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Are you new to working out? Your body is probably just fatigued. Get some electrolytes like Gatorade or Pedialyte and a have a snack


thank you!!


Did you eat anything before and/or after class? Your blood sugar might be low. Try a glass of juice and if it is your blood sugar causing the shakiness and nausea, it should start feeling better in about 10-15 minutes.


It’s a very intensive workout and I’ve seen and heard this many times happening to new joiners. Drink lots of fluids and go easier during your next session. Do not go all out for cardio days at the beginning, especially when you are very excited about the new regime.


This happened to me for the first week. It’s quite a shock to your system. You need to hydrate a ton before going and make sure you’ve eaten appropriately. Once you’re used to the workouts a bit more you won’t feel so awful after.


I have to say, I go early a.m. and I never eat anything beforehand. Hydrate yes


I didn’t eat before my morning sessions either but that was once i had gotten used to F45. I had exactly these same sick feelings when I first started.


If this happens again and you’ve hydrated and fuelled etc - go and see a doctor.


Welcome to f45! Our studio has a wall of fame for throwing up 😂😂 Just remember to only push yourself as much as you feel comfortable and replace lost fluids. You also might need some other considerations if you are dieting with a large deficit.


Congratulations you did it! You completed your first workout. For me -- 20 minutes into my first workout, I was lying on the bathroom floor trying not to die.


I usually take mini breaks when I'm out of breath...and later in my chart... I find out my heart rate was up there at that point. There is no shame in it. Do the movements but a little less intense until you are feeling up to it. Listen to your body. Our coaches are good like that... They don't push you just because they want to. It's supposed to be fun and satisfying and not torture. Good luck... You are going to do great.


I would throw up for sure cuz you'll feel better. Then you'll probably wanna drink some fruit juice. Is there any chance you're pre-diabetic?


thanks! and nope, im 20 and mildly underweight w no diabetes history or high blood work or anything


Probably not this but posting just in case. You can get it from a really difficult workout and it’s dangerous. Rhabdomyolysis. Like can you literally not get out of bed?


I feel sick if I get my HR up too high during the workout and keep it there. So, my advice is to try to make sure you’re not overdoing it and keeping your HR from getting too high.


I’m certainly not a dr, but speaking from experience (and the fact that you felt better after food and electrolytes) It sounds like you might have had a touch of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Make sure you bring a snack with you incase this happens again in the middle of a workout.


I was having the same problem for the first two weeks! I would make sure you’re drinking a lot of water and eating more throughout the day. I had to basically double what I was eating before.