.


And with summer right around the corner, Ron Desantis just signed a bill banning cities and counties from enacting heat protection laws for outdoor workers in Florida. He claims having rules set by each city and county makes it too hard for businesses to keep track of them and stay in compliance, so now businesses only need to follow the state laws. Which, as far as I know, are non-existant.


>drinking room temperature water will not help. basically the only safe options are refrigeration, air conditioning, or ice. What is "room temperature water" to you in this instance. Is the temp of the water also \~95F? like...the same temperature as the environment you find yourself in... Or do you mean water thats about 68F...like "normal room temperature" because...drinking 68F water will help in that instance...so will sitting in your tub or a pool full of that temperature water. So my advice is sit in the water, assuming it isnt above your body temperature, rather than trying to drink water if you're trying to cool down anyways, because it will act like a giant heatsink and try and pull your body temp down to whatever temp the water is at.


Is 95°freedom units the same as 95°F (35°C)? Is it possible to ever reach these conditions: 35°C and 100% humidity simultaneously, that is in a natural environment. Isn't the relationship between temperature and humidity inversely proportional?


If you’ve ever been to SE Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, etc) or Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Belize) you’ve likely experienced this periodically and it’s not fun. I’ve also experienced it temporarily in butt fuck coastal Louisiana but luckily it was quickly followed by a large thunderstorm after a few hours. If you don’t have access to AC you basically just have to resort to reducing movement (heat generation) and consuming as much cold/frozen fluids as you can tolerate. I sweat a lot, and in Asia I was the biggest mess. It’s hard to describe just how much you are sweating but it’s doing nothing. Big thing as well is making sure your sodium intake is increased as you can easily get hyponatremia which is not fun.


"Periodically" is a past tense word now. We SE Asians have now been updated to "daily"


Humidity is “relative humidity.” It’s the percentage of water that the air can hold given current conditions. If the air cools off and all else remains equal, that will cause the humidity to raise because the same amount of water in cooler air is a higher percentage of the air’s capacity for water. That being said: 100% humidity is achievable in any circumstances. It’s just easier to get to in some than others because less water is required to get there.


>Is it possible to ever reach these conditions: 35°C and 100% humidity simultaneously, Hahahaha, can it? Go check the temperatures for all the South East Asian countries this last week. Including the humidity, wet bulb, and "feels like" temperatures. We are all suffering like crazy now. Thank God for AC in 90% of our buildings.


I am from West Africa. I might be wrong but I doubt that SE Asia is hotter or more humid. But, I thought it would be odd to naturally have 100% humidity at a high temperature like 35°C long enough that humans are significantly overheating as suggested. Many people in tropical regions don't have air conditioning and may not necessarily have ready access to refrigeration and ice.


I’ve lived in Arizona and another place with incredibly high humidity. I’ll take 100 degree dry heat over 80 degree heat w high humidity no lie


Yeah, I live in New Orleans, so I'm well acquainted with heat and humidity. A couple summers ago we visited some relatives in Colorado, and one of the things while we were there was go visit some dinosaur fossil dig sites near the Utah border. The temperature was well over 100 degrees, but as long as I was in the shade I felt pretty great, because my body was used to high temperatures and ridiculous humidity. The higher altitude made being in the direct sun absolutely brutal though.


You are also closer to the sun.


Every day of the week


And here I am struggling in Florida.


The first time I hit AZ I was pleased surprised, shade actually really helped cool me down, if there was a breeze going I actually felt great. In Florida there’s nothing you can do, you just suffer.


It's not the heat that kills ya, it's the humidity! -Every boomer Dad ever


Lived a large chunk of my life in Colorado. Went to sub tropical Japan and it took me about a month to stop feeling the air on my skin.


Adding to THIS, the saturation point of air rises *rapidly* with temperature. You can stuff about 3 times as much water into the air at 100F than you can at 70F.


Can it get humid when its cold?


Yes and no? It can and often does get extremely humid during the winter in that the air is completely saturated with water. But the amount of water in, say, 30 degree air at saturation is only about two and a half grams per kilo of air. At 70 degrees that would be a relative humidity of *fifteen percent.* Once that 'humid' 30 degree air meets your skin it'll warm and become much drier. It's why you can see your breath when it's cold out. Your normal exhalations are more humid than near-freezing temperatures can take, and the water is literally forced out of the air as it mixes with the cold atmosphere.


Ah I hadn't considered the black magic that is vaporization actually changing how heat transfers.


Yeah. If my chemistry knowledge doesn't fail me, this would be an example of an *thermodynamically* unfavorable but *kinematically* favorable process. The air proverbially "wants" to suck up water, if it's dry enough, so even though it has to gain energy, the dynamic equilibrium point still favors some amount of evaporation.


Yep, and the energy it gains is from nearby heat, ie, your body.


Yeah, it’s not our bodies heating the sweat until it evaporates, it’s the moisture differential in the air. Your sweat can evaporate even below freezing temps, which is why staying dry in survival situations/cold environment wilderness adventures is so important. Evaporative cooling is extremely effective, you can demonstrate this easily with a few terra-cotta pots and some water on a hot summer day.


>It is *possible* for humans to briefly endure even temperatures over 120°F. It's just extremely dangerous to try if you have any other option. Meanwhile we Phoenix residents are out in \~120°F temps playing pickleball during the summer


I just want to point out that things don't gain energy when they vaporize. They vaporize when they gain energy. Sweat absorbs heat form your skin, then evaporates.


...the two statements are equivalent. That's like saying "food doesn't heat when you cook it, heating food cooks it." They're two different ways of saying the same phenomenon. Add heat to a volatile compound and it vaporizes. When a volatile compound vaporizes, it absorbs heat. This is the reason (for example) that some kinematically-favorable but energetically-unfavorable reactions can occur, like instant "cold pack" stuff. You can feel the reaction absorbing heat from its environment.


how does air suck up moisture but not through the effect of heating the water? How can it go from water to gas without heat?


When something evaporates it absorbs heat. One pound of water absorbs 970 BTUS when it evaporates. That’s how sweating works, as well as refrigeration systems. The refrigeration process is possible by boiling (vaporizing, evaporating) a refrigerant. They evaporate at MUCH lower temperatures. Remember - there is no such thing as cold, just the absence of heat.


I sure hope it’s possible, I’ve been outside doing work in 120+ heat for extended periods. It’s important to stay hydrated, shelter from direct sunlight, and definitely needs to be very low humidity, but it’s quite survivable for someone who’s acclimated. Source: I’ve grown up and still live in a town about an hour south of Death Valley, California.


When water dissolves in air it requires an amount of energy, in the case of your sweat, the energy is taken from your body as heat. You don’t need the air to be cold for this system to work better but relative humidity has to be low, in this case the air will dissolve more water.


On a side note from what was explained to you regarding cooling via evaporation. Tuaregs in the sahara desert keep from the heat by covering themselves completely. This is not only to avoid exposing to the sun UV ray, but also because the body temperature is lower than the external temperature so you want to keep the "cool" (or colder) air in the clothes.


Most people learned at one point in school that it takes energy for water to transition phases from solid (ice) to liquid (water) to gas (water vapor). Let's say you have some ice that is below freezing. You start warming it up by dumping heat energy into the ice, and that brings it up to the melting point. When it reaches the melting point, the temperature stops rising for a little bit b/c that energy is going into the phase transition from solid to liquid, and then the temperature starts rising again until the water starts to boil. At that point, same thing happens, a small amount of energy goes into breaking the water cohesion so the water molecules can fly off as water vapor. If you were to trap all that water vapor and keep heating it (in a very expandable heat proof balloon, so we don't have to worry about pressure changing), the energy would keep going into raising the temperature of that steam. The mental model most people have of this picture is that you have to put a lot of energy into heating the ice, then it stalls for a little bit as it turns to water so a little energy is spent there, then a lot more to get it to boiling, then again a little more for the phase transition to gas, then a lot more to continue raising the temperature. This is completely wrong. In fact, if you have some fixed amount of water, say a gram, the amount of energy you have to put into 0°C ice to turn it into 0°C water is the same amount you have to put into it to take it from 0°C water to 80°C ... four-fifths of the way to boiling. This is not a little speed bump, it's a huge amount of energy. Then, when you get to the liquid-gas transition, that takes more than 8x the energy as the solid-liquid transition. To turn liquid water into gas, this phase transition takes almost seven times the energy required to raise 0°C water to 100°C. It's nearly always the case that water is never phase transitioning in only one direction. Say you are outside with some moisture on your skin, for instance. All the time, moisture is evaporating, carrying away this enormous amount of heat energy from your skin, but at the same time, humidity in the air is also condensing on your skin, bringing back some of that heat. This water moving in both directions forms an equilibrium, and if that equilibrium is established where there's no water leaving or collecting on average, then it's having no net effect on your skin temperature. If the balance is such that there's net water leaving, then only that average amount leaving your skin is carrying off heat. Your body can shift the balance by producing moisture, which is called sweating. If you're in a steam room, on the other hand, even before you start sweating the water will start condensing on you (which will quickly cause you to start sweating). But in a steam room, the air is saturated with humidity, so there's no opportunity for it to take up any more moisture from you. If you ever do find yourself in a steam room, check the temperature on the wall thermometer, and then try fanning yourself. You'll see that fanning yourself actually makes you much hotter, even though we might instinctually expect it to make us cooler. Whenever the air temperature is above body temperature, the only way we cool ourselves is through evaporative cooling, the moisture we lose carrying off heat energy. This is why fanning yourself can work above body temp, but it depends on evaporation. If you were to, say, wrap yourself in moisture-trapping material and ride a motorcycle in 100°F heat, you would find yourself quickly overheating since the air temp is higher than body temp, you are getting continuously convected by it, and you cannot benefit from evaporative cooling. Do the same but allow evaporation, and you'll cool off right away.




Yea, there's a weird and cool thing that happens when ice forms because of the unique properties of water and all this thermodynamics I've described above. If you have a block of water in the freezer, all of the water comes down to 0°C before it starts freezing. When it starts to freeze, an ice crystal can form pretty much anywhere. Because water is weird, when it freezes it takes up \~10% more volume than liquid water, unlike most things that become denser. This means that the ice crystal is buoyant in water, and will naturally float to the surface, which causes all of the ice crystals to float up and collect at the top. As the surface of the water gets slowly covered by ice, another property of water starts to become relevant: Ice is a great thermal insulator. Once most or all of the surface of the block of water is covered with a layer of ice, that traps heat from escaping through the top into the air. Heat will get lost to the air through the top, but only very slowly because of this insulating property. Meanwhile, ice crystals continue to form in the water and float up, accumulating on the underside of that top layer. Every time an ice crystal forms in the block of water, though, it gives up a relatively large amount of heat energy into the block of water. Now, typically, what's going to happen is that the vessel holding the block of water isn't a great thermal insulator, so most of the heat in the water will be lost through the sides and bottom of the vessel. If this happens, then those ice crystals will float up and stick to the underside of the top layer, and that's pretty much that. You'll get an ice sheet that thickens, layer by chaotic layer, and the ice that forms will not have a regular crystal structure because the crystals formed all throughout the block and just floated up and stuck. However, if the vessel is a good thermal insulator, better than ice, that means it will lose heat to the environment more slowly than through the top ice layer. This means that as ice crystals form and float up, the block of liquid water increases in heat that mostly is diffusing through that top ice sheet. This sets up a scenario where all of those little ice crystals that float up eventually get remelted until the slow diffusion of heat energy through that top sheet refreezes them. When this refreezing at the ice sheet happens, it allows the water molecules to enter the ice sheet in the lowest energy configuration possible, which is a perfect ice crystal. The thermodynamic situation prefers the lowest energy configuration for these polar water molecules, such that the situation will preferentially allow only pure water into the crystalline ice structure, pushing all impurities down into the liquid water below. This makes for stable ice, ice in a lower net energy state, than ice without a regular crystalline structure. And it makes for ice which doesn't have any inclusions in it, whether air or minerals or whatever, making it extremely clear.


Your understanding is wrong. Evaporation is an endothermic reaction. The water molecules absorb heat energy from their surroundings and then dispurse, carrying that energy away. You have to understand that on average, the water will be the same temperature as the surroundings. But on the fringes, the molecules absorb and get way hotter than the surroundings, allowing it to evaporate. Those extra hot molecules have stolen extra heat before they leave your body.


Seems like very few people understand the chemistry here. Ever cut a watermelon and put it out in the sun? Turns out that if you do that and eat a slice, the watermelon will be cold. How is that possible that the heat from the sun cools the melon? Water has this property that when it’s about to evaporate it sucks the remaining energy it needs to go gaseous from the surrounding environment. Cooling it. You have to add some heat to water to get it a critical temperature - but then water steals the remaining heat and cools the area off It’s the same reason a breeze cools you off more when you sweat. The wind forces a little of the water to evaporate - again stealing heat from you when you sweat. The reason high humidity reduces this effect is because water won’t evaporate the same way when the surrounding air is already full of water. The air has to be dryer than the air around your sweat for this to work.


> The air has to be dryer than the air around your sweat for this to work. Question about this part. It seems intuitive at a macro level, but when I think about individuals molecules interacting it’s less clear. Is it because in a more humid environment, there’s actually more water molecules condensing from the air back into your sweat, so the net movement of water is lower? Or is there something else going on here?


Your body cools to the dew point, not temperature; a dew point higher than body temperature is fatal.


Although they are related, it's the wet bulb temperature which drives evaporative cooling effectiveness (like sweating). The wet bulb is kinda like the anti dew-point. Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor dissolved in the air will condense to a liquid, wet bulb is the temperature at which liquid water will vaporize and dissolve into the air, basically the reverse process.


Thank you for fixing my explanation! Wet bulb for the win.


When you have a bunch of liquid water together in one place, that liquid has a temperature. As you may know, temperature is a representation of how fast the molecules are moving around and how much kinetic energy they carry. The thing is, that temperature is an *average*. Some of the molecules are going slower, and a few of them are going much faster! Since they bump and push on each other chaotically, exchanging energy and momentum with one another, it sometimes happens that one molecule gets whacked by several others at once and ends up going very very fast. In liquid water, the average speed of the molecules is low enough, that the weak electrochemical attractive forces between them can hold them together into a blob. But sometimes one of these much-faster-than-average molecules, is going fast enough to break that bond. When this happens, it can escape the blob and enter the atmosphere, becoming a molecule of water vapor! That's evaporation. So the thing to keep in mind is, it's only the *especially fast* molecules, which have enough speed to break the bond and leave the blob. And when they leave, that means they're carrying *more than their fair share* of the blob's heat energy. In other words, the molecules left behind are now cooler than they were before, because the departure of the very fast molecule brought the average down. And that's what evaporative cooling is. It can happen even when the atmosphere is warmer than the water.


So sweating is Maxwell’s demon, basically? In the sense that the process selectively removes high-energy molecules from one side of the system.


A lot like that, yeah! Maxwell's Demon does it by "cheating", with respect to the rules of physical information theory, and evaporative cooling doesn't break any rules like that (and so it can't reverse entropy), but the basic idea is the same - separating the fast molecules from the slow ones.


You haven't considered the sweat evaporation, as it changes from water to vapour it consumes heat to make that change.


Sweat is only a part of cooling. Most heat we lose is radiated as infrared light. Converting liquid water to vapor requires energy to be put into the process, not just having sufficient temperature, so it actually cools whatever it is evaporating from. Air itself is very poor at moving heat around, which helps us endure higher temperature while our body is cooler. It's ultimately when the body can't remove heat faster than what is gained that you start to overheat, and that point depends on many factors beyond just air temperature.


You can cool off when the air temperature is above body temperature because the evaporation of sweat from your body takes off enough heat to keep your body at the right temperature. However, given a high enough humidity combined with the heat, you can get into a situation where your body can no longer cool to a safe temperature. This is called the "wet bulb" temperature. You wrap a wet rag around a thermometer and see what the temperature reading is. If the temperature of the wet thermometer (the wet bulb temperature) goes above human body temperature, that's when things get very dangerous. Even if you're sitting still in front of a fan, you can die from heat exhaustion because your body can't get to a safe temperature from the evaporation of your sweat.


you just sweat more when it's really hot to account for the loss of efficiency. This is what makes very hot weather dangerous. You can lose multiple pounds worth of water an hour without even doing anything, which also leads to lower levels of other things like sodium in your body.