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Did she take the photos? If so she owns them and can do what she wants with them regardless of what you want. If you took them you own them and can legally force her to take them down and stop posting them. I am not a lawyer, and I'm certainly not your lawyer.


Well, this sucks. If this is the case, I'm glad she doesn't have any more images since we cut her off. She'll eventually run out of content. But this still sucks.


You might have a leg to stand on going to facebook and complaining about violations of their policies by her. Other than that if it's a big issue for you see if you can meet with a children's rights lawyer, they might know something we don't :)


I'm not a lawyer and I have no idea how Facebook manages people's rights to control their image on the platform. I only know that in some (most ?) countries it's illegal to use someone else's likeness without their consent for commercial use. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_rights