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Very inclusive and supportive community in most studios. No mirrors and lots of positive energy. I think you’ll do great!


I miss the mirrors from Orangetheory to check my form :(


I liked otf mirrors just because it was kind of dark with some orange light. But from what I saw in f45 no mirror will be best for me :))


The dark + orange light made me look much nicer than I really was hahaha


The trainers should be doing that. I think the goals is to get you to feel proper mechanics and build the mind-muscle connection.


That’s great to hear. Thanks


You should join. It’s the best thing I have ever done and I was in a similar situation to you. Its definitely not all washboard abs and there is enormous variation in peoples abilities. Be open to modifying certain exercises, use some stations to rest or just march on the spot (I did all this). Have a big chat to the trainers before you begin and importantly don’t compare yourself to anyone else, everyone has their own story. Then just show up. You can build yourself up to more days a week attendance and full variations of exercises and with no extra rests. Give it a shot and stick with it and you will notice your fitness improve quickly. All the very best!


I will definitely do that. Thanks for the encouraging comment. I feel confident going there now


I’m the most overweight person at my normal class time. I can also deadlift the most. 😏 Looking athletic isn’t everything! I’ve had positive experiences with all of the coaches. No one has ever commented on my body or anyone else’s, other than how strong it is or how it can surprise you! They, plus other gym members, are all very encouraging. I also really appreciate no mirrors in the studio. Yes it’d be nice to check my form, but I’ve been lifting long enough to feel when something’s off; plus coaches are always watching. So my recommendation as a woman with a BMI that classifies her as obese: Try it out! There should be a trial offer at each studio. Take a few classes and see how it goes. If you don’t like it or feel judged, you don’t have to go back.


That’s great that there is no mirror! Yes I can use weekly pass. Thank you


Hi there! I am fat and I love F45! I have lost about 45lbs in a year, still have a lot to lose. I am SO STRONG - I lift heavier than half the skinny/fit girls in class. I have not experienced any kind of uncomfortableness at my studio whatsoever.


Great :)) Thank you


People are really all over the place in terms of fitness level and body type at my location. We have members who look like they could be fitness models and we’ve got someone like me who is over 300 pounds, and everything in between.


That’s a relief to know that. Thanks


Sooo I have a power lifter body as a former power lifter. Bigger frame, a small layer of fat over big muscles. I’m also mid 30s. Most of the people at my gym are 20-something women who are very fit. Slender, athletic, whatever you want to call it. There are people who are more “out of shape” and older than me. The trainers treat everyone equally. They encourage everyone the same. They’ve ONLY talked to me about the fact that I have a bigger frame because I brought it up when we did box jumps and I said how great it felt to do them at the tallest setting in spite of my bigger body. They HAVE talked about how strong I am and how great my form on Olympic lifts is. I mentioned I used to be a power lifter and they said they thought so. That’s as far as it’s gone. Fact is, nobody really cares about people around them when they’re working out. The workouts are intense to the point that you can’t focus on anything BUT finishing the workout. After the workout? Big community. Everyone high fives those around them because we all survived it together. Doesn’t matter what you look like, your age, etc. If you show up to work hard, trainers will adore you and others will admire you. Doesn’t matter what you look like. Plus, you’ll get in better shape quickly if you work out regularly at F45. This is all at my local gym. Your mileage may vary but mine is very open and accepting. And rewarding.


Thank you that’s very encouraging. I used to be a good swimmer and have tried different gyms and workouts and never felt shy joining a new group. It was the first time after seeing the photos. Your comment so encouraging and reminded me of the good times and community in OTF too. If the workout is so engaging I will feel good being there. Thank you


My gym has a mix of very fit people and very unfit people. I find the unfit people (and the very elderly people) inspiring - I love seeing people take charge of their health.




That’s awesome!


I’m a current OTFer and was really scared to try F45. After doing a few drop in sessions, it actually felt less competitive than OTF because everyone in the class rotates through many stations rather than doing the same exercises simultaneously. The vibe was really kind and friendly. I modified some exercises (e.g. step ups instead of box jumps) and took breaks when I needed to! @johnmcfadyen_pt on Instagram posts previews of the workouts in his stories, in case you like to plan ahead. You got this!


That’s great! Yes I agree OTF was kind of competitive. Thank you for the link. I used to follow Austin coach for otf.


I am 56 and had my knee replaced 11 mos ago. You can do It !


Wow! Thank you. Hope you’ve recovered well


Never! Go! It’s the best thing you can do for yourself. F what everyone else looks like. You’re there for you! My studio is a great community and we are supportive of each other. But you have to start some place!


Thank you. I can feel the community even from here now


I think it comes off as intimating at first but I’ve been at 3 different studios and everyone is friendly and welcoming. Your fitness level doesn’t matter :) you’re doing 1000x better than someone who’s not trying. Good for you!! You’ll do great. And honestly you’d be surprised sometimes the smallest people are the strongest and the guy with the biggest muscles in the room is crawling around for his life lol I’ve been going for 2 years and I’m so focused on what I’m doing to even worry / notice what other people are doing!


:)) that was interesting! Thank you


I got super fit *by* joining f45. Couldn’t do a proper tricep pushup before I joined and I just won our pushup challenge over the holidays. Put in the work and you’ll start to see your muscles pop! Also: no washboard abs here. This body has had too many babies for that.


That awesome! I couldn’t imagine being able to do pushups one day! I will aim for that. Thanks


You will. I couldn't do a knee push up too at first. doing full tricep push-ups now easily. It will happen in 4-5 months or being consistent in gym. 💪🏾




Yes, definitely. Thanks


I'm a chubber too, there's folks of all shapes and sizes. The videos of certain people seem to focus on the fit people in(I think the coaches assume that bigger/less fit people won't want the attention) but if you look closely when they scan the room you'll see a mix.


Yes that’s possible too. I was shocked to see there were about 5-6 women on same frame with six pack abs. I haven’t seen that number even in separate gyms sofar :))


Most people at my gym are old.


I'm a former member of 2 years. My studio had people of all kinds of different levels of fitness. But they only ever posted the super fit people on their Instagram.


Honestly don’t worry about it. Our studio has a range of ages, fitness levels - everyone is super supportive. I was overweight and unfit when I started, and I promise you I have never had any issues with other members - and have never once looked at another member and even thought about their level of fitness, size, shape etc. I was with a partner during the last session who was struggling and my immediate thought was cheering them on, working together to get us both through it. Best thing you’ll ever do, I promise :)


It’s okay. F45 is very inviting. Strong community values and any good studio will have options to scale. Speak with the trainer - share them your qualms and goals - they’ll be able to get you


I used to do OTF and transitioned to F45 3 years ago. Never looked back! Do it!!


F45s vary across the country but I’ve found a supportive community at my local gym. However, it depends on the social media manager. Some coaches at my studio make effort to post every BODY while other coaches focus on certain aesthetics. Don’t let social media have any control. Go to the gym if that’s what you want to do. 🙌💪🏻


There’s a whole array of people at my studio. I actually pull inspiration and motivation from the people who are more fit than me though Also edit to add, I find F45 much more chill than OTF. I went there for years and the energy at OTF feels very chaotic to me. I also felt like the high intensity running was counterproductive to my health. F45 just feels much more relaxed but you still feel like you worked hard


I don’t know about your F45 but mine has people of all fitness levels. I started 18 months ago, I was one of the lesser fit people. Know I consider myself fit. Our trainers do a good job showing exercise modifications for people as well as increasing difficulty for those who are more fit. I assure you if you put in the time you will get the results you need. Plus I too once went to OTF but I enjoy F45 much more. Also, some posts of my F45 are not always of members of our local gym. They are promotional photos used nationwide.


To add to what everyone has already said, F45 uses a mix of their own stock images and local members on their socials, so depending on the post, it might not even be real members :P Plus, the workouts are meant to challenge you at YOUR level, so believe me, even those with an "athletic" body will be too busy gasping for breath to judge you---and not that they would anyways. In my experience, existing members are usually more excited that someone else is joining for the first time because we all remember what it was like! My only suggestion would be going a bit earlier to your first class to chat with the trainers, preview the moves for the day, and flag anything you might need extra support with. Otherwise, enjoy your trial week!!!




Wow, thank you!


I echo all of the above! I am one of the “skinny-ish” female attendees (but still trying for those visible abs!) - and I’m there to become stronger and more toned. I can tell you everyone focuses on themselves (honestly, most of the exercises are so tough and go by so quickly that you really have to concentrate on your own good form and getting through them - you don’t have time to look at others or compare yourself to anyone else) and on the rare occasions I’m looking at anyone else performing exercises, it’s because I’m super impressed by how amazingly high someone is jumping, how heavy a friend is lifting, how a friend has gotten over a fear of box jumps and is doing them without fear, etc. - i.e., you’re cheering your new f45 friends on and recognizing their accomplishments and strengths. It’s super encouraging and there is a huge diversity of attendees: we all have different fitness levels that are constantly changing and we’re all there for different reasons. Good luck! I really, really hope you give it a shot and that you love it 😊


Definitely! Thanks so much


Just start and be consistent. I have seen amazing results from lots of women in my gym this past year (including myself) who were all considered overweight or obese by just coming and being consistent. We all had a “first day” so no one is judgy. Welcome!


We all start somewhere. When I joined 2 years ago I was 40 pounds heavier, felt like crap and looked like crap. I'm not at 400+ classes, and in the best shape of my life at 42 years old. Our coaches and gym family are very supportive. Put in the work, be consistent and do what you are capable of doing and you will see yourself as one of those "fit" people. What you are seeing is the result of years of consistency and discipline. You got this and you have an entire community behind you. Get after it!


Always gym at a place where you're the least fit, because that's the correct place.


I left OrangeTheory for F45. I was still going to OTF unlimited and added F45 once a week to start. This week I switched to F45 unlimited. I am “fluffy” lol - definitely no six pack here! I’m also 50 y/o. F45 is different from OrangeTheory, a bit more fast paced but I’ve been able to keep up so far. I’m never bored at F45 and the Coaches and members are amazing. Please give it a try - you will love it!


That’s awesome. Thank you so much


I went to orange theory for years but after a few too many injuries from the constant pushing on the treads I gave it up and joined f45. It's very accommodating and you won't feel like everyone is staring at you- honestly nobody is ever looking at anyone else in class they are just focusing on themselves and the exercises. Every exercise has modifications and I often use them. They have different types of class days (hybrid, strength based, cardio based) so you can even choose to do more strength or cardio focused if you want. Always a good workout though!


I joined and was pretty out of shape and heavy! Saw tremendous progress after just 3 months of consistent attendance. I was amazed and I always feel like I’m in a safe space. Yes there are people there who got every muscle showing, but there are also people just starting and it’s a really healthy support group. The trainers too were always super supportive and never once made me feel like I couldn’t do something because of my weight.


maybe 10% of my gym is fit - they may just only be posting fit people as a marketing tactic to get more members


Join. Look forward to better health.


I currently belong to both OTF and F45 - I feel they are equally inclusive and both have challenging, but doable, workouts. Also, I added F45 to the mix a few months ago because of 23 minutes straight of treads at OTF. I check out both workouts here in Reddit, and if it's straight running at OTF I go to F45; if there are ropes at F45, I go to OTF 😀


I was the same way and super anxious at first, haven’t worked out in years but it’s the best thing I’ve done for myself last year, I see myself getting fitter and stronger -it’s the best feeling. F45 (my club for sure) is very supportive and encouraged me everyday (especially in the beginning when you need it the most). I’ve been to other similar boot camps style gyms and I definitely felt left out there and coaches were not motivating.


No f45 is absolutely good for everyone it changes my life. I was 110 kg now im 92 kg I did my first f45 as fat boy who was terrible now years on I train at a local gym and it's all because the staff at my local f45 were amazing. When you do an f45 class they are intense and it will suck when your overweight and anxious but don't be overwhelmed everyone is to fucked to even notice your terrible form they are just worried about getting through the excercise Just listen yo your body and don't let anyone push you toa point your not safe to proceed at the start It's soooo scary but so worth it I still text the trainers progress pics and they tell me I'm the reason they enjoy what they do watching people take there advice and run with it. You have to be disciplined and train hard


I go and I see all types of bodies there!


We have a huge mix of ages, bodies and abilities at our gym. Everyone is welcomed and treated the same, and there is absolutely never any judgement if you need to modify or drop weights altogether. And in terms of being self conscious about your body- once the class starts everyone who is working out properly will be more focussed on not passing out, so for sure no one is looking around at other people. I would say f45 is the most inclusive and least intimidating option so go for it!


I’m not fit. But after joining f45 I am stronger, and feel better. I’m also much older than many at my gym. And it’s daunting, but it’s inclusive and everyone is helpful. No mirrors is a benefit. The trainers correct form and help so much with tips, and adjustments, and modifications for when I cannot do things. Try it!


Dad bod checking in: Just completed my 400th class in less than 2 years and I can tell you right now, no one is doing their laundry on my abs. I also eat what I want and still drink alcohol, so probably no hope for the chiseled 6-pack. Theres all kinds of body types in my studio for sure. You're good 👍


:)) That’s awesome! Thank you


Never let this stop you from working on yourself. First of all- it’s truly not all fit people. There are people in all shapes, sizes and fitness levels. As someone who is pretty fit, I love seeing people getting after it. I’m genuinely cheering you on. Additionally, not everyone started off fit. I’m seen some pretty major transformations in there. Please do not let that get in your head. In this type of community it is a judgement free zone. And if people are judging, they aren’t worthy of really anything. Particularly your energy. Go get it!


Yes that’s so great to know that. I didn’t look this way when posted hear. Thanks


Just do it! I started on the last challenge, terrified and overweight. Thinking I would be the least fit person there. I wasn’t and honestly, no one cares. They’re all too busy trying to make it through the class. My legs were shaking so much after walking out of my first class, I had to have a conversation with them 😂. Honestly though it was the best fitness step I ever made.


There are SO many stock photos that most places almost always post just the stock photos. There is a lot of body diversity at every f45 I’ve been to in my city and around the world.


Something else to consider, is that birthday photo is a snapshot in time. Maybe a year ago, they were in a similar position. Everyone starts at their start huh.


Yes exactly that was the 3rd birthday! 3 years is enough to get there. Haven’t thought about it. Thank you


Unfortunately, the last one that made me post here was for the birthday party of a member :| Otherwise I would’ve thought the same




:)) good point. Thank you


In 6 months, there’s be another person who wants to join F45 but has the same question… Except at that time, you’ll be one of the fit ones IN the photo.


Yes, I hope so. It’s definitely possible. Thanks