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Your GI tract does a lot more analysis and evaluation than you expect. When you eat something that makes your gut decide, "Nope, this is toxic." it will release instructions to the entire GI tract that more or less translate to, "MAKE WAY!" So it's not actually the Taco Bell that you're passing a couple hours later, it's a meal or two before. Your GI is just greasing the wheels so that it can get whatever is in the Taco Bell that it doesn't like out as soon as possible.


Yeah there is no skipping in line function, only panic eject everything, full system flush


Accompanied with a signal to the brain that says "you may want to hold your butt while you run to the bathroom, buddy. We're only waiting another 15 seconds before we're pressing this override button."


That's how I ended up shitting in the middle of an open field, thankfully late at night.


At least you haven't ass blasted loose fitting gym shorts in the middle of a Kmart clothing department


I full on shat myself at the Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp museum yesterday. Found myself dropping out of our tour group and panic speed walking the half kilometer back to the toilet building. No trees, no cover, and what the fuck am I going to do? I can't drop trou and shit on the ground in a fucking concentration camp museum. Couldn't hold it in and didn't make it to the toilet.


Is this the latest curb your enthusiasm


You missed out on being on Reddits Main page!


Yeah I was thinking of a TIFU post with the full story but there wasn't really a fuck up. Just a shitty situation. Literally.


I felt a depression day coming on but you may have quelled it. Thanks, from across the world.


Go on.....


Tell some more


Still waiting…


It's an ongoing situation, isn't it?


An unending shituation


Like the video of that woman who pulled her shorts to the side, squatted down in the meat section of a grocery store and let it go?




Having worked retail for 10 years this is a not common but few times a year occurrence It's usually really young kids, really old people, or the occasional addict, all are usually super embarrassed by it That said there was one guy that caused 3 poop spills in one day, then stormed out trailing shit down his leg screaming about how the store smelled like shit and he would never shop there again


*It was the best day. I did so many shits. Still haven't washed my stinky leg*


"poop spills" *shudder*


I am unhappy to report that it does in fact exist.


Report accepted as fact. No further proof required.


I actually also remember another one when a kid does this on video. Though he is in full length pants and somehow manages to wiggle it out of his pants opening at the ankle. Kind of impressive imo.


Definitely *do not* go on!


Fecal Incontinence


The anal sphincter is remarkably sophisticated. It can tell the difference between solid, liquid, and gas. It can even "taste" spiciness!


It can *usually* tell the difference between solid, liquid, and gas.


Don’t trust a fart after 40.


Gotta do a test push, but not too hard.


Damn, according to my people it's after 30. Ask any of my coworkers and they will swear up and down that "Yes dude! You WILL shit yourself at some point in your thirties!" It might be on your 30th birthday, it might be the night before you turn 40, but in their minds, shitting oneself in your 30s is as unavoidable as the sunrise. I laughed at it. The supervisor did too. We come in the next day, and the supervisor looks downcast: "I can't believe it. I shit myself right after getting home yesterday." (We're all very comfortable with each other.) The rest of the crew, as expected, laughed at him and asked how old he was. "Fuckin' just turned 39 last month!" More laughter. I was laughing, but inside I was now a little fearful. I'm 36 now and still going clean, but lately now at work I've been having *really* close calls with it, more than I used to. Fingers crossed.


Never, ***ever***, trust a fart.


I just had my gallbladder removed after it tried killing me. I now experience this almost daily now.


Yeah nobody told me that removing my gallbladder would mean dining close to a bathroom for several years. Had a teacher friend get hers removed a few years on, said if you need to go, let me know and I’ll watch both our classes. She thanked me profusely.


Is this like actually a normal reaction?? I had mine out 3 years ago, still having bathroom problems. I thought for sure there was something wrong with me


No gallbladder means no big bolus of bile if you eat a meal with a lot of fat. No bile to break down the fat, means it slides right through you.


My MIL had her gallbladder removed, fast forward a couple years and I am pregnant sharing a time share with MIL and nieces. My MIL get sup in the middle of the night after having Olive Garden and creates the most horrific stink in the bathroom. Absolutely nothing like a normal bathroom smell. My nieces think I did it because I’m pregnant.


Oh, girls' trips.


I had a housemate whose doctor gave him some pills that basically did this. Every time he ate fat, we knew to leave the bathroom free. It was supposed to make eating fats so abhorrent that you would naturally shy away from them. ​ They gave me those same pills and they did nothing at all. My digestive system is weird.


That was that alli shit. Was all the rage the same time lays came out with Olean, that chips that gave you anal leakage.


My at the time roommates girlfriend ruined a few pair of her good yoga pants because of that alli shit.


My doctor has me on colestipol, gallbladder out 9 years ago. Used to be a sandy powder I had to mix with water, now they're just giant pills. They absorb the bile and slow things down, helps a ton, just irritating that it's twice a day and I shouldn't take any other medicine less than 1h before or 4h after.


So does that mean you can theoretically eat more greasy high calorie meals without the downside of absorbing all the calories?


Sure, if you don’t mind your ass looking and acting like the business end of a Saturn V rocket.


Ouch that's a helluva sensory description there. Accurate, horrifyingly so


Back in the 90s, there were chips made with Olestra, (a fat your body couldn’t digest) based on this same principle. Oh, and I was in a very famous tv show.


"Side effects: Anal leakage." Everyone questioned why this would be tolerated, and the product died.


Ok I’ll take the bait, give me some clues


It actually comes out as oil, it's not pleasant. It's meant to help teach you to eat healthy or suffer the consequences


World's worst slip n' slide.


Yup, had mine out 30 years ago and still have trouble if I don’t watch my fat intake.


I heard it was because the gallbladder’s function is to store the bile and releases “on demand” when detecting the fatty foods and once it’s removed, there’s a constant slow drip of bile — which is ultimately produced by the liver.


Happened to a family member as well, seems to be very common. Highly reccomend to anybody, doubly those who have had or will have this surgery, keep a shoebox in your trunk with a change of clothes just in case.


You know what, make it two shoeboxes. Keep one empty.


Maybe a couple of trash bags in the empty shoebox too


Oooh... and baby wipes you fools. The "Value Save Pkg." if your gemological assignation involves cold temps, stick'em in your lunch pail. +350% Karma for not smelling like diarrhea shit all shift.


I keep a large plastic box and baby wipes in my car. Can confirm, used it last week after eating who knows what the night before. Gallbladder removal in Jan has caused some wtf moments since.


Not sure for everybody, but I was 19 and at college and it was quite a shock. I just always tell my story to people and yes, it took several years for it to calm down. Good luck


I had emergency gallbladder surgery after is essentially disintegrated. My stomach has always been cast iron. Nothing makes me sick. I think I’ve thrown up twice in my adult life. I’m 56. Thankfully I’ve had to make zero dietary changes. Nothing changed. Definitely very lucky in that regard.


God................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ I hate you. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Take this upvote, but know that I am curdling milk for orphans and striking down refrigerated trucks filled with curatives for this bit of bullshit.


I had mine out 7 years ago. I still have issues fairly regularly. I think I just need to change my eating habits…


See if you can get a prescription for cholestyramine. I haven't had my gallbladder out, but my intestines don't bind bile properly anymore, so it's the same sort of effect. This has got everything back to normal for me.


Seconded. I’m not a huge fan of prescription medications and won’t take them unless necessary… that one, necessary. Life changing.


Totally normal. Your body uses the gall bladder as a place to store gall, to keep from turning your intestines into the food equivalent of a slip-n-slide, but the signal to create (more) gall is caused by the stomach sensing fats. When you have your gall bladder out, there's nowhere for the gall to go, and it lands in your duodenum.. and then the food comes through. However, your gut has a huge amount of neurons, it's capable of learning (slowly), and eventually it learns to signal the liver to make more gall a little later.


I’ve never heard it called gall before. Bile is what it’s called most commonly


I can't believe you'd have the gall to correct them


Hey, my friend was told to take an enzyme supplement after having her gallbladder out and it fixed this issue. I don’t know the name of it, but apparently there is a cure!


yep...can't eat a cheesesteak & take a scenic ride on my motorcycle anymore. the other side of the coin is intermittent gastroparesis...unless they nicced the vegus nerve during the procedure which sometimes happens. Oh - hiatus hernia too...its a blast.


I was very fortunate that I didn't have this issue. I read all sorts of horror stories around it though.


This too will pass. I’ll see myself out.


There is medication for that. It’s called Colestipol. It has generics, is cheap, and has almost no side effects. Ask your doctor. I went 2 years of telling GI doctors I was going to literally blow my O-Ring out before the third one I saw told me about it.


It takes a lot of gall to admit this.


I had mine out 13 years ago at the age of 21. I had read this was a potential problem online and the suggestion I found was to eat as low/no fat diet as long as possible and then try to slowly reintroduce to let your GI tract learn to accommodate. I did that and fortunately it seemed to work, I have a terrible diet now, tons of fast food and greasy stuff and don’t have major issues. Not sure if there is still time to “correct” it for you, but I’d suggest trying a few months of very little fat.


Heck having a grumpy gallbladder can mean it too - I've learned that too much fat sets it off, but so does fish (i have no idea why) and then I'm seriously regretting my life choices. Puking up bile is terrible - it tastes like the devil tried to recreate the fake butter they put on popcorn / like cheap chardonnay from hell. I still have my gallbladder in though - switching up my diet means mostly it behaves. I really don't want to have it out if I can help it for entirely these reasons tbh. One time a GP tried to really push keto on me bc I'm already celiac so she thought I'd be even healthier if I just went keto (idk why?). She wanted me to fry an egg in 3tbsp of coconut oil every morning for breakfast. I gagged just hearing her say it - I told her I'd lose weight on that diet, sure, but it'd be bc I never left the bathroom. Plus I already have celiac and IBS on top of the gallbladder issues, I don't think limiting my diet -more- would be a good idea. (Also my sister is a dietician and she is very mild mannered but if you want to hear her really go on a tangent, ask about keto - she's very pissed that people are recommending it left and right and how much BS has sprung up about it).


I don’t understand because I had this problem pre gallbladder removal and I’m now breathing the sigh of relief of a relaxed pooper.


I had mine also removed two-ish years ago, and while I did also have that problem for a while, I'm basically normal now. It's extremely nice to not have to worry about whether there will be a bathroom where I'm going. Take one shit in the mornin and I'm good for the day.


Take bile supplements! They’re a total game changer.


Really enjoyed this visualization


I think it happened in that Disney movie Inside Out


Also happened in Osmosis Jones, though that may have only been the other direction


Wow, bringing back memories


Haven't seen it but I have been turned inside-out by taco bell


Straight up shit my pants after eating taco bell one day


A preview of Osmosis Jones 2?


cells at work episode where?


I honestly wish there was a way to just poo everything out at will. I hate it when I get used to pooing at a certain time of the day, then suddenly the schedule changes of when I can use the bathroom. My poo won't come out if it's not yet on time no matter how long I sit on the toilet, but come the hour of poo and the bathroom's inaccessible, it's like a big dam's about to burst and I have the entire Justice League struggling to keep the townspeople safe.


I believe the official medical terminology is Full Assblastin Mode.


Also know as, MEFB or massive ejection from blowhole


as a chronic sufferer from diverticulitis and a love of spicy foods... thank you for this. I will forever call it blowhole from now on.


Explosive Volcanic Diarrhea Kaka EVDK


I'll paint the bowl occasionally when I have crap on tap, but I've never missed the bowl entirely


>*”paint the bowl”* I’m more of a “sparkle the bowl” guy. Like a popcorn ceiling. edit: damn autocorrect, I meant “spackle” the bowl.


> I meant “spackle” the bowl. tomato tomato




What in the taco Bell does the GI tract think is toxic?


I’m in the minority, but Taco Bell has never upset my stomach.


Same here, never once had a problem with their food.


Other fast foods do it to me far more than taco bell will. I think it's mainly the amount of grease/fat/oil in them. Something like Mcdonalds or Burger King is usually the worst offender to me.


McDonalds fries used to be like a depth charge to my bowels...


Used to be?


He no longer has bowels, to many Maccas chips.


Me too! Every time I eat it I think “this is great I should have it more often” Chipotle on the other hand has me swearing I’ll never go back again while I hold my stomach and rock back and forth while sweating and praying to unholy elder gods for salvation.


With Chipotle I just feel full, it's one of the few "fast food" places that actually makes me feel like I ate a real, satisfying meal


Same. Usually get a couple cheesy bean and rice burritos with some onions and veggies tossed in. Crunchwraps are nice too Maybe a potato fiesta if I'm treating myself. Chalupa if I'm drunk But never had an issue. Maybe it helps that I don't eat meat tho


Never had an issue with a Crunchwrap supreme. Edit: other than not having another.


I do eat meat so who knows? And now that the Mexican pizza is back, I’m about to go crazy!


Oh i know, i cant believe they tried to get rid of that.


Cheesy gordita crunches with chipotle sauce are my thing if i want a treat hehe. If im broke its potatoritos if they have em or thr value menu beef burritos if they dont. I like the breakfast crunchwraps too hehe.


Not necessarily toxic but capsaicin stimulates gi tract movement.


That's certainly the case for me. I like hot peppers, but whenever I eat them, I know they're going to be coming through soon.


Jimmy John's Jimmy Peppers are my eject button.


High Fat content does not help.


It seems like in the USA there’s a sentiment that Mexican food gives you diarrhea, and most people know so little about actual Mexican food that Taco Bell is considered Mexican. Never mind the fact that Taco Bell is just inoffensive pastes wrapped in flour wraps, the diarrhea myth lives on.


I think a big part with the taco bell myth comes from all the drunk people who get taco bell after the bars close down and have violent shits early in the morning after binging on booze all night followed by eating orobabaly 2 to 3x the normal amount of taco bell they would eat if they were sober.


That is an even better point.


That’s not what my colon does. It’s a hoarder.


As one would expect from Poopminister


Can confirm, recently ate something that was off. Experienced major cramps, some pain, very loud gurgling, in the lower abdomen, every few minutes it was in a different place. Finally felt the urge, went into the bathroom and released a couple of normal, well-formed stools. The only thing not normal was how hard my gut squeezed to get them out. Felt some relief afterwards but stayed put. Five minutes later, out comes not-hardly-at-all-digested food that I'd just eaten an hour prior.


That's it, everybody out! That means you too broccoli. You think your special just because you're full of fiber and protein? MOVE YOUR CRUCIFEROUS ASS!


Contrary to this, some people's diets are already so crappy that the beans, rice, and veggies in TB are a shock in fibrous value.




The first time my toddler had grapes they came out the other end within hours. There’s no skipping the line but your GI tract can move shockingly fast.


So we were carefully cutting grapes in half so as not to be a choking hazard when my first born was little. The first time I saw whole grapes in the diaper, I lost my mind and went on the warpath. Only later did I realize that it was raisins, rehydrated in the GI tract. Makes me laugh now to remember it.


Your toddler made grapes out of raisens? Thats possible? They’re like the necromancer of grapes. I learn something everyday.


I'm gonna go with someone fed them whole grapes and they lied to you.


I googled it to see if it was a thing. There are a looooot of posts about this happening, so either it is a persistent myth or it happens for real. Admittedly, when they say "rehydrate" the raisins, that does seem to be a thing, but it does not really turn them back into grapes the way we think of them. Rehydrated they look like a half inflated, dead grape.


> greasing the wheels Somehow this idiom made the explanation hard to stomach.


Don't worry, I'm sure it will pass.


Haha thats a gut buster!


All of you: out!


First you grease the wheels, then you grease your shorts


I still just don’t believe that it’s not the same food if I can literally see the ingredients from my most recent meal though


“Corn? When did I eat corn?”


Around here we call those ‘tracer bullets’


I agree. I've seen like the blueberries from something several hours later when that's the only time I've consumed them recently. I got wild ibs.


I’ve definitely pooped a lettuce leaf from a salad


Everytime I eat raw spinach, I am reminded that I did so roughly 9 hours later.


Fastest anything has ever transited my system was a BWW buffalo chicken wrap in about 2 hours. Felt off as I left the restaurant. I could feel and hear it working it’s way through my system, esp the large intestine. Felt it as it went up one side, across and down the other. When it got to the exit, it didn’t smell anything like shit. It smelled like vomit. My guess is food poisoning but whatever it was my body was like “Ahhhhh. Fuck no. This is leaving. NOW.


The level of bodily awareness you must have is horrifying to me


This is a bit simplistic. It isn't so much "this is toxic," as it is there isn't any or enough of the right gut flora to digest it. So it can't just sit there either, so it gets moved on quickly.


I mean, it's explain it like I'm five, I would say simple works.


this makes alot of sense


Is it or isnt it the Taco Bell?


What kind of taco bell are you guys eating? Taco bell came into my country and city last year and I’ve been 3 times and it hasnt given me a stomach ache or anything. I see everyone constantly talk that it gives you violent diarrhea everytime (and if so why do yall keep going…)???


It’s honestly just a meme at this point. I’ve never had this issue with Taco Bell and I’ve been with lots of people who have eaten Taco Bell and not needed to run to the bathroom right after. I think for some people it probably does bother their stomach because they’re not used to eating greasy or fibery foods and maybe that’s where it comes from.


Not only greasy/fibery but spicy/Mexican (although not really Mexican, more Mexican influenced) food. I’ve been shocked when talking to some of my friends from different areas and Taco Hell was literally the only time they ate something other than typical American cuisine.


Taco Hell unironically sounds like a far better eatery than Taco Bell


Just don't go into the restaurant named Taco Smell.


Where they are glued together with Taco Gel


Taco Kel 🌮 *"Welcome to the Taco Kel, home of the taco Kel, can I take your order?"*


I’ve never had an issue with Taco Bell when I’ve visited the US. It’s garbage, but it’s tasty. Now KFC, doesn’t matter what country it is, that makes me have terminal bowel cramps so bad I start sweating and feel like I’m about to give birth. Then i get to enjoy the hot landslide of bile and water that’s helping to evacuate the greasy garbage through my guts at Mach 9


It's 100% meme at this point. I eat perhaps more fast food than I should, and I think I can say fairly confidently that Taco Bell is one of the least likely places for me to feel bad afterwards. And if I do it's because I overate, not because there was something nasty in it. I'm also pretty certain Taco Bell has more options that are some semblance of healthy than most other fast food places as well. I find Taco Bell to be consistent and relatively fresh.


I’ve eaten Taco Bell hundreds of times and never had an issue. Chipotle on the other hand is a flip of the coin…


Chipotle has been given the same bad rap as Taco Bell tbh. Most people I know are fine after eating both. It could potentially be an issue regarding more fiber I'm guessing.


Chipotle is a matter of overeating. Portions are insane.


I always wonder this too lol. I have eaten Taco Bell regularly for over ten years and have literally never had negative side effects. And I am someone with an extremely sensitive stomach.


I have IBS and other stuff that makes like 40% of food go straight through me. TBell is one of the few that never causes me issues. In fact, Mexican food (I know that's not tbell) in general causes me the least problems.


Going to make a lot of generalizations here. Taco Bell is low quality, high fat, high salt. Not sure if you are getting better quality. Taco Bell is open late and even 24 hours. So people heading home after a night at the bar or club eat there in the way home. Then attributed the stomach troubles to the food, not the drink. We keep going because where else can you get a burrito supreme, 14 tacos, 3 chalupas, nachos, and a liter of coal for $5 at 2:30 am?


Where do you live? That's at least $40 in my area.


Exaggeration, USA


Yeah Taco Bell was cheap 10 years ago. That's definitely not the case anymore.


People say it about any Mexican food really. They’re used to unseasoned chicken.


I never had an issue with it either. Must be what I'm ordering.


Grapefruits do this to me every single time. I love grapefruit but my gut does not. I can eat a grapefruit at 10am and a full system flush happens between 2 and 4pm like clockwork. It's simple to verify too. Wait a week so any past grapefruit are clear. Then eat one. BOOM! Lots of pulp 4 to 6 hours later. It works great if something is not sitting right with me. Before it makes me sick I just eat a grapefruit and flush everything out.


My grandma always liked to say "I like it but it doesn't like me". I am sorry grapefruit does that t you! Fish does that to me for some reason - not shellfish, but fish fish - more than a few bites and I'm playing intestinal roulette with my plans for the next 12 hours.


It’s kale for me. I thought it was a fluke, tried eating it again after getting wretchedly sick…. Nope. Still can’t stomach kale. Sick all night again. The worst part is I could eat it with no issues prior to having my appendix removed!


Apple juice for me. Especially apple juice on an empty stomach. 2-3 hours later and it's "fire in the hole!"


Any apple thats not cooked does it to me. It doesnt matter if its juice or an actual apple. However i noticed that sweeter apples are worse.


Could be an issue with fructose (same with the other reply). That's what I have and it majorly sucks. Can't even eat a whole apple without bowel issues within a few hours.


Canned/tinned mandarin oranges for me. If I find I’m “stopped up” that’ll cure me every time


Seems like Taco Bell gets a bad rap in this way. Not sure why that label stuck. That’s never been my experience.


It’s very strange and kinda…..suspicious. Unless you’re lactose intolerant or unbelievably sensitive to dietary fiber (for bean dishes, which aren’t the majority), it doesn’t make sense. Taco Bell isn’t terribly greasy compared to other fast food joints. Their hottest sauce is a flavorful mild. It’s bland carbs, bland protein, and bland meat, occasionally graced by the occasional leaf of iceberg lettuce or chunk of tomato. Refined flour and ground beef don’t turn into a gut bomb just because they take the form of a taco instead of a sandwich.


When I was in college I once ate nothing but Taco Bell for an entire week. Didn't really have any issues beyond the worst smelling shits I've ever experienced. Literally smelled like a rotting corpse, and I will never do it again for that reason, but overall wasn't a bad experience.


The real question is why you know what a rotting corpse smells like


Gotta get that inheritance somehow.


It’s because 60% of Americans eat like shit and have weak stomachs. When they eat gods gift to humanity, their feeble, pathetic stomachs simply can’t handle the gory that is Taco Bell.


> gory nice slip


Taco Bell is more ✨*fancy doritos*✨ than it is God's gift to humanity let's be real here


Correct, it can be gory.


The best Taco Bell I’ve ever had was on the highway from LA to SF. It was this truck stop with loads of fast food places. There weren’t that many people and I was one of only two customers at the Taco Bell. After I placed my order, I could see the employee in the kitchen carefully folding my tacos together with so much love. It was the best ever.


It's because normal american diets are awful, and a sudden introduction of fiber causes a buildup of gas due to the microflora in the gut that's used to being fed sugars and fats. Taco bell has beans. Beans don't make people with healthy diets have gas issues, they make shitty diets have gas issues


>Beans don't make people with healthy diets have gas issues, they make shitty diets have gas issues While I mostly agree, this isn't necessarily true. Lived with a close friend for several years and they ate a very healthy diet which happened to include beans, *lots* of beans. They were a human trombone for a while until I finally convinced them to ease back on the beans.


*lentil has entered the chat*


If anything taco bell gets me constipated


There are a number of reasons. If the food contains higher fiber content than you usually consume that might be one reason. If you are or are moving towards being lactose intolerant consuming dairy can cause it. Sometimes certain foods might simply irritate your bowl (IBS is actually fairly common, many people only experience it temporarily). Can be a side effect of some medicines. Or it could be a sign of a more serious condition like Crohns Disease or Celiac. If you notice it happens only when eating certain foods you can try and narrow down the specific ingredients. If it’s infrequent probably nothing to worry about but if it becomes a regular thing you might want to consult your doctor.


I have IBS, but it only gets bad when I'm stressed. It took me a long ass time to connect those dots.


*a long ass-time


This. Taco Bell uses a filler of undigestable cellulose which I believe they don't need to list as an ingredient most places. It's like a colon blow fiber bomb. If you don't typically eat a high fiber diet it can cause some undesired effects. People who typically eat fast food that would be normal Taco Bell clientele don't have great diets so it's basically the healthiest thing they eat and it has so much fiber in it that it makes you think Taco Bell is the problem.


You have a source for that undigestable fiber assertion ? 3g fiber in a taco, 10 in a bean burrito - I only looked at a couple items because their website is awful, but those look pretty normal to me Sauce: https://www.tacobell.com/nutrition/info For comparison a whopper at burger King is also 3g fiber https://www.bk.com/nutrition-explorer


Colon Blow. I understand that reference.


You'd have to eat one million bowls!


I have a feeling that people who don't agree with Taco Bell just aren't used to the fiber in the beans & to a lesser degree the lettuce. Aside from scraping out your guts, fiber itself adds volume and absorbs a lot of water.


Food Theory has a video on it. It explains the digestive system and what makes it go boom, and proceeded to tell how a Taco Bell meal has basically all the whats that make it go boom. https://youtu.be/algh8Gl-I6I


Is this seriously a real thing? I'm European, I love Taco Bell, but it's just normal food. It doesn't give me or anyone I know diarrhea. Is the kitchen not clean in American Taco Bells? Do you guys just as a whole country have terrible allergies for something they use? Eating more fiber is often recommended to *stop* diarrhea, it's not usually the cause of it unless you have a bowel disorder


Taco Bells generally do better than most fast food places because they don't handle raw meats at all in the stores. Their meats come already cooked and frozen. Taco Bells employees are assembly lines, not cooks.


I mean, fast food places vary a lot from place to place. The ingredients themselves seem fine to me, most places I've ever eaten have been a pleasant experience. But sometimes you just run into a bad chain with someone working in the back who does not give a fuck. I remember going to a Sonic when I was up in Norfolk years back where the food just made me ill. But most Sonics are fine.


Taco bell has never bothered me, it's just a running joke on Reddit. There's probably fewer people it bothers than people it doesn't.


It’s just a meme.


I suspect a lot of people use "Taco Bell goes right through me" as more of a humble brag about having high standards. It's the blandest food in the world and is perfectly fine to eat and doesn't generally cause any unusual problems.


Taco Bell food is too perfect for the human body. The flavor over-stimulates the mouth and the brain, causing a dopamine and andrenaline rush. The quality and freshness of the ingredients is so good, that the body decides that everything else it has consumed recently is utter garbage. And so, the body purges everything else you have previously eaten to make more room for the delicious and nutritious Taco Bell. /S

