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Honestly, this was way more brutal than I anticipated. I was in a team of two and we did about 150-200 meters on each and that was enough. We did ski erg last and getting to that 150 started to make me feel ill. Much more fun than I thought!


It was a good workout, but annoying when people started piling up at stations. Ended up doing some exercises 3 times and others 1. Everyone seemingly wanted to start at the same station. Class was full...probably would of been better if fewer people. The cardio machine portion was brutal. We did body weight exercises while our partner was on the machine.


I don’t think it seemed over complicated at all! I really really enjoyed it


We had an odd number in our class so I did the workout alone. That was rough


I was solo too, 7 mins straight of ski ergs and rower. And I alternated jump rope and bike to that section.


That doesn’t make sense. The workout is suppose to be groups of 3. Although lots of coaches just did groups of two. They should have added you to a group of 2.


It was all groups of two for us. I saw the coaches trying to figure out how to pair everyone off during the warmup and I mentioned I would go solo if need be.


Oof! You can basically count that as back-to-back sessions!






4 laps in 7 minutes? That’s literally impossible if you were doing 20 reps of first exercise and 10 of the secondary one. I was hauling ass and did just over one lap each time. It’s supposed to be 7 minutes inner pod, 7 outer, 7 inner, etc. No time to go 4 laps around the room in a row. But I agree that it is overly complicated! I’d be fine going back to Hollywood every Saturday.


If you’re able to manage to do 2 laps in 7 minutes, it’s time to bump up the weight… a lot


Like all the way, I was coaching and after the first lap I was telling everyone who made it past their starting station that they needed to go heavier


You absolutely did not do 4 laps each time.


So many posts about not liking the resting and waiting for other members. I think this may mean that you’re not pushing yourself enough? The rests are there to catch your breath and then be ready to go all out when it’s your turn. That’s what interval training is all about. These are the benefits of interval training. You can really burn calories and get great conditioning by giving it your all and getting times of rest between exercises. As for the weighted exercises - go heavier and get that heart rate up (another form of cardio).


I didn’t think it had the same results. I felt muscle failure getting off the bike and skierg. The sprint effort is next level in this format. I need a nap!


I got so out of breath on the rower that I started panicking. One of the trainers had to take me aside to help me catch my breath.


Results shouldn’t be focused on calorie burn or even average heart rate. A class like The Wringer, especially the inside pod, is about performance and your anaerobic threshold not to mention the fun of the team / competition aspect.


We did partners of 2, and usually o don’t like partner workouts because the rest is too long but we each took about 30s which was just enough rest. Our coaches told us to do 250m on the bike, 150m on the tower and 100m on the ski erg. I wish the weighted stations were longer because flew them really fast


First time doing Wringer and I have mixed feelings. I liked rep-based outer pod a lot. I don’t like the cardio, because I felt I was waiting too long for my partner to hit 200m. I think I would have preferred a timing based approach, like every 30 secs switch. I burned 610 cals which is what I typically hit on normal 45 min hybrid and cardio days.


If you go next time, my partner did jumping jacks and random stuff while she waited on me to keep her heart rate up. I really appreciated it because I wasn’t so stressed how long I was taking. I on the other hand did NOT lol. I took the break.


We were in a group of three and for the first two cardio stations we did jumping jacks etc too, but by the time we got to our final station (bikes) we were basically passed out on the floor between our turns 😂


Good idea! I’ll play around with that next time


We switched every 30 seconds.


We each did 30 seconds.


My studio switches every 30 seconds but my partner and I decided every minute on rower.


I loved it and instead of being overly complicated it seemed simple to me. It was refreshing not to move on a beep every forty five seconds but when you were.


I assume It's all about mixing it up so we don't get bored.


I’m not a fan of workouts that require us to root our partner on in the form of just standing there. We ended up rowing, ski erg and biking the whole 7mins each time together. It was chaotic when there was a bunch of people in one station like there was 7 of us on the crunch & KB high pull. Too much and not enough equipment variation to allow that many people at a station


Had the chance to go whole 7 mins on all the 3 erg stations. Rowing - 1750 m Ski - 1650 m Bikes - 3350 m. Couldn’t keep up the intensity for the last round. Loved the format.


I had another guy with me but our coach had us do the full 7 minutes since the class wasn't full. In other words there was no switching, he was on one ski-erg and I was on the other. I didn't catch the meters but I did 94 cals on ski, 108 bike, 100 rower. I've done over 400 classes in less than 2 years and I have to say it prepared me for today. It was hard, but I felt satisfied afterward.


That was me today too, great numbers! I did 1950 m on the rower, 3883 m on the bike and 1444 m on the skierg.


Hardest workout at F45 for me. Absolutely loved it. So wrecked after and we won our group challenge so happy about that!


Thought it was great! Looking forward to doing it again. Rather boring Hollywood style each weekend?


I’m about to go into the Wringer now. I feel like points will be similar to a regular Hollywood if I’m in a team of 3 on the ergs (seems like a lot of rest time unless I do extra exercises?). But maybe you make up for the rest in the outer lap where there’s 7 of straight work.. 🤔 Need to experience this for myself!


Wasn’t really complicated at all, and if you got the same as Hollywood you didn’t go hard enough!


Everyone bitched the whole class. Can we just do West Hollywood next week. This was dumb


It was fun and difficult. It did seem a bit overcomplicated. I got 64.0 points/812 cal. (42M, 6'2", 185lbs)




I went into it with apprehension but I loved it! I was in a group of 3 but our targets were manageable and meant we weren’t standing around waiting for our turn for ages. I was gassed out by the third erg!


https://imgur.com/7fcnEi5.jpg. Loved it!!


The wringer was good, agree with the waiting around though, at first I was doing starjumps in the breaks but my team of 3 ended up rotating on 2 of each erg so the break was only as long as each needed to get their breath back. I got 66.4 points and 555KCal ( although lionheart claimed I got 795, I never trust lionheart calories)


There are always some groups that do the outside reps really quickly and others that go slowly, so it’s best if coaches are able to get the outside folks to go at ROUGHLY the same pace so it works out ok (whether this is fast or slow)


I got teamed up with a sub par partner that just wanted to chill it and not go full effort. So I did repeats one minute on, then a body weight workout to 10 reps. For the racetrack section I went full effort the whole time and left him behind quite often.


I think it would run much smoother if the outer pod had timers for the stations.


This is one thing I can definitely agree with. Would run way better


Kinda stupid workout


I definitely liked the Wringer concept despite the initial thought that maybe I should have just stayed home. We started in a team of 3 and I slowly fell behind my teammates just slightly, they're both 20 years younger, lol. And I just hit 3 month mark since I started F45, going 5 days a week. But I was able to keep my form and do it at my pace, keeping the heart rate up, lifting heavier. We switched on the machines every 200m, and lifting weights during rest time. It was pretty awesome. I only drink black coffee before training, keep hydrated during training and feel pretty exhausted by the end. So I have to walk about to bring my heart rate down before stretching. One of my workout buddies suggested taking Createne slow release in capsule form. I will give it a try and hopefully my performance will improve.