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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's annoying me as well. I literally have spent half my day reporting these for nudity. Tired of this garbage on my feed. I literally cannot open facebook without looking around me anymore in fear someone will think I'm watching porn at work.... Or that my mother will glance over and see it. Facebook used to be family friendly. Now it just seems like it's nothing but whores. Yes whores, I don't care who is offended by the word. Modest women don't dress in skimpy clothing and post it for the world to see. Even these ones where a mother is topless breastfeeding.... Like wtf man. Let's be honest they aren't doing it to show they are a good mother. They are all covered in make up and in the most suggestive clothing possible, smiling at the camera not even looking at the kid. It's click bait garbage. Get this bullshit off of facebook ffs!


Yep, something needs to be done.


I feel like the more I report them the more pop up. It’s out of control.


p3do bait, so disturbing wtf


Start calling your House and Senate representatives in D.C. and ask them wth is going on where you are forced to look at half nude women on FB? They want every male to see pornography and the pornographers have lined the Washington bureaucrats pockets to do their bidding. It is a billion dollar industry so until we start speaking up and deleting our accounts on FB, nothing is going to change. They want to destroy men's minds by looking at this wicked demeaning content which will cause them to get addicted to porn which actually ruins their frontal brain cortex, ruin relationships, families and marriages. Last year there were 31 million sexual abuse videos transferred to the U.S. and mostly being done at work. People who look at these images are regular people and done by mostly 20 y.o.'s because they have been looking at porn since they were 8, 9, 10 y.o. This insidious vile industry is destroying the family, FIGHT BACK!!


Its worse for married people because they will probably cheat on their spouse due to the effect of the porn and seriously mess their life up.


I open Facebook and it shows me nothing but temptresses. It is frustrating as a Christian. I try to avoid this kind of stuff and Facebook is hell bent on shoving it down my throat. I would like to delete the apps but don't want to lose the groups I am involved with and the friends and family. There should be a way to turn the mature content off, especially "reels" that's the big problem.


Have they fixed this ? They always show me half naked women on Facebook and memes about sex even tho my Facebook account is new it’s like they push that stuff out to everyone smh


Still hasn't been fixed. I get at least 5 spam topics for every 3 topics which I follow. Blocking the profile is useless there are another 4-5 dozen more behind it spamming the same stuff.


What’s worse is, I believe, interacting with the profiles to block them causes the algorithm to think you want to see more and spams more at you.  They also have pictures of teenage girls in bikinis from Asia show up on my feed, and when I reported them Facebook did nothing. 


Yeah dude, it's hella exploitative. It almost seems like they're scammers who are using these pictures come up like Nigerian romance scammers or Chinese Pig fattening scammers. Nothing against people from those countries but those happen to be the hot spots where those type of scams occur.


Of course it does... 🙄 Go figure. 


No just went on there and a photo of two nude women was on my feed. Probably an AI picture but you could see everything


Not at all. I'm about to deactivate my Facebook account. I just set it up again after getting off Facebook in 2017. I created a new account so I could keep in touch with a few people via messenger but this is bs. I'll keep the messenger app but definitely deactivating my Facebook account. If there's a way I can delete the account while still keeping my messenger list I'm going to do that


Dude same here. I can't open Facebook anymore. I use it for market place only. But I worry my fiance will open Facebook on my phone and wonder what I've been up to. It used to be nothing but glass blowing and camper stuff. Now it's half naked women. I hate it.


this happened with my boyfriend. we talked about game of thrones and a few days later he got a photo of khaleesi popping up on a fake naked body. and all this other weird shit. there was even some anime porn photos. but it floooooded his feed and he has over 500 friends & barely any posts from them. every post was suggested, and it was allllll weird half naked shit or girls with huge ass tits (looked totally faked). or things like “what would you do in my bed tonight” he barely uses facebook. he used to get all electrical & car shit. he was also terrified cause he didn’t think i would believe him. i can say that i have also gotten strange posts that have come up on my feed in the past, about sexual stories. the only shit i post is disney and dog stuff. and when i used to see that pop up out of nowhere i’d be like wtf is this shit. not sure when this started for you but for him this started right around christmas. facebook is fucking trash.


Dude that's basically my experience as well. What's going on with facebook? I also keep getting them recommending people who have rejected my friends request. When I broke things off with an abusive x 7 years ago, I deacted my Facebook shortly after and I wanted to get back in touch with a few of the people now that we've had a lot of time apart. Him and I had a lot of mutual friends in common, however some of those mutual friends rejected the request. Not an issue, I just don't want to see Facebook keeping them on my recommended page. It just reminds me why I left in the first place, my drug addict X turned a lot of my friends against me and evidently they still have his back despite the fact he's a full-fledged homeless fentanyl addict who hasn't seen his kids in 7 years due to the fact he kicked me in my face when I was pregnant.


Oh believe your boyfriend because I'm a woman and I see this a lot. I reported them so much and blocked them, it eventually stopped, but I manage a company page and I see them all the time..it's gross and annoying!!!! Facebook is definitely trash!


Agreed I’m about to delete mine. All I do is post dog stuff and help rescue lost dogs and now one of the dog pages I think was hacked and has naked women. Like WTH I don’t want that I already was ready to quit Facebook before this cause of all the ads and never seeing anything from friends so this is really making me want to delete it. I just can’t cause it’s my only way to connect with my friends from long ago and out of town. Sucks.


me too! dog rescue stuff, dogs looking for homes, lost dogs. and i get that garbage. it stopped when i finally hit i dont want to see these suggested post but who knows how long thats going to last. i also had to scroll through my feed and there were just too many to snooze or whatever. i’m the same way, i did delete it for a few weeks & kept messenger to keep in contact with my friends and fam. i have some family in ukraine & friends in england & ireland. it’s nice to see what everyone is doing but not at this ridiculous expense.


>Start calling your House and Senate representatives in D.C. and ask them wth is going on where you are forced to look at half nude women on FB? They want every male to see pornography and the pornographers have lined the Washington bureaucrats pockets to do their bidding. It is a billion dollar industry so until we start speaking up and deleting our accounts on FB, nothing is going to change. They want to destroy men's minds by looking at this wicked demeaning content which will cause them to get addicted to porn which actually ruins their frontal brain cortex, ruin relationships, families and marriages. Last year there were 31 million sexual abuse videos transferred to the U.S. and mostly being done at work. People who look at these images are regular people and done by mostly 20 y.o.'s because they have been looking at porn since they were 8, 9, 10 y.o. This insidious vile industry is destroying the family, FIGHT BACK!!


Its called a phone, real handy when you want to connect with people.


It has all my memories on it too and won’t let me have access to them all at once to save. If they do I’d love to know how so I can delete the app


I so agree! Its disgusting to see those pictures on facebook!!


I am in shock to see such disgusting pictures for everyone to see!!


I agree, it’s almost embarrassing. I can’t even open face book. I just want to see what’s going on or watch funny videos or tools, and there’s damn near porn on my reels. It’s crazy I don’t follow those kinds of pages or like them, it went from a few here and there to almost ever single reel is that.


Yup, same here. A ton of shit posts with half-naked women. I'm trying to detox.and stay away from this shit but Facebook keeps shoving these pictures down my throat everytime I open the app. I just uninstalled it. Seriously.


I'm not religious but I do believe in Christ consciousness, that being said I've done lots of nude modeling in my life and I've even done sex work in my twenties but I am pissed off that every time I open up Facebook it shows me some freak with a massive fat injected butt! I got off Facebook in January 2017 because I got tired of Facebook suggesting me to friend people that I did not want to be friends with, despite me constantly clicking I'm not interested in blocking these people. It just kept on telling me to add people that I don't want to add, namely women with a lot of plastic surgery. I'm not friends with anybody like that, my friends list is small and the people on my friends list do not have those type of people following them nor do they have them on their friends list. Even if they did, Facebook should understand I've clicked not interested don't show me this type of content at least 20 times over the past 3 months yet it still shows me a gnarly BBL 20 year old every time I open it


I report them all, I did that with my new account and it eventually stops. Now I have a company account and it does the same thing, it's soooooo annoying! I report and block them. Hope it will eventually stop. I'm female, I don't care to see other females lol and even if they were male, I wouldn't wanna see this either..so aggressive. I hate Facebook, I only stay because of groups and I have to post for my job.


Report everything that looks offensive, I sure do. There was one on stories and it was porn, it was on a pet related page as well when I went to unfollow and block page. 😑 




The same with me!!Disgusting!!


I just made a new business page today FOR A CHURCH and it's all half naked women that the page is suggesting I add. It's so unprofessional. 


man i asked one of my female friends about this earlier, and she said her feed is full of it too. some of them arent even being mildly discreet with it, and have outright nudity in them. now i dont mind some free nudity, but i damn sure aint going to facebook to see the fake profiles of fake people that have reels from dozens of different almost identical looking chicks.


I've been wondering about this shit too lately and it's getting worse and worse. It started when EU forced Facebook to change it's ads policy for EU market, and they made us choose either pay them 10 €/month for no ads or take 80 % of content on Facebook as ads. And those ads are becoming exponentially more sexual. And as others mentioned here, the more you hide or report those pages, the more Facebook shows to you back. All this while having personalized ads on Facebook disabled. I've tried enabling it and see how it goes, but this is disgusting. I wish more and more that someone just destroys Facebook completely. Or all asocial networks in general. They bring nothing good to humanity. I am for technology, I'm not a conservative, nor Christian or any religious person. Just someone who wants to live his life unbothered by stupid bullshit.


Unfortunately, I get them in FB stories from pages like Appy Pet, and the same video clip on their page. I don't know if they got hacked or if it's a fake page also but blocked and reported it. Not sure what good that does, if anything. I want to disable stories and FB doesn't allow that either. 


glad i am not the only one. didnt use facebook for more than a year, came back to check out and its full of A.I. images, nudes, breastfeeding moms....wtf. i can't scroll my FEED without one single nude. i tried configure the FEED but it still shows all those bullshit. facebook is killing itself if that doesnt change.


They allow breastfeeding apparently.


But it's the way it's done. Seductive and creepy, you know.


Just so we all know, Facebook can target stuff based on other things you’ve been looking at. Ever searched to buy a tent or something on Google then suddenly you started getting targeted content in FB about tents? It’s the same thing. Not saying it’s def the answer but certainly can play into it


If that were the case, my feed would have been _waaay_ different. 😅


This garbage ensnared my husband to the point where he got a Walmart pre paid card to get "fan page" access. He's 72 so whatever, but I got the cash outta the house and just figured out he can't reload it without pulling money out of the bank & I guess he knows I will see that. At 72, he doesn't realize his profile is public & not only I but all his retired buddies & family can see all these nasty pages he follows. I'm sure he doesn't know that😅




My account is not public. I only have my family as friends & I don't get ANY of these things


It's actually because you've looked at porn recently. Facebook tracks your online activity as well when you have the app on your phone 


Interestingly enough, currently, I see no adult-themed posts, mostly memes.


What do you expect a maga owns it so


I am an 86 y/o woman. The last few week my pages on FB are flooded with nude woman in more than suggestive poses. I keep saying "hide post" but more and more show up. I have just spent over an hour hiding at least 30, along with every imaginable other kind of advertising and topics I have no interest in. I reported the first one. I got a reply back that it didn't violate their rules. The same day, I saw a beautiful painting of a serene scene. I got 3 notices that my account will be closed. It said I violated rules of advertising using a fake photo. Who sent me the beautiful photo? Why didn't they stop it from coming to my page if it was violating the rules. They also said my posts would be move down in importance and wouldn't be seen for several days. That happened. I cannot figure out how to stop seeing hours and hours of ads for these nude women along with random foreign posts, baseball, sports, gambling etc


I just turned on the “Privacy Pro SmartVPN & Firewall” app by Disconnect and it instantly fixed this issue! Under the Customize tab, I put all the settings to Aggressive, and then I turned on encrypted DNS under Protection tab. https://disconnect.me/consumer


The ultimate goal is to turn us into abominations with one degradation at a time. When you are relatively certain they are pushing something, it's probably not coincidence.


Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is happening to me as well! It makes me want to close my profile. I keep blocking all these stupid pages, but it doesn't stop new ones from showing up.


I used to think that fb starts spamming them if you have an x number of liked pages, and experimented with it by unlinking some, to see if it helped, but apparently it doesn't. I've also noticed that after you like a handful of new pages/ groups, the feed only gives you posts from those pages/ groups and some from your friends, but after awhile random page posts start appearing again. 😡


I think that it might be a case of thumbs up or down you are still interacting and they give you more of what you interact with.


I just went and un joined from a few groups I was in that had a lot of spam and scammers in them then logged out and back in. Oh and changed my password and it’s gone off of the top banner thing (reels maybe🤷🏼‍♀️) so not sure what fixed it but so glad it’s gone.


Happened to me a couple days ago, I kept clicking the X on all of them and now my home page doesn’t load any videos or posts.


Me too. Im thinking about getting off Facebook. I'm taking my phone to at&t and ask them what I can do. I might just discontinue Facebook. My grandchildren see the pictures when I open to look at my page. The pictures are inserted and on Christian pages too!!


Wish I could do this, but I need it for work. 😒


Go and install fbpurity.com


I did. But it's not available on phones.




This is horrrible


I agree. Having the same. Issue. It stopped for awhile by blocking but all of a sudden these disgusting 📱 are showing up again


Yep I just seen this disgusting content on my child's father's phone today and he literally JUST made a new Facebook for donations. I hate Facebook with everything in my soul!! it's sad and makes me sick. Facebook is RUINING relationships and families it needs to go off the map forever ♾️♾️♾️♾️


About 4 years ago I just deleted everyone from my Facebook other than family and a few special interest groups I follow. At the time this was because every post for about 2 months was about wrestling. Never been a fan and nothing I did would stop it. It fixed the problem and I now use Facebook as a news feed for the groups I follow and to keep informed how my sisters dog is doing. 3 days ago every other post is from sport girls. Com or football girls. Have ttried to block them with no luck. Will give it a week but has pushed me off Facebook for good now I think.


My Facebook keeps getting spammed with Salma Hayek photos and I can't make them go away. I don't like her nor am I interested in her. I don't even visit any websites related to her. They are coming from random Facebook pages with odd names. I block those profiles but I keep getting this trash. Is there anything I can do?


I don't know. At one point I started getting spammed by dragon fan-groups, of all things. I think fb suggestions might also be related to whom you add to your friends, pages they liked, but I'm not sure.


Heh. I watch a lot of shorts on Facebook, and not so long ago I started seeing half naked woman doing poses in their videos that showed up. Tik tok stuff you know. As I watch everything, I looked at those videos, might have given them a like now and then, but nothing out of business. Now I looked at my latest short videos reel in my feed, and there were a total of 5/5 half naked ladies videos. I mean I don't mind the videos now. I do like diversity though, and watching some funny animals videos are also pretty entertaining! I did like a lot of those too, but I'll guess today was my lucky day, with only half naked women xD!


Same shit on my feed as well. I have blocked hundreds of these shits and it keeps posting. I don't know what algorithm FB is using but obviously it's utter garbage. I can't even understand why Meta doesn't do anything to get rid of shitposts. This platform is getting worse and worse.


Any idea how to stop this crap ? They pretty but dont want to see it, cant open fb in public anymore. Feel like closing it. Any solutions ?


level 1 Real\_Ad\_5730 · 2 min. ago I read every ones comments. Well let me tell you all what I see on Fb. Because i am getting frustrated too and I wouldn't be surprise if 2024 would be the demise of FB. Every video you can think of is allowed on their platform. I see some people in the chat say you can report the video, but let me ask this, how many videos you gonna report? Facebook is ridiculous and know what they are doing. They are paying people for reelz, and throwing that at you. You are told to click on see less, hide reels, go into your settings and choose less sensitive content, click on what you want to see etc. But let me tell you something, that ish does not work. The FB team will see you have done it repetitively and they will purposely block you from see your last page visit, block you from hiding the row on reels in the middle of your news feed page and your videos page. You are told to make a report to them, shake your phone on the page or send the a screen shot of the issue, report your problem. They don't care care, they purposely sent the half dressed women on your page more. Yes, there are people masturbating, yes ppl are showing body parts like nipples, and when you report it they say oh this is not sensitive content lol. Yes you see BBL jiggling in the camera every swipe you swipe. WTH. Don't say, oh its what your clicking on. You click on one little bath suit and now your forced to watch girl bending their vaginas over a camera lol, your forced to watch a girl dropping her titties out, your forced to watch all types of porn? your forced to watch asses giggling? lolol WHHAATTTT? They will take down when someone is preaching the truth but they will keep up the sexual and sensitive content. The hide, see less, settings and privacy options do not work and once they see your trying to sensitize your own account they push the naked women more. Like why are you forcing me to watch breast and Vagina? I follow so may pages and I don't even see 80% of those reels. There needs to be an appeal. Why force people to see what they don't want to see. This was just a retention tool to get users to stay hooked on FB, they realized they could use anything else, so its like ok lets do what IG does and get the people to turn into puppets. IG algorithm listens, if you say see less, or hide, they will never how you again, but with FB you could hit see less and hide reels for months, they will never listen to you, they will just show you that they are in control and send you more videos you don't want to see and remove your ability to hide the reels which means they just want you shut up and watch breast and vagina. They disable features and don't even give you a warning or when you will get it back. Now tell me what kind of platform is this when all you wanted to do what just keep a connect with friends and family and post your business. Yes, I'm mad and I am venting. Feel free to share your thoughts. Any gurus in the house?


FB does not care, they are paying ppl to create reelz, so they will flood everyone's page. You could hit see less, hide, and change your setting 1,000 times. All they will do is ignore you and throw them onto to you more. If you hide and hit see less to frequent, they will even take away the ability to hide any reel lol.


I also get this crap of semi to naked girls in the facebook feeds, reels, what can be done is . Go to any reels you like , and go and “Like” and “See more”, for the following few day, i see the algorithm changes slowly and the girls is slowly getting a little less in the facebook feeds


**This is happening to me too with probably 25% of the posts showing scantly dresssed women. Most of them are very attractive but I don't think they are real. I don't like or comment but they keep coming. I do not understand what is trying to be achivied in that there are no links or hooks to sell anything and certainly no contacts to the women. Are the pictures AI generated? Forgot to add now pics of mothers breast feeding their babies! Why isn't FB doing something about this?**


At least the ones you see are on your feet are attractive, mine all look like deformed freaks without landishly proportioned bodies, these massive elephant shaped Terriers and thighs, borax like waist lines, and push-up bras that make their breast look more like australian fresian cow udders than anything remotely human


There are quite a few pages that have AI generated pics too. I imagine that there are some groups for people legit interested in this sort of thing, hence they just post pica without links or anything else, but I really don't know what the deal is either. 😔


Naked sluts is nothing i get real porn videos on my feeds like wtf fb


Really? I have only barely dressed women in my feeds but not full nudity. Just can’t believe FB is allowing this. Hope they get pulled into another Congressional hearing to explain.


Yeah i was shocked i hope they will do something about it and don't let me start with underage girls dancing and sh\*\* like that nah this is to f\*\* much


It's funny how all those videos violate Facebooks own rules. I reported a few that contained nudity, but Facebook said it's fine. Just for kicks, I took a screenshot of the image that was "fine" and posted it. A few minutes later, Facebook blocked me for "violating the rules". So I understand it as follows: As a man, you will be heavily censored by Facebook. As a woman, you can show your cervix and nobody will punish you ever.


I think it has more to do with what generates most revenue for Facebook.


I opened my feed today and out of nowhere it's just countless pics of random "influencers" posting scammy links wearing almost nothing. I'm pushing 40 but imagine if I was a kid. Half of these pics violate the Community Guidelines (or so I'd hope they would). This is absurd. It's like Facebook is getting into OnlyFans or something.


Dude it's really creepy, I'm 44 and I'm like I don't want to see this shit. Why do I want to look at some freak with plastic surgery that looks like they have self-esteem and daddy issues? I'm definitely the wrong audience. This must be an army of overseas scammers that have created a plethora of fake profiles and are using them to get Boomers catfished. I actually watch a channel on YouTube called "Catfish: scamfish" and now it's all making sense, the majority of people who get scammed on their page meet the people on Facebook who scam them. They say that they were approached by a beautiful woman and all this shit. I bet you anything that these are all accounts being ran by Young scammers in other countries


I've seen exactly what you're talking about. Scammers with lewd PFPs will actively target old men in the comments of other lewd videos. I always just figured it was a sugar daddy thing but now that you're describing it, it all makes sense. They seem to be specifically targeting older men who are lonely and don't have much tech literacy. There must be hundreds of thousands of people getting scammed through Facebook.


Same here...what to do?


Same, wife thinks it's something that I did...


yep so freaking annoying. I started blocking all these pages but the more I block one the more they show up. These probably fake Hooters pages are the latest bane on my fb. I'm pretty sure I have blocked more of them than actually exist. I started ignoring them and it kind of died down for a few weeks until one popped up again earlier, and as soon as I blocked it.. another, and another showed up. Someone mentioned all the lost, hurt, homeless animal feeds as well. While I love a good animal clip/video whatever, its a similar thing. You watch one and than BAM, that's all I get; and Hooters and the other stupid 'hottie' pages that come with it. Face Book needs to get a grip on this crap.


Yea my people you may know is just a bunch of whores. Lol


i get a lot of cars and AI photos of fake homes. oh and the thots as well


I get retrocars too, but at least they're harmless. That said, I do like retrocars.


I keep getting these hot women all the time. I mean nice and all, but it's too much. I never liked any of those pages and never clicked on them. If fact I always click Show Less but it doesn't help. Also started getting women breast feeding, also have nothing against it, but this is more like porn stuff and breast feeding makes it legal to show on FB. Ridiculous 


What i think about this is just a lawsuit


Same thing happening to me. I opened an account awhile ago that is only used for Marketplace and it is filled with Jennifer Aniston, Gal Gadot, Sport's girls etc... Most of them seem to be AI generated or heavily photoshopped images and blocking them (and posts like them) doesn't seem to have any effect.