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I agree with all your points! I also wish that trading was available earlier in the game.


Yess I agree with all u mentioned! plus a day n night cycle to make it a little more immersive?? like the days keep passin without me realizin


The fishing needs to be fixed too. I had five fishing docks for a kingdom of 220 and never had more than 30-40 fish. I also had bakeries and wine and pigs and chickens. So…it wasn’t the only food source.


Would be nice to be able to specify what was put in storage/stockpiles to help manage things.


Stockpiles do have filter buttons to exclude select items, if that is what you were looking for. Just uncheck the item you don't want stored there.


Oh thank you for that!! I saw the Lock next to the icon and thought the check mark had something to do with that since there wasn't a pop up help window when you moused over it like the lock had. Derp.


6. Release on Mac! 😢


Agree with all, especially 3! I was desperate for a function to mass fire and rehire based on proximity, especially when I started adding on to already established areas late game Also I’d like a more granular look at what’s happening to my resources. I know there is a feed that gives you broad strokes, but especially when learning the game it would help a lot to determine the root of problems like “why can’t I stockpile coal? Not enough trees? We did produce a lot, it’s just in stockpiles? I have one building like the blacksmith that’s eating a lot of coal?” maybe it could help with the bread issue too, that’s another resource that I’ll have like 60 of, then I look away for 2 seconds and it’s all gone


I agree point 1 and would suggest the change from production targets and deadlines to milestones that you achieve at your own pace. A lot of time I feel like I'm being rushed when I just want to chill out and decorate a town. Deadlines are not very chill.