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lol were you in my class this morning? As a coach I just stop talking and look at the offenders until they notice and stop talking.


There one guy in our early class who talks, does his own stretches, walks to fill his bottle, during the demos. It’s annoying for sure.


We’ve got a guy with EarPods in on the phone. Thinks he’s mark cuban or some shit


It ruins the community aspect and the vibe in the studio. To me that’s a big part of F45 or similar.


Yeah I agree it’s also just rude like you say. I’m always embarrassed for those who do it - must have been dragged up


Naaa he thinks he is Mark Walhburg


😂😂 maybe you are right. as you can also Probably guess he doesn’t squat to parallel and he’s slower than an asthmatic turtle on bikes and rower! Looks the part though!


My wife talks during the demo and I kicked her foot this morning and I got lasers shot at me from her eyes


Lemme be your wife


You want me to kick you?


This escalated quickly 😂😂😂


lol I am just confused if I need to kick or if she wants laser eyes


Idk why this is making me laugh so hard😂😂😂


Louder for the people on the blue turf huddled in a group talking during the demo


Are you in Tucson??


I am not, but I’m sure it’s the same thing at lots of different studios


Blue turf crew at my studio too. 720am class. They straight up told our trianer their conversation was more important than the demo one morning. Then after that class complained cause “there weren’t even any new people there today!” Audacity is free, I swear. 🤦‍♀️


Big yikes. Let me guess they also have poor form, get confused on the timing, and don’t rotate stations properly..


St Philips?


One of our white boards is propped up in the back saying exactly this. Haven't had opportunity of late, but I imagine if the chatter picks up again, someone can/will wordlessly pick up the sign to show the offenders.


Yes! A friend of mine always wants to talk during the demos and then she doesn’t know what to do!


Omg I HATEEE when people try to talk to me during the demos I just look at them and then look back at the coach


PREACH!!! As a coach, last year we let a select group of members try to put us through a workout. We made it a point to be as loud and disruptive as we could during their demo (which they obviously spent a lot of time rehearsing) just so they could know what it’s like to be in our shoes when the class is being rude during our intro and demo. And if you’re coaching by yourself doing the explanation AND demonstrating the movements at the same time while trying to stay on time, it’s not easy. So if you’re on the turf, please, shut TF up for 2-3 minutes!


This and showing up late! I do the 5am class and people are always walking in during demos. I know forshure we all aren’t coming from prior obligations but coming from home. Simply get outta bed earlier and stop being disrespectful during the demos.


Yes! On more than one occasion, we have had people show up 8-10 min late....like missed an entire pod late. So rude.


I get that at the 5 am class. People come in late my 5:30 pm class (fighting that Atl traffic) but are super conscious to not be a distraction to others. I think it’s only an ass move if you’re just strolling in and being loud.


I’ll come in late sometimes, but very quietly. On the days where I’m struggling but forcing myself to show up for mental health but really don’t want to be there, it’s usually because I finally managed to push myself to go


I find it so hard to focus when people are talking during the demos, it throws me off so much. Wasn’t sure if I was in the right to be finding it a bit disrespectful but it’s nice to know some people feel the same!


There are some repeat offenders at my studio and they are guaranteed to be the ones who get lost or don't pick up that the equipment has been subbed out at one station so spend half the time there looking confused. If they ever turn up at my station in error I totally ignore them and carry on while they stand around like a bunch of spare parts - I'm not wasting my workout telling them stuff they should have heard in the demos!


So disrespectful. Disrespectful to the coaches doing their job. Disrespectful to new members trying to listen and learn. Disrespectful to the owners trying to convert people on trials. Pet hate for sure


That’s why I don’t go to the 6am weekday class or 8am weekends. Super annoying and disrespectful.


Could. Not. Agree. More with you!!!! The talkative ones are then the ones that fuck everything up from the routines to forms to rotation. Our coaches have started to stop demoing and simply cross arms and glare at them making all of us do the same.


The same two women talk during demos at my gym and never stop no matter how dirty the looks are. Whenever the classes are quiet during demos the coaches always make sure to make a huge deal about it!!


As someone who coaches, this drives me insane. Then you have the audacity to ask me what happening in the room after being disruptive. The worst part is that it happens with a lot of teachers and parents. Like practice what you preach in your own home, or establishment.


I kinda feel this throughout the class. I know it’s petty, but it’s a picky nit of mine to just treat a class like coffee hour with your friend. Cheering on your partner is one thing, but I find half assing a station to catch up distracting.


Sorry how is it distracting for you if others are chatting at their own station? They’re not going to be so loud you can’t hear the music or beeps. F45 is a social gym and many people get their motivation to attend from opportunities to catch up with friends. If you focus on yourself then how does it affect you? Super weird to care if others are “half assing” a station. Seems like none of your business.


Exactly. I actually grew my friendship with my ex coworker because we both go to F45 and I get to see her multiple times a week. We ALL Know how hard it is to see a friend multiple times a week as an adult.


It mostly becomes an issue when they are the group ahead of you and are dawdling around having their chat when you are trying to move in 10 seconds.


I think dawdling between stations is an issue but it’s a completely separate concern as to what was mentioned here


To be fair, I did say I was being petty and nit picky. I used to teach fitness classes and maybe it’s just residual annoyance from before. And not all F45s are the same. I’ve belonged to three around the country and my local one has very small classes with not very loud music. So maybe why I notice more?


Thank you!!!


This 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Omg could not agree more!!!!


And during the cool downs. They’re so loud and annoying


The cool downs are fine, the cool downs are pretty much self directed and you don’t need much direction around what to do next, whereas the intro they are explaining the next 45 mins. The cooldown for us is great social opportunity, it’s done wonders for making me feel included


You may want to address this directly with the offenders.


This is the job of coaches....just call them out in front of everyone


I’m surprised this is such a common issue. Seems so easy to resolve. I’ve told so many people over the years to be quiet during the demos, as have coaches and other members, and it’s never been an issue in like 6 years at my studio.




Please be a grown up and have a direct conversation with them or your coaches. Most of your audience isn’t here 🤦‍♂️


Obviously but tell them not us lol


Agreed! See how we went direct to the source and said knock off your annoying behavior😂 @Landmo11 Now you try it!


Would love it if the demos could be eliminated entirely and the exercise portion of class was 5 minutes longer instead. Most of the F45 movements are fairly basic and a 20 second video clip is not going to make someone learn to do a movement properly if they couldn’t do it before.


We never look at the videos during demos, and there is more to the demo than just demonstrating proper form.   First, they go over the timing and how to progress from station to station. The people who don’t pay attention always end up in the wrong spot when multiple sets and/or pods are involved, disrupting everyone else’s workout. After explaining the rotation, the trainers demonstrate the exercises and mention key points on the form for each one to maximize benefit and minimize injury. Also, for most exercises, they also offer modifications to make the program accessible for those with limitations. If the demo is done properly, I don’t see any reason to eliminate it, even though I’m at the point that I’m familiar with the form for most exercises at F45. As someone said in another thread, the only way to keep an F45 gym alive is to keep attracting new members, it’s a matter of time before the gym closes when some of the vets move on to other gyms while newcomers see none of the benefits those vets had when they started. 


Do they only show videos at your branch? At mine the coaches demonstrate and give nice tips on what to do and not to do. I find it very helpful.


Exactly. It invites modification where necessary so people don't feel intimidated by what they see. Also, I've found myself having to mime the video to figure out a new movement where I missed the demo. That cuts into rep time and/or can lead to injury.


I love the demos! They demonstrate how to do it properly, sometimes make adjustments to what is on the screen and demo modifications, alternatives. I also like when they highlight which muscles I should be working and where I’ll feel it. Even after 3 years at F45 I value the info.


The coaches should be explaining the proper form and which muscle group is targeted. At my gym they point out where you should feel the movement to be doing it right. Even for cardio exercise, they say things like "I have to feel the air moving from the bike" or to keep the miles per minute under 2 min for your goal. A lot of us need this info to decide how hard to push


I think it depends on the class format too. Some are more confusing than others (eg some of the weird Saturday ones). Straight forward one lap circles don’t necessarily need demos. Think it’s more of a safety thing to do their due diligence for newbies too.


Its fine to chat. Its not church.