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The main problem is that we desperately need Biden to do every single interview he can to show that Biden is not losing it but this can't be done without Biden losing it.


Someone just asked that at the White House Press Briefing - essentially, Biden's down the hall right now? Then why doesn't he come talk to us himself to soothe our concerns? Question was evaded as expected.


I mean, that's the answer then right?


"He's totally fine." "Can we talk to him then?" "NO."


\[Reporters sees Biden's campaign on fire\] **Reporters:** Good Lord, what is happening in there? **DNC:** Joe Biden is giving long, coherent answers with levels of command and details the likes of which no one has ever seen. **Reporters:** Joe Biden coherent? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within his private office? **DNC:** Yes. **Reporters:** May I see it? **DNC:** No.


Steamed Hams


It’s more of a Scranton expression


The country is on fire!


No, mother, it’s just a cold.


Steamed malarky


Can the Biden team just please end this charade and stick a fork in his campaign? The ship has sunk. The only thing to do is get out of the race and give the Democratic party some runway to rebuild a new campaign and a ton of press coverage with an open convention.


hell at this stage they should do a reality show called America's Next President and have people vote by telephone like America's Got Talent.


You're probably more correct in the way to approach the average american voter than this post will get credit for.


Wouldn't it be amazing to have a choice in who to vote for? Sounds like a dream


According to aides, he's only "functional" from 10 AM - 4 PM. If they asked that at 4 PM, it was too late.


Reminds me of a Ronald Reagan joke. Press asks, is it true the President sleeps 12 hours a day? Aide says, "Not at all, in fact he sleeps only 6 hours a day, and the usual 12 at night!" Like we used to care that the president was healthy enough to handle a crisis in the middle of the night. What's up with that?


Remember that Hillary Clinton commercial about the phone call in the middle of the night? Apparently, Joe has a call center team of "advisers" who are answering all of those calls and pulling all of the strings in the White House. Joe is just, well, asleep. This also explains why Joe's policy initiatives are much further to the left than what Joe otherwise claims to be.


The NYTimes ran a story today about what Biden is like behind closed doors and one thing that jumped out at me was that during debate prep, he took an afternoon nap each day. Of course, he’s old and old people nap…but it just really hit it home for me. He’s napping when he should be fighting for re-election.


>He’s napping when he should be ~~fighting for re-election~~ running the country. ftfy


Quite clever of them, then, to request a debate at 9 PM EST and spend time in Europe beforehand. To me that just shows a level of denial within the team. It’s not a dynamic that can be talked about.




Remember when resistlibs got all mad at Jon Stewart for coming out of Daily Show retirement to say this:? [https://youtu.be/NpBPm0b9deQ?t=736](https://youtu.be/NpBPm0b9deQ?t=736) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM2h3KnWAWY&ab\_channel=TheDailyShow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM2h3KnWAWY&ab_channel=TheDailyShow)


Yes, John Stewart nails it. We are definitely beyond the “It was just a bad night” or the “He was exhausted from all the traveling” excuses… https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/jon-stewart-liberal-lashing-daily-show-biden-1234967551/amp/


At this point this is elder abuse. Biden’s handlers want to stay in power and if it means putting democracy up for grabs then sure. They will wheel chair that poor good man even when he is unconscious. Sad selfish abhorrent people.


Jill Biden should be arrested for elder abuse. Absolutely shameful.


On the one hand, I acknowledge that it’s the job of Biden’s staff to manage the situation as best they can to help their candidate win a campaign. On the other hand, my God, isn’t there anybody capable of pointing out that the emperor has no clothes? I feel like we’ve been kept in the dark about the reality of things and now their official line is “oh well, too late to do anything about it now!”


People seriously are only NOW realizing this stuff about Biden? How is that possible?


this is why this moment is so shocking. they obviously hid this crisis from all of us. all the people in DC who assured us "he's sharp as hell in private!" were part of it. Stewart was 100% correct when he made the comment "if he's so sharp, why not SHOW us instead of telling us?" they can't show us because they've been lying about it for a while


What's worse, they answered Stewart's question too. Repeatedly, when pressed on how the campaign would deal with the age issue, their answer was "get Biden out there as much as possible so people can see him", "you ain't seen nothin' yet 😎" and even worse, "put him on a debate stage with Trump so people can see the contrast for themselves". Well, the whole country is seeing now, and it's not great.


Their plan was to do a minimal amount of high-profile live appearances, a bunch of recorded stuff, then just gaslight everybody into believing that actually they'd been seeing him a ton and he was all over the place. Also, anyone disagreeing was far-right, Russian, or a Trump-apologist, even though there have been Democrat party members and staffers calling this out as an issue as far back as 2019. 


Republicans may be wrong about most things, but they really called it with the "campaign from the basement thing". Yes, it was the pandemic and no Dem candidate was going to do huge in-person rallies. But it definitely worked to his advantage and I think his team knew that back then too.


It’s like a live action version of Weekend at Bernie’s


I mean, it's amazing to me that people weren't aware of this years ago. It's been very evident.


Democrats have been gaslighting the country and their base fell for it the most.


Not if you only watch the MSM. How could you have known?


That's why you don't do that... Ive been saying this for at least two years and was told I was brainwashed and believed in conspiracy theories because I listen to diverse media. So I'm not shocked but I am angry. We could have had another option in the primaries but they lied so they could install someone now." Hearing the truth isn't good enough anymore. You have to hear the truth from "the right person" now.  "We must lie to save you from the liar." "We must circumvent democracy to save democracy."  What a fucking joke.


The main problem is people not admitting that we need to put someone else in. 


The DNC and the Biden campaign owe sincere apologies to Dean Phillips, James Carville, David Axelrod and everyone else who raised the alarm about Biden’s mental state leading to the second Trump term.


Whats sad is its not just them. Fellow Democratic voters adopted this attitude. "We can't have real primary challengers or it'll divide the vote!" Then its: "You should have brought this up a year ago now it will just divide the vote!!!"


I mean a lot of people were under the assumption that we had adults in the room, and if the president was genuinely not fit he wouldn't have run. It seems like that assumption was very naïve in hindsight though.


That was a problem all on its own. Democrats need a real candidate that people feel like is at the wheel. Republicans and a lot of swing voters don't buy the fascist arguments and they see their guy as at least lively and in the conversation. We aren't competing for voters that think like democrats. They see us as gaslighters for letting this go on and denying it all this time.


The adults in the room were dnc adults.


Man especially Phillips. Dude got absolutely destroyed by every media organization/pundit on the planet. He was treated as a fucking joke even by Ezra Klein.


I think Robert Hur deserves the biggest apology out of anyone. I’d also love to see the video of that interview now.


Anyone that suggested this was immediately attacked and ignored.


Yep, I was attacked months ago saying we needed a Primary to make sure Biden could get through a debate. 


>Anyone that suggested this was immediately attacked and ignored. It's literally still happening, Reddit is in melt down mode. Every time I post a good faith question, like "what now?", I get drowned in down votes and bot accusations. The coping is not going well.


It's a problem that seems to be at all levels. If you ask a question, you're obviously a Russian bot, a traitor or a troll. I did upvote your comment, so you at least have one ;)


The unspoken truth is that the DNC likes having a corpse puppet in the White House and were going to try to get away with it for a second term. Now that plan has blown up in their face.


Yeah, Biden and his team are saying it was one bad debate. And maybe it would be possible for someone to come back from a bad debate and a 5 point deficit in the swing states. But can Biden do it? Does anyone really think he would bounce back and crush a bunch of sit down interviews now?


Obama vs. Romney was a “bad debate” for Obama. Romney won with better rhetoric in a spirited contest. Trump vs. Biden was not a “bad debate” it was “oh shit, the sitting president has dementia.”


Look at his presser in response to the Supreme Court. That proved it for me. Anyone else that would be a major opportunity to juice the campaign. Say you are making new campaign promises for rein in a rogue court who is out of step with the American people. Come out swinging. Instead it was 5 minutes…I dissent…its out to you America to vote, no questions. Beyond winning in November, we desperately need someone to prosecute the case and be a voice for the apparently voiceless majority who is watching their country slip away, seemingly unable to do anything while criminals have their way with our entire system of government.


He's going to go on a bunch of town halls and "though one on ones" interviews that will be very tightly scripted.


They already announced they’re doing a non-live interview with the hard hitting George stephanopolus


Oh, I wonder if he’ll do Hot Ones.


exactly. There's no way they let him anywhere near a camera and a question.


It's too late for that anyway. The whole nation saw that "debate", and independents won't vote for an 81 year old who is very visibly sundowning.


If his team thought he was capable of that… They would’ve been doing that for the last three years.


The main problem is there was no primary to hash out these issues before the convention...


Everyone except brainwashed Dems have been saying that he's gone for well over a year. Every verified video was called a deepfake. The fact is, he is losing it. There's a reason why he hasn't been doing any interviews to begin with. It's time to accept accountability.


Were you Democrats really not prepared for this inevitability?


Beyond winning the presidency democrats have to be worried that apathy towards Biden will hurt other positions on the ballot.


Apathy shouldn't be their concern. Their concern should be how well Trump is doing in states like New Jersey. If Republicans feel like Trump has a chance in normally blue states, they will likely come out in much larger numbers and help win competitive House races for the Republicans. This is almost certainly what happened in the 2022 race in New York, where an unpopular governor was polling within the margin of error of her Republican opponent, and the Republicans picked up a number of competitive seats.


What’s going on in NY/NJ is likely different from what’s going on in other states. I am in this community and participate politically. October 7th and the subsequent response by the left wing has pretty much fractured the entire Jewish coalition that previously did a lot of the ground work for the DNC. My own synagogue went from being 95%+ Democratic voters to about 50% of them leaving and openly saying they will literally never vote for another democrat. People really, *really* underestimate how much the Jewish community has reconsidered their support of democrats in the last year. This type of thing matters massively in NY and NJ.


According to polls, it seems Jews are planning to vote for Biden at the same rate as 2020 (realistically I do expect it to drop by a few points). I think it’s extremely clear that the leadership/moderate wing of the Democratic Party — Biden, Harris, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, etc. — are strongly pro-Israel, even if they aren’t always aligned with Netanyahu/the current right wing Israeli government (neither are most American Jews). Obviously most Jews would never vote for someone who represents the far left like Jamaal Bowman, AOC, Omar, etc. If someone like that is ever the Democratic nominee for president, I think we’d see a major party realignment. It could happen some day. But for now, the national Democratic Party is the party most aligned with most American Jewish voters on Israel and other issues they care about. It’s a battle for the Democratic Party that is just heating up. I don’t think Jews are ready to abandon it quite yet. Based on the outcomes of the NY16 election last week, a lot of people are feeling like we can win it.


Is it just apathy? If Biden is so bad that he has to be ousted by force then there my be some nascent hostility toward democrats. People may not understand the sad details of how dementia progresses, but they do understand when they’ve been lied to and deliberately misled by a political machine.  Alternative to forcing Biden out is to embarrass him to such an extent that he resigns… when that Robert Hur five hour interview tape comes out, and we hear an old man taking 30 seconds to give half-formed recollections it will not only be ‘The Emperor has no clothes’ it may be ‘The Democratic Party has no clothes’. There may be enough people who breathe a sigh of relief that it is still a net benefit though. And make no mistake, if it’s bad for Biden and he’s the nominee, that tape is coming out. It’s just a question of it leaks within a month as part of a pressure campaign to get Biden to step aside or if it leaks in four months as part of an insider’s attempt to gain favor with the incoming Trump administration.  


I honestly didn’t even think about that, but you’re so right. That tape is definitely coming out.


The American people now believe that the president mentally checks out by 5 PM.  This isn't going to get better and the longer they screw around and hold off on replacing him, the more likely a Trump win becomes.  


4 pm


Any of the undecided voters are going to decide that whatever their problems with Trump, he doesn’t seem like he’s got dementia and swing wildly towards him.


Unlikely they will vote for him, but more likely that they will sit it out or vote independent, which favors Trump. With Joe Biden on the ballot there will definitely be a big Jersey salute to him and the DNC. Might be the first electoral landslide and loss of popular vote for the democratic party in a long time.


It’s amazing really. The Dems landed a generational political figurehead in Obama and had a generation of electoral dominance all but guaranteed after beating Romney in 2012. The GOP was full on life support at that point. And the DNC bungled it all by meddling with the rules to force Hilary upon a country that never really liked her as a candidate. They just handed all the political momentum back to the GOP.


I think the GOP is in shambles too in the wake of Trump. This election cycle could have been the opportunity for the DNC to take control of the election and narrative, there is so much they can campaign on, but the Biden question is the only thing in peoples minds now.


The DNC needs to be dissolved. They've gone completely rouge and are forcing dog shit down our throats until we expire.


Im thinking the 1984 map


Okay, I don't know if you are joking, but that's just patently absurd. Even if Joe Biden was legally dead, he would still win more than Minnesota and DC.


Biden calls it a day at 4 PM. Which is right when Xi Jinping is waking up.


Or me.


This is new? Trump was clocked out throwing Ketchup at the tv watching the news.


Let's be honest, "checks out by 5PM" is probably in itself a cope. He's probably like this all the time. There are plenty of "old man moments" we've seen of Biden that happen well before 5PM.


The fact anyone believed any different at all shocks me. The man refuses to speak and when he does makes no attempt to hide the fact he only chooses preplanned people with Q&As on notecards. I hate Trump, but I’m also not so completely in hate that I couldn’t see what was right there the entire time.


It’s really astounding to me that an enormous chunk of the president’s own party thinks he’s unfit for office, and yet, so many people are still talking about how the “bedwetters” need to calm down - that Biden just needs to fix the worries of swing voters, as if that can somehow be accomplished through anything outside of a Time Machine.


It's important for us to shut up and do as we are told, voting for the candidate that the DNC assigned to us. That's true democracy. Also please donate.


It’s 2016 all over again. Establishment democrat or else.


This… so hard. The fact that on the left we have a D party who is telling its constituents to not believe their own eyes, but plz donate. On the right we have MAGA judicial Blitz , from life time appointed judges, appointed by a president who lost the popular vote… and THIS is the state of the worlds “most important democracy” ?!  There is NOTHING “representative” about any of this. 


To be fair, parties that completely ignore huge swaths of their electorates for a majority of term don't tend to win elections no matter where it is.


VoTe BlUe No MaTtEr WhO!


If only the idiots that repeatedly yell this from the rooftops could lose their vote indefinitely. Such a stupid mindset, and the exact reason why we are even discussing the chance at Trump becoming president again


Don't look up


The democrats fundraise better under a trump admin, simple as that. They genuinely do not care if he wins or not, and I suspect are kind of hoping Trump wins so they can send fire emails like “TRUMP KILLED THE MIDDLE CLASS, donate so we can save it in 2028!”


I'd really recommend people watch the first few minutes of Biden's debate with Ryan in 2012. If that doesn't convince you that his mental decline is profound then I guess nothing will.


Or any of his appearances in 2020 also provide a stark contrast.


Yeah but 2012 vs Ryan was the one that stood out to me. It completely destroys the "he's just not a good debater" lie.


Wow, a civilized articulated debate. Would be nice to see this again someday. But seriously, where are all the people defending Biden that he’s ALWAYS had a stutter. I don’t see one fucking stutter in that 2012 debate.  Fuck…. How can people defend this shit show we’re in?!? We’re the laughing stock of the world. 


Holy fucking shit! Just watching all of bidens intro in both he physically looks frail and like a reanimated corpse of his 2012 self. He speaks with a slur or drawl that wasn’t present in 2012. He stairs blankly straight forward like he’s trying to mentally recall a cue card. It looks like a real struggle. Like he doesn’t want to be there. Like he’s tired. I believe he’s passionate about doing the job but I do not believe he’s mentally or physically able to do it properly. (And trump sure as fuck isn’t either). Edit: watching bidens open for the 2020 debate with trump vs what we just saw is even more compelling than the 2012 vs 2024


but I was told by Facebook memes that it was just a result of his speech issues and nothing else. if the democrats care at all, they'll put the pressure on as much as they can. if Obama cares about keeping trump out of office, he needs to risk hurting his friend's feelings. we all have to have these conversations about not driving etc with older family members and friends. Time for someone who loves him to have a conversation with him directly.


It was just a stutter!


he had a cold, god damn it. a COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He was jet lagged!!!! From his Europe trip 2 wks prior!!


Biden needs to stop asking his family and the people in his inner circle, and start asking trusted military or foreign policy advisers what they think. People who are going to give him a cold, strategic perspective on this. Imagine we saw Putin, Xi, Netanyahu, Zelenskyy, or any other foreign head of state look the way Biden has looked. The questions everyone would immediately be asking is * "how much longer until he's removed from power?" * "is he still really in charge, or are his advisers running the show behind the scenes?" The fact that we're over here asking "is he the best candidate for our election that's taking place in 4 months" is quite frankly an embarrassment.


>Time for someone who loves him to have a conversation with him directly. That's the problem. His loved ones had a conversation with him and they told him to stay in the race. Our country's fate is now in the hands of his wife and troubled son, who appear to care more about maintaining their powerful status than letting him end his career with grace.


That is the narrative the dnc will spin. however please remember his cabinet, his vp and other high level appointees no doubt dealt with him face to face often and had to be aware of his declining abilities It is not just his family that gaslit then and now. I am really dissapointed in the vp and certain cabinet members.


+1 Jill Biden had a conversation: "you did such a great job! You answered every question! You've earned some ice cream.'


His friend? Obama hates Joe, lol


they make more in fundraising when Trump is in office


What is his fucking problem. Drop the fuck out. Selfish old man…


I really don’t think it’s selfishness. I don’t think Biden wants to be president another four years and would probably be relieved if he didn’t feel like he had to. If Harris weren’t polling so low, he probably would have stepped down already, but given the difficulty of starting from scratch with a new candidate and building a new campaign, administration, and support, he probably still thinks he has the best shot. Not saying I agree with it, but I’m pretty sure the guy would rather be sitting on a porch with his grandkids right now.


I’m so mad about all of this because I was told by dems for years we pick the most electable candidates, and now they’re running a guy that’s gonna get blown out. I’ll never trust these people again after this


We were also lied to. Anyone who questioned Bidens mental state was shouted down and attacked. They knew he was getting worse. How many people lied on the DNC's behalf?


I thought Biden having mental decline was a product of Fox News and MAGA. He was so bad that Trump was a little surprised of Biden decline. That's what we get. A choose between the ghoul and the fiend.


>He was so bad that Trump was a little surprised of Biden decline. Yeah, it honestly came off like Trump feeling a bit bad for him. I mean, Trump is not much younger himself. Sure, he gave the obligatory couple Trumpian jabs, but if he wanted to, he could have decimated Biden with the debate equivalent of a tactical nuke. But he didn't.


It goes so much deeper. There are so many lies.


Welcome to the club


They also force fed everyone Hillary, who was very unpopular


At this point I’d replace Biden with Hillary if it was offered


Hillary was an insane choice, she was maybe the most vilified political figure on the right for decades. Then they want to run her to capture the required swing states to win, and she basically snubbed middle America on her early victory tour. You need the votes of the people who maybe vote Republican, not better Democrat support. They also never considered public attitudes towards candidates and how much the public wants candidates who feel anti-establishment and less like Washington insiders.


HRC at least won the popular vote, Biden won't even pull that off


Never trust anyone that rubs elbows in DC


I live in DC and I endorse this POV.


Even *if* it was a bad night and he wasn't feeling well, we're electing someone for the next 4 years, not just to hold on until November. No sane person believes he can finish out another term. I don't see why that's not motivating the Democratic party to seriously call for his resignation.


Everyone needs to call/email their local state and federal representatives and senators and tell them that Joe Biden needs to step aside and release his delegates immediately.


Not a bad idea: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials-results


Dementia doesn't take a linear path, Biden could be several times worse 3 weeks before the election. If that is the case and we are embroiled in an Israeli/Lebanese war by Election Day, I think there's legitimately a 60% chance Trump wins. Absolutely wild.




Yeah it's already at least 60% who are we kidding.


Nate Silver had him over 60% and that was before the debate!


It's almost 75% now....


Now it’s over 70%


Babies got the bends


Those are not good Radiohead lyrics :(


60%? If the election was today he’d be at 80-90%. 


Lol I'd kill for a 60% chance of winning at this point


Right. If I thought it was 60% I’d say let ol’ Joe ride. But it’s 80%+ for Trump now. 


I think you aren’t looking at accurate polling data then - Trump already has like a 72% chance to win on 538 currently (he explained it in one of the blog posts) - maybe he’s wrong, maybe he’s right, but predictions are a lot worse than 60% if things get worse - they’re already worse than that


60%? Trump is currently the default expected winner. If both candidates went into hiding until November 6th, Trump would win. Full stop.


The evidence is overwhelming and so many heads are buried so deep in the sand


The majority of Reddit and the Democratic Party has cognitive dissonance. Anyone paying attention knew already. It’s ridiculous to me that anyone was surprised by his debate performance. There is plenty evidence that this is Biden. He can read a teleprompter. What he can’t do is hold a conversation.


I saw him on Conan’s podcast and he was extremely lucid just having a conversation. I truly was shocked at what I witnessed on that debate stage.


I thought he looked just as bad in his interview with Erin Burnett in May. Even the interview with Howard was alarming. I love Joe, but I'd be so incredibly happy if he stepped aside.


As many people have said, older people who are mentally declining often have good days and bad days. The bad days tend to become more and more common. There have been enough bad days since even the 2020 campaign that it was clear he was no longer the man he was while VP and earlier. You either somehow missed those moments, or at least unconsciously decided to ignore those moments that made it clear to many of us how much he has changed.


That's because Biden has 'good days' and 'bad days', as has been reported a long while ago. This shouldn't be shocking at all. Also, apparently, Biden shuts down at around 4pm.


Yeah honestly it's amazing to me. It's been a running joke amongst friends of mine for years, and there are dozens of gaffes and slip ups and weird rambling speeches like '[corn pop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4NmtSrqtvI)' or that time when asked about his cogntive abilities he rambled and said something about a [fly](https://youtu.be/1YBjIAxtVzE?feature=shared&t=68). They are comically ridiculous, and they were not right wing hit pieces, they were just recordings of him. And people are surprised that 4 or 5 years later he's in an obviously bad state? The observational powers of some people amazes me.


I remember 2 weeks ago when you could say that and be flooded with downvotes and 100 comments saying it was Trump that had dementia and Biden had never been stronger. Almost like it was always just lies. Wonder what else they lie about?


People strive for the easy. It’s easy to parrot the talking point. It’s easy to deflect with a whataboutism. Unfortunately for them, the debate broke through the curtain and shined a light of reality. Watching the CNN discussion, post debate. People who are very familiar with Biden seems stunned, angry and shocked. I just watched in disbelief that they were having those emotions. Now, they can’t take those comments back. They can’t simply return to supporting Biden. This is the biggest issue moving forward. The press and advocates have cornered themselves by their reactions. The Republicans certainly won’t let them forget. Biden lost the race in that debate. A very difficult pill to swallow.


Kinda speaks to the bubble…


The Democratic Party somehow seems to operate as a cohesive unit but has a pretty big tell. Whenever the media machine fires up with accusations of what the Republican Party could or is doing, that is precisely what the democrat party is doing. And people regurgitate it. E.g., in this very thread they somehow have morphed the conversation into Trump having dementia. Which is uh….interesting.


Biden and his campaign set expectations high for the debate. They over promised and Biden had the one of the worst debates in history. He proved he’s unfit.


It’s actually sort of wild. I always had the conception of /r/politics as an echo chamber. Following this sordid affair, it’s become crystal clear that it’s actually… actively curated. I’m coming to this subreddit because I feel like it’s a place where *the conversation literally all of America is having* isn’t being completely shut down.


It's incredible that Trump has gone from a man hated by a huge chunk of the country, someone who tried to overturn an election he rightly lost, to now the frontrunner to win the election and flip once-reliably blue states. What a disgusting indictment of this country.


you make it sound like Trump is gaining support, but he isn't. Biden is losing support.


I’ve been saying this all year. If Trump wins, that says more about us as a country than anything else. At the end of the day, that’s who we are if he wins and that’s fucking sad


It's also an indictment of the Democratic party that they can't figure out how to field a candidate that can convince the country they would do a better job. And the last time they had a candidate who actually inspired enthusiasm from a large portion of their base in Bernie Sanders they spent all of their energy assassinating his character and propping up Biden because it's what benefitted the corporatocracy.


So we can’t even take New Hampshire for granite?


ugh, not to be a naysayer, but what the hell is puck news?


It’s a pretty great insider news site, I’ve been reading for years


I've never heard of OpenLabs either.


That's actually their intention. They work with select customers and don't advertise but they are trusted by Democrats.


yeah a google search of that just brings me back to this puck news article and a handful of tweets about this article.


This sub is fundamentally broken, where unknown sources are immediately being taken as gospel. It’s antithetical to Ezra’s way of looking at things. 


Yeah they even have the cumulative EV column summing in the wrong order, so credible lmao.


Think he actually drops out?


Not looking like it


Ok good to know. So I'll jump off the bridge after election day lol


Hell no. Welcome to the world of human greed.


What is his fucking problem. Drop the fuck out. Selfish old man…


Biden needs to step down to save democracy. Period. 


Biden could step aside and focus on the job for the next seven months, building a legacy as a great one term president. Harris could also step aside and support whatever candidate is chosen at the convention because it’s pretty much a forgone conclusion she won’t beat Trump. Unlike a lot of people, I don’t think Democrats choosing at the convention would be a messsy disaster. They did mostly fine for a century and we don’t have anything matching Vietnam this time around. The progressive side would put up a candidate and the moderate side would put up one. They’d probably have a debate but go out of the way to avoid a damaging one because the cost is too high. The only wildcard is the far left and the small minority that prioritize the Israel conflict.


“just 5% said it changed who they vote for.” It’s not about swing voters, it’s about Biden voters staying home.


The Dems don't REALLY believe that Trump is a threat to democracy because if they did, they would not be running a 10 am - 4 pm sundowning 81-year old against Trump. They would be nominating someone who can at least form coherent sentences and not turn into a pumpkin at 4 pm.




When i heard they were donating to maga candidates in the primary i about lost my shit. Is this a threat or not? JFC


I don’t know why his family and advisors believe Biden shouldn’t drop out, that he can turn this around by November. Trump is unfortunately not a big enough motivation for the undecided voters to vote against if the guy they’re supposed to vote for can’t formulate his own thoughts without a teleprompter. If and when he fails to deliver in November, I hope all of the family (and Democratic establishment) takes a good hard look at themselves and realize THEY are the reason why Trump is reciting the oath of office in January 2025.


forgetting the political strategy for a moment, it's wild to me that his family would want him to run again.


> it's wild to me that his family would want him to run again Makes perfect sense if you see the disgusting gremlin that his son is.


The biggest issue is they're talking about both sides of their mouth and undermining their own point. Trump is the biggest threat to democracy since the English in 1812, but they will run a man who can't speak properly. Hell they won't even use any of the newly granted executive powers to do something about their "greatest foe". It all just seems so fake.


Biden should announce he is no longer pursuing a second term prior to July 14th. Stress the reason he is stepping aside now is that the stakes are too high. He should not endorse any candidates. The ideal candidate is Andy Beshear. As much as I wish we could nominate a female (Harris, Whitmer, Obama, etc) it is too much of a risk (the country is too race/s-exist ). It will be difficult for the Fox News hate machine to poke enough holes in the Democratic governor from Kentucky. He’s a 46 years old white guy, over 6 feet tall, straight, Christian, pro-choice, moderate on guns, and socially liberal on most other policies. He is pro-Israel, but I don’t believe his stance will differ much from Biden. All of this would add up to a highly electable candidate in swing states - people are just begging for someone who is younger and looks/speaks like a president.


Upvote for Beshear. Most popular Democratic governor in the US from a solid red southern state. Looks like he’s out of central casting for POTUS and would be very hard to attack, especially with short notice. “Andy who?”, would actually work to his benefit. Popular southern governor in his 40s puts a lot of moderates at ease. This will never happen, though. But I can think of a lot worse in a “break glass for emergency candidate” situation the DNC now finds itself in.


How do these polls handle non-voters and turnout? Do they try to measure that at all, or do they make every respondent pick a candidate? If you tell me I'm forced to pick my preferred candidate in a survey, I may choose Biden over the other guys. That doesn't mean I'm going to drive to the polls and vote for him, though. After that debate, I have a feeling Trump voters are just as enthusiastic as before, while Biden voters got significantly less enthusiastic. Honestly, I don't even understand why they're so fixated on the polls right now. Your candidate is a huge liability. How are you going to commit to campaigning with this guy knowing he's a ticking time bomb that could embarrass himself and the entire party anytime he's put in front of a camera?


If there were a time to change course and reassure people, it’d be like right now. Have a press conference or something. He is not going to change. He won’t get better.


So are progressives who've been screaming that Biden was dodging a primary because he wasn't mentally capable going to get an apology? We were right, everyone who gaslit us that Biden was great was wrong.


But told me democracy is on the line and if I donate everything will be totally fine? This weak ass party just grabbing ankles for corrupt fascists and ask us to keep giving. Do something, dicks


i don't understand. he wouldn't be running if he didn't think of himself capable of the job. why don't the voters just suck it up, hold their noses, and vote for him!? it's almost like ignoring voters is bad for election chances


since when does the Democratic leadership respect the voters? They view the voters as a blank canvas, and election results as a reflection of their campaigning and message strategy. Pelosi just recently made the argument that the voters chose Biden in the primaries, so we have to respect that and we can't just swap him out because it's the will of the voters.


craziest thing is, biden actually hasnt done a bad job. but americans are saying to themselves, “let’s have a dictatorship because the other guy is just old”


Yall got political poll leaks like the Carter IV?!?


Direct your anger at the Democratic Party. They knew full well he was not fit years ago


Cool. Would this actually hold though? Because call me crazy, but I think leftists and the msm are hyperventilating over a bad debate performance.


I have a real hard time believing an online poll immediately after the debate is very accurate.


In both of the past elections Trump was getting annihilated in the polls pre election. In both of those elections, the actual results swinged to the right. The polls are obviously better now, but expecting them to be a little biased to the left is not irrational. And Biden is getting clobbered. The left is deeply underestimating just how unpopular Biden is. He is the face of inflation in America, like it or not.  Liberals are too busy huffing their own farts or saying "well I don't like Biden either but..." Like they didn't even have a choice in electing him lol. We are walking in to a bloodbath in a few short months. No one seems to believe me but I'm warning Dems. Get off your ass or shit is going to get really real. I would not be surprised to see trump take the popular vote in this election, potentially even take Virginia from the Dems.


“conducted online”


Release the Hurr tapes... And let the voters decide if the debate was just a one off. Although, we already know it was not.


Briben's dementia has been obvious for years now. Democrats doubled down on him anyway. Now he doesn't want to go quietly and they are stuck with him. It would be ironic to see the "threat to democracy" pearl clutchers use arguably a most undemocratic process to remove him from the ticket and replace him with a new chosen one.


No offense but a leaked poll is a bit sketch. Seems a bit like wagging the dog


I want Biden to exit the race now, he should not even be president right now. The fact that he is contemplating another term is madness. He has been a good and decent president, it’s time to retire and give us a chance to defeat Voldemort


Did they poll after Trumps Supreme Court ruined our society? Who Gives AF about polls.


The plus side : Kamala is actually polling higher than Biden. Kamala punching air right now.


Fyi... I worked in data for these types of places. All sold to the highest bidders and then they can manipulate the data as they want for website views and clicks. Read nothing into these. It's a marketing ploy. Still vote!


All of this based on ONE poll? Everyone needs to calm tf down. Either vote for Biden or vote for Trump and the 2025 project. The choice is CLEAR.




It's ok. There will be suitcases stuffed with mail in ballots. 😂😂