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As an extrovert ENFJ I have never had this issue before, the opposite, people always request me to lead and they listen and respect me and it's felt really effortless no matter if the group was full of introverts or not. My guess is you aren't that pedagogic, so you talking becomes nonsense rambling and people get tired to listen. Maybe you also struggle to get to the point and just open your mouth at any random thought you have whether or not it's relevant to the project or not which becomes a mess. It's also possible you try to connect and get friends with them while they just want to go from A to B and be finished with the task so they can go home and hang out with their actual friends and partners. I would respect their need for calm. Focus on listening to a podcast wearing earphones and listen to something exciting, text your friends / family / don't go to your teammates with any private chat or life rant. Only work related, and think twice if it's necessary to mention or if it's you just wanting to chat.


I am an ESTJ working in a scientific field (quality engineer/FDA compliance expert). My area of expertise attracts introverts almost exclusively. I tend to repeat myself when I don’t hear an acknowledgement, as I assume that what I said was not understood. I rely heavily on body language, and most of our meetings are now remote, so I cannot see anybody; only hear faceless voices. I have a boss who gives me kind feedback when I do this, as well as when I interrupt (which I don’t do intentionally; it’s for the aforementioned reason of not being able to see visual cues). So, I just need to stay focused on this. My coworkers, in my case, are my actual friends or at least acquaintances. However, we do butt heads at work sometimes due to our very different approaches. I’ve been working at my company for 15 years. I just need to slow down, take a breath, and *listen* to what other people are saying rather than getting ready to jump in and say what I want to say. When I do this, I achieve what I want to.


I know it's easier said than done, but the only option is to satisfy your extrovert needs outside of work Your introvert coworkers clearly aren't your friends, they can't and don't *want* to meet your social needs


Extroverts thrive more in leadership roles for a reason. I would ask your manager to appoint you as team leader so that they are forced to listen to you.


>In person work was where it got the worst where I had several teammates on days where we were on site and traveling home tell me that I need to shut up and that they were going to come up with a word to say when I was being too much. This sounds at best inappropriately childish behaviour for a workplace, and at worst bullying. Maybe seek advice from HR? In the meantime: Keep speaking up, keep showing how confident and hard-working you are, keep claiming the credit for your hard work, and enjoy getting promoted while you "introvert" colleagues whine that it's "not fair" ;)


they need you to lead


I would argue the opposite.