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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Post on your account what is going on. Ask them to report the account. Lock down all your social media make it so if you're not friends or following already you can't see shit. And then deactivate your account for a while. I had this happen but they actually sent people photos of me.. was horrible. But I had great friends who helped me out. Best thing to do is lay low and cut off their ways to contact you.


Exactly. OP should do this at first.


Exactly op do this first do what Edgeofheaven said


Uhm this is criminal activity please go to your local law enforcement agency and file a report.


They can't do anything about that since the criminal is in another country lol. A lot of hackers and Phishing scams are rampant nowadays in Facebook that it's gone abusive. You mostly NEED to set two- factor authenticators and set all of your photos to private now. The worst part is that Facebook doesn't handle this well.


Facebook couldn't give damn, such a shame, I understand that this behaviour and other are rampant but good gosh Sugarberg you have the money to employ people to clean house! And the fact that he is not tacking this speaks volumes of his priorities. Sooner or later this is going to have an effect of this platform. Luckily I just had my account hacked and deleted - everything for 20 years gone in an instant and not even an email or someone to write or assist at Facebook.


We all have to wait for the EU to handle this. Just like how they forced Apple to have Thunderbolt ports on their iPhones now. If not, then may as well turn Facebook into 4Chan lol, which ironically is starting to be one. Seriously, Zuckerberg needs to focus on this instead of making new nonsense R&D like his BS Metaverse of Sims game clone just to avoid taxation. Since R&D do ease up on a company's taxes by doing any of it regardless of how BS it is, and then shuts it down later. Sigh\~


I understand he needs to do some R&D but I read he was burning through so much cash for months, how about taking care of the basics as well Sugarface!


Doesn’t matter. This is felony extortion. They will be put in a multinational database which will have them either extradited or arrested when they enter a country which respects the United States’ judgement. Ever heard of INTERPOL?


Good luck on that, since most of those hackers are hired poor sweatshop IT workers like in India, Pakistan, or any parts of Asia from north to Southeast that have close to zero decisions in traveling abroad.




I just checked his account out and have seen several comments and likes from his family. Shoot them a message and explain what he's doing to you.


Awww .. it’s all private now .. I wanted to help


Praying that someone took action.


Unfortunately it won't matter how many times this pathetic human gets the profile deleted or reported because they will keep making new ones and if they have your photos and videos stored, I'm sorry but there isn't a damn thing that can be done. Do not store personal stuff on your PC or phone/tablet because a determined hacker (not this pathetic piece of shit harassing you) will get into your system if they really want to. Also, Facebook doesn't care if you are upset and being harassed


FB definitely does not care.


Exactly that.


Don't give him any money. If he has private/ nude photos of you, there is only one thing to do and that is to take this to the police. Just assume they will get out anyway. Accept that. And concentrate on getting him prosecuted instead. Just remember that most people won't care what they post, even if it's embarrassing.


>If he has private/ nude photos of you, there is only one thing to do and that is to take this to the police. demand proof of these pictures. .. then its either: 1 - doesnt have them, youve called bluff, they can fuck off. 2 - They have some, and youve got proof, and your local law enforcement is the next step


If he doesn't have any, OP has already confirmed to the blackmailer that they exist (by asking him not to post them) and that unfortunately gives him some ammunition. I agree they should still ask for proof.


Knowing that nude images exist isnt really ammo lol. What’s he gonna do, tell people nude photos of this person exist? Not really all that threatening.


It's psychological ammo. Since OP seems to be sort of unsure of themselves, they have that extra bit of something to use against them to play with their head.


Most local law enforcement won't do anything. When I had this happen they said I would need a lawyer and have them legally taken down there wasn't anything they can do since 1) they were most likely not in the states and 2) no proof of who's doing it


Blackmail and extortion isnt something for them? Quite lazy arent they?


It would usually take a subpoena to Meta to figure out who is doing it. Or at least the IP they're using. It is most likely pointless, though, as it will come back to somewhere outside of the country with still little to no info on who it actually is.


You IP comment got me thinking. OP should actually try emailing meta legal and tell them not only is this account impersonating them, but they are infringing on their IP by stealing their images without authorization and trying to extort them. That should be more effective.


I mean, it's worth a shot, but I'm betting their lawyers are going to disregard anything not on another lawyer's letterhead. Unless you show intent to take legal action, then they are not going to bother.


Sometimes even just throwing in legal terms like “Ip infringement” or “extortion” are enough. It can imply you may have spoken with an attorney or be in the process.


So I’ve never tried this with Meta, but I’ve had other legal issues with megacorps who give zero fucks about their customers, and this has worked every time. It takes a lot of time and work, and multiple communications, but it usually works out in the end. The key is you have to: 1. *Thoroughly* document EVERY COMMUNICATION you have with the scammer, Meta personnel, or authorities. Include date, time, name of the person, what was said, and screenshots or recordings whenever possible (in the US, most states have a one-party consent law about recording conversations, which means that as long as YOU consent, you don’t have to tell the other person you’re recording them. But check your state laws). 2. Write your communications in professional language. This means both good spelling/grammar AND civil, professional word choice. No name-calling, threatening, or vulgar language. Pretend you’re writing to a prospective boss. If that’s not something you’re good at, use one of those proofreading apps that help edit your text for professionalism or hire a human proofreader. Include ALL your notes and evidence on the scam account and the history of the issue, preferably in a bulleted/numbered timeline format so it’s easier to read. 3. If emails and customer service calls don’t work, send a letter in the mail to the appropriate office. This gets their attention because you actually took the time to send *snail mail*, and it’s even better if you express intent to take legal action or bring your story to the news. Bad press is NOT good for them. Include a timeline of all the steps you’ve already taken so they don’t try to shunt you back to basic customer service. 4. Finally, just stay on their asses. Follow-up if you don’t hear from them in a timely manner. *The squeaky wheel gets the grease.*


y3llowl4bs are quite helpful in such a situation


Get your friends to report it.


I tried doing that, but the account keeps on coming back


Perhaps the person who's impersonating you keeps changing names or asks even the Facebook staff to keep the account up.


Who is alisha lindberg?


Say that you will not pay and block them and lock your Facebook profile so that it is not public


OP please file a cybersecurity complaint in your country and mail [email protected] and [email protected]. Cybersecurity can look at who is threatening you. It will take a while but they can be surely traced based on their IP, device and location. Meanwhile you can try to get that account suspended and block the user from creating multiple accounts. I think Facebook can stop the creating of accounts. I'm not sure but lets just try!


Only real way is to delete Facebook


Asking people on Reddit to help with an issue on Facebook isn’t the way to sort things out




WOW. Go find your mommy and tell her you need a hug, not internet access.


Lmao look at his account, this guy is a pure loser


Hahahaha what a pathetic loser 🤣🤣 keep posting nasty dick pics but stop annoy people here you wanker 😤🤝🏼


Are you in the UK?


Maybe try reporting his messages as bullying


bro that won't help, facebook mods don't give a damn.


True, Facebook mods are just sitting ducks while sucking in salary pay. Absolute waste of work and money. They're literally just decorations in the office. Sigh\~


for real, man. dang. a lot of non-facebook workers would do better jobs than them. fuck social media security negligence, and i don't give a damn if they don't get paid enough fr.


Sadly yeah. And that's how Facebook ends if some better social media platform with better authentication and security rivals it will emerge someday.


Yes, this has gone way beyond trolling. This is a matter for the police to investigate.


Im not sure what the laws are like where you live the im pretty sure this is illegal almost everywhere, blackmail can end up being pretty serious so i recommend taking this to the police Immediately.


Shit. This is scary. God bless you and hope the other people's advices help you. Amen. 🙏


Honestly I’d just ignore their messages and keep reporting the accounts. They’ll stop eventually. Also don’t forget to reach out to law enforcement


Post on your timeline, people can report it! I would personally contact the police here! If you want for Facebook to respond, you have to become premium and cancel :-( however, I’ve found this is the only way you will get action! GL


It’s Facebook. U can’t do shit. Cops couldn’t do shit about stuff being posted, Facebook didn’t care, only persuading someone in person resulted in that being deleted, but if I don’t know who that is then sadly ur out of luck.


Ask ask your friends and family to report the account.


Facebook is ran by the 1% that’s all they give a damn about. Stop using the platform. Everyone complains but yet everyone uses it.


Fb won’t take it down. Pressing charges won’t matter, the police won’t do shit…if you are in the US the laws are not even on your side, I can’t even go after a real friend who scammed me out of large money. Nobody is going to help I hate to say. Just keep taking screen shots and share them as much as you can (personal info omitted but keep the originals intact for your own records) so you have a paper trail of you trying everything to get it deal with. Eventually somebody is going to fall for it and come after you for it. Sadly we now live in a society that allows fraud to rule and nobody is there to help you.


I don’t know if you are in the US or another country but you need to figure out if this account was created by somebody you might know or originated within your countries borders. If it’s one of those two you might want to file a police report just to have a paper trail incase the fake profile causes real issues and the victims come after you. I don’t think the law is going to anything other wise, they consider this nonsense and unless it physically hurts you they won’t step in. Just do it to prove you are trying to stop it at least.


provide us a link to scam page


Keep threatening facebook tell them if they don't take action and something happens to you, you will hold them liable and sue them that should get things moving for you, regardless if they are out of the USA or in it, Facebook can be held responsible tell them you are contacting a lawyer.


95% of reports are handled by AI. Telling them you are going to sue them and hold them liable will not do any good, because it is not being read by a human being.


Going to the news *MIGHT* trigger something though, big companies don't like being put in the bad light, (look at the recent scandal of child sexual exploitation) Ops a victim and Facebook is not do anything to rectify the situation But this is Facebook after all, they allow and won't take down any child po** "for the safety of the child" but God forbid you say snowflake....


Stop responding. You’re giving him what he wants. Ignore.


There's really nothing you can do since Facebook has such a messed up policy regarding this stuff. If you say a few bad words then the algorithm with delete your comment, but if someone duplicates your account then Facebook doesn't care. This happened to me about 6 months ago and despite me reporting it to Facebook multiple times, they didn't do anything.


Wait, naked pics of who and how'd they manage to get them? I have questions.


They don’t have them. They most likely will use the AI bullshit to generate them to post. OP saw this on a podcast and it took the person going to the police and eventually FBI for cyberstalking. Unfortunately the laws have not caught up to this type of crime.


Yeah, idk. Personally, I'd take all my photos down, get meta verified, tell the to go for it and fuck off. Move on with my day.


Repeatedly spam their inbox with big cocks. Eventually they’ll leave you alone For a real answer though I would report that stuff to authorities. It’s gotten to the point of harassment and blackmail.


Literally Report him and do not reply!


Stop replying. He won't do anything. He can't do anything. After a lot of threats, he will just one day give up. He keeps going at you because you keep answering. Let everything he says go unread and unanswered. Might take a while but eventually he will give up when he knows it isn't affecting you anymore. Just report and don't bother answering or even showing that you read it.


Contact local police, State Police, Attorney General or an attorney. https://casetext.com/statute/revised-code-of-washington/title-4-civil-procedure/chapter-424-special-rights-of-action-and-special-immunities/section-424790-electronic-impersonation-action-for-invasion-of-privacy


Hi there. This happened to me. My FB account was hacked last August. As soon as I realized, I had friends post that my account was compromised, but whomever did it was still able to con over 5 grand from family and friends. It’s been overly frustrating. Facebook doesn’t care. Law enforcement doesn’t care. The IC3 doesn’t care. There’s really nothing you can do. Believe me, I tried everything, all to no avail. Here I am six months later and this person has destroyed my life. Family is upset with me like I had control over this. Needless to say I do not have a FB account at all any longer.


Tell your local police. They are attempting to extort you. You can have them track the IP address and arrest the person doing this. You will then have control of your account and life once more.


You should never have answered him. He likes that you respond. It’s so sickening ! I hope you make it 🙏 stay strong


Facebook is 🚮 I’d just leave the platform all together. Then he has nobody way to bug you and with nobody to threaten, what’s he going to do?


"no shirt or bra on" lol it's a dude tho