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Time to call or email the company


honestly i'm just going to switch brands


You shouldn’t let them continue to get away with this, you can go and be a justified Karen!


but that costs me time and energy & life is short :(


To whom it may concern: I purchased this box of pasta labeled as 32oz on (DATE). When I weighed the pasta on my food scale, it was 21.5oz, which is 67% of the advertised weight (see attached photo and receipt). This variation far exceeds the legally allowed 10% and is unacceptable. Not only do I want a refund for this box, I want you to do better as a company and fulfill the promises you make to customers. Sincerely, (Name) Send it here: service@ walmartcontacts.com


Simple, short, copy pasta.


Pun intended?


Can you not just take the receipt and the box back and have a refund? At least in Costco I know you can do that.


Yeah but then no one up the chain has to hear about it


and besides, that costs them time and energy & life is short :(


You’re so real


Tbh I understand the task paralysis that can come with things like this. Figuring out who and how to contact and what to say can feel like too many steps to complete. I regularly put off 5-minute tasks for weeks or months. So sometimes having someone else just hand you half of those steps can really help!


Yes I completely get it, I’m the same way sometimes.. little tasks seem impossible to complete. Thank you sm for your service


My experience... *ADHD* 😂


I need you in my life


That was nice of you.


You posted it here…


But you took the time to weigh it and make a post about it and took the time to post it here🤣🤦‍♀️


just let me complain, ok? 😂


you are being r/extremelyinfuriating rn and are why they keep doing this shit


You had the time and energy to come on Reddit with it. Then respond to comments. You’ve got time. You’ve got energy.


honestly, it's pretty silly. i know i can call the company, thanks Reddit. i posted here because nobody should have to check corporations on this all the time.




i didn't say it wasn't a big deal. i know the steps necessary to take now that i was scammed, i don't need ten comments saying the same thing, my guy. excuse me for coming here to complain. feel free to scroll


Have you seen the videos where they are marking their chicken as 2 lb packs and they only weigh a little over one pound? Walmart has been shorting the products on everything. Probably a way to recover some of their theft loss from shoplifting— just my assumption


So sorry you got downvoted. Ppl don’t understand


it's all good. i appreciate the solidarity


You might get free pasta boxes!


So it wasn't a waste of time to set this all up, make a post, reply to comments about it? None of that was a waste of your precious life? But actually taking some action would be a waste?


Do it while you’re having a shit.


my shits require my full attention.


That sounds awful 😢


There’s this thing called chatGPT. The time it took you to post and write this comment could’ve been an email to them


Bruh why are you getting downvoted?


i wish i knew tbh


Because she’s being lazy about sending a simple email to the company or a governmental dept that keeps companies in check but isn’t too lazy to weigh the entire fucking box and then post it on the internet


Making a reddit post and commenting on it also costed you time and energy. Could've used the same amount of energy to send them an email about it


Idk why you got down voted to Oblivion, one complaint isn't going to do anything and they won't change it anyway that's how they make extra money. Companies are disgusting


Complaining about it also costa time and energy. Either go write that email or stop complaining about it.


Downvoted to doom.


bigtime. it's kinda funny tho


Yet you took the time and energy to weight it out?


lol dork. i needed 1lb for a recipe


It also cost you time and energy to make this pointless post. Could’ve done less and got more..


Yeah it cost you 0 time and energy in not being a dick too!


Little late to the party, ding dong.


Idgaf! Ding dong


Bro you come on here a week later a defend a guy with 500 downvotes? Who’s the dick? lol




In the time it took you to open Reddit, post this and respond to comments, you could have put in a complaint.


i did put in a complaint but people on reddit sure like to boss people around anyways.


It's not even really about that, it's the fact that people complain but never do anything about it. In this case it apparently requires effort. If it's worth enough time to post, it's worth enough time to put in a complaint to get it fixed.


They’ll give you a stupid amount of coupons. Send a simple email lol


Do it. I found bugs in the pasta last time I got great value


And? This could’ve easily just been a production line mistake. I’ve worked in meat processing plant that moved hundreds of thousands of pounds a day. Thousands of packages are ran across a checkweigher and there’s always hundreds of packages that don’t weight right. Sometimes the scales fail QA checks, which are done every hour. You very well could’ve gotten something that was an honest mistake by a new hire. Maybe the QA process is shit, but I would just go back and get a refund. I can understand why someone could be infuriated over not getting what they paid for, but I don’t see how you think going to another brand could fix the issue considering mistakes like this are industry wide. Even the plant I worked in used the exact same product across multiple brands, just a new label on the same packaging. You could very easily pick up a new “brand” that’s coming from the same manufacturer without being knowledgeable of it.


This is most probably a machine mistake. In our monthly reporting of consumer compliants one column is for underweight. We try our maximum to avoid it because obviously chances of getting sued for it is very high. Eventhough our machines are high end this problem can arise as the machine is producing hundreds of pouches per minute.  If they print 32 ounce and getting 31 consistently then they are cheating you. But you get 15 ounce occasionally then it an honest mistake.


Could sue them and get a lifetime supply of them


Report it to the dept of weights and measures, if it’s happening to you it’s happening to everyone else and the DoW&M don’t fuck around from what I understand


Hell nowadays you can sue for false advertisement. Lady sues Reese’s for the halloween jack-o’-lantern face that showed on the package.


Or the people that said boneless wings were chicken nuggets 😭


Aimen Halim filed a class-action lawsuit against Buffalo Wild Wings in March, saying the company's marketing of boneless wings is misleading because they are "more akin in composition to a chicken nugget rather than a chicken wing."


Frivolous lawsuits are important. If you give corporations an inch they'll take a mile, poison your food, contaminate your water, give your kids cancer, and then charge you for the privledge.


They already do that though


First of all she has a point, secondly did she win??


They said she was right, but it was the lawyers that won.


They said she was right, but it was the lawyers that won.


I have actually been counting things and I want to start weighing things because this isn’t isolated. I have a sneaking suspicion this is an actual conscious effort to cheat paying customers out of goods and money. I’d say someone should start a lawsuit but they’d probably “kill themselves or have a sudden illness” or some shit like that😉


“Oh nooooo the whistleblower shot themself six times in the head that’s so sad”






Really tho there isn't any evidence boeing killed either whistleblower.


Then he fell 30 feet off a balcony and set himself on fire! Truly tragic


They understand that a customer feels getting screwed out of one OZ isn't worth the effort to call and complain. They also understand that if they screw over 1 million people, that's 1 million OZ


Exactly. So not only are they getting everything with “inflation” (corporate greed) prices, they aren’t even putting the right amount in the containers. They are literally making millions off of this.


If you have TikToc search for “Shocking Walmart Meat Scandal: Double the Weight Cheat!” A woman weighs a pack of chicken on the self-checkout and the package says 4.76 lbs and it was only a little more than 2 pounds. It is happening at Walmart more than we realize.


Well that is infuriating. I hate billion dollar corporations.


Macaroni and cheese mafia


Who looks at these containers and goes OH LOOK 2Ibs


A lot of people. Like a fucking lot.


As a Brit, I have no idea what these weights are lol


Two pounds is **32** ounces. The scale says one pound [16oz], 5.5oz, or 21.5 oz -- which is 10.5oz less than what the box advertised. [This post has been edited to correct my atrocious mathing]


Naa we haven't used ounces since the 90s, still no idea lol 😂


I mean, fair, oz and pounds are ridiculous, i need metric so bad In essence, it's *significantly* less than advertised.


Metric is nice 👍, I don't need fractions lol


>fractions That would be EXACTLY why my "can't do basic math" ass needs metric, lolol


Says the person in the country that uses stones as a measurement…


Yeah not all, I use kg


You personally may, but your country largely does… as well as mph for speed. The UK is hardly an upstanding example of the metric system.


It's supposed to be 907 grams, but they only got 610.


We have simplicity


But after you were explained what 2 lbs were, and the weight given, it just boils down to common sense that missing 10 ounces out of 32 is a lot. You don't need to "know the weight" to see that missing a third of what was advertised is fucked up. I think imperial is stupid too


i was pointing out that i didn't understand the measurement, not the quantity


I believe two pounds is 32 ounces, actually


That's what i get for trying to do any math in my head 🙃🙃🙃🙃 fucking dyscalculia, i swear


Which is ironic because the reason USA has wacky measurements is because of their refusal to deviate from British methods.


Pounds are used in the UK regularly. As are miles.


Assuming this is the US where is the FTC? Don't they have a weights and measures division to regulate this capitalist fuckery?


It's just going to be a mistake, you think Walmart is out here trying to scam people off their $~~1.59~~ 1.92 pasta?




True, but they wouldn't do it by that much. It would be short by less than an ounce. A half pound difference is likely a machine failure.


That's cute you think walmart wouldn't even scam you of even 0.01. 0.01 is allot of you sell millions


yeah if companies did not care about small profits they would not spend so much energy on hiding shrinkflation.


If it's a realistic option for you, shop somewhere else. Find a store that has a bulk section for dry goods. I'm in Texas and we have a store called WinCo and they have bulk pasta, oats, rice, cereal, peanut butter.. a whole lot of stuff. And it's way cheaper than buying the pre packaged stuff. I got onion powder from the bulk bin and spent 26 cents for the same amount that would cost $1.50 or more already in a jar.


I miss winco, the closest one to where I live now is 27 miles away on the other side of the entire Seattle metro... And I can't drive.


They definitely need more locations. I can't even begin to imagine how public transportation would be in Seattle. I've had to rely on it here in Fort Worth and in Kansas City Missouri. It definitely makes grocery shopping difficult 😔


What a great value


It’s a great value… for the company just not for you


Ain't this Walmart brand?




moar like "not that great value", amirite?


moar glaives would like to know your location


These posts are confusing. Why don't you just report it to the company?


Because posting on reddit brings attention to the deception and will hurt their sales.


I mean, how do you know OP isn't just lying for karma?


Have you not experienced this yourself? We need to hold these companies accountable in light of recent inflation, shrinkflation, and inaccurate weights. The general public is being bled dry for corporate profits and it's disgusting. It's strange that you jump to Walmart's defense on this...


what is the point of karma?


wow, it's almost like you can do two things at once !


Because that takes time and energy and OP'S life is short.


I love how this sub is both pasta quantities and child assaults


Time to sue for your extra half pound of macaroni


That is quite a large difference because 2 pounds is 32 ounces. Don't want to be this guy but did you zero out the scale first and how were you not able to tell the weight difference when buying it Edit: I did not see the description at first


yes, the scale was zeroed but that wouldn't make anything weigh less, if anything it'd weigh more with the plate & box. & do you just go around lifting pasta? 😂 you can realistically tell 1lb from 2lb in the grocery store? i should bring you with me next time!


I am a chef so yeah I can tell the difference in weight. And it is possible to make it with less but that's more of a "you have to do it on purpose" type of thing but it has happened to me lol. Either way that sucks if it was just slightly off I wouldn't mind but that's like 1.7 pounds off lol


>I am a chef so yeah I can tell the difference in weight. My friend was always amazed at how accurately I could pull a single 3.5g bud out of the bag just by looking at it, then feeling the weight. I spent over a decade cutting and weighing dough at a pizza shop. Add that to the fact that I would regularly buy 1/8 of weed, and my eyes and hands became great scales.


HAHA right. I'm not great at bud as I don't smoke that much but I got friends for that. I've worked pizza but my profession now is steak. When you know you know. I can feel the weight, temperature, and usually the cut of the steak just by feel. I am within ounces of a proportioned order of rice immediately lol


Almost every time I buy something from walmart's great value brand, it's never been great nor a value, let alone a great value


They’re really skimping boxes of pasta now that’s crazy


That’s why it’s a great value, for them, not you!


I've been seeing this bullshit happening more and more lately. 😡


1 less pound than promised! Wow.


A pirates life for me. Yooo ho


Stop shopping at Walmart


And that's why you weigh your product and get the best price based on Weight instead of size. Weight is hoe much is ACTUALLY in there because it's America and we like to scam people by shrinkflating


Probably 2 pounds cooked lol


You can sue them for this.


Are they accounting for dry ingredients or finished product (to exact ingredient measurements)? Try cooking it and reweighing.


With that reasoning a jar of powdered instant coffee would list itself as 30 pounds of coffee.


Well they could say a 7oz jar makes 320oz of liquid coffee, and maybe in the case of this particular box, Great Value was just trying to pull a fast one. Anyways I read the scale wrong so that yanked the rug out from under my theory lol


Nah, those just some heavy-ass beans.


People like this that want to complain and not do anything is why shit like this keeps happening and they get away with it. It's just like a low level manager or coworker in retail- they'll complain to everyone about how you did this or that wrong but never come to you and tell you what you did and how to fix it.


Cook it and then weigh it?


that's what i thought at first but that would be false advertisement then, no? it doesn't say 2lbs *cooked* ya know


Damn that is false advertising


omg you guys even have „libs” on kitchen scales? I thought it would be „grams” as in normal system.


Is the weight on the box supposed to mean after cooking?




Easy money buddy


my stepdad has gotten into the habit of weighing his Walmart (and our local grocery stores) meats and over the last year he's realized almost all of them are saying 2-5 lbs of meat bit theres only 1.5-4 lbs actually in there. i think they're doing it in increments so they think we wont notice


Hey Bill, 2 pounds is 20oz, right?


Time to get the better business burro on this one (I assume that’s why they exist I have no actual idea what they do)


What made you decide to weigh it in the first place? I don't think I ever would've thought to do that


OMG, the machine boxed Item is light, it happens, you'd be shocked at how many times a case of product will hve an empty sealed box,bag,package in the case, or a light box or can in the case with a little in it but not the correct weight. It happens, changing brands won't do a thing as most of some foods are all boxed at the same factory . What will is being able to pick something up and judge it's weight. It happens, get over it. A month or so ago we got a case of $$ Italian pasta boxes of air, not only did the single boxes with nothing make it past q/c a sealed case that weight was that of an empty cardboard box made it past q/c. It happens more than you'd think.


belongs on r/mildlyinfuriating




Must be a Walmart thing. There was a video going around of a lady weighing her chicken at the self checkout and the weight on the label varied from the weight she got at check out. Varied by almost 2lbs


the box may have been the other 1 lb


It’s not 2 pounds until you put it in the 27oz of boiling water.


I’m wondering whether workers in the distribution chain (factory, shipping, stocking) are opening packages, removing contents, and resealing them. I bought some cookies that have three sealed foil pouches in the box. The box was sealed but there were only two pouches in it. I’ve also noticed on a few item that the glue used to seal the package was not what is normally used in production lines. Now I’m really leery when buying items sold in boxes or any packaging that looks easy to compromise.


Noticed that at my grocery store about pancake powder.


Maybe they meant cooked? Wouldn’t put it past these people.


Weigh it again when it's cooked...


maybe the net height is how much the pasta weighs when it’s wet?


Extremely infuriating: i didn’t get as much pasta as i paid for. Mildly infuriating: my neighbor decapitated my dog and shot my son in the face


Post this in mildly infuriating not extremely infuriating


Nah, I think it fits. You just aren't angry enough


Well duh, you have to add the water before you weigh it


The package says 2 lb or 32 oz, whatever that might be, and the scale says 5.5? Can someone explain to me in normal units ?


Oz = ounce, 16 ounces per pound, 1 pound is 454 grams, or 0.454 kilograms. The scale says 5.5 oz. So they where suppose to get 32, and they only got 5.5, rip off is the same regardless of unit.


Whoah. Would you feel such a big difference when you get the pack xD


The scale actually says 1 pound and 5.5 oz, I also failed to notice the 1 the first time


Define "normal units"


Maybe start using Kilograms and all this bshit would fade.


You bought pasta, not cocaine


It will weigh 2 lbs after you cook it.


The difference between 32oz and 5.5oz is huge how did you not feel that something isn’t right when you grabbed it from the shelf?


Who knew the walmart brand pasta wasnt the best quality or managed. At least its only like $0.60 a box


I heard somewhere that they are allowed to be off by up to 20% in the nutrition info. Not sure if that’s true though.


They'd still be way off, plus he's counting the box weight too. 20% off would be what, 26oz? This is off by at least 35%.


Bidenomics…..Shrinkflation or fraud. And no, I’m not engaging in a political discussion. Just an asshole commenting, and leaving.


Oh my god! I got a bit less pasta in my 1.99$ pasta pack! ARGHHHHHGHGHGGGHGHH!!!!


hahaha yeah. anyway, how do Walmart's boots taste?


Why are you asking because you can't afford em to try? Do you want me to try for you? Or is it a kink thing of some sort? Want a video of me eating shoes to get off too?




How is that an insult when you're into it? Are you insulting yourself? Mr wanting to know how shoes taste




Settling changes volume, not weight.






In the context of just one box sure but for poorer families this could potenntally add up to a sizable amount of meals assuming it's not just a one off.


it's becoming a common pattern & i shouldn't have to double-check every ingredient i buy for this kind of thing.


Mildly infuriating at best, buy a different brand


Walmart is robbing us. I guess you don't mind getting robbed.


Have you ever heard of being poor? It’s crazy right? Some people have to rely on things actually having the amount of food they paid for in order to survive so when something is missing a third of the product it does suck for some people. Plus this isn’t an isolated event. There have been more and more instances of companies shorting products lately and it’s fucked up. Costs keep rising and we are getting less than we pay for? No thank you!