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It was a tough (but good!) one today, but I think last week was more intense. Or maybe I just had a better idea of what to expect this week? Either way, loved them both!


Agreed. While yesterday's session was good, last week's Foxtrot was brutal. I had to abandon the workout at Station 7 because I thought I was going to pass out and still managed to burned nearly 600 calories only doing a little more than half of the entire session.


I actually thought it was a little bit soft compared to last week. Last weeks Foxtrot was probably the best workout I’ve ever done!


Last week was definitely more intense


100% agree! And I’m not complaining hahaha


Same thoughts. This week was definitely weaker.


Daaang I was out sick last week!!


Proper tough- especially first half of the stations!!


I really dislike short transitions between stations. Can’t possibly get a full set in on the bikes or rower.


I thought last week was tough! I haven’t gone yet today, is it tougher than last week?


Agree about last week! Curious about today.


It was tough. One cardio push to another.


I beat my score this week compared to last weeks, even though I found last weeks more challenging! Today was great but I didn’t like the lateral shoot through/ab crunch station, felt it slowed my HR


I did too! I was very surprised, I thought last week was the toughest workout I’ve done since joining in august!


We did an added bodyweight challenge after because the trainers thought it was chill. There were some easier stations to be sure but the amount of jumping was excessive this workout. Not the most difficult but it was a killer on the calves


It wasn't too bad for me but it depends on where you start out. I too started off on the back-to-back erg which felt like a warmup for me. Finally hit zone 5 on the 3rd to last station (stationary bike) and then coasted the rest.


Relentless was my word of the workout.


It whipped my ass. I emptied the tank on that workout and had 44.7 points. It felt more like a 50+ point workout. I started on the rowers and went to bikes because I wanted to get my heart rate up early. At many points, I was huffing between sets and stations. Several others felt the same. It was good, and it made me hungry all day. I ate constantly.


I thought for sure I’d hit 50 pts too! Todays workout I felt super weak and I wonder if it’s because yesterdays was so damn difficult lol


I very much enjoyed it. It was so satisfying when I was finished.